Ejemplo n.º 1
void WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnClose(bool commit) {
    invariant(_isActive(), toString(_state));
    WT_SESSION* s = _session->getSession();
    if (_timer) {
        const int transactionTime = _timer->millis();
        // `serverGlobalParams.slowMs` can be set to values <= 0. In those cases, give logging a
        // break.
        if (transactionTime >= std::max(1, serverGlobalParams.slowMS)) {
            LOG(kSlowTransactionSeverity) << "Slow WT transaction. Lifetime of SnapshotId "
                                          << _mySnapshotId << " was " << transactionTime << "ms";

    int wtRet;
    if (commit) {
        if (!_commitTimestamp.isNull()) {
            const std::string conf = "commit_timestamp=" + integerToHex(_commitTimestamp.asULL());
            invariantWTOK(s->timestamp_transaction(s, conf.c_str()));
            _isTimestamped = true;

        wtRet = s->commit_transaction(s, nullptr);
        LOG(3) << "WT commit_transaction for snapshot id " << _mySnapshotId;
    } else {
        wtRet = s->rollback_transaction(s, nullptr);
        LOG(3) << "WT rollback_transaction for snapshot id " << _mySnapshotId;

    if (_isTimestamped) {
        if (!_orderedCommit) {
            // We only need to update oplog visibility where commits can be out-of-order with
            // respect to their assigned optime and such commits might otherwise be visible.
            // This should happen only on primary nodes.
        _isTimestamped = false;

    invariant(!_lastTimestampSet || _commitTimestamp.isNull(),
              str::stream() << "Cannot have both a _lastTimestampSet and a "
                               "_commitTimestamp. _lastTimestampSet: "
                            << _lastTimestampSet->toString()
                            << ". _commitTimestamp: "
                            << _commitTimestamp.toString());

    // We reset the _lastTimestampSet between transactions. Since it is legal for one
    // transaction on a RecoveryUnit to call setTimestamp() and another to call
    // setCommitTimestamp().
    _lastTimestampSet = boost::none;

    _prepareTimestamp = Timestamp();
    _mySnapshotId = nextSnapshotId.fetchAndAdd(1);
    _isOplogReader = false;
    _orderedCommit = true;  // Default value is true; we assume all writes are ordered.
Ejemplo n.º 2
	void do_rollback() override {
		WT_SESSION* ses = m_session.ses;
		int err = ses->rollback_transaction(ses, NULL);
		if (err) {
				, "ERROR: wiredtiger rollback_transaction: %s"
				, ses->strerror(ses, err));
Ejemplo n.º 3
void WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnClose(bool commit) {
    WT_SESSION* s = _session->getSession();
    if (commit) {
        invariantWTOK(s->commit_transaction(s, NULL));
        LOG(3) << "WT commit_transaction for snapshot id " << _mySnapshotId;
    } else {
        invariantWTOK(s->rollback_transaction(s, NULL));
        LOG(3) << "WT rollback_transaction for snapshot id " << _mySnapshotId;
    _active = false;
    _mySnapshotId = nextSnapshotId.fetchAndAdd(1);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnClose(bool commit) {
    WT_SESSION* s = _session->getSession();
    if (commit) {
        invariantWTOK(s->commit_transaction(s, NULL));
        LOG(2) << "WT commit_transaction";
    } else {
        invariantWTOK(s->rollback_transaction(s, NULL));
        LOG(2) << "WT rollback_transaction";
    _active = false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 void WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnClose( bool commit ) {
     invariant( _active );
     WT_SESSION *s = _session->getSession();
     if ( commit ) {
         invariantWTOK( s->commit_transaction(s, NULL) );
         LOG(2) << "WT commit_transaction";
         if ( _syncing )
     else {
         invariantWTOK( s->rollback_transaction(s, NULL) );
         LOG(2) << "WT rollback_transaction";
     _active = false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: main.c Proyecto: jbreams/mongo
 * Append to a table in a "racy" fashion - that is attempt to insert the
 * same record another thread is likely to also be inserting.
void *
thread_insert_race(void *arg)
	TEST_OPTS *opts;
	WT_CURSOR *cursor;
	WT_SESSION *session;
	uint64_t i, value;
	int ret;

