Ejemplo n.º 1
 ///functor:  Run composition itself, separate from load times (e.g. which may include an fst expansion).
 VectorFst<Arc> * operator() () {
   if (!fst_.NumStates() ) {
     LWARN ("Empty lattice. ... Skipping LM application!");
     return NULL;
   while ( qc_.size() ) {
     StateId s = qc_.front();
     pair<StateId, const typename KenLMModelT::State> p = get ( s );
     StateId& s1 = p.first;
     const typename KenLMModelT::State s2 = p.second;
     for ( ArcIterator< VectorFst<Arc> > arc1 ( fst_, s1 ); !arc1.Done();
           arc1.Next() ) {
       const Arc& a1 = arc1.Value();
       float w = 0;
       float wp = wp_;
       typename KenLMModelT::State nextlmstate;
       if ( epsilons_.find ( a1.olabel ) == epsilons_.end() ) {
         w = lmmodel_.Score ( s2, idbridge_.map (a1.olabel), nextlmstate ) * natlog10_;
         //silly hack
         if ( a1.olabel <= 2  )  {
           wp = 0;
           if (a1.olabel == 1 ) w = 0; //get same result as srilm
       } else {
         nextlmstate = s2;
         wp = 0; //We don't count epsilon labels
       pair<StateId, bool> nextp = add ( nextlmstate
                                         , a1.nextstate
                                         , fst_.Final ( a1.nextstate ) );
       StateId& newstate = nextp.first;
       bool visited = nextp.second;
       composed_->AddArc ( s
                           , Arc ( a1.ilabel, a1.olabel
                                   , Times ( a1.weight, Times (mw_ ( w ) , mw_ (wp) ) )
                                   , newstate ) );
       //Finally, only add newstate to the queue if it hasn't been visited previously
       if ( !visited ) {
         qc_.push ( newstate );
   LINFO ( "Done! Number of states=" << composed_->NumStates() );
   return composed_;
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Constructor. Initializes on-the-fly composition with a language model.
   * \param fst         Machine you want to apply the language to. Pass a delayed machine if you can, as it will expand it in constructor.
   * \param model       A KenLM language model
   * \param epsilons    List of words to work as epsilons
   * \param natlog      Use or not natural logs
   * \param lmscale      Language model scale
  ApplyLanguageModelOnTheFly ( const Fst<Arc>& fst,
                               KenLMModelT& model,
                               unordered_set<Label>& epsilons,
                               google::dense_hash_set<Label>& epsilons,
                               bool natlog,
                               float lmscale ,
                               float lmwp,
                               const IdBridgeT& idbridge
                             ) :
    composed_ ( NULL ) ,
    natlog10_ ( natlog ? -lmscale* ::log ( 10.0 ) : -lmscale ),
    fst_ ( fst ),
    lmmodel_ ( model ),
    vocab_ ( model.GetVocabulary() ),
    wp_ ( lmwp ) ,
    epsilons_ ( epsilons ) ,
    history ( model.Order(), 0),
    idbridge_ (idbridge) {
    stateexistence_.set_empty_key ( numeric_limits<ull>::max() );
    statemap_.set_empty_key ( numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() );
    basic_string<unsigned> aux (KENLM_MAX_ORDER, numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() );
    seenlmstates_.set_empty_key ( aux );
    buffersize = ( model.Order() - 1 ) * sizeof ( unsigned int );
    buffer = const_cast<unsigned *> ( history.c_str() );
    if (!fst_.NumStates() )  {
      LWARN ("Empty lattice");
    composed_ = new VectorFst<Arc>;
    typename KenLMModelT::State bs = model.NullContextState();
    ///Initialize with first state
    pair<StateId, bool> nextp = add ( bs, fst_.Start(),
                                      fst_.Final ( fst_.Start() ) );
    qc_.push ( nextp.first );
    composed_->SetStart ( nextp.first );