Ejemplo n.º 1
  bool EdgeSE3Offset::read(std::istream& is) {
    int pidFrom, pidTo;
    is >> pidFrom >> pidTo   ;
    if (! setParameterId(0,pidFrom))
      return false;
    if (! setParameterId(1,pidTo))
      return false;

    Vector7d meas;
    for (int i=0; i<7; i++) 
      is >> meas[i];
    // normalize the quaternion to recover numerical precision lost by storing as human readable text
    if (is.bad()) {
      return false;
    for ( int i=0; i<information().rows() && is.good(); i++)
      for (int j=i; j<information().cols() && is.good(); j++){
  is >> information()(i,j);
  if (i!=j)
    if (is.bad()) {
      //  we overwrite the information matrix with the Identity
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 bool ParameterSE3Offset::read(std::istream& is) {
   Vector7d off;
   for (int i=0; i<7; i++) {
     is >> off[i];
   // normalize the quaternion to recover numerical precision lost by storing as human readable text
   return is.good();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 bool ParameterCamera::read(std::istream& is) {
   Vector7d off;
   for (int i=0; i<7; i++)
     is >> off[i];
   // normalize the quaternion to recover numerical precision lost by storing as human readable text
   double fx,fy,cx,cy;
   is >> fx >> fy >> cx >> cy;
   return is.good();
bool G2oSlamInterface::addEdge(const std::string& tag, int id, int dimension, int v1Id, int v2Id, const std::vector<double>& measurement, const std::vector<double>& information)
  (void) tag;
  (void) id;
  size_t oldEdgesSize = _optimizer->edges().size();

  if (dimension == 3) {

    SE2 transf(measurement[0], measurement[1], measurement[2]);
    Eigen::Matrix3d infMat;
    int idx = 0;
    for (int r = 0; r < 3; ++r)
      for (int c = r; c < 3; ++c, ++idx) {
        assert(idx < (int)information.size());
        infMat(r,c) = infMat(c,r) = information[idx];
    //cerr << PVAR(infMat) << endl;

    int doInit = 0;
    SparseOptimizer::Vertex* v1 = _optimizer->vertex(v1Id);
    SparseOptimizer::Vertex* v2 = _optimizer->vertex(v2Id);
    if (! v1) {
      OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v = v1 = addVertex(dimension, v1Id);
      doInit = 1;

    if (! v2) {
      OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v = v2 = addVertex(dimension, v2Id);
      doInit = 2;

    if (_optimizer->edges().size() == 0) {
      cerr << "FIRST EDGE ";
      if (v1->id() < v2->id()) {
        cerr << "fixing " << v1->id() << endl;
      else {
        cerr << "fixing " << v2->id() << endl;

    OnlineEdgeSE2* e = new OnlineEdgeSE2;
    e->vertices()[0] = v1;
    e->vertices()[1] = v2;

    if (doInit) {
      OptimizableGraph::Vertex* from = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(e->vertices()[0]);
      OptimizableGraph::Vertex* to   = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(e->vertices()[1]);
      switch (doInit){
        case 1: // initialize v1 from v2
            HyperGraph::VertexSet toSet;
            if (e->initialEstimatePossible(toSet, from) > 0.) {
              e->initialEstimate(toSet, from);
        case 2: 
            HyperGraph::VertexSet fromSet;
            if (e->initialEstimatePossible(fromSet, to) > 0.) {
              e->initialEstimate(fromSet, to);  
        default: cerr << "doInit wrong value\n"; 

  else if (dimension == 6) {

    Eigen::Isometry3d transf;
    Matrix<double, 6, 6> infMat;

    if (measurement.size() == 7) { // measurement is a Quaternion
      Vector7d meas;
      for (int i=0; i<7; ++i) 
        meas(i) = measurement[i];
      // normalize the quaternion to recover numerical precision lost by storing as human readable text
      transf = internal::fromVectorQT(meas);

