Ejemplo n.º 1
hkpShape* vHavokShapeFactory::CreateConvexShapeFromStaticMeshInstances(const VisStaticMeshInstCollection &meshInstances, hkvMat4 &refTransform, bool shrinkByCvxRadius)
  VVERIFY_OR_RET_VAL(meshInstances.GetLength()==1, NULL);

  // Get the collision mesh for the static mesh instance
  VisStaticMeshInstance_cl *pMeshInstance = meshInstances[0];
  VisStaticMesh_cl *pMesh = pMeshInstance->GetMesh();
  IVCollisionMesh *pColMesh = pMesh->GetCollisionMesh(true, true);

  // We transform each static mesh into the reference space.
  hkvMat4 mTransform = refTransform;
  mTransform = mTransform.multiply (pMeshInstance->GetTransform());

  hkGeometry geom;
  int iNumColMeshes = hkvMath::Max(pColMesh->GetSubmeshCount(), 1);
  for (int i=0;i<iNumColMeshes;i++)
    BuildGeomFromCollisionMesh(pColMesh, i, mTransform, false, geom);
  // Set the build configuration to set planes equations and connectivity automatically
  hkpConvexVerticesShape::BuildConfig config;
  config.m_createConnectivity = true;
  config.m_shrinkByConvexRadius = shrinkByCvxRadius;

  hkStridedVertices stridedVerts;
  stridedVerts.m_numVertices = geom.m_vertices.getSize();
  stridedVerts.m_striding    = sizeof(hkVector4);
  stridedVerts.m_vertices    = (const hkReal*)geom.m_vertices.begin();

  // Create convex shape
  hkvConvexVerticesShape *pConvexShape = new hkvConvexVerticesShape(pColMesh->GetFileTime(), stridedVerts, config);
  return pConvexShape;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool MeshLoader::Load(const VSceneListEntry& entry)

  // load vmesh
  VisStaticMesh_cl* pRes = VisStaticMesh_cl::GetResourceManager().LoadStaticMeshFile(entry.sScenePath);
  if (pRes == NULL) 
    return false;
  // force loading of .colmesh file if it exists
  if (pRes->GetCollisionMesh(true)) 
    hkvLog::Info("Loaded collision mesh");
    hkvLog::Info("No collision mesh loaded");

  // get a instance
  hkvMat4 mTransform;
  VisStaticMeshInstance_cl *pInst = pRes->CreateInstance(mTransform);

  // create the visibility zone
  const hkvAlignedBBox& bbox = pInst->GetBoundingBox();
  int iZones = Vision::GetSceneManager()->GetNumVisibilityZones();
  VisVisibilityZone_cl* pVisZone;
  if (iZones > 0)
    pVisZone = Vision::GetSceneManager()->GetVisibilityZone(0);
    pVisZone = new VisVisibilityZone_cl(bbox);

  // add submeshes to vis zone
  for (int i = 0; i < pInst->GetSubmeshInstanceCount(); ++i)

  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
hkpShape* vHavokShapeFactory::CreateMeshShapeFromStaticMeshInstances(const VisStaticMeshInstCollection &meshInstances, hkvMat4 &refTransform, 
                                                                     bool bAllowPerTriCollisionInfo, VisWeldingType_e eWeldingType)
  int iCount = meshInstances.GetLength();

  hkGeometry geom;
  hkInt64 iFileTime = 0;

  // Iterate all the passed mesh instances
  hkvMeshMaterialCache materials;
  hkArray<hkUint8> collisionMask;
  int subPartIndex = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
    // Get the collision mesh for the static mesh instance
    const VisStaticMeshInstance_cl *pMeshInstance = meshInstances[i];
    VisStaticMesh_cl *pMesh = pMeshInstance->GetMesh();
    IVCollisionMesh *pColMesh = pMesh->GetCollisionMesh(true, true);
    if (pColMesh == NULL)

    // Simply retrieve file time from last static mesh instance
    iFileTime = pColMesh->GetFileTime();

    // Create the Havok triangle sub part
      int startingNumTris = geom.m_triangles.getSize();

      // We transform each static mesh into the reference space.
      hkvMat4 mTransform = refTransform;
      mTransform = mTransform.multiply (pMeshInstance->GetTransform());

      int iNumColMeshes = hkvMath::Max(pColMesh->GetSubmeshCount(), 1);
      for (int i=0;i<iNumColMeshes;i++)
        int startingNumVerts = geom.m_vertices.getSize();
        BuildGeomFromCollisionMesh(pColMesh, i, mTransform, false, geom);
        int endNumVerts = geom.m_vertices.getSize();
        int endNumTris = geom.m_triangles.getSize();
        VASSERT( (endNumVerts - startingNumVerts) > 0 );

        hkUint32 cdMask = 0;
        if (bAllowPerTriCollisionInfo && (pColMesh->GetSubmeshCount() > 0))
          const VPhysicsSubmesh& submesh = pColMesh->GetSubmeshes()[i];
          cdMask = submesh.iGroupFilter & 0xff; // only lower 8 bits stored in compressed mesh.

