bool CMesh::InsideTri(Vec3D<>& p, Vec3D<>& v0, Vec3D<>& v1, Vec3D<>& v2)
{// True if point p projects to within triangle (v0;v1;v2)

    Vec3D<> xax = (v1-v0).Normalized();
    Vec3D<> zax = ((v2-v0).Cross(xax)).Normalized();
    Vec3D<> yax = zax.Cross(xax).Normalized();

    Vec3D<> p0(0,0,1);
    Vec3D<> p1((v1-v0).Dot(xax),(v1-v0).Dot(yax),1);
    Vec3D<> p2((v2-v0).Dot(xax),(v2-v0).Dot(yax),1);
    Vec3D<> pt((p-v0).Dot(xax),(p-v0).Dot(yax),1);

    vfloat d0 = Det(p0,p1,pt);
    vfloat d1 = Det(p1,p2,pt);
    vfloat d2 = Det(p2,p0,pt);

    if (d0<=0 && d1<=0 && d2<=0)
        return true;
    if (d0>=0 && d1>=0 && d2>=0)
        return true;

    return false;

Ejemplo n.º 2
 template<typename T2> Vec3D<T2> convert()
    Vec3D<T2> ret;
    ret.at(0) =  static_cast<T2>(this->at(0));
    ret.at(1) =  static_cast<T2>(this->at(1));
    ret.at(2) =  static_cast<T2>(this->at(2));
Ejemplo n.º 3
// For the description of the algorithm, see manual.tex
bool Reorient::calcRotationAngles(double &angle1, double &angle2) {
  if (gonioAxis.at(0).isNull() || gonioAxis.at(1).isNull()) return false;
  Vec3D nfrom = fromNormal();
  if (nfrom.isNull()) return false;
  Vec3D nto = toNormal();
  if (nto.isNull()) return false;

  // Calculates a line u1+lambda*u2 in 3d-space, that is the intersection of the
  // two planes with normal Vector
  // gonioAxis[0] and gonioAxis[1] and that contain nFrom and nTo, respectively
  Vec3D u1, u2;
  if (!calcLine(nfrom, nto, u1, u2)) return false;

  double score = -1;
  // check the up to two points of intersection of the line with the unit sphere
  foreach (Vec3D v, calcPossibleIntermediatePositions(u1, u2)) {
    double aChi=calcRotationAngle(nfrom, v, gonioAxis.at(0));
    double aPhi=calcRotationAngle(v, nto, gonioAxis.at(1));
    if ((score<0) || (score > (aChi*aChi+aPhi*aPhi))) {
      angle1 = aChi;
      angle2 = aPhi;
      score = (aChi*aChi+aPhi*aPhi);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void CP_Mesh::Draw(Vec3D<>* Envelope)
//	glScalef(MaxVal,MaxVal, MaxVal);

	glColor4d(R, G, B, alpha);
	Vec3D<> Min = ThisMesh.GetBBMin();
	Vec3D<> Size = ThisMesh.GetBBSize();
	Vec3D<> v1(X, Y, Z);
	if (Envelope){
		Vec3D<> ScaleFacV = Vec3D<>(dX, dY, dZ).Scale(Envelope->ScaleInv(Size)); //= WS/Size
		vfloat MinScaleFac = ScaleFacV.Min();
		v1 = v1.Scale(*Envelope);

		glTranslated(v1.x, v1.y, v1.z);
		glScaled(MinScaleFac, MinScaleFac, MinScaleFac);
	else {
		glTranslated(v1.x, v1.y, v1.z);
		glScaled(dX/Size.x, dY/Size.y, dZ/Size.z);
	glTranslated(-Min.x, -Min.y, -Min.z);

	ThisMesh.Draw(false, true, true, true);

