Ejemplo n.º 1
/*! \brief Create 64 bit counter for a packet.
	\details Wrap when new XsDataPacket is too far away from the previous XsDataPacket in time.
	Use half cache size as reasonable time difference
	When infinite cache, simply wrap when new is lower than old
	\param pack The XsDataPacket that needs its 64-bit sample counter updated
	\param highestPacket The highest packet available for the current device, it will be updated if
		the new counter is higher than the stored value.
	\returns The computed counter for the packet.
int64_t PacketStamper::stampPacket(XsDataPacket& pack, XsDataPacket& highestPacket)
//	int did = 0;
//	if (pack.containsMtwSdiData())
//	{
//		MtwSdiData sdi = pack.mtwSdiData();
//		did = sdi.m_deviceId;
//		JLDEBUG(gJournal, "XsensDeviceAPI", "%s [%08x] SDI interval (%d-%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, sdi.m_deviceId, sdi.m_firstFrameNumber, sdi.m_lastFrameNumber);
//	}

    //! \todo This could be a (couple of) milliseconds too late, this should be set as soon as the source message arrives: mantis 7157
    int64_t newCounter, lastCounter = -1;

    if (!highestPacket.empty())
        lastCounter = highestPacket.packetId().msTime();

    if (pack.containsPacketCounter())
        newCounter = calculateLargePacketCounter(pack.packetCounter(), lastCounter);
    else if (pack.containsSampleTimeFine())
        if (pack.containsSampleTimeCoarse())
            newCounter = (int64_t) pack.sampleTime64();
            newCounter = calculateLargeSampleTime((int32_t) pack.sampleTimeFine(), lastCounter);
    else if (pack.containsPacketCounter8())
        newCounter = calculateLargePacketCounter8(pack.packetCounter8(), lastCounter);
        newCounter = lastCounter + 1;

//	JLDEBUG(gJournal, "XsensDeviceAPI", "%s [%08x] old = %I64d new = %I64d diff = %I64d\n", __FUNCTION__, did, lastCounter, newCounter, (newCounter-lastCounter));

    if (newCounter > lastCounter)
        highestPacket = pack;

    return newCounter;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CIMUXSens_MT4::doProcess()
	if(m_state == ssError)

	if(m_state == ssError)

	XsByteArray data;
	XsMessageArray msgs;

	my_xsens_device.processBufferedData(data, msgs);
	for (XsMessageArray::iterator it = msgs.begin(); it != msgs.end(); ++it)
		// Retrieve a packet
		XsDataPacket packet;
		if ((*it).getMessageId() == XMID_MtData)
			LegacyDataPacket lpacket(1, false);

			lpacket.setXbusSystem(false, false);
			lpacket.setDeviceId(my_xsens_devid, 0);
			lpacket.setDataFormat(XOM_Orientation, XOS_OrientationMode_Euler | XOS_Timestamp_PacketCounter | XOS_CalibratedMode_All/*XOS_OrientationMode_Quaternion*/,0);	//lint !e534
			XsDataPacket_assignFromXsLegacyDataPacket(&packet, &lpacket, 0);
		else if ((*it).getMessageId() == XMID_MtData2) {

		// Data properly collected: extract data fields
		// -------------------------------------------------
		m_state		= ssWorking;
		CObservationIMUPtr obs			= CObservationIMU::Create();

		if (packet.containsOrientation())
			XsEuler euler = packet.orientationEuler();
			obs->rawMeasurements[IMU_YAW]   = DEG2RAD(euler.yaw());   obs->dataIsPresent[IMU_YAW] = true;
			obs->rawMeasurements[IMU_PITCH] = DEG2RAD(euler.pitch()); obs->dataIsPresent[IMU_PITCH]   = true;
			obs->rawMeasurements[IMU_ROLL]  = DEG2RAD(euler.roll());  obs->dataIsPresent[IMU_ROLL]  = true;

			XsQuaternion quat = packet.orientationQuaternion();
			obs->rawMeasurements[IMU_ORI_QUAT_X]   = quat.x();   obs->dataIsPresent[IMU_ORI_QUAT_X] = true;
			obs->rawMeasurements[IMU_ORI_QUAT_Y]   = quat.y();   obs->dataIsPresent[IMU_ORI_QUAT_Y] = true;
			obs->rawMeasurements[IMU_ORI_QUAT_Z]   = quat.z();   obs->dataIsPresent[IMU_ORI_QUAT_Z] = true;
			obs->rawMeasurements[IMU_ORI_QUAT_W]   = quat.w();   obs->dataIsPresent[IMU_ORI_QUAT_W] = true;

		if (packet.containsCalibratedAcceleration())
			XsVector acc_data = packet.calibratedAcceleration();
			obs->rawMeasurements[IMU_X_ACC] = acc_data[0]; obs->dataIsPresent[IMU_X_ACC] = true;
			obs->rawMeasurements[IMU_Y_ACC] = acc_data[1]; obs->dataIsPresent[IMU_Y_ACC] = true;
			obs->rawMeasurements[IMU_Z_ACC] = acc_data[2]; obs->dataIsPresent[IMU_Z_ACC] = true;

