Ejemplo n.º 1
VolumeBase* ECAT7VolumeReader::read(const VolumeURL& origin)
    throw (tgt::FileException, std::bad_alloc)
    VolumeBase* result = 0;

    int volumeId = -1;
    std::string tmp = origin.getSearchParameter("volumeId");
    if (! tmp.empty())
        volumeId = stoi(tmp);

    VolumeList* collection = read(origin.getPath(), volumeId);

    if (collection && collection->size() == 1) {
        result = collection->first();
    else if (collection && collection->size() > 1) {
        while(!collection->empty()) {
           VolumeBase* vh = collection->first();
           delete vh;
        delete collection;
        throw tgt::FileException("Only one volume expected", origin.getPath());

    delete collection;

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void VolumePort::loadData(const std::string& path) throw (VoreenException) {
    tgtAssert(!path.empty(), "empty path");

    // append .vvd if no extension specified
    std::string filename = path;
    if (tgt::FileSystem::fileExtension(filename).empty())
        filename += ".vvd";

    VolumeSerializerPopulator serializerPop;
    const VolumeSerializer* serializer = serializerPop.getVolumeSerializer();
    try {
        VolumeList* volumeList = serializer->read(filename);
        tgtAssert(!volumeList->empty(), "empty collection");
        VolumeBase* dataset = volumeList->first();
        setData(dataset, true);
        //we do not need the collection, just the volume:
        delete volumeList;
    catch (VoreenException) {
    catch (std::exception& e) {
        throw VoreenException(e.what());
Ejemplo n.º 3
VolumeBase* VolumeReader::read(const VolumeURL& origin)
    throw (tgt::FileException, std::bad_alloc)

    VolumeBase* result = 0;

    VolumeList* collection = read(origin.getPath());

    if (collection && collection->size() == 1) {
        result = collection->first();
    else if (collection && collection->size() > 1) {
        delete collection;
        throw tgt::FileException("Only one volume expected", origin.getPath());

    delete collection;

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void VolumeURLProperty::loadVolume() throw (tgt::FileException, std::bad_alloc){

    std::string url = get();
    if (url.empty()) {
        LWARNING("loadVolume(): empty URL");

    ProgressBar* progressBar = getProgressBar();
    if (progressBar) {
        progressBar->setTitle("Loading volume");
        progressBar->setProgressMessage("Loading volume ...");
    VolumeSerializerPopulator serializerPopulator(progressBar);
    VolumeList* volumeList = serializerPopulator.getVolumeSerializer()->read(url);

    if (progressBar)

    if (volumeList && !volumeList->empty()) {
        VolumeBase* handle = volumeList->first();
        tgtAssert(handle, "No handle");

        // delete superfluous volumes
        if (volumeList->size() > 1) {
            LWARNING("More than one volume loaded from file: " + url + ". Discarding surplus volumes!");
                for (size_t i=1; i<volumeList->size(); i++)
                    delete volumeList->at(i);

        // property does take ownership of loaded handles
        volumeOwner_ = true;

    delete volumeList;
Ejemplo n.º 5
VolumeBase* AmiraMeshReader::read(const VolumeURL& origin)
    throw (tgt::FileException, std::bad_alloc)
    VolumeBase* result = 0;

    int timeframe = -1;
    std::string tmp = origin.getSearchParameter("timeframe");
    if (! tmp.empty())
        timeframe = stoi(tmp);

    VolumeList* collection = read(origin.getPath(), timeframe);

    if (collection && collection->size() == 1) {
        result = collection->first();
    else if (collection && collection->size() > 1) {
        delete collection;
        throw tgt::FileException("Only one volume expected", origin.getPath());

    delete collection;

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void VolumeIOHelper::loadRawVolume(const std::string& filenameStd) {

    QString filename = QString::fromStdString(filenameStd);
    if (filename.isEmpty())