	opts = (TEST_OPTS *)arg;
	conn = opts->conn;

	testutil_check(conn->open_session(conn, NULL, NULL, &session));
	    session, opts->uri, NULL, NULL, &cursor));

	printf("Running insert thread\n");
	for (i = 0; i < opts->nrecords; ++i) {
		    session->begin_transaction(session, "isolation=snapshot"));
		cursor->set_key(cursor, 1);
		testutil_check(cursor->get_value(cursor, &value));
		cursor->set_key(cursor, 1);
		cursor->set_value(cursor, value + 1);
		if ((ret = cursor->update(cursor)) != 0) {
			if (ret == WT_ROLLBACK) {
				    session, NULL));
			printf("Error in update: %d\n", ret);
		testutil_check(session->commit_transaction(session, NULL));
		if (i % 10000 == 0) {
			printf("insert: %" PRIu64 "\r", i);
	if (i > 10000)

	opts->running = false;

	return (NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnClose(bool commit) {
    WT_SESSION* s = _session->getSession();
    if (_timer) {
        const int transactionTime = _timer->millis();
        if (transactionTime >= serverGlobalParams.slowMS) {
            LOG(kSlowTransactionSeverity) << "Slow WT transaction. Lifetime of SnapshotId "
                                          << _mySnapshotId << " was " << transactionTime << "ms";

    if (commit) {
        invariantWTOK(s->commit_transaction(s, NULL));
        LOG(3) << "WT commit_transaction for snapshot id " << _mySnapshotId;
    } else {
        invariantWTOK(s->rollback_transaction(s, NULL));
        LOG(3) << "WT rollback_transaction for snapshot id " << _mySnapshotId;
    _active = false;
    _mySnapshotId = nextSnapshotId.fetchAndAdd(1);
    _oplogReadTill = RecordId();
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void *
ops(void *arg)
	TINFO *tinfo;
	WT_CURSOR *cursor, *cursor_insert;
	WT_SESSION *session;
	WT_ITEM key, value;
	uint64_t keyno, ckpt_op, session_op;
	uint32_t op;
	uint8_t *keybuf, *valbuf;
	u_int np;
	int ckpt_available, dir, insert, intxn, notfound, readonly, ret;
	char *ckpt_config, ckpt_name[64];

	tinfo = arg;

	/* Initialize the per-thread random number generator. */

	conn = g.wts_conn;
	keybuf = valbuf = NULL;
	readonly = 0;			/* -Wconditional-uninitialized */

	/* Set up the default key and value buffers. */
	val_gen_setup(&tinfo->rnd, &valbuf);

	/* Set the first operation where we'll create sessions and cursors. */
	session_op = 0;
	session = NULL;
	cursor = cursor_insert = NULL;

	/* Set the first operation where we'll perform checkpoint operations. */
	ckpt_op = g.c_checkpoints ? mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 100, 10000) : 0;
	ckpt_available = 0;

	for (intxn = 0; !tinfo->quit; ++tinfo->ops) {
		 * We can't checkpoint or swap sessions/cursors while in a
		 * transaction, resolve any running transaction.
		if (intxn &&
		    (tinfo->ops == ckpt_op || tinfo->ops == session_op)) {
			if ((ret = session->commit_transaction(
			    session, NULL)) != 0)
				die(ret, "session.commit_transaction");
			intxn = 0;

		/* Open up a new session and cursors. */
		if (tinfo->ops == session_op ||
		    session == NULL || cursor == NULL) {
			if (session != NULL &&
			    (ret = session->close(session, NULL)) != 0)
				die(ret, "session.close");

			if ((ret = conn->open_session(conn, NULL,
			    ops_session_config(&tinfo->rnd), &session)) != 0)
				die(ret, "connection.open_session");

