Ejemplo n.º 1
void  DataBaseServer::ParseParameterStr (const  KKStr&  parameterStr)
  VectorKKStr  parameterPairs = parameterStr.Split ("\t");

  VectorKKStr::iterator  idx;
  for  (idx = parameterPairs.begin ();  idx != parameterPairs.end ();  idx++)
    VectorKKStr  fields = (*idx).Split (":=");   // Split by either ':'  or  '='
    if  (fields.size () < 2)
      // Should be two fields;  line must be malformed.

    KKStr  parameterName = fields[0].ToUpper ();

    if      ((parameterName == "EMBEDDED")      ||  (parameterName == "EMB")       ||  (parameterName == "E"))   embedded     = fields[1].ToBool ();
    else if ((parameterName == "MYSQLDATADIR")  ||  (parameterName == "MYSQL")     ||  (parameterName == "MDD")) mySqlDataDir = fields[1];
    else if ((parameterName == "DESCRIPTION")   ||  (parameterName == "DESC")      ||  (parameterName == "D"))   description  = fields[1];
    else if ((parameterName == "HOSTNAME")      ||  (parameterName == "HOST")      ||  (parameterName == "H"))   hostName     = fields[1];
    else if ((parameterName == "USERNAME")      ||  (parameterName == "USER")      ||  (parameterName == "U"))   userName     = fields[1];
    else if ((parameterName == "PASSWORD")      ||  (parameterName == "PW")        ||  (parameterName == "P"))   passWord     = fields[1];
    else if ((parameterName == "PORTNUM")       ||  (parameterName == "PN"))                                     portNum      = fields[1].ToUint32 ();
    else if ((parameterName == "DATABASENAME")  ||  (parameterName == "DATABASE")  ||  (parameterName == "DB"))  dataBaseName = fields[1];

  if  (description.EqualIgnoreCase ("Embedded"))
    embedded = true;
}  /* ParseParameterStr */
bool  FileInStack (const KKStr&       cmdFileName, 
                   const VectorKKStr& cmdFileStack
  VectorKKStr::const_iterator  idx;
  for  (idx = cmdFileStack.begin ();  idx != cmdFileStack.end ();  idx++)
    if  (*idx == cmdFileName)
      return true;
  return  false;

}  /* FileInStack */
void   AbundanceCorrectionStatsBuilder::Main ()
  if  (Abort ())

  if  (reportFileName.Empty ())
    DateTime  d = osGetLocalDateTime ();
    KKStr  reportDir = osAddSlash (SipperVariables::PicesReportDir ()) + "AbundanceAdjustments";
    osCreateDirectoryPath (reportDir);
    if  (configFileName.Empty ())
      reportFileName = osAddSlash (reportDir) + "NoConfigFile" + "_" + d.YYYYMMDDHHMMSS () + ".txt";
      reportFileName = osAddSlash (reportDir) + osGetRootName (configFileName) + "_" + d.YYYYMMDDHHMMSS () + ".txt";
  report = new ofstream (reportFileName.Str ());
  PrintComandLineParameters ();

  if  (configFileName.Empty ())
    log.Level (-1) << endl << endl 
      << "AbundanceCorrectionStatsBuilder::Main   ***ERROR***    Configuration File was not specified." << endl
      << endl;
    Abort (true);
    *report << endl << "*** NO CONFIGURATION FILE SPECIFIED ***" << endl << endl;

  delete  config;
  config = new TrainingConfiguration2 (fileDesc, 
                                       true    /**<  'true' = validateDirectories. */

  if  (!config->FormatGood ())
    log.Level (-1) << endl
      << "AbundanceCorrectionStatsBuilder::Main   Config[" << configFileName << "] has invalid format." << endl
      << endl;

    VectorKKStr  errors = config->FormatErrorsWithLineNumbers ();
    VectorKKStr::const_iterator  idx;
    log.Level (-1) << endl;
    for  (idx = errors.begin ();  idx != errors.end ();  ++idx)
      log.Level (-1) << (*idx) << endl;
    log.Level (-1) << endl << endl;

    *report << endl << endl << "***   Configuratiuon file[" << configFileName << " contains formatting errors." << endl << endl;

    config->PrintFormatErrors (*report);


  bool      changesMadeToTrainingLibraries = false;
  bool      cancelFlag = false;
  DateTime  latestImageTimeStamp;

  delete  trainLibData;
  trainLibData = config->LoadFeatureDataFromTrainingLibraries (latestImageTimeStamp, changesMadeToTrainingLibraries, cancelFlag);
  if  (!trainLibData)
    log.Level (-1) << endl
      << "AbundanceCorrectionStatsBuilder::Main   ***ERROR***    No training data was loaded." << endl
      << endl;

    *report << endl << "*** Failed to load training data ***" << endl;

  otherClass = config->OtherClass ();
  if  (!otherClass)
    otherClass = MLClass::CreateNewMLClass ("Other", -1);

  configClasses = config->ExtractClassList ();
  configClasses->SortByName ();
  if  (configClasses->PtrToIdx (otherClass) >= 0)
    log.Level (-1) << endl
      << "AbundanceCorrectionStatsBuilder::Main   ***ERROR***   OtherClass[" << otherClass->Name () << "] is specified as a Training Class; it must be swepcified separatly." << endl
      << endl;
    *report << endl << "*** Failed to load other class data ***" << endl;

  trainLibDataClasses = trainLibData->ExtractMLClassConstList ();
  trainLibDataClasses->SortByName ();

  if  ((*configClasses) != (*trainLibDataClasses))
    Abort (true);
    log.Level (-1) << endl 
      << "AbundanceCorrectionStatsBuilder::Main   ***ERROR***   Class make up of training data does not correspond to configuration file." << endl
      << endl;

    *report << endl << "*** Training data contains different classes that Confg File  ***" << endl;

  allClasses = new MLClassConstList (*trainLibDataClasses);
  allClasses->PushOnBack (otherClass);

  otherClassData = config->LoadOtherClasssExamples ();
  if  ((!otherClassData)  ||  (otherClassData->QueueSize () < 1))
    Abort (true);
    log.Level (-1) << endl 
      << "AbundanceCorrectionStatsBuilder::Main   ***ERROR***   No Other[" << otherClass->Name () << "] class examples found in training library." << endl
      << endl;

    *report << endl << "***  No other class data loaded. ***" << endl;

  PrintStartStatistics ();

  RemoveDuplicateImages ();

  normalizationParms = new NormalizationParms (config, *trainLibData, log);
  normalizationParms->NormalizeImages (trainLibData);
  normalizationParms->NormalizeImages (otherClassData);

  CreateInitialThreadInstaces ();

  ManageThreads ();

  if  (oneOrMoreThreadsCrashed)
    GenerateCrashReport ();
    GenerateReportAndStats ();
}  /* Main */