          int numCD = endNumTris - collisionMask.getSize();
          hkUint8* cdi = collisionMask.expandBy( numCD );
          hkString::memSet(cdi, cdMask, numCD);
      // ColMesh can have Materials. Also need material to store the orig static mesh index (so if count > 1)
      if ( pColMesh->GetTriSrfIndices() )
        VColMeshMaterial *pColMaterials = pColMesh->GetMaterials();
        int iNumMats = pColMesh->GetMaterialCount();
        int matIndexOffset = materials.getSize();

        for(int ii=0;ii<iNumMats;ii++)
          hkvMeshMaterial& mat = materials.expandOne();
          // in Havok there is no StaticFriction, DynamicFriction, anisotropic StaticFriction/ DynamicFriction
          // instead there is only Friction available
          // so DynamicFriction is used for Havok Friction -> is there a better workaround?
          mat.m_fFriction = pColMaterials[ii].fDynamicFriction; 

          mat.m_fRestitution = pColMaterials[ii].fRestitution;
          if (! pColMaterials[ii].szUserData.IsEmpty()) 
            mat.m_userData = pColMaterials[ii].szUserData.GetChar();   

          mat.m_iOrignalSubMeshIndex = subPartIndex;

        // reindex geom mat id
        if (matIndexOffset> 0)
          for (int ti=startingNumTris; ti < geom.m_triangles.getSize(); ++ti)
            VASSERT(geom.m_triangles[ti].m_material < iNumMats);
            VASSERT(geom.m_triangles[ti].m_material >= 0);
            geom.m_triangles[ti].m_material += matIndexOffset;

      // per instance part

  const bool bHaveTriCDData = collisionMask.getSize() > 0;
  vHavokCompressedInfoCinfo ci( &geom, bHaveTriCDData ? collisionMask.begin() : HK_NULL );
  ci.m_weldingType = vHavokConversionUtils::VisToHkWeldingType(eWeldingType);
  ci.m_collisionFilterInfoMode = bHaveTriCDData ? hkpBvCompressedMeshShape::PER_PRIMITIVE_DATA_8_BIT : hkpBvCompressedMeshShape::PER_PRIMITIVE_DATA_NONE;
  hkvBvCompressedMeshShape *pCompressedMeshShape = HK_NULL;
  if ( materials.getSize() > 0 && materials.getSize() < 255)
    ci.m_userDataMode = hkpBvCompressedMeshShape::PER_PRIMITIVE_DATA_8_BIT; 
    pCompressedMeshShape = new hkvBvCompressedMeshShape(ci, materials, iFileTime);
    ci.m_userDataMode = hkpBvCompressedMeshShape::PER_PRIMITIVE_DATA_NONE; 
    pCompressedMeshShape = new hkvBvCompressedMeshShape(ci, iFileTime);
  VASSERT_MSG(pCompressedMeshShape->getNumChildShapes() > 0, "hkvBvCompressedMeshShape could not be created for static model!");


  return pCompressedMeshShape;
Ejemplo n.º 4
hkRefNew<hkpShape> vHavokShapeFactory::CreateShapeFromStaticMeshInstances(const VisStaticMeshInstCollection &meshInstances, int iCreationFlags, const char **szShapeCacheId)
  int iCount = meshInstances.GetLength();
  VVERIFY_OR_RET_VAL(iCount>0 && szShapeCacheId!=NULL, NULL);
  // Actual mesh scale, which is only used for caching.
  hkvVec3 vScale(hkvNoInitialization);
  ExtractScaling(meshInstances[0]->GetTransform(), vScale);

  char szShapeId[512];
  const bool bAllowStaticMeshCaching = vHavokPhysicsModule_GetDefaultWorldRuntimeSettings().m_bEnableShapeCaching==TRUE;
  const vHavokPhysicsModule *pModule = vHavokPhysicsModule::GetInstance();
  VASSERT(pModule != NULL);
  const bool bForceHktShapeCaching = pModule->IsHktShapeCachingEnforced();

  // For single mesh instances the per instance welding type is used. For merged mesh instances the global merged welding type is used. 
  VisWeldingType_e eWeldingType = (iCount==1) ? meshInstances[0]->GetWeldingType() : (VisWeldingType_e)vHavokPhysicsModule_GetWorldSetupSettings().m_iMergedStaticWeldingType;

  const bool bAllowPerTriCollisionInfo = iCreationFlags & VShapeCreationFlags_ALLOW_PERTRICOLINFO;
  const bool bShrinkByCvxRadius = iCreationFlags & VShapeCreationFlags_SHRINK;