			 * 10% of the time, perform some read-only operations
			 * from a checkpoint.
			 * Skip that if we single-threaded and doing checks
			 * against a Berkeley DB database, because that won't
			 * work because the Berkeley DB database records won't
			 * match the checkpoint.  Also skip if we are using
			 * LSM, because it doesn't support reads from
			 * checkpoints.
			    ckpt_available && mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 1, 10) == 1) {
				if ((ret = session->open_cursor(session,
				    g.uri, NULL, ckpt_name, &cursor)) != 0)
					die(ret, "session.open_cursor");

				/* Pick the next session/cursor close/open. */
				session_op += 250;

				/* Checkpoints are read-only. */
				readonly = 1;
			} else {
				 * Open two cursors: one for overwriting and one
				 * for append (if it's a column-store).
				 * The reason is when testing with existing
				 * records, we don't track if a record was
				 * deleted or not, which means we must use
				 * cursor->insert with overwriting configured.
				 * But, in column-store files where we're
				 * testing with new, appended records, we don't
				 * want to have to specify the record number,
				 * which requires an append configuration.
				if ((ret = session->open_cursor(session, g.uri,
				    NULL, "overwrite", &cursor)) != 0)
					die(ret, "session.open_cursor");
				if ((g.type == FIX || g.type == VAR) &&
				    (ret = session->open_cursor(session, g.uri,
				    NULL, "append", &cursor_insert)) != 0)
					die(ret, "session.open_cursor");

				/* Pick the next session/cursor close/open. */
				session_op += mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 100, 5000);

				/* Updates supported. */
				readonly = 0;

		/* Checkpoint the database. */
		if (tinfo->ops == ckpt_op && g.c_checkpoints) {
			 * LSM and data-sources don't support named checkpoints,
			 * and we can't drop a named checkpoint while there's a
			 * cursor open on it, otherwise 20% of the time name the
			 * checkpoint.
			if (DATASOURCE("helium") || DATASOURCE("kvsbdb") ||
			    DATASOURCE("lsm") ||
			    readonly || mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 1, 5) == 1)
				ckpt_config = NULL;
			else {
				(void)snprintf(ckpt_name, sizeof(ckpt_name),
				    "name=thread-%d", tinfo->id);
				ckpt_config = ckpt_name;

			/* Named checkpoints lock out backups */
			if (ckpt_config != NULL &&
			    (ret = pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&g.backup_lock)) != 0)
				    "pthread_rwlock_wrlock: backup lock");

			if ((ret =
			    session->checkpoint(session, ckpt_config)) != 0)
				die(ret, "session.checkpoint%s%s",
				    ckpt_config == NULL ? "" : ": ",
				    ckpt_config == NULL ? "" : ckpt_config);

			if (ckpt_config != NULL &&
			    (ret = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&g.backup_lock)) != 0)
				    "pthread_rwlock_wrlock: backup lock");

			/* Rephrase the checkpoint name for cursor open. */
			if (ckpt_config == NULL)
				(void)snprintf(ckpt_name, sizeof(ckpt_name),
				    "checkpoint=thread-%d", tinfo->id);
			ckpt_available = 1;

			/* Pick the next checkpoint operation. */
			ckpt_op += mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 5000, 20000);

		 * If we're not single-threaded and we're not in a transaction,
		 * start a transaction 20% of the time.
		    !intxn && mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 1, 10) >= 8) {
			if ((ret =
			    session->begin_transaction(session, NULL)) != 0)
				die(ret, "session.begin_transaction");
			intxn = 1;

		insert = notfound = 0;

		keyno = mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 1, (u_int)g.rows);
		key.data = keybuf;
		value.data = valbuf;

