VideoFrame VideoDecoderContext::decodeVideo(OptionalErrorCode ec, const Packet &packet, size_t offset, size_t *decodedBytes, bool autoAllocateFrame) { clear_if(ec); VideoFrame outFrame; if (!autoAllocateFrame) { outFrame = {pixelFormat(), width(), height(), 32}; if (!outFrame.isValid()) { throws_if(ec, Errors::FrameInvalid); return VideoFrame(); } } int gotFrame = 0; auto st = decodeCommon(outFrame, packet, offset, gotFrame, avcodec_decode_video_legacy); if (get<1>(st)) { throws_if(ec, get<0>(st), *get<1>(st)); return VideoFrame(); } if (!gotFrame) return VideoFrame(); outFrame.setPictureType(AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I); if (decodedBytes) *decodedBytes = get<0>(st); return outFrame; }
VideoFrame VideoFrame::newVideoFrame(VideoFrame videoFrame){ if(>createdTexPixels){ return newVideoFrame(videoFrame.getPixelsRef()); }else{ return newVideoFrame(videoFrame.getFboRef()); } }
void VideoBuffers::CheckDecodedFrames(void) { QMutexLocker locker(m_lock); QList<VideoFrame*> recovered; QList<VideoFrame*>::iterator it = m_reference.begin(); for ( ; it != m_reference.end(); ++it) if (!m_decoded.contains((*it))) recovered.append((*it)); while (!recovered.isEmpty()) { VideoFrame* frame = recovered.takeFirst(); m_reference.removeOne(frame); if (frame->Discard()) { delete frame; m_frameCount--; } else { m_unused.append(frame); } } }
void tryGraph() { if (type != Graph || !graph.initialize(option, in->format().size(), in->format().imgfmt()) || !graph.push(in->mpi())) return; while (auto out = graph.pull()) push(out); }
bool VideoEncoderX264or5::doProcessFrame(Frame *org, Frame *dst) { if (!(org && dst)) { utils::errorMsg("Error encoding video frame: org or dst are NULL"); return false; } VideoFrame* rawFrame = dynamic_cast<VideoFrame*> (org); VideoFrame* codedFrame = dynamic_cast<VideoFrame*> (dst); if (!rawFrame || !codedFrame) { utils::errorMsg("Error encoding video frame: org and dst MUST be VideoFrame"); return false; } if (!reconfigure(rawFrame, codedFrame)) { utils::errorMsg("Error encoding video frame: reconfigure failed"); return false; } if (!fill_x264or5_picture(rawFrame)){ utils::errorMsg("Could not fill x264_picture_t from frame"); return false; } if (!encodeFrame(codedFrame)) { utils::errorMsg("Could not encode video frame"); return false; } codedFrame->setSize(rawFrame->getWidth(), rawFrame->getHeight()); return true; }
void DiscardDeint::filter(QQueue< FrameBuffer > &framesQueue) { int insertAt = addFramesToDeinterlace(framesQueue); while (!internalQueue.isEmpty()) { FrameBuffer dequeued = internalQueue.dequeue(); VideoFrame *videoFrame = VideoFrame::fromData(; const bool TFF = isTopFieldFirst(videoFrame); videoFrame->setNoInterlaced(); for (int p = 0; p < 3; ++p) { const int linesize = videoFrame->linesize[p]; quint8 *src = videoFrame->data[p]; quint8 *dst = videoFrame->data[p]; const int lines = (p ? h >> 2 : h >> 1) - 1; if (!TFF) { memcpy(dst, src + linesize, linesize); src += linesize; dst += linesize; } dst += linesize; src += linesize; for (int i = 0; i < lines; ++i) { VideoFilters::averageTwoLines(dst, src - linesize, src + linesize, linesize); src += linesize << 1; dst += linesize << 1; } if (TFF) memcpy(dst, src - linesize, linesize); } framesQueue.insert(insertAt++, dequeued); } }
void VideoRenderer::drawNextFrame(){ VideoFrame * frame = source->getNextVideoFrame(); if(frame!=NULL){ frame->getTextureRef().draw(0,0); frame->release(); } }
