Ejemplo n.º 1
XString ClientSideResponse::GetHeader(const XString& name) const
    list<XString>* values = _headerParts.Find(name.ToLower());

        return values->front();

    return "";
Ejemplo n.º 2
vector<XString> ClientSideResponse::GetAllMatchingHeaders(const XString& header) const
    vector<XString> matchingHeaders;

    list<XString>* matches = _headerParts.Find(header.ToLower());
        for(list<XString>::iterator i = matches->begin(); i != matches->end(); ++i)

    return matchingHeaders;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ClientSideResponse::_ProcessRequestLines(const list<XString>& requestLines)
    // Now, iterate on the header lines...

    for(list<XString>::const_iterator iter = requestLines.begin(),
                                      end  = requestLines.end();
        iter != end;
        const size_t firstColon = iter->find(':');

        if(firstColon != string::npos)
            const XString key = iter->substr(0, firstColon);
            const XString val = firstColon + 1 < iter->size() ? iter->substr(firstColon + 1) : "";

            _AddHeader(key.ToLower(), val.StripEOL());
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ClientSideResponse::ReadResponse(XRef<XStreamIO> socket)

    list<XString> requestLines;

        char lineBuf[MAX_HEADER_LINE+1];
        memset(lineBuf, 0, MAX_HEADER_LINE+1);

            char* writer = &lineBuf[0];
            _CleanSocket(socket, &writer);

            // Get initial header line
            _ReadHeaderLine(socket, writer, true);

        _initialLine = XString(lineBuf).StripEOL();

        /// Now, read the rest of the header lines...
            memset(lineBuf, 0, MAX_HEADER_LINE);
            _ReadHeaderLine(socket, lineBuf, false);

        } while(!_AddLine(requestLines, lineBuf));

    /// Now, populate our header hash...


    const vector<XString> initialLineParts = _initialLine.Split(' ');

    if(initialLineParts.size() <= 2)
        X_STHROW(WebbyException, ("HTTP request initial line doesn't have enough parts."));

    _AddHeader(XString("http_version"), initialLineParts[0]);
    _AddHeader(XString("response_code"), initialLineParts[1]);

    // After response code, we have a message, usually either "OK" or "Not Found", this code appends all the initial line
    // pieces after the first two parts so that we end up with a complete "message".

    XString msg = initialLineParts[2];

    for(int i = 3, e = initialLineParts.size(); i < e; ++i)
        msg += " ";
        msg += initialLineParts[i];

    _AddHeader(XString("message"), msg);

    if(const list<XString>* found = _headerParts.Find("response_code"))
        _statusCode = found->front().ToInt();
        if(kWebbyResponseOk <= _statusCode && _statusCode < kWebbyResponseMultipleChoices)
            _success = true;

    // Handling a "100 continue" initial line, as per http 1.1 spec; we basically
    // just restart... A 100 continue means another complete header and body follows...
    if(msg.ToLower().Contains ("continue"))
        goto READ_BEGIN;