		 * Perform some number of operations: the percentage of deletes,
		 * inserts and writes are specified, reads are the rest.  The
		 * percentages don't have to add up to 100, a high percentage
		 * of deletes will mean fewer inserts and writes.  Modifications
		 * are always followed by a read to confirm it worked.
		op = readonly ? UINT32_MAX : mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 1, 100);
		if (op < g.c_delete_pct) {
			switch (g.type) {
			case ROW:
				 * If deleting a non-existent record, the cursor
				 * won't be positioned, and so can't do a next.
				if (row_remove(cursor, &key, keyno, &notfound))
					goto deadlock;
			case FIX:
			case VAR:
				if (col_remove(cursor, &key, keyno, &notfound))
					goto deadlock;
		} else if (op < g.c_delete_pct + g.c_insert_pct) {
			switch (g.type) {
			case ROW:
				if (row_insert(
				    tinfo, cursor, &key, &value, keyno))
					goto deadlock;
				insert = 1;
			case FIX:
			case VAR:
				 * We can only append so many new records, if
				 * we've reached that limit, update a record
				 * instead of doing an insert.
				if (g.append_cnt >= g.append_max)
					goto skip_insert;

				/* Insert, then reset the insert cursor. */
				if (col_insert(tinfo,
				    cursor_insert, &key, &value, &keyno))
					goto deadlock;
				if ((ret =
				    cursor_insert->reset(cursor_insert)) != 0)
					die(ret, "cursor.reset");

				insert = 1;
		} else if (
		    op < g.c_delete_pct + g.c_insert_pct + g.c_write_pct) {
			switch (g.type) {
			case ROW:
				if (row_update(
				    tinfo, cursor, &key, &value, keyno))
					goto deadlock;
			case FIX:
			case VAR:
skip_insert:			if (col_update(tinfo,
				    cursor, &key, &value, keyno))
					goto deadlock;
		} else {
			if (read_row(cursor, &key, keyno))
				if (intxn)
					goto deadlock;

		 * The cursor is positioned if we did any operation other than
		 * insert, do a small number of next/prev cursor operations in
		 * a random direction.
		if (!insert) {
			dir = (int)mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 0, 1);
			for (np = 0; np < mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 1, 8); ++np) {
				if (notfound)
				if (nextprev(cursor, dir, &notfound))
					goto deadlock;

		/* Read to confirm the operation. */
		if (read_row(cursor, &key, keyno))
			goto deadlock;

		/* Reset the cursor: there is no reason to keep pages pinned. */
		if ((ret = cursor->reset(cursor)) != 0)
			die(ret, "cursor.reset");

		 * If we're in the transaction, commit 40% of the time and
		 * rollback 10% of the time.
		if (intxn)
			switch (mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 1, 10)) {
			case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4:		/* 40% */
				if ((ret = session->commit_transaction(
				    session, NULL)) != 0)
					die(ret, "session.commit_transaction");
				intxn = 0;
			case 5:					/* 10% */
				if (0) {
deadlock:				++tinfo->deadlock;
				if ((ret = session->rollback_transaction(
				    session, NULL)) != 0)
				intxn = 0;

	if (session != NULL && (ret = session->close(session, NULL)) != 0)
		die(ret, "session.close");


	tinfo->state = TINFO_COMPLETE;
	return (NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 9
static void *
ops(void *arg)
	TINFO *tinfo;
	WT_CURSOR *cursor, *cursor_insert;
	WT_SESSION *session;
	WT_ITEM key, value;
	uint64_t cnt, keyno, ckpt_op, session_op, thread_ops;
	uint32_t op;
	uint8_t *keybuf, *valbuf;
	u_int np;
	int dir, insert, intxn, notfound, ret;
	char *ckpt_config, config[64];

	tinfo = arg;

	conn = g.wts_conn;
	keybuf = valbuf = NULL;

	/* Set up the default key and value buffers. */

	 * Each thread does its share of the total operations, and make sure
	 * that it's not 0 (testing runs: threads might be larger than ops).
	thread_ops = 100 + g.c_ops / g.c_threads;