void Window::render(const VideoFrame& frame) { LogDebug("Rendering frame " << frame.getId()); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glEnableVertexAttribArray(0); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer); glVertexAttribPointer(0, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, (void*) 0); glEnableVertexAttribArray(1); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, uvBuffer); glVertexAttribPointer(1, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, (void*) 0); // TODO: consider linesize padding here // TODO: use glTexSubImage2D for more performance glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RED, frame.getWidth(), frame.getHeight(), 0, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, frame.getLumaData()); glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (void*) 0); glDisableVertexAttribArray(1); glDisableVertexAttribArray(0); glfwSwapBuffers(glfwWindow); }
bool VaApiMixer::upload(const VideoFrame &frame, bool deint) { if (!m_glSurface) return false; static const int specs[MP_CSP_COUNT] = { 0, //MP_CSP_AUTO, VA_SRC_BT601, //MP_CSP_BT_601, VA_SRC_BT709, //MP_CSP_BT_709, VA_SRC_SMPTE_240, //MP_CSP_SMPTE_240M, 0, //MP_CSP_RGB, 0, //MP_CSP_XYZ, 0, //MP_CSP_YCGCO, }; static const int field[] = { // Picture = 0, Top = 1, Bottom = 2 VA_FRAME_PICTURE, VA_TOP_FIELD, VA_BOTTOM_FIELD, VA_FRAME_PICTURE }; const auto id = (VASurfaceID)(quintptr); int flags = specs[frame.format().colorspace()]; if (deint) flags |= field[frame.field() & VideoFrame::Interlaced]; if (!check(vaCopySurfaceGLX(VaApi::glx(), m_glSurface, id, flags), "Cannot copy OpenGL surface.")) return false; if (!check(vaSyncSurface(VaApi::glx(), id), "Cannot sync video surface.")) return false; return true; }
bool QPainterRenderer::preparePixmap(const VideoFrame &frame) { DPTR_D(QPainterRenderer); // already locked in a larger scope of receive() QImage::Format imgfmt = frame.imageFormat(); if (frame.constBits(0)) { d.video_frame = frame; } else { if (imgfmt == QImage::Format_Invalid) { d.video_frame =; imgfmt = d.video_frame.imageFormat(); } else { d.video_frame =; } } const bool swapRGB = (int)imgfmt < 0; if (swapRGB) { imgfmt = (QImage::Format)(-imgfmt); } // DO NOT use frameData().data() because it's temp ptr while d.image does not deep copy the data QImage image = QImage((uchar*)d.video_frame.constBits(), d.video_frame.width(), d.video_frame.height(), d.video_frame.bytesPerLine(), imgfmt); if (swapRGB) image = image.rgbSwapped(); d.pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(image); //Format_RGB32 is fast. see document return true; }
void avLooperRenderer::draw(int x,int y,int w,int h) { // audio -> video Sync !! ////////////////////////// // 1 //VideoFrame * frame = vHeader.getVideoFrame(int(float(aHeader2.getIndex())/float(aBuffer->sizeInSamples()))*vBuffer->getMaxSize()); //printf("index %d of size %d = %d\n",aHeader2.getIndex(),aBuffer->sizeInSamples(),int(float(aHeader2.getIndex())/float(aBuffer->sizeInSamples()))*vBuffer->getMaxSize()); // 2 float delayToVideo = (float(aHeader2.getIndex()) / float(audioSampleRate)) * 1000.0; vHeader.setDelayMs(float(maximumSizeInMs)-delayToVideo-float(videoOffsetInMs)); //printf("avR ::DELAY is = %f || maxSize %d delayToVideo in ms = %f / index %d\n",float(maximumSizeInMs)-delayToVideo-float(videoOffsetInMs),maximumSizeInMs,delayToVideo,aHeader2.getIndex()); //printf("AVLR:: videoDelayMs :: %f \n",float(maximumSizeInMs)-delayToVideo-float(videoOffsetInMs)); VideoFrame frame = vHeader.getNextVideoFrame(); if(frame!=NULL){ // draw the frame texture to screen ofSetColor(vHeader.getOpacity(),vHeader.getOpacity(),vHeader.getOpacity()); frame.getTextureRef().draw(x,y,w,h); } // draw av header interfaces aBuffer->draw(); vBuffer->draw(); vHeader.draw(); aHeader2.draw(); ofSetColor(255,255,255); }
