Ejemplo n.º 1
Vector2f Renderer::PointWorldToViewPort (const  APoint &point, bool *isInBack)
	HMatrix matProjView = GetProjectionMatrix() * GetViewMatrix();
	HPoint hPoint(point.X(), point.Y(), point.Z(), point.W());
	HPoint tempPoint = matProjView * hPoint;

	if (isInBack)
		if (tempPoint.Z() <= 0)
			*isInBack = true;
			*isInBack = false;

	float wInv = 1.0f / tempPoint.W();

	Vector2f screenPoint;
	screenPoint.X() = (1.0f + tempPoint.X()*wInv)/2.0f;
	screenPoint.Y() = (1.0f + tempPoint.Y()*wInv)/2.0f;

	int viewX, viewY, viewW, viewH;
	GetViewport(viewX, viewY, viewW, viewH);

	screenPoint.X() = viewX + screenPoint.X()*viewW;
	screenPoint.Y() = viewY + screenPoint.Y()*viewH;

	return screenPoint;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Vector2f RenderStep::PointWorldToViewPort(const APoint &point,
	bool *isInBack)
	Rectf viewPort = mViewPort;
	if (viewPort.IsEmpty())
		viewPort = Rectf(0.0f, 0.0f, mSize.Width, mSize.Height);

	HMatrix matProjView = mCamera->GetProjectionMatrix() * mCamera->GetViewMatrix();
	HPoint hPoint(point.X(), point.Y(), point.Z(), point.W());
	HPoint tempPoint = matProjView * hPoint;

	if (isInBack)
		if (tempPoint.Z() <= 0)
			*isInBack = true;
			*isInBack = false;

	float wInv = 1.0f / tempPoint.W();

	Vector2f screenPoint;
	screenPoint.X() = (1.0f + tempPoint.X()*wInv) / 2.0f;
	screenPoint.Y() = (1.0f + tempPoint.Y()*wInv) / 2.0f;

	screenPoint.X() = viewPort.Left + screenPoint.X()*viewPort.Width();
	screenPoint.Y() = viewPort.Bottom + screenPoint.Y()*viewPort.Height();

	return screenPoint;
void EditRenderView_TimeLine::OnLeftDClick(const APoint &pos)

	Rectf rect(0, 0, mLeftWidth, mSize.Height);
	bool leftContain = rect.IsInsize(Float2(pos.X(), pos.Z()));
	bool isCtrlDown = PX2_EDIT.IsCtrlDown;

	if (!leftContain && isCtrlDown)
		UICurveGroup *uiCurveGroup = PX2_EDIT.GetTimeLineEdit()->GetSelectedUICurveGroup();
		if (!uiCurveGroup) return;

		Camera *camera = PX2_EDIT.GetTimeLineEdit()->GetTimeLineRenderStep_Grid()->GetCamera();

		APoint camPos = camera->GetPosition();
		Vector2f camScreenPos = mUIViewGrid->PointWorldToViewPort(camPos);
		float xDissCam = pos.X() - camScreenPos.X();
		float zDissCam = pos.Z() - camScreenPos.Y();
		float xDissCamReal = xDissCam / mPixelOverCamIn;
		float zDissCamReal = zDissCam / mPixelOverCamOut;
		APoint pointPos = camPos + AVector(xDissCamReal, 0.0f, zDissCamReal);

		CurveGroup *curveGroup = uiCurveGroup->GetCurveGroup();
Ejemplo n.º 4
void Smoke2D::ComputeVortexOverlay ()
    unsigned char* data = (unsigned char*)mVortexTexture->GetData(0);
    memset(data, 0, 4*mNumPixels);

    if (mUseVortexOverlay)
        // Draw the vortex centers, magenta for counterclockwise and cyan for
        // clockwise.
        float invXRange = 1.0f/(mX1 - mX0);
        float invYRange = 1.0f/(mY1 - mY0);
        for (int v = 0; v < mNumActive; ++v)
            Vector2f center = mVortexCenter[v];
            float x = (center.X() - mX0)*invXRange;
            float y = (center.Y() - mY0)*invYRange;
            int ix = (int)((mIMax-1)*x);
            int iy = (int)((mJMax-1)*y);

            unsigned char r, g, b, a;
            if (mVortexAmplitude[v] > 0.0f)
                r = 255;
                g = 0;
                b = 255;
                a = 255;
                r = 0;
                g = 255;
                b = 255;
                a = 255;

