short ProbeCache::codeGen(Generator *generator)
  ExpGenerator * exp_gen = generator->getExpGenerator();
  Space * space = generator->getSpace();

  MapTable * last_map_table = generator->getLastMapTable();

  ex_cri_desc * given_desc
    = generator->getCriDesc(Generator::DOWN);

  ex_cri_desc * returned_desc
    = new(space) ex_cri_desc(given_desc->noTuples() + 1, space);

  // cri descriptor for work atp has 5 entries:
  // entry #0 for const
  // entry #1 for temp
  // entry #2 for hash value of probe input data in Probe Cache Manager
  // entry #3 for encoded probe input data in Probe Cache Manager
  // enrry #4 for inner table row data in this operator's cache buffer
  Int32 work_atp = 1;
  ex_cri_desc * work_cri_desc = new(space) ex_cri_desc(5, space);
  unsigned short hashValIdx          = 2; 
  unsigned short encodedProbeDataIdx = 3;
  unsigned short innerRowDataIdx     = 4;

    // generate code for child tree, and get its tdb and explain tuple.
  ComTdb * child_tdb = (ComTdb *)(generator->getGenObj());
  ExplainTuple *childExplainTuple = generator->getExplainTuple();

  // Generate up to 4 runtime expressions.

  // Will use child's char. inputs (+ execution count) for the next
  // two runtime expressions.
  ValueIdList inputsToUse = child(0).getGroupAttr()->getCharacteristicInputs();

  // Expression #1 gets the hash value of the probe input data
  ValueIdList hvAsList;

  // Executor has hard-coded assumption that the result is long, 
  // so add a Cast node to convert result to a long.

  ItemExpr *probeHashAsIe = new (generator->wHeap())


  NumericType &nTyp = (NumericType &)probeHashAsIe->getValueId().getType();
  GenAssert(nTyp.isSigned() == FALSE,
            "Unexpected signed HashDistPartHash.");

            == FALSE, "Unexpected nullable HashDistPartHash.");

  ItemExpr *hvAsIe = new (generator->wHeap()) Cast(
       new (generator->wHeap()) 
            SQLInt(FALSE,   // false == unsigned.
                   FALSE    // false == not nullable.



  ex_expr *hvExpr   = NULL;
  ULng32 hvLength;
              0, // don't add convert node

  GenAssert(hvLength == sizeof(Lng32),
            "Unexpected length of result of hash function.");

  // Expression #2 encodes the probe input data for storage in 
  // the ProbeCacheManager.

  ValueIdList encodeInputAsList;

  CollIndex inputListIndex;
  for (inputListIndex = 0; 
       inputListIndex < inputsToUse.entries(); 
       inputListIndex++) {   

    ItemExpr *inputIe = 

    if (inputIe->getValueId().getType().getVarLenHdrSize() > 0)
        // This logic copied from Sort::codeGen().
        // Explode varchars by moving them to a fixed field
        // whose length is equal to the max length of varchar.
        // 5/8/98: add support for VARNCHAR

        const CharType& char_type =

	if (!CollationInfo::isSystemCollation(char_type.getCollation()))
	  inputIe = new(generator->wHeap())
              Cast (inputIe,
		          CharLenInfo(char_type.getStrCharLimit(), char_type.getDataStorageSize()),
                          FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,

    CompEncode * enode = new(generator->wHeap()) 
      CompEncode(inputIe, FALSE /* ascend/descend doesn't matter*/);


  ex_expr *encodeInputExpr = NULL;
  ULng32 encodedInputLength;
                              0, //don't add conv nodes
                              work_atp, encodedProbeDataIdx,
                              encodedInputLength, &encodeInputExpr);

  // Expression #3 moves the inner table data into a buffer pool.  
  // This is also the tuple returned to ProbeCache's parent. 

  ex_expr * innerRecExpr = NULL;
  ValueIdList innerTableAsList = getGroupAttr()->getCharacteristicOutputs();

  // Describe the returned row and add the returned 
  // values to the map table.

  // determine internal format
  NABoolean useCif = FALSE;
  ExpTupleDesc::TupleDataFormat tupleFormat = generator->getInternalFormat();
  //tupleFormat = determineInternalFormat( innerTableAsList, this, useCif,generator);

  ULng32 innerRecLength = 0;
  ExpTupleDesc * innerRecTupleDesc = 0;
  MapTable * returnedMapTable = NULL;

                              -1, // do add conv nodes 
			      work_atp, innerRowDataIdx,
			      innerRecLength, &innerRecExpr,
			      &innerRecTupleDesc, ExpTupleDesc::SHORT_FORMAT,

  returned_desc->setTupleDescriptor(returned_desc->noTuples() - 1, 

  // remove all appended map tables and return the returnedMapTable
  // This returnedMapTable will contain the value ids that are being returned 
  // (the inner table probed).

  // Massage the atp and atp_index of the innerTableAsList.
  for (CollIndex i = 0; i < innerTableAsList.entries(); i++)
      ValueId innerValId = innerTableAsList[i];

      Attributes *attrib =

      // All reference to the returned values from this point on
      // will be at atp = 0, atp_index = last entry in returned desc.
      attrib->setAtpIndex(returned_desc->noTuples() - 1);

  // Expression #4 is a selection predicate, to be applied
  // before returning rows to the parent

  ex_expr * selectPred = NULL;

  if (!selectionPred().isEmpty())
      ItemExpr * selPredTree =

  // Prepare params for ComTdbProbeCache.

  queue_index pDownSize = (queue_index)getDefault(GEN_PROBE_CACHE_SIZE_DOWN);
  queue_index pUpSize   = (queue_index)getDefault(GEN_PROBE_CACHE_SIZE_UP);

  // Make sure that the ProbeCache queues can support the childs queues.
  if(pDownSize < child_tdb->getInitialQueueSizeDown()) {
    pDownSize = child_tdb->getInitialQueueSizeDown();
    pDownSize = MINOF(pDownSize, 32768);
  if(pUpSize < child_tdb->getInitialQueueSizeUp()) {
    pUpSize = child_tdb->getInitialQueueSizeUp();
    pUpSize = MINOF(pUpSize, 32768);

  ULng32 pcNumEntries = numCachedProbes_;
  // Number of entries in the probe cache cannot be less than 
  // max parent down queue size.  Before testing and adjusting the 
  // max queue size, it is necessary to make sure it is a power of
  // two, rounding up if necessary.  This is to match the logic in
  // ex_queue::resize.

  queue_index pdq2 = 1;
  queue_index bits = pDownSize;
  while (bits && pdq2 < pDownSize) {
    bits = bits  >> 1;
    pdq2 = pdq2 << 1;
  if (pcNumEntries < pdq2)
    pcNumEntries = pdq2;

  numInnerTuples_ = getDefault(GEN_PROBE_CACHE_NUM_INNER);

  if (innerRecExpr == NULL)
      // For semi-join and anti-semi-join, executor need not allocate
      // a buffer.  Set the tdb's buffer size to 0 to be consistent.
      numInnerTuples_ = 0;
  else if (numInnerTuples_ == 0)
      // Handle special value, 0, which tells code gen to 
      // decided on buffer size: i.e., large enough to accomodate
      // all parent up queue entries and all probe cache entries 
      // having a different inner table row.

      // As we did for the down queue, make sure the up queue size 
      // specified is a power of two.

      queue_index puq2 = 1;
      queue_index bits = pUpSize;
      while (bits && puq2 < pUpSize) {
        bits = bits  >> 1;
        puq2 = puq2 << 1;
      numInnerTuples_ = puq2 + pcNumEntries;