	 * Select the first operation where we'll create sessions and cursors,
	 * perform checkpoint operations.
	ckpt_op = MMRAND(1, thread_ops);
	session_op = 0;

	session = NULL;
	cursor = cursor_insert = NULL;
	for (intxn = 0, cnt = 0; cnt < thread_ops; ++cnt) {
		if (SINGLETHREADED && cnt % 100 == 0)
			track("ops", 0ULL, tinfo);

		 * We can't checkpoint or swap sessions/cursors while in a
		 * transaction, resolve any running transaction.  Otherwise,
		 * reset the cursor: we may block waiting for a lock and there
		 * is no reason to keep pages pinned.
		if (cnt == ckpt_op || cnt == session_op) {
			if (intxn) {
				if ((ret = session->commit_transaction(
				    session, NULL)) != 0)
					die(ret, "session.commit_transaction");
				intxn = 0;
			else if (cursor != NULL &&
			    (ret = cursor->reset(cursor)) != 0)
				die(ret, "cursor.reset");

		/* Open up a new session and cursors. */
		if (cnt == session_op || session == NULL || cursor == NULL) {
			if (session != NULL &&
			    (ret = session->close(session, NULL)) != 0)
				die(ret, "session.close");

			if ((ret = conn->open_session(
			    conn, NULL, NULL, &session)) != 0)
				die(ret, "connection.open_session");

			 * Open two cursors: one configured for overwriting and
			 * one configured for append if we're dealing with a
			 * column-store.
			 * The reason is when testing with existing records, we
			 * don't track if a record was deleted or not, which
			 * means we must use cursor->insert with overwriting
			 * configured.  But, in column-store files where we're
			 * testing with new, appended records, we don't want to
			 * have to specify the record number, which requires an
			 * append configuration.
			if ((ret = session->open_cursor(session,
			    g.uri, NULL, "overwrite", &cursor)) != 0)
				die(ret, "session.open_cursor");
			if ((g.type == FIX || g.type == VAR) &&
			    (ret = session->open_cursor(session,
			    g.uri, NULL, "append", &cursor_insert)) != 0)
				die(ret, "session.open_cursor");

			/* Pick the next session/cursor close/open. */
			session_op += SINGLETHREADED ?
			    MMRAND(1, thread_ops) : 100 * MMRAND(1, 50);

		/* Checkpoint the database. */
		if (cnt == ckpt_op) {
			 * LSM and data-sources don't support named checkpoints,
			 * else 25% of the time we name the checkpoint.
			if (DATASOURCE("lsm") || DATASOURCE("kvsbdb") ||
			    DATASOURCE("memrata") || MMRAND(1, 4) == 1)
				ckpt_config = NULL;
			else {
				(void)snprintf(config, sizeof(config),
				    "name=thread-%d", tinfo->id);
				ckpt_config = config;

			/* Named checkpoints lock out hot backups */
			if (ckpt_config != NULL &&
			    (ret = pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&g.backup_lock)) != 0)
				    "pthread_rwlock_wrlock: hot-backup lock");

			if ((ret =
			    session->checkpoint(session, ckpt_config)) != 0)
				die(ret, "session.checkpoint%s%s",
				    ckpt_config == NULL ? "" : ": ",
				    ckpt_config == NULL ? "" : ckpt_config);

			if (ckpt_config != NULL &&
			    (ret = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&g.backup_lock)) != 0)
				    "pthread_rwlock_wrlock: hot-backup lock");

			 * Pick the next checkpoint operation, try for roughly
			 * five checkpoint operations per thread run.
			ckpt_op += MMRAND(1, thread_ops) / 5;