            for (int dy = -1; dy <= 1; ++dy)
                for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1; ++dx)
                    int index;
                    if (PixelShader::GetProfile() == PixelShader::PP_ARBFP1)
                        index = 4*((ix+dx) + mIMaxP1*(iy+dy));
                        index = 4*((ix+dx) + mIMaxP1*(mJMax-(iy+dy)));
                    data[index++] = b;
                    data[index++] = g;
                    data[index++] = r;
                    data[index++] = a;

    mRenderer->Update(mVortexTexture, 0);
void QuadraticFreeForm2D::OnDisplay ()

    int dim0 = mTexture->GetDimension(0, 0);
    int dim1 = mTexture->GetDimension(1, 0);
    unsigned char* data = (unsigned char*)mTexture->GetData(0);

    const int numSamples = 2*mSize;
    const float invNumSamples = 1.0f/(float)numSamples;
    Vector2f param;
    for (int s = 0; s < numSamples; ++s)
        int u = s*dim0/numSamples;
        param.X() = invNumSamples*s;
        for (int t = 0; t < numSamples; ++t)
            int v = t*dim1/numSamples;
            param.Y() = invNumSamples*t;
            Vector2f result = Evaluate(param);

            int x = ControlToScreen(result.X());
            int y = ControlToScreen(result.Y());
            int index = 4*(u + dim0*v);
            unsigned char b = data[index++];
            unsigned char g = data[index++];
            unsigned char r = data[index++];

            SetPixel(x, y, ColorRGB(r, g, b));

    // Draw the control points.
    ColorRGB green(0, 255, 0);
    for (int row = 0; row <= 2; ++row)
        for (int col = 0; col <= 2; ++col)
            SetThickPixel(mCtrlX[row][col], mCtrlY[row][col], 2, green);

Ejemplo n.º 6
void PolygonDistance::DrawPoints (int thick, ColorRGB color,
                                  const Vector2f& point)
	int x = (int)(point.X() + 0.5f);
	int y = mSize - 1 - (int)(point.Y() + 0.5f);
	for (int dy = -thick; dy <= thick; ++dy)
		for (int dx = -thick; dx <= thick; ++dx)
			SetPixel(x + dx, y + dy, color);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void BSplineCurveExamples::OnDisplay ()

    ColorRGB lightGray(224, 224, 224);
    ColorRGB mediumGray(192, 192, 192);
    ColorRGB darkGray(128, 128, 128);
    ColorRGB black(0, 0, 0);

    // draw axes
    int i;
    for (i = mSize/16; i < mSize; ++i)
        SetPixel(mSize/16, mSize - 1 - i, lightGray);
        SetPixel(i, mSize - 1 - mSize/16, lightGray);

    // draw control points
    int imax = mSpline->GetNumCtrlPoints();
    int x, y;
    for (i = 0; i < imax; ++i)
        const Vector2f& ctrl = mSpline->GetControlPoint(i);
        x = (int)(ctrl.X() + 0.5f);
        y = mSize - 1 - (int)(ctrl.Y() + 0.5f);
        SetThickPixel(x, y, 2, darkGray);

    // draw spline
    imax = 2048;
    for (i = 0; i <= imax; ++i)
        // draw point
        float u = i/(float)imax;
        Vector2f pos = mSpline->GetPosition(u);
        x = (int)(pos.X() + 0.5f);
        y = mSize - 1 - (int)(pos.Y() + 0.5f);

        if (mModified
        &&  mLocCtrlMin[mCurveType] <= u && u <= mLocCtrlMax[mCurveType])
            SetPixel(x, y, mediumGray);
            SetPixel(x, y, black);

Ejemplo n.º 8
void PolygonDistance::DrawLineSegment (int thick, ColorRGB color,
                                       const Vector2f& end0, const Vector2f& end1)
	const int imax = 2048;
	for (int i = 0; i <= imax; ++i)
		float t = i/(float)imax;
		Vector2f position = t*end0 + (1.0f - t)*end1;
		int x = (int)(position.X() + 0.5f);
		int y = mSize - 1 - (int)(position.Y() + 0.5f);
		for (int dy = -thick; dy <= thick; ++dy)
			for (int dx = -thick; dx <= thick; ++dx)
				SetPixel(x + dx, y + dy, color);
Vector2f QuadraticFreeForm2D::Evaluate (const Vector2f& param) const
    float s = param.X();
    float t = param.Y();
    float omS = 1.0f - s;
    float omT = 1.0f - t;
    float b0s = omS*omS;
    float b0t = omT*omT;
    float b1s = 2.0f*omS*s;
    float b1t = 2.0f*omT*t;
    float b2s = s*s;
    float b2t = t*t;

