// DIP Switches void dip_handle() { // Handle the DIP switch file DipSwitches dipswitches(emulator); Xml xml; char dippath[512]; snprintf(dippath, sizeof(dippath), "%s%s.dip", nstpaths.savedir, nstpaths.gamename); std::ifstream dipfile(dippath, std::ifstream::in|std::ifstream::binary); if (dipfile.is_open()) { xml.Read(dipfile); if (xml.GetRoot().IsType(L"dipswitches")) { Xml::Node root(xml.GetRoot()); Xml::Node node(root.GetFirstChild()); for (int i = 0; i < root.NumChildren(L"dip"); i++) { if (node.GetChild(L"value")) { dipswitches.SetValue(i, node.GetChild(L"value").GetUnsignedValue()); } node = node.GetNextSibling(); } } dipfile.close(); } else { Xml::Node root(xml.GetRoot()); root = xml.Create(L"dipswitches"); root.AddAttribute(L"version", L"1.0"); wchar_t wbuf[32]; char buf[2]; int numdips = dipswitches.NumDips(); if (numdips > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < numdips; i++) { Xml::Node node(root.AddChild(L"dip")); mbstowcs(wbuf, dipswitches.GetDipName(i), sizeof(wbuf)); node.AddChild(L"description", wbuf); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", dipswitches.GetValue(i)); mbstowcs(wbuf, buf, sizeof(buf)); node.AddChild(L"value", wbuf); } } std::ofstream dipout(dippath, std::ifstream::out|std::ifstream::binary); if (dipout.is_open()) { xml.Write(root, dipout); } dipout.close(); } }
void gtkui_cheats_save() { // Save the cheat list std::ofstream cheatfile(nstpaths.cheatpath, std::ifstream::out|std::ifstream::binary); if (cheatfile.is_open()) { GtkTreeModel *model; model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(treeview)); saveroot = (savexml.GetRoot()); saveroot = savexml.Create( L"cheats" ); saveroot.AddAttribute( L"version", L"1.0" ); gtk_tree_model_foreach(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), gtkui_cheats_write_list, NULL); savexml.Write(saveroot, cheatfile); cheatfile.close(); } else { return; } }
void Netplay::SaveFile() const { if (games.state == Games::DIRTY) { //const Path path( Application::Instance::GetExePath(L"netplaylist.xml") ); const Path path( Application::Instance::GetConfigPath(L"netplaylist.xml") );//bg if (!games.paths.empty()) { try { typedef Nes::Core::Xml Xml; Xml xml; Xml::Node root( xml.Create( L"netplaylist" ) ); root.AddAttribute( L"version", L"1.0" ); for (Games::Paths::const_iterator it(games.paths.begin()), end(games.paths.end()); it != end; ++it) root.AddChild( L"file", it->Ptr() ); Io::Stream::Out stream( path ); xml.Write( root, stream ); Io::Log() << "Netplay: saved game list to \"netplaylist.xml\"\r\n"; } catch (...) { Io::Log() << "Netplay: warning, couldn't save game list to \"netplaylist.xml\"!\r\n"; } } else if (path.FileExists()) { if (Io::File::Delete( path.Ptr() )) Io::Log() << "Netplay: game list empty, deleted \"netplaylist.xml\"\r\n"; else Io::Log() << "Netplay: warning, couldn't delete \"netplaylist.xml\"!\r\n"; } } }
void on_cheatsave_clicked(GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data) { GtkWidget *dialog; char defname[512]; Cheats cheats(emulator); // nothing to export? if (cheats.NumCodes() == 0) { return; } defname[0] = '\0'; strcpy(defname, rootname); strcat(defname, ".xml"); dialog = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new ("Export cheats (.xml)", GTK_WINDOW(mainwindow), GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, GTK_STOCK_SAVE, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, NULL); gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), defname); if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { char *filename = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog)); std::ofstream stream( filename, std::ifstream::out|std::ifstream::binary ); if (stream.is_open()) { int i; Xml xml; Xml::Node root(xml.GetRoot()); root = xml.Create( L"cheats" ); root.AddAttribute( L"version", L"1.0" ); for (i = 0; i < cheatlist.size(); i++) { Cheats::Code code; char buffer[9]; wchar_t wbuffer[64]; code = cheatlist[i].code; Xml::Node node( root.AddChild( L"cheat" ) ); node.AddAttribute( L"enabled", cheatlist[i].enabled ? L"1" : L"0" ); if (cheatlist[i].crc) { sprintf(buffer, "%08X", cheatlist[i].crc); mbstowcs(wbuffer, buffer, 63); node.AddAttribute( L"game", wbuffer ); } if (NES_SUCCEEDED(cheats.GameGenieEncode(code, buffer))) { mbstowcs(wbuffer, buffer, 63); node.AddChild( L"genie", wbuffer ); } if (NES_SUCCEEDED(cheats.ProActionRockyEncode(code, buffer))) { mbstowcs(wbuffer, buffer, 63); node.AddChild( L"rocky", wbuffer ); } sprintf(buffer, "0x%04X", code.address); mbstowcs(wbuffer, buffer, 63); node.AddChild( L"address", wbuffer ); sprintf(buffer, "0x%02X", code.value); mbstowcs(wbuffer, buffer, 63); node.AddChild( L"value", wbuffer ); if (code.useCompare) { sprintf(buffer, "0x%02X", code.compare); mbstowcs(wbuffer, buffer, 63); node.AddChild( L"compare", wbuffer ); } if (strlen(cheatlist[i].description)) { mbstowcs(wbuffer, cheatlist[i].description, 63); node.AddChild( L"description", wbuffer ); } } xml.Write( root, stream ); } g_free (filename); } gtk_widget_destroy(dialog); }