      for (int i = 0, idx = 0; i < infMat.rows(); ++i)
        for (int j = i; j < infMat.cols(); ++j){
          infMat(i,j) = information[idx++];
          if (i != j)
    } else { // measurement consists of Euler angles
      Vector6d aux;
      aux << measurement[0], measurement[1], measurement[2],measurement[3], measurement[4], measurement[5];
      transf = internal::fromVectorET(aux);
      Matrix<double, 6, 6> infMatEuler;
      int idx = 0;
      for (int r = 0; r < 6; ++r)
        for (int c = r; c < 6; ++c, ++idx) {
          assert(idx < (int)information.size());
          infMatEuler(r,c) = infMatEuler(c,r) = information[idx];
      // convert information matrix to our internal representation
      Matrix<double, 6, 6> J;
      SE3Quat transfAsSe3(transf.matrix().topLeftCorner<3,3>(), transf.translation());
      jac_quat3_euler3(J, transfAsSe3);
      infMat.noalias() = J.transpose() * infMatEuler * J;
      //cerr << PVAR(transf.matrix()) << endl;
      //cerr << PVAR(infMat) << endl;

    int doInit = 0;
    SparseOptimizer::Vertex* v1 = _optimizer->vertex(v1Id);
    SparseOptimizer::Vertex* v2 = _optimizer->vertex(v2Id);
    if (! v1) {
      OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v = v1 = addVertex(dimension, v1Id);
      doInit = 1;

    if (! v2) {
      OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v = v2 = addVertex(dimension, v2Id);
      doInit = 2;

    if (_optimizer->edges().size() == 0) {
      cerr << "FIRST EDGE ";
      if (v1->id() < v2->id()) {
        cerr << "fixing " << v1->id() << endl;
      else {
        cerr << "fixing " << v2->id() << endl;

    OnlineEdgeSE3* e = new OnlineEdgeSE3;
    e->vertices()[0] = v1;
    e->vertices()[1] = v2;

    if (doInit) {
      OptimizableGraph::Vertex* from = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(e->vertices()[0]);
      OptimizableGraph::Vertex* to   = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(e->vertices()[1]);
      switch (doInit){
        case 1: // initialize v1 from v2
            HyperGraph::VertexSet toSet;
            if (e->initialEstimatePossible(toSet, from) > 0.) {
              e->initialEstimate(toSet, from);
        case 2: 
            HyperGraph::VertexSet fromSet;
            if (e->initialEstimatePossible(fromSet, to) > 0.) {
              e->initialEstimate(fromSet, to);  
        default: cerr << "doInit wrong value\n"; 

  else {
    cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " not implemented for this dimension" << endl;
    return false;

  if (oldEdgesSize == 0) {

  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/// The main loop
void run() {

	// Get the initial state and set the backup values
	Eigen::Vector2d curr (krang->amc->pos[0], krang->amc->pos[1]); 
	state0 << 0.0, 0.0, (curr(0) + curr(1)) / 2.0 + krang->imu, 0.0, 
		(curr(1) - curr(0)) / 2.0, 0.0;
	Eigen::Vector2d desiredBackVals = curr - Eigen::Vector2d(0.6, 0.6);
	// start some timers
	Vector6d state;	
	size_t c_ = 0;
	int balancedCounter = 0;
	struct timespec t_now, t_prev = aa_tm_now();
	vector <Eigen::VectorXd> data;
	Eigen::VectorXd visionData;
	step = STEP_VISION;
	while(!somatic_sig_received) {

		// Prepare for this loop 
		dbg = (c_++ % 20 == 0);
		if(dbg) cout << "\nstep: " << stepName(step) << endl;
		ctrlMode = stepCtrlModes[step];
		if(dbg) cout << "\nctrlMode: " << ctrlModeName(ctrlMode) << endl;
		// Update times
		t_now = aa_tm_now();						
		double dt = (double)aa_tm_timespec2sec(aa_tm_sub(t_now, t_prev));	
		t_prev = t_now;

		// Get the locomotion state 
		getState(state, dt); 
		if(dbg) DISPLAY_VECTOR(state);

		// Compute the torques based on the state and the mode
		double ul, ur;
		computeTorques(state, ul, ur);
		// Apply the torque
		double input [2] = {ul, ur};
		if(dbg) cout << "start: " << start << "\nu: {" << ul << ", " << ur << "}" << endl;
		if(!start) input[0] = input[1] = 0.0;
	//	if((step != STEP_BACKUP) && (step != STEP_REST))
	//		somatic_motor_cmd(&daemon_cx, krang->amc, SOMATIC__MOTOR_PARAM__MOTOR_CURRENT, input, 2,NULL);