Ejemplo n.º 5
bool toxi::geom::AABB::intersectsBox( AABB & box )
	Vec3D t = box.sub(x, y, z);
	return toxi::math::MathUtils::abs( t.getX() ) <= ( extent.getX() + box.extent.getX() )
		&& toxi::math::MathUtils::abs( t.getY() ) <= ( extent.getZ() + box.extent.getY() )
		&& toxi::math::MathUtils::abs( t.getY() ) <= ( extent.getY() + box.extent.getZ() );
Ejemplo n.º 6
toxi::geom::AABB::AABB( const Vec3D & point, const Vec3D & extend )
	this->x = point.getX();
	this->y = point.getY();
	this->z = point.getZ();
	setExtend( extend );
Ejemplo n.º 7
Particle PlaneParticleEmitter::newParticle(int anim, int time)
    Particle p;
	// TODO: maybe evaluate these outside the spawn function, since they will be common for a given frame?
	float w = sys->areal.getValue(anim, time) * 0.5f;
	float l = sys->areaw.getValue(anim, time) * 0.5f;
	float spd = sys->speed.getValue(anim, time);
	float var = sys->variation.getValue(anim, time);

	p.pos = sys->pos + Vec3D(randfloat(-l,l), 0, randfloat(-w,w));
	p.pos = sys->parent->mat * p.pos;

	Vec3D dir = sys->parent->mrot * Vec3D(0,1,0);
	p.down = Vec3D(0,-1.0f,0); // dir * -1.0f;
	//p.speed = dir.normalize() * randfloat(spd1,spd2);   // ?
	p.speed = dir.normalize() * spd * (1.0f+randfloat(-var,var));

	p.life = 0;
	p.maxlife = sys->lifespan.getValue(anim, time);

	p.origin = p.pos;

	p.tile = randint(0, sys->rows*sys->cols-1);
	return p;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void TShadowManager::refreshTerrainTri()
	std::vector< int >& triVec = FuCShadowModify::getTriIDVec();


	FnTriangle tT;
	tT.Object( curLevel->getFlyTerrain().Object() , 0);

	Vec3D actorPos = m_player->getPosition();
	int nList = tT.GetTriangleNumber();

	int tri[3];
	float pos[16];

	float r2 = gShadowMaxRadius * gShadowMaxRadius;

	for (int i = 0; i < nList; i++)
		tT.GetTopology( i , tri);
		tT.GetVertex(tri[0], pos);
		float dx = actorPos.x() - pos[0];
		float dy = actorPos.y() - pos[1];
		if ( dx * dx + dy * dy < r2 )
			triVec.push_back( i );
Ejemplo n.º 9
toxi::geom::Triangle3D toxi::geom::Triangle3D::createEquilateralFrom( Vec3D & a, Vec3D & b )
    Vec3D c = a.interpolateTo( b, 0.5 );
    Vec3D dir = b.sub( a );
    Vec3D n = a.cross( dir.normalize( ) );
    c.addSelf( n.normalizeTo( dir.magnitude() * toxi::math::MathUtils::SQRT3 / 2 ) );
    return Triangle3D( a, b, c );
Ejemplo n.º 10
Vec3D idQuat::ToAngularVelocity( void ) const {
	Vec3D vec;

	vec.x = x;
	vec.y = y;
	vec.z = z;
	return vec * Float_ACos( w );
Ejemplo n.º 11
Color Cylinder::getDifColor(const Vec3D& pnt, const CIsect& isect/* = CIsect()*/) const
	if (mMtrl->DifTexture)
		Vec3D texCoords = getTexCoords(pnt, isect);
		return scale3D(mMtrl->DifTexture->sample(texCoords.x(), texCoords.y()), mMtrl->DifColor);
	return mMtrl->DifColor;
Ejemplo n.º 12
toxi::geom::Vec3D toxi::geom::Matrix4x4::applyToSelf( Vec3D & v )
	for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
		double* m = matrix[ i ];
		temp[ i ] = v.getX() * m[ 0 ] + v.getY() * m[ 1 ] + v.getZ() * m[ 2 ] + m[ 3 ];
	v.set( ( float ) temp[ 0 ], ( float ) temp[ 1 ], ( float ) temp[ 2 ] ).scaleSelf(
		( float ) ( 1.0 / temp[ 3 ] ) );
	return v;
Ejemplo n.º 13
void Matrix<float>::translate(const Vec3D& vec)
	const float x = vec._x();
	const float y = vec._y();
	const float z = vec._z();