    Vector2f result =
        b0s*(b0t*mCtrl[0][0] + b1t*mCtrl[0][1] + b2t*mCtrl[0][2]) +
        b1s*(b0t*mCtrl[1][0] + b1t*mCtrl[1][1] + b2t*mCtrl[1][2]) +
        b2s*(b0t*mCtrl[2][0] + b1t*mCtrl[2][1] + b2t*mCtrl[2][2]);

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 10
BspNode* BspNodes::CreateNode (const Vector2f& v0, const Vector2f& v1,
                               VertexColor3Effect* effect, const Float3& color)
	// Create the model-space separating plane.
	Vector2f dir = v1 - v0;
	AVector normal(dir[1], -dir[0], 0.0f);
	float constant = normal[0]*v0[0] + normal[1]*v0[1];
	HPlane modelPlane(normal, constant);

	// Create the BSP node.
	BspNode* bsp = new0 BspNode(modelPlane);

	VertexFormat* vformat = VertexFormat::Create(2,
	                        VertexFormat::AU_POSITION, VertexFormat::AT_FLOAT3, 0,
	                        VertexFormat::AU_COLOR, VertexFormat::AT_FLOAT3, 0);

	// Create the rectangle representation of the model plane and set the
	// vertex colors to the specified color.
	float xExtent = 0.5f*dir.Length();
	float yExtent = 0.125f;
	TriMesh* rect = StandardMesh(vformat).Rectangle(2, 2, xExtent, yExtent);
	VertexBufferAccessor vba(rect);
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
		vba.Color<Float3>(0, i) = color;

	// Set the position and orientation for the world-space plane.
	APoint trn(0.5f*(v0[0] + v1[0]), 0.5f*(v0[1] + v1[1]), yExtent + 0.001f);
	HMatrix zRotate(AVector::UNIT_Z, Mathf::ATan2(dir.Y(),dir.X()));
	HMatrix xRotate(AVector::UNIT_X, Mathf::HALF_PI);
	HMatrix rotate = zRotate*xRotate;

	return bsp;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void RevolutionSurface::UpdateSurface ()
    // Parameters for evaluating curve.
    float tMin = mCurve->GetMinTime();
    float tRange = mCurve->GetMaxTime() - tMin;

    // Sampling by arc length requires the total length of the curve.
    float totalLength;
    if (mSampleByArcLength)
        totalLength = mCurve->GetTotalLength();
        totalLength = 0.0f;

    // Sample the curve of revolution.
    float invNumCurveSamplesM1 = 1.0f/(float)(mNumCurveSamples - 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < mNumCurveSamples; ++i)
        float t;
        if (mSampleByArcLength)
            t = mCurve->GetTime(i*totalLength*invNumCurveSamplesM1);
            t = tMin + i*tRange*invNumCurveSamplesM1;

        Vector2f position = mCurve->GetPosition(t);
        mSamples[i][0] = position.X();
        mSamples[i][1] = 0.0f;
        mSamples[i][2] = position.Y();

    // Store the samples and their rotated equivalents.  The storage layout
    // is dependent on the topology of the mesh.
    switch (mTopology)
        assertion(false, "Unexpected condition\n");


    // See the comments in the constructor about mIBuffer and the vertex
    // buffer update.
    if (mIBuffer)
void EditRenderView_TimeLine::_RefreshGrid(bool doScale)
	Polysegment *gird = PX2_EDIT.GetTimeLineEdit()->GetGridPoly();


	int width = (int)mSize.Width;
	int height = (int)mSize.Height;

	if (width <= 0 && height <= 0) return;