		// Decide on what to do specifically for this step
		switch(step) {

			case STEP_BACKUP: {
				// Check if reached desired position
				Eigen::Vector2d curr (krang->amc->pos[0], krang->amc->pos[1]); 
				if(dbg) DISPLAY_VECTOR(curr);
				if(dbg) DISPLAY_VECTOR(desiredBackVals);
				if((curr(0) < desiredBackVals(0)) && (curr(1) < desiredBackVals(1))) {
					double u [] = {0.0, 0.0};
					somatic_motor_cmd(&daemon_cx, krang->amc, SOMATIC__MOTOR_PARAM__MOTOR_CURRENT, u, 2,NULL);
					state0(2) = (curr(0) + curr(1)) / 2.0 + krang->imu;
					state0(4) = (curr(1) - curr(0)) / 2.0;
					if(changePermission) {
						step = STEP_FIXARMS;
						changePermission = false;
					else if(dbg) cout << "\033[1;31mMoving the left arm to front pose. Ready?" << "?\033[0m\n" <<endl;
				else {
					// Go backward slowly 
					double u [] = {-10.5, -10.5};
					if(start) somatic_motor_cmd(&daemon_cx, krang->amc, SOMATIC__MOTOR_PARAM__MOTOR_CURRENT, u, 2,NULL);
			} break;

			case STEP_FIXARMS: {
				Vector7d goal;
			//	goal << 1.400, -1.000, 0.000, -0.800, 0.000, -0.800, 0.000;
//				goal << 1.083,  -1.000,   0.000,  -1.382,   0.007,   0.852,  -0.575;
				goal << 1.083,  -0.451,   0.074,  -1.999,   0.007,   0.852,  -0.575;
				somatic_motor_setpos(&daemon_cx, krang->arms[Krang::LEFT], goal.data(), 7);
				bool reached = true;
				for(size_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
					if(fabs(goal(i) - krang->arms[LEFT]->pos[i]) > 0.005) {
						reached = false;
				if(reached) {
					if(changePermission) {
						step = STEP_STANDUP;
						changePermission = false;
					else if(dbg) cout << "\033[1;31mReady to standup? " << "?\033[0m\n" << endl;
			} break;

			case STEP_STANDUP: {
				if(fabs(state(0)) < 0.064) balancedCounter++;	
				if((balancedCounter > 300)) {
					if(changePermission) {
						balancedCounter = 0;
						step = STEP_WAIST;
						changePermission = false;
					else if(dbg) cout << "\033[1;31mReady to move the waist? " << "?\033[0m\n" << endl;
			} break;
			case STEP_WAIST: {

				// Send a current value
				double current = -1.8;
				somatic_vector_set_data(waistDaemonCmd->data, &current, 1);
				int r = SOMATIC_PACK_SEND(krang->waistCmdChan, somatic__waist_cmd, waistDaemonCmd);
				if(ACH_OK != r) fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't send message: %s\n", 

				// Check for stop condition
				if(krang->waist->pos[0] < 2.26) {
					somatic_waist_cmd_set(waistDaemonCmd, SOMATIC__WAIST_MODE__STOP);
					int r = SOMATIC_PACK_SEND(krang->waistCmdChan, somatic__waist_cmd, waistDaemonCmd);
					if(ACH_OK != r) fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't send message: %s\n", 
					step = STEP_STABILIZE;
			} break;

				if(fabs(state(0)) < 0.064) balancedCounter++;	
				if(balancedCounter > 200) {
					if(changePermission) {
						balancedCounter = 0;
						step = STEP_VISION;
						changePermission = false;
					else if(dbg) cout << "\033[1;31mReady to start vision?" << "?\033[0m\n" << endl;
			} break;

			case STEP_VISION: {

				// Collect the data - make sure the cinder block is detected
				Eigen::VectorXd dataPoint (6);
				if(getVecData(chan, dataPoint)) {
					if(dataPoint(0) < 9.99) 
				if(dbg) DISPLAY_SCALAR(data.size());

				if(data.size() > 200) {
					visionData = analyzeKinectData(data, false);
					if(changePermission) {
						step = STEP_REACHOUT;
						changePermission = false;
					else if(dbg) {
						cout << "\033[1;31mReady to reach out? " << "?\033[0m\n" << endl;
			} break;

			case STEP_REACHOUT: {

				static bool reached = false;