void VideoReader::init() { // analyse InputFile avtranscoder::NoDisplayProgress p; _inputFile->analyse( p ); _streamProperties = &_inputFile->getProperties().getStreamPropertiesWithIndex(_streamIndex); _videoStreamProperties = static_cast<const VideoProperties*>(_streamProperties); _inputFile->activateStream( _streamIndex ); // setup decoder _decoder = new VideoDecoder( _inputFile->getStream( _streamIndex ) ); _decoder->setupDecoder(); // create src frame _srcFrame = new VideoFrame( _inputFile->getStream( _streamIndex ).getVideoCodec().getVideoFrameDesc() ); VideoFrame* srcFrame = static_cast<VideoFrame*>(_srcFrame); // create dst frame if( _width == 0 ) _width = srcFrame->desc().getWidth(); if( _height == 0 ) _height = srcFrame->desc().getHeight(); VideoFrameDesc videoFrameDescToDisplay( _width, _height, getPixelFormat() ); _dstFrame = new VideoFrame( videoFrameDescToDisplay ); // create transform _transform = new VideoTransform(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); FrameReader r; r.setMedia(a.arguments().last()); QQueue<qint64> t; int count = 0; qint64 t0 = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); while (r.readMore()) { while (r.hasEnoughVideoFrames()) { const VideoFrame f = r.getVideoFrame(); //TODO: if eof if (!f) continue; count++; //r.readMore(); const qint64 now = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); const qint64 dt = now - t0; t.enqueue(now); printf("decode @%.3f count: %d, elapsed: %lld, fps: %.1f/%.1f\r", f.timestamp(), count, dt, count*1000.0/dt, t.size()*1000.0/(now - t.first()));fflush(0); if (t.size() > 10) t.dequeue(); } } while (r.hasVideoFrame()) { const VideoFrame f = r.getVideoFrame(); qDebug("pts: %.3f", f.timestamp()); } qDebug("read done"); return 0; }
void ShmHolder::renderFrame(VideoFrame& src) noexcept { const auto width = src.width(); const auto height = src.height(); const auto format = VIDEO_PIXFMT_BGRA; const auto frameSize = videoFrameSize(format, width, height); if (!resizeArea(frameSize)) { RING_ERR("ShmHolder[%s]: could not resize area", openedName_.c_str()); return; } { VideoFrame dst; VideoScaler scaler; dst.setFromMemory(area_->data + area_->writeOffset, format, width, height); scaler.scale(src, dst); } { SemGuardLock lk {area_->mutex}; ++area_->frameGen; std::swap(area_->readOffset, area_->writeOffset); ::sem_post(&area_->frameGenMutex); } }
void VideoBuffer::pushNewVideoFrame(VideoFrame & frame){ int64_t time = frame.getTimestamp().epochMicroseconds(); if(microsOneSec==-1) microsOneSec=time; framesOneSec++; int64_t diff = time-microsOneSec; if(diff>=1000000){ realFps = double(framesOneSec*1000000.)/double(diff); framesOneSec = 0; microsOneSec = time-(diff-1000000); } totalFrames++; if(size()==0)initTime=frame.getTimestamp(); //timeMutex.lock(); if (size() >= maxSize) { // THIS LINE IS GIVING ME CRASHES SOMETIMES ..... SERIOUS WTF : if i dont see this happen again its fixed frames[ofClamp(framePos, 0, size()-1)] = frame; // Here we use the framePos variable to specify where new frames // should be stored in the video buffer instead of using the vector push_back call. } else if (size() < maxSize) { frames.push_back(frame); } while(size() > maxSize){ frames.erase(frames.begin()+framePos); } }
void tryPostProc() { if (type != PP || !pp.initialize(option, in->format().size(), in->format().imgfmt())) return; const bool topFirst = in->mpi()->fields & MP_IMGFIELD_TOP_FIRST; push(topFirst ? topField() : bottomField()); if (deint.doubler) push(!topFirst ? topField() : bottomField()); }
void FileGrabber::update(){ ofVideoPlayer::update(); if(isFrameNew()){ VideoFrame * frame = getNextVideoFrame(); newFrameEvent.notify(this,*frame); frame->release(); } }
void push(mp_image *mpi) { mpi->colorspace = in->format().colorspace(); mpi->levels = in->format().range(); mpi->display_w = in->format().displaySize().width(); mpi->display_h = in->format().displaySize().height(); mpi->pts = p->nextPTS(); queue->push_back(VideoFrame(true, mpi, in->field())); ++pushed; }