	Camera *camera = mUIViewGrid->GetCamera();
	APoint pos = camera->GetPosition();
	float dMin = 0.0f;
	float dMax = 0.0f;
	float uMin = 0.0f;
	float uMax = 0.0f;
	float rMin = 0.0f;
	float rMax = 0.0f;
	camera->GetFrustum(dMin, dMax, uMin, uMax, rMin, rMax);
	if (0.0f == rMax || 0.0f == uMax || 0.0f == dMax) return;

	float inLength = rMax - rMin;
	float outLength = uMax - uMin;
	inLength = Mathf::FAbs(inLength);
	outLength = Mathf::FAbs(outLength);

	mPixelOverCamIn = width / inLength;
	mPixelOverCamOut = height / outLength;

	int minPixelsPerInGrid = 35;
	int minPixelsPerOutGrid = 25;
	float minGridSpacing = 0.001f;

	int gridNum = 0;
	float inGridSpacing = minGridSpacing;
	while (inGridSpacing*mPixelOverCamIn < minPixelsPerInGrid)
		inGridSpacing = minGridSpacing * _GetGridSpacing(gridNum);
	mUPerGrid = inGridSpacing;

	gridNum = 0;
	float outGridSpacing = minGridSpacing;
	while (outGridSpacing*mPixelOverCamOut < minPixelsPerOutGrid)
		outGridSpacing = minGridSpacing * _GetGridSpacing(gridNum);
	mVPerGrid = outGridSpacing;

	mXStart = pos.X() + rMin;
	mXEnd = pos.X() + rMax;
	mZStart = pos.Z() + uMin;
	mZEnd = pos.Z() + uMax;

	Float3 gray(0.62f, 0.62f, 0.62f);
	int segNum = 0;
	int iTemp = 4;
	int zTemp = 4;

	VertexBufferAccessor vba(gird);
	float zPosTemp = 0.0f;
	while (zPosTemp < mZEnd)
		zPosTemp += mVPerGrid;

		vba.Position<Float3>(2 * segNum) = Float3(mXStart, 1.0f, zPosTemp);
		vba.Color<Float3>(0, 2 * segNum) = gray;
		vba.Position<Float3>(2 * segNum + 1) = Float3(mXEnd, 1.0f, zPosTemp);
		vba.Color<Float3>(0, 2 * segNum + 1) = gray;

		Vector2f scrv = mUIViewGrid->PointWorldToViewPort(APoint(0.0f, 0.0f, zPosTemp));
		FontStr fs;
		fs.x = iTemp + (int)mLeftWidth;
		fs.y = height - (int)scrv.Y();
		fs.str = StringHelp::FloatToString(zPosTemp);

	zPosTemp = 0.0f;
	while (zPosTemp > mZStart)
		zPosTemp -= mVPerGrid;

		vba.Position<Float3>(2 * segNum) = Float3(mXStart, 1.0f, zPosTemp);
		vba.Color<Float3>(0, 2 * segNum) = gray;
		vba.Position<Float3>(2 * segNum + 1) = Float3(mXEnd, 1.0f, zPosTemp);
		vba.Color<Float3>(0, 2 * segNum + 1) = gray;

		Vector2f scrv = mUIViewGrid->PointWorldToViewPort(APoint(0.0f, 0.0f,
		FontStr fs;
		fs.x = iTemp + (int)mLeftWidth;
		fs.y = height - (int)scrv.Y();
		fs.str = StringHelp::FloatToString(zPosTemp);

	float xPosTemp = 0.0f;
	while (xPosTemp < mXEnd)
		xPosTemp += mUPerGrid;

		vba.Position<Float3>(2 * segNum) = Float3(xPosTemp, 1.0f, mZStart);
		vba.Color<Float3>(0, 2 * segNum) = gray;
		vba.Position<Float3>(2 * segNum + 1) = Float3(xPosTemp, 1.0f, mZEnd);
		vba.Color<Float3>(0, 2 * segNum + 1) = gray;

		Vector2f scrv = mUIViewGrid->PointWorldToViewPort(APoint(xPosTemp, 0.0f, 0.0f));
		FontStr fs;
		fs.x = (int)scrv.X() + iTemp;
		fs.y = height - zTemp;
		fs.str = StringHelp::FloatToString(xPosTemp);

	xPosTemp = 0.0f;
	while (xPosTemp > mXStart)
		xPosTemp -= mUPerGrid;

		vba.Position<Float3>(2 * segNum) = Float3(xPosTemp, 1.0f, mZStart);
		vba.Color<Float3>(0, 2 * segNum) = gray;
		vba.Position<Float3>(2 * segNum + 1) = Float3(xPosTemp, 1.0f, mZEnd);
		vba.Color<Float3>(0, 2 * segNum + 1) = gray;

		Vector2f scrv = mUIViewGrid->PointWorldToViewPort(APoint(xPosTemp, 0.0f,
		FontStr fs;
		fs.x = (int)scrv.X() + iTemp;
		fs.y = height - zTemp;
		fs.str = StringHelp::FloatToString(xPosTemp);