		if (packet.containsCalibratedGyroscopeData())
			XsVector gyr_data = packet.calibratedGyroscopeData();
			obs->rawMeasurements[IMU_YAW_VEL]   = gyr_data[2]; obs->dataIsPresent[IMU_YAW_VEL]   = true;
			obs->rawMeasurements[IMU_PITCH_VEL] = gyr_data[1]; obs->dataIsPresent[IMU_PITCH_VEL] = true;
			obs->rawMeasurements[IMU_ROLL_VEL]  = gyr_data[0]; obs->dataIsPresent[IMU_ROLL_VEL]  = true;

		if (packet.containsCalibratedMagneticField())
			XsVector mag_data = packet.calibratedMagneticField();
			obs->rawMeasurements[IMU_MAG_X]   = mag_data[0]; obs->dataIsPresent[IMU_MAG_X]   = true;
			obs->rawMeasurements[IMU_MAG_Y]   = mag_data[1]; obs->dataIsPresent[IMU_MAG_Y]   = true;
			obs->rawMeasurements[IMU_MAG_Z]   = mag_data[2]; obs->dataIsPresent[IMU_MAG_Z]   = true;

		if (packet.containsVelocity())
			XsVector vel_data = packet.velocity();
			obs->rawMeasurements[IMU_X_VEL]   = vel_data[0]; obs->dataIsPresent[IMU_X_VEL]   = true;
			obs->rawMeasurements[IMU_Y_VEL]   = vel_data[1]; obs->dataIsPresent[IMU_Y_VEL]   = true;
			obs->rawMeasurements[IMU_Z_VEL]   = vel_data[2]; obs->dataIsPresent[IMU_Z_VEL]   = true;

		if (packet.containsTemperature())
			obs->rawMeasurements[IMU_TEMPERATURE]   = packet.temperature(); obs->dataIsPresent[IMU_TEMPERATURE]   = true;

		if (packet.containsAltitude())
			obs->rawMeasurements[IMU_ALTITUDE ]   = packet.altitude(); obs->dataIsPresent[IMU_ALTITUDE ]   = true;

		// TimeStamp
		if (packet.containsSampleTime64())
			const uint64_t  nowUI = packet.sampleTime64();

			uint64_t AtUI = 0;
			if( m_timeStartUI == 0 )
				m_timeStartUI = nowUI;
				m_timeStartTT = mrpt::system::now();
				AtUI	= nowUI - m_timeStartUI;

			double AtDO	= AtUI * 1000.0;								// Difference in intervals of 100 nsecs
			obs->timestamp		= m_timeStartTT	+ AtDO;
		else if (packet.containsUtcTime())
			XsUtcTime utc = packet.utcTime();

			mrpt::system::TTimeParts parts;

			parts.day_of_week = 0;
			parts.daylight_saving = 0;
			parts.year = utc.m_year;
			parts.month = utc.m_month;
			parts.day = utc.m_day;
			parts.hour = utc.m_hour;
			parts.minute = utc.m_minute;
			parts.second = utc.m_second + (utc.m_nano * 1000000000.0);

			obs->timestamp = mrpt::system::buildTimestampFromParts(parts);
		else obs->timestamp		= mrpt::system::now();

		obs->sensorPose		= m_sensorPose;
		obs->sensorLabel	= m_sensorLabel;


		if (packet.containsLatitudeLongitude())
			XsVector lla_data = packet.latitudeLongitude();

			CObservationGPSPtr obsGPS = CObservationGPSPtr( new CObservationGPS() );
			CObservationGPS::TGPSDatum_RMC& rGPS = obsGPS->RMC_datum;

			rGPS.latitude_degrees = lla_data[0];
			rGPS.longitude_degrees = lla_data[1];

			if (packet.containsStatus() && packet.status() & XSF_GpsValid)
				rGPS.validity_char = 'A';
				rGPS.validity_char = 'V';

			if (packet.containsUtcTime())
				XsUtcTime utc = packet.utcTime();
				rGPS.UTCTime.hour = utc.m_hour;
				rGPS.UTCTime.minute = utc.m_minute;
				rGPS.UTCTime.sec = utc.m_second + (utc.m_nano * 1000000.0);
				rGPS.UTCTime.hour = ((obs->timestamp / (60 * 60 * ((uint64_t)1000000 / 100))) % 24);
				rGPS.UTCTime.minute = ((obs->timestamp / (60 * ((uint64_t)1000000 / 100))) % 60);
				rGPS.UTCTime.sec = fmod(obs->timestamp / (1000000.0 / 100), 60);

			obsGPS->has_RMC_datum = true;
			obsGPS->timestamp = obs->timestamp;
			obsGPS->sensorPose	= m_sensorPose;
			obsGPS->sensorLabel	= m_sensorLabel;

			if (packet.containsVelocity())
				XsVector vel_data = packet.velocity();

				rGPS.speed_knots = sqrt(vel_data[0] * vel_data[0] + vel_data[1] * vel_data[1]);
				rGPS.direction_degrees = 0; //Could be worked out from velocity and magnatic field perhaps.
			else rGPS.speed_knots = rGPS.direction_degrees = 0;


		std::cout << std::flush;

	THROW_EXCEPTION("MRPT has been compiled with 'BUILD_XSENS_MT4'=OFF, so this class cannot be used.");