    // query raw parameters via dialog
    std::string objectModel;
    std::string format;
        int numFrames;
    tgt::ivec3 dim;
    tgt::vec3 spacing;
    int headerSkip;
    bool bigEndian;
    tgt::mat4 trafoMat = tgt::mat4::identity;
    RawVolumeWidget* rawVW = new RawVolumeWidget(parent_, tr("Please enter the properties for <br><strong>") + filename + "</strong>",
        objectModel, format, numFrames, dim, spacing, headerSkip, bigEndian, trafoMat);
    if (!rawVW->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)

    // derive expected file size from provided properties
    uint formatBytes = 1;;
    if (format == "USHORT" || format == "USHORT_12" || format == "SHORT")
        formatBytes = 2;
    else if (format == "FLOAT")
        formatBytes = 4;
    else if (format == "UINT" || format == "INT")
        formatBytes = 4;

    int numChannels = 1;
    if (objectModel == "RGB")
        numChannels = 3;
    else if (objectModel == "RGBA")
        numChannels = 4;
    else if (objectModel.find("TENSOR_") == 0)
        numChannels = 6;

    uint rawSize = headerSkip + formatBytes * numChannels * (dim.x * dim.y * dim.z) * numFrames;

    // inform/query user, if file size does not match
    if (QFile(filename).size() != rawSize) {
        QMessageBox::StandardButton retButton = QMessageBox::Yes;
        if(QFile(filename).size() > rawSize) {
            QString msg = tr("The provided properties result in a size smaller\nthan the actual file size. Do you want to continue?");
            retButton = QMessageBox::question(parent_, tr("Size mismatch"), msg,
                QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Yes);
        else if (QFile(filename).size() < rawSize) {
            QString msg = tr("The provided properties result in a size\ngreater than the actual file size.");
            retButton = QMessageBox::warning(parent_, tr("Size mismatch"), msg,
        if (retButton != QMessageBox::Yes && retButton != QMessageBox::Ok)


    // load raw volume
    try {
        for (int frame=0; frame < numFrames; ++frame) {
            RawVolumeReader rawReader(progressBar_);
            rawReader.setReadHints(dim, spacing, objectModel, format, frame, headerSkip, bigEndian);
            VolumeList* collection = rawReader.read(filename.toStdString());
            if (collection && !collection->empty()) {
                tgtAssert(collection->size() == 1, "More than one raw volume returned");
                Volume* volumeHandle = static_cast<Volume*>(collection->first());
            delete collection;
    catch (const tgt::FileException& e) {
        QErrorMessage* errorMessageDialog = new QErrorMessage(VoreenApplicationQt::qtApp()->getMainWindow());
    catch (std::bad_alloc&) {
        LERROR("bad allocation while reading file: " << filename.toStdString());
        QErrorMessage* errorMessageDialog = new QErrorMessage(VoreenApplicationQt::qtApp()->getMainWindow());
        errorMessageDialog->showMessage("Bad allocation while reading file: " + filename);
Ejemplo n.º 7
VolumeList* AmiraMeshReader::readMetaFile(const std::string &fileName, size_t firstSlice, size_t lastSlice, int timeframe)
    throw (tgt::FileException, std::bad_alloc)
	bool error = false;
	const char* FileName = fileName.c_str();
	FILE* fp = fopen(FileName, "rb");
    if (!fp)
        LERROR("Could not find :" << FileName);
        error = true;
		goto K;

    char buffer[2048];
    fread(buffer, sizeof(char), 2047, fp);
    buffer[2047] = '\0'; //The following string routines prefer null-terminated strings

    if (!strstr(buffer, "# AmiraMesh BINARY-LITTLE-ENDIAN 2.1") && !strstr(buffer, "# AmiraMesh 3D BINARY 2.0"))
        LERROR("Not a proper AmiraMesh file.");
        error = true;
		goto K;

    //Find the Lattice definition, i.e., the dimensions of the uniform grid
    int xDim(0), yDim(0), zDim(0);
    sscanf(FindAndJump(buffer, "define Lattice"), "%d %d %d", &xDim, &yDim, &zDim);
	LDEBUG("Grid Dimensions: " << xDim << " " << yDim << " " << zDim);

