Ejemplo n.º 1
/// Transforms the plane with the given homogeneous transformation \a matrix
void Plane::transform(const Mat4d& matrix)
    Vec3d n = normal();
    Vec3d point = pointInPlane();


    setFromPointAndNormal(point, n);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/// Compute quaternion rotation
/// \param  oldPosX            x coordinate of the last position of the mouse, in the range [-1.0, 1.0]
/// \param  oldPosY            y coordinate of the last position of the mouse, in the range [-1.0, 1.0]
/// \param  newPosX            x coordinate of current position of the mouse, in the range [-1.0, 1.0]
/// \param  newPosY            y coordinate of current position of the mouse, in the range [-1.0, 1.0]
/// \param  currViewMatrix     Current transformation matrix. The inverse is used when calculating the rotation
/// \param  sensitivityFactor  Mouse sensitivity factor
/// Simulate a track-ball. Project the points onto the virtual trackball, then figure out the axis 
/// of rotation. This is a deformed trackball-- is a trackball in the center, but is deformed into a 
/// hyperbolic sheet of rotation away from the center.  
Quatd ManipulatorTrackball::trackballRotation(double oldPosX, double oldPosY, double newPosX, double newPosY, const Mat4d& currViewMatrix, double sensitivityFactor)
    // This particular function was chosen after trying out several variations.
    // Implemented by Gavin Bell, lots of ideas from Thant Tessman and	the August '88 
    // issue of Siggraph's "Computer Graphics," pp. 121-129.

    // This size should really be based on the distance from the center of rotation to the point on 
    // the object underneath the mouse.  That point would then track the mouse as closely as possible.  
    const double TRACKBALL_RADIUS = 0.8f;

    // Clamp to valid range
    oldPosX = Math::clamp(oldPosX, -1.0, 1.0);
    oldPosY = Math::clamp(oldPosY, -1.0, 1.0);
    newPosX = Math::clamp(newPosX, -1.0, 1.0);
    newPosY = Math::clamp(newPosY, -1.0, 1.0);

    // First, figure out z-coordinates for projection of P1 and P2 to deformed sphere
    Vec3d p1 = projectToSphere(TRACKBALL_RADIUS, oldPosX, oldPosY);
    Vec3d p2 = projectToSphere(TRACKBALL_RADIUS, newPosX, newPosY);

    // Axis of rotation is the cross product of P1 and P2
    Vec3d a = p1 ^ p2; 

    // Figure out how much to rotate around that axis.
    Vec3d d = p1 - p2;
    double t = d.length()/(2.0*TRACKBALL_RADIUS);

    // Avoid problems with out-of-control values...
    t = Math::clamp(t, -1.0, 1.0);

    double phi = 2.0*asin(t);

    // Scale by sensitivity factor
    phi *= sensitivityFactor;

    // Use inverted matrix to find rotation axis
    Mat4d invMatr = currViewMatrix.getInverted();

    // Get quaternion to be returned by pointer
    Quatd quat = Quatd::fromAxisAngle(a, phi);
    return quat;