bool open_sub(bool wr) { postrec p; close_sub(); if (wr) { fileSub.SetName(subdat_fn); fileSub.Open(WFile::modeBinary | WFile::modeCreateFile | WFile::modeReadWrite, WFile::shareUnknown, WFile::permReadWrite); if (fileSub.IsOpen()) { // re-read info from file, to be safe believe_cache = false; fileSub.Seek(0L, WFile::seekBegin); fileSub.Read(&p, sizeof(postrec)); SetNumMessagesInCurrentMessageArea(p.owneruser); } } else { fileSub.SetName(subdat_fn); fileSub.Open(WFile::modeReadOnly | WFile::modeBinary); } return fileSub.IsOpen(); }
void WAssert(bool test, const char *message, int line, const char *file, const char *date) { if (!test) { QString out = qApp->translate("Debug", "Send this message to [email protected]! " "This message has also been dumped to 'assert.txt'." "\n\n%1\n\nLine %2\nFile %3\nDate: %4").arg(qApp->translate("Debug", message)).arg(line).arg(file).arg(date); WFile f; if (f.Open(L"assert.txt", QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QByteArray tmp = out.toUtf8(); f.WriteBlock(tmp, tmp.length()); f.Close(); } WPopup(out); } }