int main(){ int i = 0,t,result,len,count=0; UCSChar *tmpStr = NULL; char* xml = "<root>good</root>"; VTDNav *vn = NULL; try{ VTDGen vg; vg.setDoc(xml,strlen((const char*)xml)); vg.parse(true); vn = vg.getNav(); i = vn->getText(); tmpStr = vn->toString(i); wprintf(L" text value is %s\n",tmpStr); delete(tmpStr); len=strlen("bad"); vn->overWrite(i,"bad",0,len); tmpStr = vn->toString(i); wprintf(L" text value is %s\n",tmpStr); delete(tmpStr); // remember C has no automatic garbage collector // needs to deallocate manually. delete(vn); } catch (...) { // manual garbage collection here delete (vn); } return 0; }
int main(){ try{ //VTDGen *vg = NULL; /* This is the VTDGen that parses XML */ VTDNav *vn = NULL; /* This is the VTDNav that navigates the VTD records */ //AutoPilot *ap = NULL, *ap2=NULL; //XMLModifier *xm = NULL; ElementFragmentNs *ef = NULL; int i= -1; Long l= -1; VTDGen vg;// = createVTDGen(); AutoPilot ap; // = createAutoPilot2(); AutoPilot ap2; //= createAutoPilot2(); XMLModifier xm; //= createXMLModifier(); ap.selectXPath(L"(/*/*/*)[position()>1 and position()<4]"); ap2.selectXPath(L"/*/*/*"); if (vg.parseFile(true,"c:/xml/soap2.xml")){ //FILE *f1 = fopen("d:/new3.xml","wb"); vn = vg.getNav(); ap.bind(vn); ap2.bind(vn); xm.bind(vn); ap2.evalXPath(); ef = vn->getElementFragmentNs(); while( (i=ap.evalXPath())!=-1){ xm.insertAfterElement(ef); printf(" index %d \n",i); } //fwrite(vn->XMLDoc+vn->docOffset,sizeof(UByte),vn->docLen,f1); xm.output("c:/xml/new3.xml"); //fclose(f1); delete (vn->getXML()); delete (vn); } delete(ef); /*freeXMLModifier(xm); freeAutoPilot(ap); freeAutoPilot(ap2); freeVTDGen(vg);*/ }catch(...){ printf("exception !!!!!!!!!!! \n"); } return 0; }
// test book mark int main(){ VTDGen *vg = new VTDGen(); AutoPilot *ap = new AutoPilot(); if (vg->parseFile(true,"c:\\xml\\oldpo.xml")){ VTDNav *vn; try{ vn = vg->getNav(); ap->bind(vn); BookMark *bm = new BookMark(); bm->bind(vn); ap->selectXPath(L"/purchaseOrder/items/item[@partNum='872-AA']/USPrice[.>100]"); //ap->selectXPath(L"/purchaseOrder/items/item[@partNum='872-AA']"); ap->printExprString(); printf("\n"); int i=-1; while((i=ap->evalXPath())!=-1){ // remember the cursor position after navigation using xpath bm->recordCursorPosition(vn); //recordCursorPosition2(bm) also works. printf(" index val ==> %d \n", vn->getCurrentIndex()); } vn->toElement(ROOT); // set the cursor to root printf(" index val ==> %d \n", vn->getCurrentIndex()); bm->setCursorPosition(); // set the cursor back to remembered position printf(" index val ==> %d \n", vn->getCurrentIndex()); }catch(...){ } delete vn->getXML(); delete vn; //delete bm; delete ap; } delete vg; return 0; }
int main(){ VTDGen vg; AutoPilot ap0, ap1, ap2; ap0.selectXPath(L"/root/a"); ap1.selectXPath(L"/root/b"); ap2.selectXPath(L"/root/c"); if (vg.parseFile(false,"c:/xml/old.xml")) { VTDNav* vn = vg.getNav(); ap0.bind(vn); ap1.bind(vn); ap2.bind(vn); //FileStream fos = new FileStream("new.xml", System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate); FILE* fos = fopen("c:/xml/new.xml","wb"); //fos.Write("<root>".getBytes()); char *ba1, *ba2, *ba3; //ba0 = eg.GetBytes(" ba1 = "<root>"; ba2 = "</root>"; ba3 = "\r\n"; //fos.Write(ba1, 0, ba1.Length); fwrite(ba1,sizeof(char),strlen(ba1),fos); char* ba = (char *)vn->getXML(); while (ap0.evalXPath() != -1) { Long l = vn->getElementFragment(); int offset = (int)l; int len = (int)(l >> 32); fwrite(ba3,sizeof(char),strlen(ba3),fos); fwrite(ba+offset,sizeof(char),len,fos); //fos.Write(ba3,0,ba3.Length); //fos.Write(ba, offset, len); } ap0.resetXPath(); while (ap1.evalXPath() != -1) { Long l = vn->getElementFragment(); int offset = (int)l; int len = (int)(l >> 32); fwrite(ba3,sizeof(char),strlen(ba3),fos); fwrite(ba+offset,sizeof(char),len,fos); //fos.Write(ba3,0,ba3.Length); //fos.Write(ba, offset, len); } ap1.resetXPath(); while (ap2.evalXPath() != -1) { Long l = vn->getElementFragment(); int offset = (int)l; int len = (int)(l >> 32); fwrite(ba3,sizeof(char),strlen(ba3),fos); fwrite(ba+offset,sizeof(char),len,fos); //fos.Write(ba3,0,ba3.Length); //fos.Write(ba, offset, len); } ap2.resetXPath(); fwrite(ba3,sizeof(char),strlen(ba3),fos); fwrite(ba2,sizeof(char),strlen(ba2),fos); fclose(fos); delete (vn->getXML()); delete (vn); //fos.Write(ba3,0,ba3.Length); //fos.Write(ba2,0,ba2.Length); }