Ejemplo n.º 1
std::string RackoWorldStateFormatter::asString(const VecInt & gameHistory, WorldState & ws, const VecVecVecKey & kb) {
	ostringstream os;
	// Number of slot objects is (# slots per player)*2 + 1.  (Extra 1 is "dealer").
	// Integer division by two gives # slots per player.
	//	unsigned slotCount = (unsigned) (proc->typeCardinalities[proc->typeNameIds["slot"]] / 2);
	unsigned slotCount = proc->itemCount("slot");
	unsigned slotsPerPlayer = (slotCount - 1) / 2; // Subtract 1 for dealer; half of remaining are opponent's slots
	unsigned dealerSlotId = slotsPerPlayer; // Because slots are named d1 ... dn, dealer, u1, ... un; so dealer is in middle
	unsigned cardCount = proc->itemCount("card");
	//	os << "Racko World with " << slotCount << " slots and " << cardCount << " cards";
	//	os << " head id for 'at': " << proc->predicateId("at");
	int atIndex = proc->predicateId("at");
	int topIndex = proc->predicateId("top");
	VecInt args(2, 0);
	int whoseTurn = ws.getWhoseTurn();
	int minSlot = (whoseTurn == 2) ? 0 : dealerSlotId + 1;
	int oppMinSlot = (whoseTurn == 1) ? 0 : dealerSlotId + 1;
	os << "History\n";
	for (unsigned m = slotCount + 1; m < gameHistory.size(); m++) {
		string oName;
		VecInt oArgs;
		proc->decodeOperator(gameHistory[m], oName, oArgs);
		if (oName == "swap-top") {
			if (oArgs[0] != whoseTurn) {
				os << "(Opponent) ";
			int slotArg = getSlotArg(oArgs[3], slotsPerPlayer);
			os << "Swapped " << (oArgs[2] + 1) << " for " << (oArgs[4] + 1) << " into " << (char) (('A' + (slotArg)))
					<< "\n";
		} else if (oName == "swap-drawn") {
			if (oArgs[0] != whoseTurn) {
				os << "(Opponent) ";
			int slotArg = getSlotArg(oArgs[2], slotsPerPlayer);
			os << "Swapped " << (oArgs[3] + 1) << " out of " << (char) (('A' + (slotArg))) << " for drawn ";
			if (oArgs[0] == whoseTurn) {
				os << (oArgs[4] + 1) << "\n";
			} else {
				os << "card\n";
		} else if (oName == "pass") {
			if (oArgs[0] != whoseTurn) {
				os << "(Opponent) ";
			os << "Discarded " << (oArgs[2] + 1) << "\n";
		} else {
			//			os << setw(3) << m << " " << oName << "\n";


	os << "\n\n";
	switch (whoseTurn) {
	case 0: // chance
		os << "Chance: ";
		args[1] = slotCount; // This will be the slot 'dealer'
		for (int c = 0; c < (int) (((((cardCount))))); c++) {
			args[0] = c;
			int index = ws.getIndex(args, atIndex);
			if (ws.getTruthValue(index) == KNOWN_TRUE) {
				os << " " << std::setw(3) << (c + 1); //" fact: "  << proc->getFact(index);

		os << "\n";
	case 1:
	case 2:
		os << "Current Player " << whoseTurn << "\n";
		for (int s = minSlot; s < (int) ((((((minSlot + slotsPerPlayer)))))); s++) {
			os << "   " << (char) (((((('A' + s - minSlot)))))) << ": "; //" fact: "  << proc->getFact(index);
			args[1] = s;
			for (int c = 0; c < (int) (((((cardCount))))); c++) {
				args[0] = c;
				int index = ws.getIndex(args, atIndex);
				if (ws.getTruthValue(index) == KNOWN_TRUE) {
					os << std::setw(3) << (c + 1); //" fact: "  << proc->getFact(index);

			os << "\n";

		if (false)
			for (int s = oppMinSlot; s < (int) ((((((oppMinSlot + slotCount)))))); s++) {
				os << "   " << (char) (((((('A' + s - oppMinSlot)))))) << ": "; //" fact: "  << proc->getFact(index);
				args[1] = s;
				for (int c = 0; c < (int) (((((cardCount))))); c++) {
					args[0] = c;
					int index = ws.getIndex(args, atIndex);
					if (ws.getTruthValue(index) == KNOWN_TRUE) {
						os << std::setw(3) << (c + 1); //" fact: "  << proc->getFact(index);

				os << "\n";

		os << "\n";

