Ejemplo n.º 1
   MULTI_CMDptr cmd = new MULTI_CMD;

   // Get a mesh to put the new curve into.
   LMESHptr mesh = TEXBODY::get_skel_mesh(cmd);
   assert(mesh != 0);

   Wplane P = get_draw_plane(_literal_shape);

   int res_level = 3;
   int num_edges = 4; // XXX - default is 4 edges; should be smarter:
   // Create the curve

   Bcurve* curve = BcurveAction::create(
      mesh, _literal_shape, P.normal(), num_edges, res_level, 0, 0, cmd

   // If the curve completes a closed loop (on its own or by
   // joining existing curves), fill the interior with a
   // "panel" surface:
   PanelAction::create(curve->extend_boundaries(), cmd);
   return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
//! Find a plane associated with the Bcurve; return a
//! parallel plane that contains the given point p.  
//! To be used for translating the curve in the plane.
inline Wplane
find_xlate_plane(Bcurve* c, CWpt& p)

   Wplane P = find_plane(c);
   if (P.is_valid())
      return Wplane(p, P.normal());
   return Wplane();
Ejemplo n.º 3
PAPER_DOLL::init(CBcurve_list& contour)
   if (contour.empty()) {
      err_adv(debug, "PAPER_DOLL::init: empty contour");
      return false;
   LMESHptr skel_mesh = contour.mesh();
   if (!skel_mesh) {
      err_adv(debug, "PAPER_DOLL::init: curves don't share a mesh");
      return false;
   if (!contour.is_each_straight()) {
      err_adv(debug, "PAPER_DOLL::init: curves not straight");
      return false;
   if (!contour.forms_closed_chain()) {
      err_adv(debug, "PAPER_DOLL::init: curves don't form a closed chain");
      return false;
   if (!contour.is_planar()) {
      err_adv(debug, "PAPER_DOLL::init: curves not planar");
      return false;
   Wpt_list pts = contour.get_chain().get_verts().pts();
   if (!(pts.size() == 4 || pts.size() == 5)) {
      err_adv(debug, "PAPER_DOLL::init: can't do %d-gon", pts.size());
      return false;

   Wplane P;
   if (!pts.get_plane(P)) {
      err_adv(debug, "PAPER_DOLL::init: can't get plane from contour");
      return false;
   Wpt  o = pts.average();
   Wvec n = P.normal();

   // make plane normal point toward camera
   if (VIEW::eye_vec(o) * n > 0)
      n = -n;

   // reverse order of points if needed so they go CCW
   // around plane normal:
   err_adv(debug, "contour winding number: %f", pts.winding_number(o, n));
   if (pts.winding_number(o, n) > 1) {
      std::reverse(pts.begin(), pts.end());

   // create the primitive
   MULTI_CMDptr cmd = make_shared<MULTI_CMD>();
   Primitive* p = Primitive::init(skel_mesh, pts, P.normal(), cmd);
   if (!p) {
      err_adv(debug, "PAPER_DOLL::init: Primitive::init() failed");
      return false;

   // hide the curves
   // take over drawing the primitive (?)
   //   or just augment
   // activate



   err_adv(debug, "PAPER_DOLL::init: curves okay");
   return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
//! Returns true if the gesture is valid for beginning a circle_widget
//! session.

   static bool debug =
      Config::get_var_bool("DEBUG_CIRCLE_WIDGET_INIT",false) || debug_all;

   err_adv(debug, "CIRCLE_WIDGET::init");

   // Get the ellipse description:
   PIXEL center;  // the center
   VEXEL axis;    // the long axis (unit length)
   double r1, r2; // the long and short radii, respectively
   bool suggest_active;

   if (!gest->is_ellipse(center, axis, r1, r2)) {
      if (!gest->is_almost_ellipse(center, axis, r1, r2)) {
         return 0;
      } else {
         suggest_active = true;
   } else {
      suggest_active = false;

   Wplane plane = get_draw_plane(center);
   if (!plane.is_valid()) {
      // didn't work out this time
      return false;

   //            y1
   //    x0       c ------> x1
   //                axis
   //            y0
   //  Project the extreme points of the ellipse to the
   //  plane and check that after projection they are
   //  reasonably equidistant from the center.
   //  I.e., the ellipse should reasonably match the
   //  foreshortened circle as it would actually appear in
   //  the given plane.
   VEXEL perp = axis.perpend();
   Wpt x0 = Wpt(plane, Wline(XYpt(center - axis*r1)));
   Wpt x1 = Wpt(plane, Wline(XYpt(center + axis*r1)));
   Wpt y0 = Wpt(plane, Wline(XYpt(center - perp*r2)));
   Wpt y1 = Wpt(plane, Wline(XYpt(center + perp*r2)));

   Wpt c = Wpt(plane, Wline(XYpt(center)));

   // The two diameters -- we'll check their ratio
   double dx = x0.dist(x1);
   double dy = y0.dist(y1);

   // XXX - Use environment variable for testing phase:
   // XXX - don't make static (see below):
   double MIN_RATIO = Config::get_var_dbl("EPC_RATIO", 0.85,true);

   // Be more lenient when the plane is more foreshortened:
   // XXX - not sure what the right policy is, but for a
   // completely edge-on plane there's certainly no sense in
   // doing a real projection... the following drops the
   // min_ratio lower for more foreshortened planes:
   double cos_theta = VIEW::eye_vec(c) * plane.normal();
   double scale = sqrt(fabs(cos_theta)); // XXX - just trying this out
   MIN_RATIO *= scale;  // XXX - this is why it can't be static
   double ratio = min(dx,dy)/max(dx,dy);
   err_adv(debug, "CIRCLE_WIDGET::init: projected ratio: %f, min: %f",
           ratio, MIN_RATIO);
   if (ratio < MIN_RATIO)
      return false;

   CIRCLE_WIDGETptr me = get_instance();

   static const int DISK_RES = Config::get_var_int("DISK_RES", 4,true);
   me->_plane = plane;
   me->_radius = dx/2;
   me->_disk_res = DISK_RES;

   me->_center = c;

   me->_init_stamp = VIEW::stamp();
   if( me->_suggest_active = suggest_active ) {
   //PIXEL gest_center = gest->center();


   return go();