	Float3 zeroLineColorRed = Float3::MakeColor(150, 28, 36);
	Float3 zeroLineColorBlue = Float3::MakeColor(63, 72, 175);

	vba.Position<Float3>(2 * segNum) = Float3(mXStart, 1.0f, 0.0f);
	vba.Color<Float3>(0, 2 * segNum) = zeroLineColorRed;
	vba.Position<Float3>(2 * segNum + 1) = Float3(mXEnd, 1.0f, 0.0f);
	vba.Color<Float3>(0, 2 * segNum + 1) = zeroLineColorRed;
	vba.Position<Float3>(2 * segNum) = Float3(0.0f, 1.0f, mZStart);
	vba.Color<Float3>(0, 2 * segNum) = zeroLineColorBlue;
	vba.Position<Float3>(2 * segNum + 1) = Float3(0.0f, 1.0f, mZEnd);
	vba.Color<Float3>(0, 2 * segNum + 1) = zeroLineColorBlue;

	Vector2f scrv = mUIViewGrid->PointWorldToViewPort(APoint::ORIGIN);
	FontStr fs;
	fs.x = iTemp + (int)mLeftWidth;
	fs.y = height - (int)scrv.Y();
	fs.str = "0.0";

	FontStr fs1;
	fs1.x = (int)scrv.X() + iTemp;
	fs1.y = height - zTemp;
	fs1.str = "0.0";



	if (mRenderer) mRenderer->Update(gird->GetVertexBuffer());

	if (doScale)
		float rWidth = 2.0f * rMax;
		float scaleX = rWidth / 22.5f;

		float uHeight = 2.0f * uMax;
		float scaleZ = uHeight / (((float)mSize.Height / (float)mSize.Width)*22.5f);
		PX2_EDIT.GetTimeLineEdit()->SetCtrlsScale(Float2(scaleX, scaleZ));
Ejemplo n.º 13
void NURBSCurveExample::OnDisplay ()

    const int iCurveThick = 0;
    Color kCurveColor(0,0,0);
    const int iControlThick = 2;
    Color kControlColor(128,128,128);

    int iMax = 2048;
    int i, iX, iY, iDX, iDY;
    float fT;
    Vector2f kPos;

    // draw spline
    for (i = 0; i <= iMax; i++)
        fT = i/(float)iMax;
        kPos = m_pkSpline->GetPosition(fT);
        iX = int(kPos.X()+0.5f);
        iY = g_iSize-1-int(kPos.Y()+0.5f);
        for (iDY = -iCurveThick; iDY <= iCurveThick; iDY++)
            for (iDX = -iCurveThick; iDX <= iCurveThick; iDX++)

    // draw circle
    if ( m_pkCircle )
        for (i = 0; i <= iMax; i++)
            // draw point
            fT = i/(float)iMax;
            kPos = m_pkCircle->GetPosition(fT);
            iX = int(kPos.X()+0.5f);
            iY = g_iSize-1-int(kPos.Y()+0.5f);
            for (iDY = -iCurveThick; iDY <= iCurveThick; iDY++)
                for (iDX = -iCurveThick; iDX <= iCurveThick; iDX++)

    // draw control points
    if ( m_bDrawControlPoints )
        iMax = m_pkSpline->GetNumCtrlPoints();
        for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++)
            const Vector2f& rkCtrl = m_pkSpline->GetControlPoint(i);
            iX = int(rkCtrl.X()+0.5f);
            iY = g_iSize-1-int(rkCtrl.Y()+0.5f);
            for (iDY = -iControlThick; iDY <= iControlThick; iDY++)
                for (iDX = -iControlThick; iDX <= iControlThick; iDX++)

        if ( m_pkCircle )
            iMax = m_pkCircle->GetNumCtrlPoints();
            for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++)
                const Vector2f& rkCtrl = m_pkCircle->GetControlPoint(i);
                iX = int(rkCtrl.X()+0.5f);
                iY = g_iSize-1-int(rkCtrl.Y()+0.5f);
                for (iDY = -iControlThick; iDY <= iControlThick; iDY++)
                    for (iDX = -iControlThick; iDX <= iControlThick; iDX++)

Ejemplo n.º 14
bool GeodesicHeightField::OnMouseClick (int button, int state, int x, int y,
                                        unsigned int modifiers)
	if ((modifiers & MODIFIER_SHIFT) == 0)
		return WindowApplication3::OnMouseClick(button, state, x, y,

	if (state != MOUSE_DOWN || button != MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)
		return false;