	matrix[12] += matrix[0]*x + matrix[4]*y + matrix[8]*z;
	matrix[13] += matrix[1]*x + matrix[5]*y + matrix[9]*z;
	matrix[14] += matrix[2]*x + matrix[6]*y + matrix[10]*z; 
Ejemplo n.º 14
Vec3D CSceneData::getVertexNormal(int x, int y)const
	float a = getVertexHeight(x,	y);
	float b = getVertexHeight(x,	y+1);
	float c = getVertexHeight(x+1,	y);
	Vec3D vVector0(0,(b-a),1);
	Vec3D vVector1(1,(c-a),0);
	Vec3D vN = vVector0.cross(vVector1);
	return vN.normalize();
Ejemplo n.º 15
void Camera::RotateLeftAroundCenter(float speed)
    Vec3D d = m_up.CrossProduct(m_center - m_eye);

    float tam = d.Length();

    d /= tam;

    m_eye += d * speed;
Ejemplo n.º 16
Vec3D CTerrainData::getVertexNormal(int nCellX, int nCellY)const
	float a = getVertexHeight(nCellX,	nCellY);
	float b = getVertexHeight(nCellX,	nCellY+1);
	float c = getVertexHeight(nCellX+1,	nCellY);
	Vec3D vVector0(0,(b-a),1);
	Vec3D vVector1(1,(c-a),0);
	Vec3D vN = vVector0.cross(vVector1);
	return vN.normalize();
Ejemplo n.º 17
void Matrix<float>::scale(const Vec3D& vec)
  const float x = vec._x();
  const float y = vec._y();
  const float z = vec._z();

  matrix[0] *= x; matrix[1] *= x; matrix[2] *= x;
  matrix[4] *= y; matrix[5] *= y; matrix[6] *= y;
  matrix[8] *= z; matrix[9] *= z; matrix[10] *= z;
Ejemplo n.º 18
Mat3D VectorPairRotation(const Vec3D& from1, const Vec3D& from2, const Vec3D& to1, const Vec3D& to2) {
  Vec3D from_x = (from1.normalized()+from2.normalized()).normalized();
  Vec3D from_y = (from1.normalized()-from2.normalized()).normalized();
  Mat3D Mfrom(from_x, from_y, from_x%from_y);

  Vec3D to_x = (to1.normalized()+to2.normalized()).normalized();
  Vec3D to_y = (to1.normalized()-to2.normalized()).normalized();
  Mat3D Mto(to_x, to_y, to_x%to_y);

  return Mto * Mfrom.inverse();
Ejemplo n.º 19
void Camera::moveRelative(const Vec3D& direction) {
    float elevation = position_.z() - terrain_.heightMap().elevation(Vec2D(position_.x(), position_.y()));

    Vec3D d;
    d.x() = direction.x() * std::cos(rotation_.z()) - direction.y() * std::sin(rotation_.z());
    d.y() = direction.x() * std::sin(rotation_.z()) + direction.y() * std::cos(rotation_.z());

    position_ += d;

    position_.z() = terrain_.heightMap().elevation(Vec2D(position_.x(), position_.y())) + elevation;
Ejemplo n.º 20
void Camera::MoveLeft(float speed)
    Vec3D d = m_up.CrossProduct(m_center - m_eye);

    float tam = d.Length();

    d /= tam;

    m_center += d * speed;
    m_eye += d * speed;
Ejemplo n.º 21
void Camera::MoveForward(float speed)
    Vec3D d = m_center - m_eye;

    float tam = d.Length();

    d /= tam;

    m_center += d * speed;
    m_eye += d * speed;
Ejemplo n.º 22
void RibbonEmitter::setup(int anim, int time)
	Vec3D ntpos = parent->mat * pos;
	Vec3D ntup = parent->mat * (pos + Vec3D(0, 0, 1));
	ntup -= ntpos;
	float dlen = (ntpos - tpos).length();

	manim = anim;
	mtime = time;