		 * If we're not single-threaded and we're not in a transaction,
		 * start a transaction 80% of the time.
		if (!SINGLETHREADED && !intxn && MMRAND(1, 10) >= 8) {
			if ((ret =
			    session->begin_transaction(session, NULL)) != 0)
				die(ret, "session.begin_transaction");
			intxn = 1;

		insert = notfound = 0;

		keyno = MMRAND(1, g.rows);
		key.data = keybuf;
		value.data = valbuf;

		 * Perform some number of operations: the percentage of deletes,
		 * inserts and writes are specified, reads are the rest.  The
		 * percentages don't have to add up to 100, a high percentage
		 * of deletes will mean fewer inserts and writes.  Modifications
		 * are always followed by a read to confirm it worked.
		op = (uint32_t)(rng() % 100);
		if (op < g.c_delete_pct) {
			switch (g.type) {
			case ROW:
				 * If deleting a non-existent record, the cursor
				 * won't be positioned, and so can't do a next.
				if (row_remove(cursor, &key, keyno, &notfound))
					goto deadlock;
			case FIX:
			case VAR:
				if (col_remove(cursor, &key, keyno, &notfound))
					goto deadlock;
		} else if (op < g.c_delete_pct + g.c_insert_pct) {
			switch (g.type) {
			case ROW:
				if (row_insert(cursor, &key, &value, keyno))
					goto deadlock;
				insert = 1;
			case FIX:
			case VAR:
				 * We can only append so many new records, if
				 * we've reached that limit, update a record
				 * instead of doing an insert.
				if (g.append_cnt >= g.append_max)
					goto skip_insert;

				 * Reset the standard cursor so it doesn't keep
				 * pages pinned.
				if ((ret = cursor->reset(cursor)) != 0)
					die(ret, "cursor.reset");

				/* Insert, then reset the insert cursor. */
				if (col_insert(
				    cursor_insert, &key, &value, &keyno))
					goto deadlock;
				if ((ret =
				    cursor_insert->reset(cursor_insert)) != 0)
					die(ret, "cursor.reset");

				insert = 1;
		} else if (
		    op < g.c_delete_pct + g.c_insert_pct + g.c_write_pct) {
			switch (g.type) {
			case ROW:
				if (row_update(cursor, &key, &value, keyno))
					goto deadlock;
			case FIX:
			case VAR:
skip_insert:			if (col_update(cursor, &key, &value, keyno))
					goto deadlock;
		} else {
			if (read_row(cursor, &key, keyno))
				goto deadlock;

		 * The cursor is positioned if we did any operation other than
		 * insert, do a small number of next/prev cursor operations in
		 * a random direction.
		if (!insert) {
			dir = (int)MMRAND(0, 1);
			for (np = 0; np < MMRAND(1, 8); ++np) {
				if (notfound)
				if (nextprev(cursor, dir, &notfound))
					goto deadlock;

		/* Read the value we modified to confirm the operation. */
		if (read_row(cursor, &key, keyno))
			goto deadlock;

		 * If we're in the transaction, commit 40% of the time and
		 * rollback 10% of the time.
		if (intxn)
			switch (MMRAND(1, 10)) {
			case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4:		/* 40% */
				if ((ret = session->commit_transaction(
				    session, NULL)) != 0)
					die(ret, "session.commit_transaction");
				intxn = 0;
			case 5:					/* 10% */
				if (0) {
deadlock:				++tinfo->deadlock;
				if ((ret = session->rollback_transaction(
				    session, NULL)) != 0)
					die(ret, "session.commit_transaction");
				intxn = 0;

	if (session != NULL && (ret = session->close(session, NULL)) != 0)
		die(ret, "session.close");


	tinfo->state = TINFO_COMPLETE;
	return (NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * real_worker --
 *     A single worker thread that transactionally updates all tables with
 *     consistent values.
static int
	WT_CURSOR **cursors;
	WT_SESSION *session;
	u_int i, keyno;
	int j, ret, t_ret;

	ret = t_ret = 0;