	// Convert to right-handed coordinates.
	y = GetHeight() - 1 - y;

	// Do a picking operation.
	APoint origin;
	AVector direction;
	mRenderer->GetPickRay(x, y, origin, direction);
	mPicker.Execute(mScene, origin, direction, 0.0f, Mathf::MAX_REAL);
	if (mPicker.Records.size() > 0)
		const PickRecord& record = mPicker.GetClosestNonnegative();

		// Get the vertex indices for the picked triangle.
		int triangle = record.Triangle;
		int i0 = 3*triangle, i1 = i0 + 1, i2 = i0 + 2;
		int* indices = (int*)mMesh->GetIndexBuffer()->GetData();
		int v0 = indices[i0];
		int v1 = indices[i1];
		int v2 = indices[i2];

		// Get the texture coordinates for the point of intersection.
		VertexBufferAccessor vba(mMesh);
		Vector2f intr =
		    vba.TCoord<Vector2f>(0, v0)*record.Bary[0] +
		    vba.TCoord<Vector2f>(0, v1)*record.Bary[1] +
		    vba.TCoord<Vector2f>(0, v2)*record.Bary[2];

		// Save the point.
		mPoint[mSelected][0] = (double)intr.X();
		mPoint[mSelected][1] = (double)intr.Y();

		// Clear the texture image to white.
		unsigned char* data = (unsigned char*)mTexture->GetData(0);
		memset(data, 0xFF, mTexture->GetNumLevelBytes(0));

		// Get an endpoint.
		int bound0 = mTexture->GetDimension(0, 0);
		int bound1 = mTexture->GetDimension(1, 0);
		int x = (int)(bound0*intr.X() + 0.5);
		int y = (int)(bound1*intr.Y() + 0.5);
		mXIntr[mSelected] = x;
		mYIntr[mSelected] = y;

		// Mark the endpoints in black.
		for (int i = 0; i < mSelected; ++i)
			int index = 4*(mXIntr[i] + bound0*mYIntr[i]);
			data[index++] = 0;
			data[index++] = 0;
			data[index++] = 0;
			data[index++] = 255;


		if (mSelected == 2)
			mPath = 0;

			mGeodesic->ComputeGeodesic(mPoint[0], mPoint[1], mPQuantity,

			mSelected = 0;

	return true;
void EditRenderView_TimeLine::OnMotion(const APoint &pos)
	AVector diff = pos - mLastMousePoint;
	if (AVector::ZERO == diff) return;

	float movedX = -diff.X() / mPixelOverCamIn;
	float movedZ = -diff.Z() / mPixelOverCamOut;
	Rectf rect(0, 0, mLeftWidth, mSize.Height);
	bool leftContain = rect.IsInsize(Float2(pos.X(), pos.Z()));

	bool isCtrlDown = PX2_EDIT.IsCtrlDown;
	CurveCtrl *selectedCtrl = PX2_EDIT.GetTimeLineEdit()->GetSelectedCurveCtrl();

	if (isCtrlDown && !leftContain && selectedCtrl && mIsLeftDown)
		Camera *camera = mRenderStep->GetCamera();

		const APoint &outVal = selectedCtrl->GetOutVal();
		Vector2f posInViewPort = mUIViewGrid->PointWorldToViewPort(outVal);

		float xDiss = pos.X() - posInViewPort.X();
		float zDiss = pos.Z() - posInViewPort.Y();
		float xDissReal = xDiss / mPixelOverCamIn;
		float zDissReal = zDiss / mPixelOverCamOut;

		AVector arrive = AVector(-xDissReal, 0.0f, -zDissReal);
		AVector leave = AVector(xDissReal, 0.0f, zDissReal);

		if (CurveCtrl::SM_ARRIVE == selectedCtrl->GetSelectMode())
			if (xDiss < 0.0f)

				InterpCurveMode mode = selectedCtrl->GetInterpCurveMode();
				if (ICM_CURVE_AUTO == mode || ICM_CURVE_AUTOCLAMPED == mode)
		else if (CurveCtrl::SM_LEAVE == selectedCtrl->GetSelectMode())
			if (xDiss > 0.0f)