    //Find the BoundingBox
    float xmin(1.0f), ymin(1.0f), zmin(1.0f);
    float xmax(-1.0f), ymax(-1.0f), zmax(-1.0f);
    sscanf(FindAndJump(buffer, "BoundingBox"), "%g %g %g %g %g %g", &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax, &zmin, &zmax);
    LDEBUG("BoundingBox in x-Direction: [" << xmin << " " << xmax << "]");
	LDEBUG("BoundingBox in x-Direction: [" << ymin << " " << ymax << "]");
	LDEBUG("BoundingBox in x-Direction: [" << zmin << " " << zmax << "]");
    //Is it a uniform grid? We need this only for the sanity check below.
    const bool bIsUniform = (strstr(buffer, "CoordType \"uniform\"") != NULL);
    LDEBUG("GridType: " << bIsUniform ? "uniform" : "UNKNOWN");

    //Type of the field: scalar, vector
    int NumComponents(0);
    if (strstr(buffer, "Lattice { float Data }"))
        //Scalar field
        NumComponents = 1;
        //A field with more than one component, i.e., a vector field
        sscanf(FindAndJump(buffer, "Lattice { float["), "%d", &NumComponents);
    LDEBUG("Number of Components: " << NumComponents);

    //Sanity check
    if (xDim <= 0 || yDim <= 0 || zDim <= 0
        || xmin > xmax || ymin > ymax || zmin > zmax
        || !bIsUniform || NumComponents <= 0)
        printf("Something went wrong\n");
        error = true;
		goto K;

	K : RawVolumeReader::ReadHints h;
	std::string objectFilename = fileName;

	h.headerskip_ = strstr(buffer, "# Data section follows") - buffer;
    //Set the file pointer to the beginning of "# Data section follows"
	fseek(fp, h.headerskip_, SEEK_SET);
    //Consume this line, which is "# Data section follows"
	char buf1[2048];
	fgets(buf1, 2047, fp);
	int l1 = strlen(buf1);

    //Consume the next line, which is "@1"
	char buf2[2048];
    fgets(buf2, 2047, fp);
	int l2 = strlen(buf2);

    vec3 sliceThickness = vec3(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
    int numFrames = NumComponents;
	h.dimensions_.x = xDim;
	h.dimensions_.y = yDim;
	h.dimensions_.z = zDim;
	h.format_ = "FLOAT";
	h.objectModel_ = "I";
	h.bigEndianByteOrder_ = false;
	h.headerskip_ += (l1 + l2);
	LDEBUG("Header size : " << h.headerskip_);

    if (hor(lessThanEqual(h.dimensions_, ivec3(0)))) {
        LERROR("Invalid resolution or resolution not specified: " << h.dimensions_);
        error = true;

    h.spacing_ = sliceThickness;
	h.timeStep_ = 0;

	if (!error) {
        RawVolumeReader rawReader(getProgressBar());

        // do we have a relative path?
        if ((objectFilename.substr(0, 1) != "/")  && (objectFilename.substr(0, 1) != "\\") &&
            (objectFilename.substr(1, 2) != ":/") && (objectFilename.substr(1, 2) != ":\\"))
            size_t p = fileName.find_last_of("\\/");
            // construct path relative to dat file
            objectFilename = fileName.substr(0, p + 1) + objectFilename;

        int start = 0;
        int end = numFrames;
        if (timeframe != -1) {
            if (timeframe >= numFrames)
                throw tgt::FileException("Specified time frame not in volume", fileName);

            start = timeframe;
            end = timeframe+1;

        VolumeList* toReturn = new VolumeList();
        for (int frame = start; frame < end; ++frame) {
            h.timeframe_ = frame;

            VolumeList* volumeList = rawReader.readSlices(objectFilename, firstSlice, lastSlice);
            if (!volumeList->empty()) {
                VolumeURL origin(fileName);
                origin.addSearchParameter("timeframe", itos(frame));

                Volume* vh = static_cast<Volume*>(volumeList->first());



            delete volumeList;
        return toReturn;
    else {
        throw tgt::CorruptedFileException("error while reading data", fileName);