VideoFrame VideoDecoderVDA::frame() { DPTR_D(VideoDecoderVDA); CVPixelBufferRef cv_buffer = (CVPixelBufferRef)d.frame->data[3]; if (!cv_buffer) { qDebug("Frame buffer is empty."); return VideoFrame(); } if (CVPixelBufferGetDataSize(cv_buffer) <= 0) { qDebug("Empty frame buffer"); return VideoFrame(); } VideoFormat::PixelFormat pixfmt = format_from_cv(CVPixelBufferGetPixelFormatType(cv_buffer)); if (pixfmt == VideoFormat::Format_Invalid) { qWarning("unsupported vda pixel format: %#x", CVPixelBufferGetPixelFormatType(cv_buffer)); return VideoFrame(); } // we can map the cv buffer addresses to video frame in SurfaceInteropCVBuffer. (may need VideoSurfaceInterop::mapToTexture() class SurfaceInteropCVBuffer Q_DECL_FINAL: public VideoSurfaceInterop { bool glinterop; CVPixelBufferRef cvbuf; // keep ref until video frame is destroyed public: SurfaceInteropCVBuffer(CVPixelBufferRef cv, bool gl) : glinterop(gl), cvbuf(cv) { //CVPixelBufferRetain(cvbuf); } ~SurfaceInteropCVBuffer() { CVPixelBufferRelease(cvbuf); } void* mapToHost(const VideoFormat &format, void *handle, int plane) { Q_UNUSED(plane); CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(cvbuf, 0); const VideoFormat fmt(format_from_cv(CVPixelBufferGetPixelFormatType(cvbuf))); if (!fmt.isValid()) { CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(cvbuf, 0); return NULL; } const int w = CVPixelBufferGetWidth(cvbuf); const int h = CVPixelBufferGetHeight(cvbuf); uint8_t *src[3]; int pitch[3]; for (int i = 0; i <fmt.planeCount(); ++i) { // get address results in internal copy src[i] = (uint8_t*)CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddressOfPlane(cvbuf, i); pitch[i] = CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRowOfPlane(cvbuf, i); } CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(cvbuf, 0); //CVPixelBufferRelease(cv_buffer); // release when video frame is destroyed VideoFrame frame(VideoFrame::fromGPU(fmt, w, h, h, src, pitch)); if (fmt != format) frame =; VideoFrame *f = reinterpret_cast<VideoFrame*>(handle); frame.setTimestamp(f->timestamp()); frame.setDisplayAspectRatio(f->displayAspectRatio()); *f = frame; return f; }
void VideoFrame::doDeepCopy(const VideoFrame &frame) { d.detach(); Q_ASSERT(d->format == frame.format()); auto p = d->; for (int i=0; i<d->format.planes(); ++i) { const int len = d->format.bytesPerPlain(i); memcpy(p,, len); p += len; } }
void printHash(const VideoFrame& frame, const std::string& imgname, const std::string& imgtype) { const uint32 h = jenkinshash(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(frame.getBuffer()), frame.getBufSize(), 0); this->doPrintHash(h, imgname, imgtype); }
// ###################################################################### bool operator==(const GenericFrame& f1, const GenericFrame& f2) { if (f1.nativeType() == f2.nativeType()) { switch (f1.nativeType()) { case GenericFrame::NONE: return true; case GenericFrame::RGB_U8: return f1.asRgbU8() == f2.asRgbU8(); case GenericFrame::RGBD: return ((f1.asRgbU8() == f2.asRgbU8()) && (f1.asGrayU16() == f2.asGrayU16())); case GenericFrame::RGB_F32: return f1.asRgbF32() == f2.asRgbF32(); case GenericFrame::GRAY_U8: return f1.asGrayU8() == f2.asGrayU8(); case GenericFrame::GRAY_F32: return f1.asGrayF32() == f2.asGrayF32(); case GenericFrame::VIDEO: { const VideoFrame v1 = f1.asVideo(); const VideoFrame v2 = f2.asVideo(); if (v1.getMode() == v2.getMode()) return std::equal(v1.getBuffer(), v1.getBuffer() + v1.getBufSize(), v2.getBuffer()); else return v1.toRgb() == v2.toRgb(); } case GenericFrame::RGB_U16: return f1.asRgbU16() == f2.asRgbU16(); case GenericFrame::GRAY_U16: return f1.asGrayU16() == f2.asGrayU16(); } } return f1.asRgbF32() == f2.asRgbF32(); }
void avLooperRenderer::draw() { VideoFrame frame = vHeader.getNextVideoFrame(); if(frame!=NULL){ // draw the frame texture to screen frame.getTextureRef().draw(0,0); } // draw av header interfaces vHeader.draw(); aHeader2.draw(); }
