Ejemplo n.º 1
void AITurretShape::_trackTarget(F32 dt)
   // Only on server
   if (isClientObject())

   // We can only track a target if we have one
   if (!mTarget.isValid())

   Point3F targetPos = mTarget.target->getBoxCenter();

   // Can we see the target?
   MatrixF aimMat;
   Point3F start;
   aimMat.getColumn(3, &start);
   RayInfo ri;

   Point3F sightPoint;

   bool los = _testTargetLineOfSight(start, mTarget.target, sightPoint);

   if (!los)
      // Target is blocked.  Should we try to track from its last
      // known position and velocity?
      SimTime curTime = Sim::getCurrentTime();
      if ( (curTime - mTarget.lastSightTime) > (mDataBlock->trackLostTargetTime * 1000.0f) )
         // Time's up.  Stop tracking.
      // Use last known information to attempt to
      // continue to track target for a while.
      targetPos = mTarget.lastPos + mTarget.lastVel * F32(curTime - mTarget.lastSightTime) / 1000.0f;
      // Target is visible

      // We only track targets that are alive
      if (mTarget.target->getDamageState() != Enabled)
         // We can't track any more

      targetPos = sightPoint;

      // Store latest target info
      mTarget.lastPos = targetPos;
      mTarget.lastVel = mTarget.target->getVelocity();
      mTarget.lastSightTime = Sim::getCurrentTime();

   // Calculate angles to face the target, specifically the part that we can see
   VectorF toTarget;
   MatrixF mat;
   S32 node = mDataBlock->aimNode;
   if (node != -1)
      // Get the current position of our node
      MatrixF* nodeTrans = &mShapeInstance->mNodeTransforms[node];
      Point3F currentPos;
      nodeTrans->getColumn(3, &currentPos);

      // Turn this into a matrix we can use to put the target
      // position into our space.
      MatrixF nodeMat(true);
      nodeMat.setColumn(3, currentPos);
      mat.mul(mObjToWorld, nodeMat);
      mat = mWorldToObj;
   mat.mulP(targetPos, &toTarget);

   // lead the target
   F32 timeToTargetSquared = (mWeaponLeadVelocitySquared > 0) ? toTarget.lenSquared() / mWeaponLeadVelocitySquared : 0;
   if (timeToTargetSquared > 1.0)
      targetPos = targetPos + (mTarget.lastVel * mSqrt(timeToTargetSquared));
      mat.mulP(targetPos, &toTarget);

   F32 yaw, pitch;
   MathUtils::getAnglesFromVector(toTarget, yaw, pitch);
   if (yaw > M_PI_F)
      yaw = yaw - M_2PI_F;
   //if (pitch > M_PI_F)
   //   pitch = -(pitch - M_2PI_F);

   Point3F rot(-pitch, 0.0f, yaw);

   // If we have a rotation rate make sure we follow it
   if (mHeadingRate > 0)
      F32 rate = mHeadingRate * dt;
      F32 rateCheck = mFabs(rot.z - mRot.z);
      if (rateCheck > rate)
         // This will clamp the new value to the rate regardless if it
         // is increasing or decreasing.
         rot.z = mClampF(rot.z, mRot.z-rate, mRot.z+rate);
   if (mPitchRate > 0)
      F32 rate = mPitchRate * dt;
      F32 rateCheck = mFabs(rot.x - mRot.x);
      if (rateCheck > rate)
         // This will clamp the new value to the rate regardless if it
         // is increasing or decreasing.
         rot.x = mClampF(rot.x, mRot.x-rate, mRot.x+rate);

   // Test if the rotation to the target is outside of our limits
   if (_outsideLimits(rot))
      // We can't track any more

   // Test if the target is out of weapons range
   if (toTarget.lenSquared() > mWeaponRangeSquared)
      // We can't track any more

   mRot = rot;

   _setRotation( mRot );
Ejemplo n.º 2
/// Core rendering method for this control.
/// This method scans through all the current client ShapeBase objects.
/// If one is named, it displays the name and damage information for it.
/// Information is offset from the center of the object's bounding box,
/// unless the object is a PlayerObjectType, in which case the eye point
/// is used.
/// @param   updateRect   Extents of control.
void afxGuiTextHud::onRender( Point2I, const RectI &updateRect)
   // Background fill first
   if (mShowFill)
      GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill(updateRect, mFillColor.toColorI());

   // Must be in a TS Control
   GuiTSCtrl *parent = dynamic_cast<GuiTSCtrl*>(getParent());
   if (!parent) return;

   // Must have a connection and control object
   GameConnection* conn = GameConnection::getConnectionToServer();
   if (!conn)

   GameBase * control = dynamic_cast<GameBase*>(conn->getControlObject());
   if (!control)