				InterpCurveMode mode = selectedCtrl->GetInterpCurveMode();
				if (ICM_CURVE_AUTO == mode || ICM_CURVE_AUTOCLAMPED == mode)
		else if (CurveCtrl::SM_CENTER == selectedCtrl->GetSelectMode())
			APoint camPos = camera->GetPosition();
			Vector2f camScreenPos = mUIViewGrid->PointWorldToViewPort(camPos);
			float xDissCam = pos.X() - camScreenPos.X();
			float zDissCam = pos.Z() - camScreenPos.Y();
			float xDissCamReal = xDissCam / mPixelOverCamIn;
			float zDissCamReal = zDissCam / mPixelOverCamOut;
			APoint pointPos = camPos + AVector(xDissCamReal, 0.0f, zDissCamReal);
			pointPos.Y() = 0.0f;

			selectedCtrl->SetInVal(pointPos.X()); // ctrl may changed

			selectedCtrl = PX2_EDIT.GetTimeLineEdit()->GetSelectedCurveCtrl(); // ctrl may changed, can it again
			if (selectedCtrl) selectedCtrl->SetOutVal(pointPos);

	bool doMovCal = false;

	if (mIsMiddleDown && !leftContain)
		doMovCal = true;

	if (mIsRightDown && !leftContain)
		doMovCal = true;

	if (doMovCal)
		if (MM_PAN == mMoveMode)
			APoint pos = mUIViewGrid->GetCameraNode()->LocalTransform.GetTranslate();
			pos += AVector(movedX, 0.0f, movedZ);
			mUIViewGrid->GetCameraNode()->Update(GetTimeInSeconds(), 0.0f);

		else if (MM_ZOOM == mMoveMode)

	mLastMousePoint = pos;
Ejemplo n.º 16
void NURBSCurveExample::OnDisplay ()

    ColorRGB curveColor(0,0,0);
    ColorRGB controlColor(128, 128, 128);

    int imax = 2048;
    int i, x, y;
    float t;
    Vector2f position;

    // Draw the spline.
    for (i = 0; i <= imax; ++i)
        t = i/(float)imax;
        position = mSpline->GetPosition(t);
        x = (int)(position.X() + 0.5f);
        y = mSize - 1 - (int)(position.Y() + 0.5f);
        SetPixel(x, y, curveColor);

    // Draw the circle.
    if (mCircle)
        for (i = 0; i <= imax; ++i)
            t = i/(float)imax;
            position = mCircle->GetPosition(t);
            x = (int)(position.X() + 0.5f);
            y = mSize - 1 - (int)(position.Y() + 0.5f);
            SetPixel(x, y, curveColor);

    // Draw the control points.
    if (mDrawControlPoints)
        // Draw the spline control points.
        imax = mSpline->GetNumCtrlPoints();
        for (i = 0; i < imax; ++i)
            const Vector2f& ctrl = mSpline->GetControlPoint(i);
            x = (int)(ctrl.X() + 0.5f);
            y = mSize - 1 -(int)(ctrl.Y() + 0.5f);
            SetThickPixel(x, y, 2, controlColor);

        // Draw the circle control points.
        if (mCircle)
            imax = mCircle->GetNumCtrlPoints();
            for (i = 0; i < imax; ++i)
                const Vector2f& ctrl = mCircle->GetControlPoint(i);
                x = (int)(ctrl.X() + 0.5f);
                y = mSize - 1 - (int)(ctrl.Y() + 0.5f);
                SetThickPixel(x, y, 2, controlColor);

void MapTextureToQuad::CreateMapping ()
    // Create the new perspective mapping from the *target* quadrilateral to
    // the *source* square bitmap.  The mapping is in this direction to avoid
    // holes in the drawn quadrilateral.
    mMapping = new0 HmQuadToSqrf(mVertex[0], mVertex[1], mVertex[2],
    mMapping = new0 BiQuadToSqrf(mVertex[0], mVertex[1], mVertex[2],

    // Compute axis-aligned bounding box.
    int xmin = GetWidth(), xmax = 0, ymin = GetWidth(), ymax = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
        if (xmin > (int)mVertex[i].X())
            xmin = (int)mVertex[i].X();

        if (xmax < (int)mVertex[i].X())
            xmax = (int)mVertex[i].X();

        if (ymin > (int)mVertex[i].Y())
            ymin = (int)mVertex[i].Y();

        if (ymax < (int)mVertex[i].Y())
            ymax = (int)mVertex[i].Y();

