Ejemplo n.º 1
TopicReader::TopicReader(const char* callerID, const char* topic, const char* md5sum, const char* msgType)
	strcpy(this->topic, topic);
	strcpy(this->callerID, callerID);
	strcpy(this->md5sum, md5sum);
	strcpy(this->msgType, msgType);
	qHandle = xQueueCreate(3, RX_QUEUE_MSG_SIZE);
	connectionID = 0;
	XMLRequest* req = new RegisterRequest("registerSubscriber", MASTER_URI, callerID, topic, msgType);
	XMLRPCServer::sendRequest(req->getData(), 11311, connectPublishers, this);
	// TODO: make a unique task name
    xTaskCreate(task, (const signed char*)topic, 250, (void*)this, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void TopicReader::requestTopic(const char* ip, uint16_t serverPort)
	XMLRequest* req = new TopicRequest("requestTopic", MASTER_URI, callerID, topic, md5sum, msgType);
	XMLRPCServer::sendRequest(req->getData(), serverPort, onResponse, this);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void XMLRPCServer::XMLRPCServerReceiveCallback(const char* data, char* buffer)
    os_printf("Receive callback, buffer addr: %08x!\n", buffer);

    char methodName[48];
        char* pos = strstr((char*)data, "<methodName>");
        char* pos2 = strstr((char*)data, "</methodName>");

        if (pos2 > pos) {
            strncpy (methodName, pos + 12, pos2 - pos - 12);
            methodName[pos2 - pos - 12] = 0;

    os_printf("name:%s\n", methodName);
    os_printf("Strlen:%d\n", strlen(data));

    if (!strcmp(methodName, "requestTopic")) {

        char* pos = strstr(data, "<i4>");
        char* pos2 = strstr(data, "</i4>");
        os_printf("pos:%d, pos2:%d\n", pos, pos2);

        if (pos < pos2) {
            char portStr[pos2 - pos - 3];
            strncpy (portStr, pos + 4, pos2 - pos - 4);
            portStr[pos2 - pos - 4] = 0;
            uint16_t port = atoi(portStr);
            os_printf("Port: %d\n", port);

            char* pos3 = strstr((char*)data, "</value></param><param><value>/");
            char* pos4;
            int len = strlen("</value></param><param><value>/");

            if (pos3) {
                pos4 = strstr((char*)pos3 + len, "</value>");
                if (pos4 > pos3) {
                    char topic[pos4 - pos3 - len + 1];
                    strncpy (topic, pos3 + len, pos4 - pos3 - len);
                    topic[pos4 - pos3 - len] = 0;
                    os_printf("topic: %s\n", topic);

                    // TODO: Move UDPConnection to registerPublishers. Then extract topic name from data. Afterwards, find the corresponding connection.
                    TopicWriter* tw = getTopicWriter(topic);
                    if (tw != NULL) {
                        UDPConnection* connection = tw->getConnection(port);
                        if (connection != NULL) {
                            os_printf("Connection ID: %d\n", connection->getID());
                            XMLRequest* response = new TopicResponse(IP_ADDR, UDP_LOCAL_PORT, connection->getID());
                            strcpy(buffer, response->getData());
    } else if (!strcmp(methodName, "publisherUpdate")) {
        os_printf("Publisher Update!\n");
        char* pos = strstr(data, "<value><string>/master</string></value>");
        if (pos != 0) {
            char topic[MAX_TOPIC_LEN];
            while (1) {
                char* pos2 = strstr((char*)pos, "<value><string>");
                char* pos3 = strstr((char*)pos2, "</string></value>");
                //os_printf("_pos:%d, _pos2:%d\n", pos2, pos3);
                if (pos2 == NULL || pos3 == NULL)
                if (pos3 > pos2) {
                    int offset = strlen("<value><string>");
                    char uri[pos3 - pos2 - offset + 1];
                    strncpy (uri, pos2 + offset, pos3 - pos2 - offset);
                    uri[pos3 - pos2 - offset] = 0;

                    if (!strcmp(uri, "/master")) {
                    } else if (uri[0] == '/') {
                        strcpy(topic, &uri[1]);
                    } else {
                        uint16_t port;
                        char ip[32];
                        extractURI(uri, ip, &port);
                        if (strcmp(ip, IP_ADDR)) {
                            os_printf("Topic:%s URI: %s:::%s:::%d\n", topic, uri, ip, port);
                            TopicReader* tr = getTopicReader(topic);
                            if (tr != NULL) {
                                if (!strcmp(ip, "SI-Z0M81"))
                                    strcpy(ip, ROS_MASTER_IP);

                                tr->requestTopic(ip, port);
                pos = pos3;
        } else
            os_printf("pos is NULL\n");