	for (unsigned c = 0; c < cardCount; c++) {
		if (ws.getTruthValue(topIndex, c) == KNOWN_TRUE) {
			os << "Top: " << (c + 1) << "\n";

	int drawnIndex = proc->predHeadTbl["drawn"];
	for (unsigned c = 0; c < cardCount; c++) {
		for (unsigned ithDraw = 0; ithDraw < cardCount; ithDraw++) {
			if (ws.getTruthValue(drawnIndex, c, ithDraw) == KNOWN_TRUE) {
				os << "Drawn: " << (c + 1) << "\n";


	return os.str();
Ejemplo n.º 2
std::string BattleshipWorldStateFormatter::asString(const VecInt & gameHistory, WorldState & ws,
		const VecVecVecKey & kb) {
	ostringstream os;
	//os << "Battleship World with " << shipCount << " ships and " << gridPointsPerSide << " cards";
	//os << " head id for 'at': " << proc->predHeadTbl["at"];
	int occupiedIndex = proc->predHeadTbl["occupied"];
	int guessedIndex = proc->predHeadTbl["guessed"];
	unsigned gridPointsPerSide = proc->typeCardinalities[proc->typeNameIds["row"]];
	//int atIndex = proc->predHeadTbl["at"];
	VecInt args(2, 0);
	int whoseTurn = ws.getWhoseTurn();
	int guessedFactIndex;
	int occupiedFactIndex;
	TruthState guessedTruthValue;
	TruthState occupiedTruthValue;
	switch (whoseTurn) {
	case 0: // chance
		os << "Chance: ";
	case 1:
	case 2:
		VecInt guessedPredicateArgs(3, 0);
		VecInt occupiedPredicateArgs(3, 0);
		os << "Player " << whoseTurn << "\n";
		os << "Mine:\n";
		occupiedPredicateArgs[0] = whoseTurn;
		guessedPredicateArgs[0] = 3 - whoseTurn; // Opponent's id
		for (unsigned r = 0; r < gridPointsPerSide; r++) {
			occupiedPredicateArgs[2] = (int) ((((r))));
			guessedPredicateArgs[2] = (int) ((((r))));
			for (unsigned c = 0; c < gridPointsPerSide; c++) {
				occupiedPredicateArgs[1] = (int) ((((c))));
				occupiedFactIndex = proc->getIndex(occupiedPredicateArgs, occupiedIndex);
				occupiedTruthValue = ws.getTruthValue(occupiedFactIndex);
				guessedPredicateArgs[1] = (int) ((((c))));
				guessedFactIndex = proc->getIndex(guessedPredicateArgs, guessedIndex);
				guessedTruthValue = ws.getTruthValue(guessedFactIndex);
				guessedPredicateArgs[1] = (int) ((((c))));
				if (guessedTruthValue == KNOWN_TRUE) {
					if (occupiedTruthValue == KNOWN_TRUE) {
						os << "H";
					} else {
						os << "M";
				} else {
					if (occupiedTruthValue == KNOWN_TRUE) {
						os << "1";
					} else {
						os << "0";

				//cout << "factIndex: " << factIndex << " <=> " << proc->getFact(factIndex) << std::endl;

			os << "\n";

		os << "\n";
		os << "Opponent:\n";
		occupiedPredicateArgs[0] = 3 - whoseTurn;
		guessedPredicateArgs[0] = whoseTurn; // Opponent's id
		for (unsigned r = 0; r < gridPointsPerSide; r++) {
			occupiedPredicateArgs[2] = (int) ((((r))));
			guessedPredicateArgs[2] = (int) ((((r))));
			for (unsigned c = 0; c < gridPointsPerSide; c++) {
				occupiedPredicateArgs[1] = (int) ((((c))));
				occupiedFactIndex = proc->getIndex(occupiedPredicateArgs, occupiedIndex);
				occupiedTruthValue = ws.getTruthValue(occupiedFactIndex);
				guessedPredicateArgs[1] = (int) ((((c))));
				guessedFactIndex = proc->getIndex(guessedPredicateArgs, guessedIndex);
				guessedTruthValue = ws.getTruthValue(guessedFactIndex);
				guessedPredicateArgs[1] = (int) ((((c))));
				if (guessedTruthValue == KNOWN_TRUE) {
					if (occupiedTruthValue == KNOWN_TRUE) {
						os << "H";
					} else {
						os << "M";
				} else {
					//if (occupiedTruthValue == KNOWN_TRUE) {
					//  os << "1";
					//} else {
					os << "0";
				//cout << "factIndex: " << factIndex << " <=> " << proc->getFact(factIndex) << std::endl;

			os << "\n";


	return os.str();