VideoFrame VideoFrame::to(const VideoFormat &fmt, const QSize& dstSize, const QRectF& roi) const { if (!isValid() || !constBits(0)) {// hw surface. map to host. only supports rgb packed formats now Q_D(const VideoFrame); const QVariant v = d->metadata.value(QStringLiteral("surface_interop")); if (!v.isValid()) return VideoFrame(); VideoSurfaceInteropPtr si = v.value<VideoSurfaceInteropPtr>(); if (!si) return VideoFrame(); VideoFrame f; f.setDisplayAspectRatio(displayAspectRatio()); f.setTimestamp(timestamp()); if (si->map(HostMemorySurface, fmt, &f)) { if ((!dstSize.isValid() ||dstSize == QSize(width(), height())) && (!roi.isValid() || roi == QRectF(0, 0, width(), height()))) //roi is not supported now return f; return, dstSize, roi); } return VideoFrame(); } const int w = dstSize.width() > 0 ? dstSize.width() : width(); const int h = dstSize.height() > 0 ? dstSize.height() : height(); if (fmt.pixelFormatFFmpeg() == pixelFormatFFmpeg() && w == width() && h == height() // TODO: roi check. ) return *this; Q_D(const VideoFrame); ImageConverterSWS conv; conv.setInFormat(pixelFormatFFmpeg()); conv.setOutFormat(fmt.pixelFormatFFmpeg()); conv.setInSize(width(), height()); conv.setOutSize(w, h); conv.setInRange(colorRange()); if (!conv.convert(d->planes.constData(), d->line_sizes.constData())) { qWarning() << "VideoFrame::to error: " << format() << "=>" << fmt; return VideoFrame(); } VideoFrame f(w, h, fmt, conv.outData()); f.setBits(conv.outPlanes()); f.setBytesPerLine(conv.outLineSizes()); if (fmt.isRGB()) { f.setColorSpace(fmt.isPlanar() ? ColorSpace_GBR : ColorSpace_RGB); } else { f.setColorSpace(ColorSpace_Unknown); } // TODO: color range f.setTimestamp(timestamp()); f.setDisplayAspectRatio(displayAspectRatio()); f.d_ptr->metadata = d->metadata; // need metadata? return f; }
void VideoBuffer::setup(VideoSource & source, int size, bool allocateOnSetup){ this->source=&source; totalFrames=0; maxSize = size; if(allocateOnSetup){ for(int i=0;i<size;i++){ VideoFrame videoFrame = VideoFrame::newVideoFrame(source.getNextVideoFrame().getPixelsRef()); videoFrame.getTextureRef(); newVideoFrame(videoFrame); } } resume(); microsOneSec=-1; }
void SinkClient::update(Observable<std::shared_ptr<VideoFrame>>* /*obs*/, const std::shared_ptr<VideoFrame>& frame_p) { auto& f = *frame_p; #ifdef DEBUG_FPS auto currentTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); const std::chrono::duration<double> seconds = currentTime - lastFrameDebug_; ++frameCount_; if (seconds.count() > 1) { std::ostringstream fps; fps << frameCount_ / seconds.count(); // Send the framerate in smartInfo Smartools::getInstance().setFrameRate(id_, fps.str()); frameCount_ = 0; lastFrameDebug_ = currentTime; } #endif #if HAVE_SHM // Send the resolution in smartInfo Smartools::getInstance().setResolution(id_, f.width(), f.height()); shm_->renderFrame(f); #endif if (target_.pull) { VideoFrame dst; VideoScaler scaler; const int width = f.width(); const int height = f.height(); #if (defined(__ANDROID__) || defined(__APPLE__)) const int format = VIDEO_PIXFMT_RGBA; #else const int format = VIDEO_PIXFMT_BGRA; #endif const auto bytes = videoFrameSize(format, width, height); if (bytes > 0) { if (auto buffer_ptr = target_.pull(bytes)) { buffer_ptr->format = libav_utils::libav_pixel_format(format); buffer_ptr->width = width; buffer_ptr->height = height; dst.setFromMemory(buffer_ptr->ptr, format, width, height); scaler_->scale(f, dst); target_.push(std::move(buffer_ptr)); } } } }
