/*! Compare two value definitions (used in maps) */ INLINE bool operator< (const ValueDef &def0, const ValueDef &def1) { const ValueDef::Type type0 = def0.getType(); const ValueDef::Type type1 = def1.getType(); if (type0 != type1) return uint32_t(type0) < uint32_t(type1); if (type0 == ValueDef::DEF_FN_ARG) { const FunctionArgument *in0 = def0.getFunctionArgument(); const FunctionArgument *in1 = def1.getFunctionArgument(); return uintptr_t(in0) < uintptr_t(in1); } else if (type0 == ValueDef::DEF_FN_PUSHED) { const PushLocation *pushed0 = def0.getPushLocation(); const PushLocation *pushed1 = def1.getPushLocation(); return uintptr_t(pushed0) < uintptr_t(pushed1); } else if (type0 == ValueDef::DEF_SPECIAL_REG) { const Register reg0 = def0.getSpecialReg(); const Register reg1 = def1.getSpecialReg(); return uint32_t(reg0) < uint32_t(reg1); } else { const Instruction *insn0 = def0.getInstruction(); const Instruction *insn1 = def1.getInstruction(); if (insn0 != insn1) return uintptr_t(insn0) < uintptr_t(insn1); const uint32_t dst0 = def0.getDstID(); const uint32_t dst1 = def1.getDstID(); return dst0 < dst1; } }
void TypeInference::inferTypes( ValueDef& valueDef, StaticContextPtr& pMemberCtx, const LogPtr& pLog) { switch (valueDef.getValueType()) { case OBJECT_INIT: { const ObjectInitValueDef& objectInitDef = static_cast<const ObjectInitValueDef&>(valueDef); TypePtr pType = TypePtr( new ReferenceType(OBJECT_REF_TYPE, objectInitDef.getClassName())); valueDef.setInferredType(pType); const map<const wstring, ActualParamDefPtr>& actualParamsMap = objectInitDef.getActualParamsMap(); map<const wstring, ActualParamDefPtr>::const_iterator it; for (it = actualParamsMap.begin(); it != actualParamsMap.end(); it++) { const ActualParamDefPtr& pActualParamDef = (*it).second; const ValueDefPtr& pParamValueDef = pActualParamDef->getValue(); inferTypes(*pParamValueDef, pMemberCtx, pLog); } } break; case ARRAY_INIT: { const ArrayInitValueDef& arrayInitDef = static_cast<const ArrayInitValueDef&>(valueDef); valueDef.setInferredType(arrayInitDef.getDeclaredType()); const list<ValueDefPtr>& arrayValues = arrayInitDef.getValues(); list<ValueDefPtr>::const_iterator it; for (it = arrayValues.begin(); it != arrayValues.end(); it++) { const ValueDefPtr& pArrayValue = *it; inferTypes(*pArrayValue, pMemberCtx, pLog); } } break; case LITERAL: { const LiteralValueDef& literalDef = static_cast<const LiteralValueDef&>(valueDef); switch (literalDef.getLiteralType()) { case INTEGER_LITERAL: valueDef.setInferredType(P_INTEGER_TYPE); break; case FLOAT_LITERAL: valueDef.setInferredType(P_FLOAT_TYPE); break; case STRING_LITERAL: valueDef.setInferredType(P_STRING_TYPE); break; default: assert(false); break; } } break; case REFERENCE_PATH: { const ReferencePathValueDef& referencePathDef = static_cast<const ReferencePathValueDef&>(valueDef); const list<const wstring>& path = referencePathDef.getReferencePath(); StaticContextEntryPtr pEntry; TypePtr pCurrentType; list<const wstring>::const_iterator it; wstring parentPath(L""); for (it = path.begin(); it != path.end(); it++) { const wstring& pathElement = *it; if (it == path.begin()) { CStaticContextEntryPtr pEntry; if (!pMemberCtx->lookup(pathElement, pEntry)) { boost::wformat f(L"Unable to resolve name %1%"); f % pathElement; pLog->log(referencePathDef, msg::ErrAnaTypeInfer_NameNotInContext, f.str()); return; } else { switch (pEntry->getStaticEntryType()) { case CLASS_DEF_CTX_ENTRY: { TypePtr pType(new ReferenceType(CLASS_REF_TYPE, pEntry->getName())); pCurrentType = pType; } break; case INTERFACE_DEF_CTX_ENTRY: { TypePtr pType(new ReferenceType(CLASS_REF_TYPE, pEntry->getName())); pCurrentType = pType; } break; case VARIABLE_DEF_CTX_ENTRY: { VariableDeclDefPtr pVariableDef; pEntry->getVariable(pVariableDef); if (pMemberCtx->isStatic() && !pVariableDef->isStatic()) { boost::wformat f(L"Cannot refer to a non static variable from an static context: %1%"); f % pathElement; pLog->log(referencePathDef, msg::ErrAnaTypeInfer_NonStaticVarRef, f.str()); return; } else { pCurrentType = pVariableDef->getDeclaredType(); } } break; case FORMAL_PARAM_DEF_CTX_ENTRY: { if (pMemberCtx->isStatic()) { boost::wformat f(L"Cannot refer to a class parameter from an static context: %1%"); f % pathElement; pLog->log(referencePathDef, msg::ErrAnaTypeInfer_NonStaticParamRef, f.str()); return; } FormalParamDefPtr pFormalParamDef; pEntry->getFormalParam(pFormalParamDef); pCurrentType = pFormalParamDef->getType(); } break; default: assert(false); return; } } } else { assert(pCurrentType.get() != NULL); StaticContextPtr pRootCtx; pMemberCtx->getRootContext(pRootCtx); if (!followPathElement( *pCurrentType, *pRootCtx, pathElement, pCurrentType)) { boost::wformat f(L"%1% is not a member of %2%"); f % pathElement % parentPath; pLog->log(referencePathDef, msg::ErrAnaTypeInfer_NotAMember, f.str()); return; } } if (parentPath.size()) { parentPath.append(L"."); } parentPath.append(pathElement); } assert(pCurrentType.get() != NULL); valueDef.setInferredType(pCurrentType); } break; default: assert(false); break; } }
ValueDef::ValueDef(const ValueDef& def) : value(NULL), insn(NULL) { set(def.get()); }
void CodeEmitterNVC0::defId(const ValueDef& def, const int pos) { code[pos / 32] |= (def.get() ? DDATA(def).id : 63) << (pos % 32); }