	if ((cursors = calloc(
	    (size_t)(g.ntables), sizeof(WT_CURSOR *))) == NULL)
		return (log_print_err("malloc", ENOMEM, 1));

	if ((ret = g.conn->open_session(
	    g.conn, NULL, "isolation=snapshot", &session)) != 0) {
		(void)log_print_err("conn.open_session", ret, 1);
		goto err;

	for (j = 0; j < g.ntables; j++)
		if ((ret = session->open_cursor(session,
		    g.cookies[j].uri, NULL, NULL, &cursors[j])) != 0) {
			(void)log_print_err("session.open_cursor", ret, 1);
			goto err;

	for (i = 0; i < g.nops && g.running; ++i, __wt_yield()) {
		if ((ret = session->begin_transaction(session, NULL)) != 0) {
			    "real_worker:begin_transaction", ret, 1);
			goto err;
		keyno = __wt_random(&rnd) % g.nkeys + 1;
		for (j = 0; j < g.ntables; j++) {
			if ((ret = worker_op(cursors[j], keyno, i)) != 0)
		if (ret == 0) {
			if ((ret = session->commit_transaction(
			    session, NULL)) != 0) {
				    "real_worker:commit_transaction", ret, 1);
				goto err;
		} else if (ret == WT_ROLLBACK) {
			if ((ret = session->rollback_transaction(
			    session, NULL)) != 0) {
				    "real_worker:rollback_transaction", ret, 1);
				goto err;
		} else {
			(void)log_print_err("worker op failed", ret, 1);
			goto err;

err:	if ((t_ret = session->close(session, NULL)) != 0 && ret == 0) {
		ret = t_ret;
		(void)log_print_err("session.close", ret, 1);

	return (ret);
Ejemplo n.º 11
static void
transaction_ops(WT_SESSION *session_arg)
	WT_CURSOR *cursor;
	WT_SESSION *session;

	session = session_arg;
	conn = session->connection;

	/*! [transaction commit/rollback] */
	 * Cursors may be opened before or after the transaction begins, and in
	 * either case, subsequent operations are included in the transaction.
	 * Opening cursors before the transaction begins allows applications to
	 * cache cursors and use them for multiple operations.
	    session, "table:mytable", NULL, NULL, &cursor));
	error_check(session->begin_transaction(session, NULL));

	cursor->set_key(cursor, "key");
	cursor->set_value(cursor, "value");
	switch (cursor->update(cursor)) {
	case 0:					/* Update success */
		error_check(session->commit_transaction(session, NULL));
		 * If commit_transaction succeeds, cursors remain positioned; if
		 * commit_transaction fails, the transaction was rolled-back and
		 * and all cursors are reset.
	case WT_ROLLBACK:			/* Update conflict */
	default:				/* Other error */
		error_check(session->rollback_transaction(session, NULL));
		/* The rollback_transaction call resets all cursors. */

	 * Cursors remain open and may be used for multiple transactions.
	/*! [transaction commit/rollback] */

	/*! [transaction isolation] */
	/* A single transaction configured for snapshot isolation. */
	    session, "table:mytable", NULL, NULL, &cursor));
	error_check(session->begin_transaction(session, "isolation=snapshot"));
	cursor->set_key(cursor, "some-key");
	cursor->set_value(cursor, "some-value");
	error_check(session->commit_transaction(session, NULL));
	/*! [transaction isolation] */

	/*! [transaction prepare] */
	 * Prepare a transaction which guarantees a subsequent commit will
	 * succeed. Only commit and rollback are allowed on a transaction after
	 * it has been prepared.
	    session, "table:mytable", NULL, NULL, &cursor));
	error_check(session->begin_transaction(session, NULL));
	cursor->set_key(cursor, "key");
	cursor->set_value(cursor, "value");
	    session, "prepare_timestamp=2a"));
	    session, "commit_timestamp=2b"));
	/*! [transaction prepare] */