				// Set the workspace direction
				Eigen::Vector3d handPos = 
				if(dbg) DISPLAY_VECTOR(handPos);
				Vector6d xdot = Vector6d::Zero();
				Eigen::Vector3d posErr = visionData.block<3,1>(0,0) - handPos;
				if(dbg) DISPLAY_VECTOR(visionData);

				if(dbg) DISPLAY_VECTOR(krang->fts[Krang::LEFT]->lastExternal);
				double magn = krang->fts[Krang::LEFT]->lastExternal.topLeftCorner<3,1>().norm();

				if(reached || posErr.norm() < 0.05 || (magn > 30)) {
					reached = true;
					cout << "Reached here" << endl;
					Vector7d zero = Vector7d::Zero();
					somatic_motor_setvel(&daemon_cx, krang->arms[Krang::LEFT], zero.data(), 7);
					if(changePermission) {
						step = STEP_GRASP;
						changePermission = false;
					else if(dbg) cout << "\033[1;31mReady to grasp? " << "?\033[0m\n" << endl;
				else xdot.block<3,1>(0,0) = posErr.normalized();

				// Nullspace: construct a qdot that the jacobian will bias toward using the nullspace
				Eigen::VectorXd q = robot->getConfig(*workspace->arm_ids);
				Krang::Vector7d nullspace_qdot_ref = (nullspace_q_ref - q).cwiseProduct(nullspace_q_mask);

				// Jacobian: compute the desired jointspace velocity from the inputs and sensors
				Eigen::VectorXd qdot_jacobian;
				workspace->refJSVelocity(xdot, nullspace_qdot_ref, qdot_jacobian);
				if(dbg) DISPLAY_VECTOR(qdot_jacobian);

				// Avoid joint limits
				Eigen::VectorXd qdot_avoid(7);
				Krang::computeQdotAvoidLimits(robot, *workspace->arm_ids, q, qdot_avoid);

				// Add qdots together to get the overall movement
				Eigen::VectorXd qdot_apply = qdot_avoid + qdot_jacobian;
				qdot_apply = qdot_apply.normalized() * 0.10;
				if(dbg) DISPLAY_VECTOR(qdot_apply);

				// And apply that to the arm
				if(!start) qdot_apply = Vector7d::Zero();
				somatic_motor_setvel(&daemon_cx, krang->arms[Krang::LEFT], qdot_apply.data(), 7);

			} break;

			case STEP_GRASP: {
				cout <<"hello world" << endl;
				system("echo 0.0 | sudo somatic_motor_cmd lgripper pos");
				step = STEP_PUSH;
				cout <<"hello world" << endl;
			} break;

			case STEP_PUSH: {

				Vector7d goal;
				goal = eig7(krang->arms[Krang::LEFT]->pos);
				goal(0) -= 2.5;
				somatic_motor_setpos(&daemon_cx, krang->arms[Krang::LEFT], goal.data(), 7);
				// Send a current value
				double current = 0.0;
				somatic_vector_set_data(waistDaemonCmd->data, &current, 1);
				int r = SOMATIC_PACK_SEND(krang->waistCmdChan, somatic__waist_cmd, waistDaemonCmd);
				if(ACH_OK != r) fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't send message: %s\n", 

				// Check for stop condition
				if(krang->waist->pos[0] > 2.85) {
					somatic_waist_cmd_set(waistDaemonCmd, SOMATIC__WAIST_MODE__STOP);
					int r = SOMATIC_PACK_SEND(krang->waistCmdChan, somatic__waist_cmd, waistDaemonCmd);
					if(ACH_OK != r) fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't send message: %s\n", 
					step = STEP_REST;

			} break;
			case STEP_REST: {
				double u [2] = {15, 15};
					somatic_motor_cmd(&daemon_cx, krang->amc, SOMATIC__MOTOR_PARAM__MOTOR_CURRENT, u, 2,NULL);
				if(krang->imu < -1.82) {
					u[0] = u[1] = 0.0;
					somatic_motor_cmd(&daemon_cx, krang->amc, SOMATIC__MOTOR_PARAM__MOTOR_CURRENT, u, 2,NULL);
			} break;

		// Update the locomotion mode