   // Get control camera info
   MatrixF cam;
   Point3F camPos;
   VectorF camDir;
   cam.getColumn(3, &camPos);
   cam.getColumn(1, &camDir);

   F32 camFovCos;
   camFovCos = mCos(mDegToRad(camFovCos) / 2);

   // Visible distance info & name fading
   F32 visDistance = gClientSceneGraph->getVisibleDistance();
   F32 visDistanceSqr = visDistance * visDistance;
   F32 fadeDistance = visDistance * mDistanceFade;

   // Collision info. We're going to be running LOS tests and we
   // don't want to collide with the control object.
   static U32 losMask = TerrainObjectType | TerrainLikeObjectType | ShapeBaseObjectType;

   if (!mEnableControlObjectOcclusion)

   if (mLabelAllShapes)
     // This section works just like GuiShapeNameHud and renders labels for
     // all the shapes.

     // All ghosted objects are added to the server connection group,
     // so we can find all the shape base objects by iterating through
     // our current connection.
     for (SimSetIterator itr(conn); *itr; ++itr) 
       ///if ((*itr)->getTypeMask() & ShapeBaseObjectType) 
       ShapeBase* shape = dynamic_cast<ShapeBase*>(*itr);
       if ( shape ) {
         if (shape != control && shape->getShapeName()) 

           // Target pos to test, if it's a player run the LOS to his eye
           // point, otherwise we'll grab the generic box center.
           Point3F shapePos;
           if (shape->getTypeMask() & PlayerObjectType) 
             MatrixF eye;

             // Use the render eye transform, otherwise we'll see jittering
             eye.getColumn(3, &shapePos);
             // Use the render transform instead of the box center
             // otherwise it'll jitter.
             MatrixF srtMat = shape->getRenderTransform();
             srtMat.getColumn(3, &shapePos);

           VectorF shapeDir = shapePos - camPos;

           // Test to see if it's in range
           F32 shapeDist = shapeDir.lenSquared();
           if (shapeDist == 0 || shapeDist > visDistanceSqr)
           shapeDist = mSqrt(shapeDist);

           // Test to see if it's within our viewcone, this test doesn't
           // actually match the viewport very well, should consider
           // projection and box test.
           F32 dot = mDot(shapeDir, camDir);
           if (dot < camFovCos)

           // Test to see if it's behind something, and we want to
           // ignore anything it's mounted on when we run the LOS.
           RayInfo info;
           SceneObject *mount = shape->getObjectMount();
           if (mount)
           bool los = !gClientContainer.castRay(camPos, shapePos,losMask, &info);
           if (mount)

           if (!los)

           // Project the shape pos into screen space and calculate
           // the distance opacity used to fade the labels into the
           // distance.
           Point3F projPnt;
           shapePos.z += mVerticalOffset;
           if (!parent->project(shapePos, &projPnt))
           F32 opacity = (shapeDist < fadeDistance)? 1.0:
             1.0 - (shapeDist - fadeDistance) / (visDistance - fadeDistance);

           // Render the shape's name
           drawName(Point2I((S32)projPnt.x, (S32)projPnt.y),shape->getShapeName(),opacity);

   // This section renders all text added by afxGuiText effects.
   for (S32 i = 0; i < text_items.size(); i++)
     HudTextSpec* spec = &text_items[i];
     if (spec->text && spec->text[0] != '\0') 
       VectorF shapeDir = spec->pos - camPos;

       // do range test
       F32 shapeDist = shapeDir.lenSquared();
       if (shapeDist == 0 || shapeDist > visDistanceSqr)
       shapeDist = mSqrt(shapeDist);

       // Test to see if it's within our viewcone, this test doesn't
       // actually match the viewport very well, should consider
       // projection and box test.
       F32 dot = mDot(shapeDir, camDir);
       if (dot < camFovCos)

       // Test to see if it's behind something, and we want to
       // ignore anything it's mounted on when we run the LOS.
       RayInfo info;
       if (spec->obj)
       bool los = !gClientContainer.castRay(camPos, spec->pos, losMask, &info);
       if (spec->obj)
       if (!los)

       // Project the shape pos into screen space.
       Point3F projPnt;
       if (!parent->project(spec->pos, &projPnt))

       // Calculate the distance opacity used to fade text into the distance.
       F32 opacity = (shapeDist < fadeDistance)? 1.0 : 1.0 - (shapeDist - fadeDistance) / (25.0f);
       if (opacity > 0.01f)
        drawName(Point2I((S32)projPnt.x, (S32)projPnt.y), spec->text, opacity, &spec->text_clr);

   // Restore control object collision
   if (!mEnableControlObjectOcclusion)

   // Border last
   if (mShowFrame)
      GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRect(updateRect, mFrameColor.toColorI());