int VideoDecoder::GetAVBuffer(AVCodecContext *Context, AVFrame *Frame) { VideoFrame *frame = m_videoParent->GetBuffers()->GetFrameForDecoding(); if (!frame) return -1; if (Context->width != frame->m_rawWidth || Context->height != frame->m_rawHeight || Context->pix_fmt != frame->m_pixelFormat) LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, "Frame format changed"); // start frame initalisation Frame->opaque = frame; Frame->type = FF_BUFFER_TYPE_USER; Frame->pkt_pts = Context->pkt ? Context->pkt->pts : AV_NOPTS_VALUE; Frame->pkt_dts = Context->pkt ? Context->pkt->dts : AV_NOPTS_VALUE; Frame->width = frame->m_rawWidth; Frame->height = frame->m_rawHeight; Frame->format = frame->m_pixelFormat; Frame->sample_aspect_ratio = Context->sample_aspect_ratio; // initialise hardware context // FIXME this needs a failure mode so that we don't always fallback to a software frame bool initialised = false; AccelerationFactory* factory = AccelerationFactory::GetAccelerationFactory(); for ( ; factory; factory = factory->NextFactory()) { if (factory->InitialiseBuffer(Context, Frame, frame)) { initialised = true; break; } } // or fallback to software decoding if (!initialised) { frame->InitialiseBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Frame->data[i] = frame->m_buffer + frame->m_offsets[i]; Frame->base[i] = Frame->data[i]; Frame->linesize[i] = frame->m_pitches[i]; } } // finish frame initialisation Frame->extended_data = Frame->data; return 0; }
void* SurfaceInteropDXVA::mapToHost(const VideoFormat &format, void *handle, int plane) { Q_UNUSED(plane); class ScopedD3DLock { IDirect3DSurface9 *mpD3D; public: ScopedD3DLock(IDirect3DSurface9* d3d, D3DLOCKED_RECT *rect) : mpD3D(d3d) { if (FAILED(mpD3D->LockRect(rect, NULL, D3DLOCK_READONLY))) { qWarning("Failed to lock surface"); mpD3D = 0; } } ~ScopedD3DLock() { if (mpD3D) mpD3D->UnlockRect(); } }; D3DLOCKED_RECT lock; ScopedD3DLock(m_surface, &lock); if (lock.Pitch == 0) return NULL; //picth >= desc.Width D3DSURFACE_DESC desc; m_surface->GetDesc(&desc); const VideoFormat fmt = VideoFormat(pixelFormatFromFourcc(desc.Format)); if (!fmt.isValid()) { qWarning("unsupported dxva pixel format: %#x", desc.Format); return NULL; } //YV12 need swap, not imc3? // imc3 U V pitch == Y pitch, but half of the U/V plane is space. we convert to yuv420p here // nv12 bpp(1)==1 // 3rd plane is not used for nv12 int pitch[3] = { lock.Pitch, 0, 0}; //compute chroma later quint8 *src[] = { (quint8*)lock.pBits, 0, 0}; //compute chroma later Q_ASSERT(src[0] && pitch[0] > 0); const bool swap_uv = desc.Format == MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','3'); // try to use SSE. fallback to normal copy if SSE is not supported VideoFrame frame(VideoFrame::fromGPU(fmt, frame_width, frame_height, desc.Height, src, pitch, true, swap_uv)); // TODO: check rgb32 because d3d can use hw to convert if (format != fmt) frame =; VideoFrame *f = reinterpret_cast<VideoFrame*>(handle); frame.setTimestamp(f->timestamp()); *f = frame; return f; }
void HistogramFilter::generateHistogram() { if(!m_frame) return; QImage image = frameImage(); QImage histo = makeHistogram(image); VideoFrame *frame = new VideoFrame(histo,m_frame->holdTime()); if(m_includeOriginalImage) frame->setCaptureTime(m_frame->captureTime()); enqueue(frame); }
bool HardwareAccel::extractData(VideoFrame& input) { try { auto inFrame = input.pointer(); if (inFrame->format != format_) { std::stringstream buf; buf << "Frame format mismatch: expected " << av_get_pix_fmt_name(format_); buf << ", got " << av_get_pix_fmt_name((AVPixelFormat)inFrame->format); throw std::runtime_error(buf.str()); } // FFmpeg requires a second frame in which to transfer the data // from the GPU buffer to the main memory auto output = std::unique_ptr<VideoFrame>(new VideoFrame()); auto outFrame = output->pointer(); outFrame->format = AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P; extractData(input, *output); // move outFrame into inFrame so the caller receives extracted image data // but we have to delete inFrame first av_frame_unref(inFrame); av_frame_move_ref(inFrame, outFrame); } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) { fail(false); RING_ERR("%s", e.what()); return false; } succeed(); return true; }