Ejemplo n.º 1
void ListBoxImpl::Create(Window &parent,
                         int /*ctrlID*/,
                         Point location,
                         int /*lineHeight*/,
                         bool unicodeMode_,
	unicodeMode = unicodeMode_;

	QWidget *qparent = static_cast<QWidget *>(parent.GetID());
	ListWidget *list = new ListWidget(qparent);

#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
	// On Windows, Qt::ToolTip causes a crash when the list is clicked on
	// so Qt::Tool is used.
	list->setParent(0, Qt::Tool | Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint);
	// On OS X, Qt::Tool takes focus so main window loses focus so
	// keyboard stops working. Qt::ToolTip works but its only really
	// documented for tooltips.
	// On Linux / X this setting allows clicking on list items.
	list->setParent(0, Qt::ToolTip | Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
	list->move(location.x, location.y);

	wid = list;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void ListBoxQt::Create(Window &parent, int, Point, int, bool unicodeMode)
    utf8 = unicodeMode;

    // The parent we want is the QsciScintillaBase, not the text area.
    id = slb = new SciListBox(reinterpret_cast<QWidget *>(parent.GetID())->parentWidget(), this);
Ejemplo n.º 3
PRectangle CallTip::CallTipStart(int pos, Point pt, int textHeight, const char *defn,
                                 const char *faceName, int size,
                                 int codePage_, int characterSet,
								 int technology, Window &wParent) {
	clickPlace = 0;
	val = defn;
	codePage = codePage_;
	Surface *surfaceMeasure = Surface::Allocate(technology);
	if (!surfaceMeasure)
		return PRectangle();
	surfaceMeasure->SetUnicodeMode(SC_CP_UTF8 == codePage);
	startHighlight = 0;
	endHighlight = 0;
	inCallTipMode = true;
	posStartCallTip = pos;
	XYPOSITION deviceHeight = static_cast<XYPOSITION>(surfaceMeasure->DeviceHeightFont(size));
	FontParameters fp(faceName, deviceHeight / SC_FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER, SC_WEIGHT_NORMAL, false, 0, technology, characterSet);
	// Look for multiple lines in the text
	// Only support \n here - simply means container must avoid \r!
	int numLines = 1;
	const char *newline;
	const char *look = val.c_str();
	rectUp = PRectangle(0,0,0,0);
	rectDown = PRectangle(0,0,0,0);
	offsetMain = insetX;            // changed to right edge of any arrows
	int width = PaintContents(surfaceMeasure, false) + insetX;
	while ((newline = strchr(look, '\n')) != NULL) {
		look = newline + 1;
	lineHeight = RoundXYPosition(surfaceMeasure->Height(font));

	// The returned
	// rectangle is aligned to the right edge of the last arrow encountered in
	// the tip text, else to the tip text left edge.
	int height = lineHeight * numLines - static_cast<int>(surfaceMeasure->InternalLeading(font)) + borderHeight * 2;
	delete surfaceMeasure;
	if (above) {
		return PRectangle(pt.x - offsetMain, pt.y - verticalOffset - height, pt.x + width - offsetMain, pt.y - verticalOffset);
	} else {
		return PRectangle(pt.x - offsetMain, pt.y + verticalOffset + textHeight, pt.x + width - offsetMain, pt.y + verticalOffset + textHeight + height);
Ejemplo n.º 4
	int32_t lime_window_get_id (value window) {
		Window* targetWindow = (Window*)val_data (window);
		return (int32_t)targetWindow->GetID ();