	/*! [session isolation configuration] */
	/* Open a session configured for read-uncommitted isolation. */
	    conn, NULL, "isolation=read-uncommitted", &session));
	/*! [session isolation configuration] */

	/*! [session isolation re-configuration] */
	/* Re-configure a session for snapshot isolation. */
	error_check(session->reconfigure(session, "isolation=snapshot"));
	/*! [session isolation re-configuration] */

	error_check(session->close(session, NULL));
	session = session_arg;

	/*! [transaction pinned range] */
	/* Check the transaction ID range pinned by the session handle. */
	uint64_t range;

	error_check(session->transaction_pinned_range(session, &range));
	/*! [transaction pinned range] */

	error_check(session->begin_transaction(session, NULL));

	/*! [query timestamp] */
	char timestamp_buf[2 * sizeof(uint64_t) + 1];

	/*! [transaction timestamp] */
	    session->timestamp_transaction(session, "commit_timestamp=2a"));
	/*! [transaction timestamp] */

	error_check(session->commit_transaction(session, NULL));

	    conn, timestamp_buf, "get=all_committed"));
	/*! [query timestamp] */

	/*! [set commit timestamp] */
	error_check(conn->set_timestamp(conn, "commit_timestamp=2a"));
	/*! [set commit timestamp] */

	/*! [set oldest timestamp] */
	error_check(conn->set_timestamp(conn, "oldest_timestamp=2a"));
	/*! [set oldest timestamp] */

	/*! [set stable timestamp] */
	error_check(conn->set_timestamp(conn, "stable_timestamp=2a"));
	/*! [set stable timestamp] */

	/*! [rollback to stable] */
	error_check(conn->rollback_to_stable(conn, NULL));
	/*! [rollback to stable] */
Ejemplo n.º 12
static void *
thread_get(void *arg)
	SHARED_OPTS *sharedopts;
	TEST_OPTS *opts;
	THREAD_ARGS *threadargs;
	WT_CURSOR *maincur, *postcur;
	WT_SESSION *session;
	double elapsed;
	time_t prevtime, curtime; /* 1 second resolution is okay */
	int bal, flag, key, key2, post, bal2, flag2, post2;
	char *extra;

	threadargs = (THREAD_ARGS *)arg;
	opts = threadargs->testopts;
	sharedopts = threadargs->sharedopts;

	    opts->conn, NULL, NULL, &session));
	testutil_check(session->open_cursor(session, opts->uri, NULL, NULL,

	    session, sharedopts->posturi, NULL, NULL, &postcur));

	for (threadargs->njoins = 0; threadargs->done == 0;
	     threadargs->njoins++) {
		testutil_check(session->begin_transaction(session, NULL));
		postcur->set_key(postcur, 54321);
		while (postcur->next(postcur) == 0) {
			testutil_check(postcur->get_key(postcur, &post));
			testutil_check(postcur->get_value(postcur, &post2,
			    &bal, &extra, &flag, &key));
			testutil_assert(post == post2);
			if (post != 54321)

			maincur->set_key(maincur, key);
			testutil_check(maincur->get_value(maincur, &post2,
			    &bal2, &extra, &flag2, &key2));
			testutil_assert(key == key2);
			testutil_assert(post == post2);
			testutil_assert(bal == bal2);
			testutil_assert(flag == flag2);

			testutil_assert((flag2 > 0 && bal2 < 0) ||
			    (flag2 == 0 && bal2 >= 0));
		 * Reset the cursors, potentially allowing the insert
		 * threads to proceed.
		if (threadargs->njoins % 100 == 0)
			fprintf(stderr, "G");
		testutil_check(session->rollback_transaction(session, NULL));

		if ((elapsed = difftime(curtime, prevtime)) > 5.0) {
			fprintf(stderr, "\n"
			    "GAP: %.0f secs after %d gets\n",
			    elapsed, threadargs->njoins);
		prevtime = curtime;
	testutil_check(session->close(session, NULL));
	return (NULL);