	// move first segment
	RibbonSegment &first = *segs.begin();
	if (first.len > seglen) {
		// add new segment
		first.back = (tpos - ntpos).normalize();
		first.len0 = first.len;
		RibbonSegment newseg;
		newseg.pos = ntpos;
		newseg.up = ntup;
		newseg.len = dlen;
	else {
		first.up = ntup;
		first.pos = ntpos;
		first.len += dlen;

	// kill stuff from the end
	float l = 0;
	bool erasemode = false;
	for (std::list<RibbonSegment>::iterator it = segs.begin(); it != segs.end();) {
		if (!erasemode) {
			l += it->len;
			if (l > length) {
				it->len = l - length;
				erasemode = true;
		else {

	tpos = ntpos;
	tcolor = Vec4D(color.getValue(anim, time), opacity.getValue(anim, time));

	tabove = above.getValue(anim, time);
	tbelow = below.getValue(anim, time);
Ejemplo n.º 23
/// Method to return a normalized direction vector
inline Vec3D Vec4D::GetDirection()
        return r;
        VEC3D_T norm = r.Norm();
        Vec3D r1 = r/norm;
        return r1;
Ejemplo n.º 24
void TFlyObjectEdit::moveObject( int x , int y , int mode , bool isPress /*= true */ )
	static bool startMove = false;
	if ( m_selectIndex == -1 )

	if ( !isPress )
		startMove = false;

	if ( isPress && !startMove )
		startMove = true;
		m_x0 = x;
		m_y0 = y;

	int dx = x - m_x0;
	int dy = y - m_y0;

	Vec3D front , up;
	m_camera.GetWorldDirection( &front[0] , &up[0] );

	Vec3D pos;
	m_camera.GetWorldPosition( &pos[0] );
	Vec3D objPos;
	m_selectObj.GetWorldPosition( &objPos[0] );

	float dist = 0.003 * pos.distance( objPos );
	Vec3D yAxis = up.cross( front );

	if ( mode == 0 )
		Vec3D pos;
		m_selectObj.GetWorldPosition( &pos[0] );
		pos += dist  *( -dx * yAxis - dy * up );
		m_selectObj.SetWorldPosition( &pos[0] );
		Vec3D pos;
		m_selectObj.GetWorldPosition( &pos[0] );
		pos -=  dist * (  dx * yAxis + dy * front );
		m_selectObj.SetWorldPosition( &pos[0] );

	m_x0 = x;
	m_y0 = y;
Ejemplo n.º 25
Vec3D& Vec3D::operator &= (const Vec3D& r)
#define R1 (*this)
#define R2 r

  const double r1_theta = R1.norm();
  const double r2_theta = R2.norm();

  if(r1_theta == 0)
      // R1 is zero so set to R2
      *this = R2;
  else if(r2_theta == 0)
      // R2 is zero so set to R1
      *this = R1;
      const double sin_half_r1 = sin(r1_theta/2.0);
      const double cos_half_r1 = cos(r1_theta/2.0);
      const double sin_half_r2 = sin(r2_theta/2.0);
      const double cos_half_r2 = cos(r2_theta/2.0);

      const Vec3D r1_hat = R1/r1_theta;
      const Vec3D r2_hat = R2/r2_theta;

      const double coshalftheta =

      const Vec3D axis(r1_hat*sin_half_r1*cos_half_r2+

      const double sinhalftheta = axis.norm();
	  *this = Vec3D(0,0,0);
	  const double halftheta=atan(sinhalftheta/coshalftheta);
	  *this = axis/sinhalftheta*halftheta*2.0;
  return *this;
Ejemplo n.º 26
bool SphereIntersectsSphere( const Vec3D& center0, f32 radius0, const Vec3D& center1, f32 radius1 )
	// Get the separating axis.
	Vec3D  vSeparatingAxis = center0 - center1;