  // Check whether shape has been already cached for this mesh with the respective scaling.
  // We are just caching single static mesh instances and no static mesh collections.
  hkpShape *pCachedShape = HK_NULL; 
  if (iCount == 1)
    // first, find the convex version
    GetIDStringForConvexShape(szShapeId, meshInstances[0]->GetMesh()->GetFilename(), vScale, bShrinkByCvxRadius);
    pCachedShape = FindShape(szShapeId, szShapeCacheId);
    if (!pCachedShape)
      // then find the mesh version
      GetIDStringForMeshShape(szShapeId, meshInstances[0]->GetMesh()->GetFilename(), vScale, meshInstances[0]->GetCollisionBehavior(), eWeldingType);
      pCachedShape = FindShape(szShapeId, szShapeCacheId);
    if (pCachedShape)
      return pCachedShape; 

    if (bAllowStaticMeshCaching)
      // first, find the convex version
      pCachedShape = vHavokCachedShape::LoadConvexShape(meshInstances[0]->GetMesh(), vScale, bShrinkByCvxRadius);
      if (pCachedShape)
        *szShapeCacheId = AddShape(szShapeId, pCachedShape);
        const hkClass* loadedClassType = hkVtableClassRegistry::getInstance().getClassFromVirtualInstance(pCachedShape);
        HK_ASSERT2(0x5432c902, loadedClassType && (hkString::strCmp( loadedClassType->getName(), "hkvConvexVerticesShape" ) == 0), "Serialized in a unexpected cached Havok shape type!");
        return pCachedShape; 
        // then find the mesh version
        pCachedShape = vHavokCachedShape::LoadMeshShape(meshInstances[0]->GetMesh(), vScale, meshInstances[0]->GetCollisionBehavior(), eWeldingType);
      if (pCachedShape )
        *szShapeCacheId = AddShape(szShapeId, pCachedShape);
        const hkClass* loadedClassType = hkVtableClassRegistry::getInstance().getClassFromVirtualInstance(pCachedShape);
        HK_ASSERT2(0x5432c902, loadedClassType && (hkString::strCmp( loadedClassType->getName(), "hkvBvCompressedMeshShape" ) == 0), "Serialized in a unexpected cached Havok shape type!");
        hkvBvCompressedMeshShape *pCompressedMeshShape = reinterpret_cast<hkvBvCompressedMeshShape*>(pCachedShape);
        return pCachedShape; 
      else if(!Vision::Editor.IsInEditor() && !bForceHktShapeCaching)
        Vision::Error.Warning("Cached HKT file for %s is missing. Please generate HKT file (see documentation for details).", meshInstances[0]->GetMesh()->GetFilename());

  // Get the reference transformation. We use the first static mesh as reference
  // transformation, and thus as the position of the corresponding rigid body.
  hkvMat4 referenceTransform = meshInstances[0]->GetTransform();

  // Remove any scaling from the reference matrix. This one has to be applied to
  // the Havok shapes, and thus needs to be part of the mesh transforms.
  referenceTransform.setScalingFactors(hkvVec3 (1));

  // We need the inverse referenceTransform to transform each instance into reference space
  referenceTransform.setRow (3, hkvVec4 (0, 0, 0, 1));

  // Determine collision type from first static mesh instance.
  const VisStaticMeshInstance_cl *pMeshInstance = meshInstances[0];
  VisStaticMesh_cl *pMesh = pMeshInstance->GetMesh();
  IVCollisionMesh *pColMesh = pMesh->GetCollisionMesh(true, true);
  const bool bIsConvex = pColMesh->GetType()==VIS_COLMESH_GEOTYPE_CONVEXHULL;

  // Only create a convex shape if a single mesh instance is used, since otherwise merging multiple mesh instances in one single convex hull
  // will provide in most cases not the desired behavior. Moreover we can only create either a convex hull or a concave mesh shape, therefore
  // mesh instances with different collision type can't be merged into one shape.
  hkpShape *pShape = (bIsConvex && iCount==1) ?
    CreateConvexShapeFromStaticMeshInstances(meshInstances, referenceTransform, bShrinkByCvxRadius) : 
    CreateMeshShapeFromStaticMeshInstances(meshInstances, referenceTransform, bAllowPerTriCollisionInfo, eWeldingType);

  // We are just caching single static mesh instances and no static mesh collections.
  if (iCount == 1)
     *szShapeCacheId = AddShape(szShapeId, pShape);

    // Only cache shape to HKT file when inside vForge or when enforced.
    if ((Vision::Editor.IsInEditor() && bAllowStaticMeshCaching) || bForceHktShapeCaching)
      if (bIsConvex)
        vHavokCachedShape::SaveConvexShape(meshInstances[0]->GetMesh(), vScale, bShrinkByCvxRadius, (hkvConvexVerticesShape*)pShape);
        vHavokCachedShape::SaveMeshShape(meshInstances[0]->GetMesh(), vScale, meshInstances[0]->GetCollisionBehavior(), eWeldingType, (hkvBvCompressedMeshShape*)pShape);
  return pShape;