    // Draw perspective mapping of image (...inefficient drawing...).
    int xSize = mTexture->GetDimension(0, 0);
    int ySize = mTexture->GetDimension(1, 0);
    unsigned char* data = (unsigned char*)mTexture->GetData(0);
    for (int trgY = ymin; trgY <= ymax; ++trgY)
        Vector2f quad;
        quad.Y() = (float)trgY;

        int xStart = xmin;
        while (xStart <= xmax)
            quad.X() = (float)xStart;
            if (PointInPolygon2f(4, mVertex).ContainsQuadrilateral(quad))

        int xFinal = xmax;
        while (xFinal >= xmin)
            quad.X() = (float)xFinal;
            if (PointInPolygon2f(4, mVertex).ContainsQuadrilateral(quad))

        for (int trgX = xStart; trgX <= xFinal; ++trgX)
            // Transform point to unit square.
            quad.X() = (float)trgX;
            Vector2f square = mMapping->Transform(quad);

            // Convert to bitmap coordinates (using clamping).
            int srcX = (int)((xSize - 1)*square.X());
            if (srcX < 0)
                srcX = 0;
            else if (srcX >= xSize)
                srcX = xSize - 1;

            int srcY = (int)((ySize - 1)*square.Y());
            if (srcY < 0)
                srcY = 0;
            else if (srcY >= ySize)
                srcY = ySize - 1;

            int srcIndex = 4*(srcX + xSize*srcY);
            unsigned char* srcRGBA = data + srcIndex;
            int trgIndex = trgX + GetWidth()*trgY;
            unsigned char* trgRGB = (unsigned char*)(mScreen + trgIndex);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                trgRGB[i] = srcRGBA[i];
Ejemplo n.º 18
void MapTextureToQuad::CreateMapping ()
    // Create the new perspective mapping from the *target* quadrilateral to
    // the *source* square bitmap.  The mapping is in this direction to avoid
    // holes in the drawn quadrilateral.
    delete m_pkMap;
    m_pkMap = new HmQuadToSqrf(m_akVertex[0],m_akVertex[1],m_akVertex[2],

    // compute axis-aligned bounding box
    int iXMin = GetWidth(), iXMax = 0, iYMin = GetWidth(), iYMax = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        if ( iXMin > (int)m_akVertex[i].X() )
            iXMin = (int)m_akVertex[i].X();

        if ( iXMax < (int)m_akVertex[i].X() )
            iXMax = (int)m_akVertex[i].X();

        if ( iYMin > (int)m_akVertex[i].Y() )
            iYMin = (int)m_akVertex[i].Y();

        if ( iYMax < (int)m_akVertex[i].Y() )
            iYMax = (int)m_akVertex[i].Y();

    // draw perspective mapping of image (...inefficient drawing...)
    int iXSize = m_pkImage->GetWidth();
    int iYSize = m_pkImage->GetHeight();
    unsigned char* aucData = m_pkImage->GetData();
    for (int iTrgY = iYMin; iTrgY <= iYMax; iTrgY++)
        Vector2f kQuad;
        kQuad.Y() = (float)iTrgY;

        int iXStart = iXMin;
        while ( iXStart <= iXMax )
            kQuad.X() = (float)iXStart;
            if ( PointInConvex4(m_akVertex,kQuad) )

        int iXFinal = iXMax;
        while ( iXFinal >= iXMin )
            kQuad.X() = (float)iXFinal;
            if ( PointInConvex4(m_akVertex,kQuad) )

        for (int iTrgX = iXStart; iTrgX <= iXFinal; iTrgX++)
            // transform point to unit square
            kQuad.X() = (float)iTrgX;
            Vector2f kSquare = m_pkMap->Transform(kQuad);

            // convert to bitmap coordinates (using clamping)
            int iSrcX = (int)((iXSize-1)*kSquare.X());
            if ( iSrcX < 0 )
                iSrcX = 0;
            else if ( iSrcX >= iXSize )
                iSrcX = iXSize-1;

            int iSrcY = (int)((iYSize-1)*kSquare.Y());
            if ( iSrcY < 0 )
                iSrcY = 0;
            else if ( iSrcY >= iYSize )
                iSrcY = iYSize-1;

            int iSrcIndex = 3*(iSrcX+iXSize*iSrcY);
            unsigned char* aucSrcRGB = aucData + iSrcIndex;
            int iTrgIndex = iTrgX + GetWidth()*iTrgY;
            unsigned char* aucTrgRGB =
                (unsigned char*)(m_akScreen + iTrgIndex);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                aucTrgRGB[i] = aucSrcRGB[2-i];