	// Get the sum of the radii.
	f32  fRadiiSum = radius0 + radius1;

	// If the distance between the centers is less than the sum of the radii, then we have an intersection.
	if( vSeparatingAxis.getLengthSQ() < fRadiiSum * fRadiiSum ) {
		return true;
	// Otherwise they are separated.
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 27
//new Vec4D that takes Vec4D
//note no further computation of gamma is required
inline bool Vec4D::Boost4D( const Vec4D& boost4D )
    /*Here we begin by taking Vec4D and extracting
    beta-gamma boost vector parameter as Vec3D
    boost after dividing by gamma and last
    coordinate as scalar gamma*/

    //VEC3D_T _n = Norm2();

    VEC3D_T gamma = boost4D.r0;
    Vec3D boost = (boost4D.r)/gamma;

    VEC3D_T s = boost.Norm();

    if(s > (VEC3D_T) 1) {
        return false;

    Vec3D e_boost;

    if( s != (VEC3D_T)0 ) {
    else {
        return true;      // no boost required, boost=0..

    //change the boosting specifics by factoring to preserve precision
    VEC3D_T par=(r*e_boost);
    Vec4D t(gamma*r0-(boost4D.r)*r,
            r - par*e_boost + gamma*(par*e_boost) - (boost4D.r)*r0);

    /*VEC3D_T _n2 = t.Norm2();
    std::cout << _n2;
    else if(_n<_n2)


    return true;

Ejemplo n.º 28
// using vector to a point, unit normal vector to a plane, and a vector
//   to a point in the plane, find distance from point to plane
static double distancePointToPlane(const Vec3D& point,
								   const Vec3D& unitN,
								   const Vec3D& pointInPlane)
	Vec3D diff = point - pointInPlane;
	return unitN.dot(diff);
Ejemplo n.º 29
//	Matrix3::SetRotationAxis
void Matrix3::SetRotationAxis( FLOAT angle, const Vec3D& axis )
	mxASSERT( axis.IsNormalized() );

	FLOAT s, c;
	Float_SinCos( angle, s, c );

	const FLOAT xy = axis.x * axis.y;
	const FLOAT yz = axis.y * axis.z;
	const FLOAT zx = axis.z * axis.x;
	const FLOAT xs = axis.x * s;
	const FLOAT ys = axis.y * s;
	const FLOAT zs = axis.z * s;
	const FLOAT oneMinusC = 1.0f - c;

		oneMinusC * axis.x * axis.x + c,
		oneMinusC * xy + zs,
		oneMinusC * zx - ys
		oneMinusC * xy - zs,
		oneMinusC * axis.y * axis.y + c,
		oneMinusC * yz + xs
		oneMinusC * zx + ys,
		oneMinusC * yz - xs,
		oneMinusC * axis.z * axis.z + c
Ejemplo n.º 30
void WMO::drawSkybox(Vec3D pCamera, Vec3D pLower, Vec3D pUpper) const
	if (skybox && pCamera.IsInsideOf(pLower, pUpper))
		//! \todo  only draw sky if we are "inside" the WMO... ?

		// We need to clear the depth buffer, because the skybox model can (will?)
		// require it *. This is inefficient - is there a better way to do this?
		// * planets in front of "space" in Caverns of Time

		// update: skybox models seem to have an explicit renderop ordering!
		// that saves us the depth buffer clear and the depth testing, too

		Vec3D o = gWorld->camera;
		glTranslatef(o.x, o.y, o.z);
		const float sc = 2.0f;
		glScalef(sc, sc, sc);
		gWorld->hadSky = true;