Ejemplo n.º 1
bool	_LikelihoodFunction::ProcessPartitionList (_SimpleList& partsToDo, _Matrix* partitionList, _String caller)
	long	partCount = CountObjects(0);
	partsToDo.Populate (partCount, 0, 1);
	if (partitionList)
		partitionList->ConvertToSimpleList (partsToDo);
		DeleteObject (partitionList);
		partsToDo.FilterRange (-1, partCount);
		if (partsToDo.lLength == 0)
			WarnError (_String("An invalid partition specification in call to ") & caller);
			return nil;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void			_LikelihoodFunction::PopulateConditionalProbabilities	(long index, char runMode, _Parameter* buffer, _SimpleList& scalers, long branchIndex, _SimpleList* branchValues)
// this function computes site probabilties for each rate class (or something else that involves iterating over rate classes)
// see run options below

// run mode can be one of the following

// _hyphyLFConditionProbsRawMatrixMode : simply   populate an M (number of rate classes) x S (number of site patterns) matrix of conditional likelihoods
//   : expected minimum dimension of buffer is M*S
//	 : scalers will have M*S entries laid out as S for rate class 0, S for rate class 1, .... S for rate class M-1

// _hyphyLFConditionProbsScaledMatrixMode : simply   populate an M (number of rate classes) x S (number of site patterns) and scale to the lowest multiplier
//   : expected minimum dimension of buffer is M*S
//	 : scalers will have S entries

// _hyphyLFConditionProbsWeightedSum : compute  a sum for each site using weighted by the probability of a given category
//   : expected minimum dimension of buffer is 2*S
//	 : scalers will have S entries
//   : **note that the behavior is different if there are HMM (or constant on partition) variables 
//	 : the size of the buffer is S*(N+1), where N is the cumulative number of categories in such variables for this partition
//   : the size of the scaler is also S*N
//	 : the code will behave as _hyphyLFConditionProbsScaledMatrixMode with all other category variables 
//   : summed CONDITIONED on the values of HMM/Constant on partition 

// _hyphyLFConditionProbsMaxProbClass : compute the category index of maximum probability  
//   : expected minimum dimension of buffer is 3*S -- the result goes into offset 0
//	 : scalers will have S entries 

// _hyphyLFConditionProbsClassWeights : compute the weight of each rate class index 
//   : expected minimum dimension of buffer is M
//	 : scalers will have no entries

// _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate : compute conditional likelihoods of the partition using MPI
//	 : run mode effectively the same as _hyphyLFConditionProbsWeightedSum
	_List				*traversalPattern		= (_List*)categoryTraversalTemplate(index),
						*variables			    = (_List*)((*traversalPattern)(0)),
						*catWeigths				= nil;

	_SimpleList			*categoryCounts			= (_SimpleList*)((*traversalPattern)(1)),
						*categoryOffsets		= (_SimpleList*)((*traversalPattern)(2)),
						*hmmAndCOP				= (_SimpleList*)((*traversalPattern)(3)),
						categoryValues			(categoryCounts->lLength,0,0);
	long				totalSteps				= categoryOffsets->lData[0] * categoryCounts->lData[0],
						catCount				= variables->lLength-1,
						blockLength				= BlockLength(index),
						hmmCatSize				= hmmAndCOP->Element(-1),
						hmmCatCount				= hmmAndCOP->lLength?(totalSteps/hmmCatSize):0,
						currentHMMCat			= 1,
						arrayDim				;
	bool				isTrivial				= variables->lLength == 0,
						switchingHMM			= false;
	_CategoryVariable   *catVariable;
	switch (runMode)
		case _hyphyLFConditionProbsRawMatrixMode:
			arrayDim = catCount*blockLength;
		case _hyphyLFConditionProbsClassWeights:
			arrayDim = 0;
			arrayDim = hmmCatCount?blockLength*hmmCatSize:blockLength;
	if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsWeightedSum || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsClassWeights)
		if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsWeightedSum || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate)
			long upperBound = hmmCatCount?hmmAndCOP->Element(-1)*blockLength:blockLength;
			for (long r = 0; r < upperBound; r++)
				buffer[r] = 0.;
		catWeigths = new _List;
		if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsMaxProbClass)
			for (long r = 0, r2 = 2*blockLength; r < blockLength; r++, r2++)
				buffer[r] = 0.0; buffer[r2] = 0.0;
	for					(long currentCat		= 0; currentCat <= catCount; currentCat++)
		(catVariable = ((_CategoryVariable**)(variables->lData))[currentCat])->Refresh();
		if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsWeightedSum || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsClassWeights)
			(*catWeigths) << catVariable->GetWeights();
	scalers.Populate	(arrayDim,0,0);
#ifdef __HYPHYMPI__
	_GrowingVector * computedWeights = nil;
	if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate)
		computedWeights = new _GrowingVector;
	long				mpiTasksSent = 0;
	for					(long pass = 0; pass < 1+(runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate); pass++)
		for					(long currentRateCombo  = 0; currentRateCombo < totalSteps; currentRateCombo++)

			// setting each category variable to its appropriate value 
			_Parameter		 currentRateWeight = 1.;
			if (pass == 0)
				if (!isTrivial)
					long remainder = currentRateCombo % categoryCounts->lData[catCount];
					if (hmmCatCount)
						currentHMMCat = currentRateCombo / hmmCatCount;
						switchingHMM = (currentRateCombo % hmmCatCount) == 0;
					if (currentRateCombo && remainder  == 0)
						categoryValues.lData[catCount] = 0;
						for (long uptick = catCount-1; uptick >= 0; uptick --)
							if (categoryValues.lData[uptick] == categoryCounts->lData[uptick])
								categoryValues.lData[uptick] = 0;
						if (currentRateCombo)
				if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsWeightedSum || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsClassWeights || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate)
					for					(long currentCat		= hmmCatCount; currentCat <= catCount; currentCat++)
						currentRateWeight *= ((_Matrix**)catWeigths->lData)[currentCat]->theData[categoryValues.lData[currentCat]];
	#ifdef __HYPHYMPI__
					if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate && pass == 0)
					if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsClassWeights)
						buffer [currentRateCombo] = currentRateWeight;
						if (currentRateWeight == 0.0) // nothing to do, eh?
	#ifdef __HYPHYMPI__
							if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate)
								SendOffToMPI (currentRateCombo);
								mpiTasksSent ++;
			long useThisPartitonIndex = currentRateCombo;
#ifdef __HYPHYMPI__
			if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate)
				MPI_Status	   status;
				ReportMPIError(MPI_Recv (resTransferMatrix.theData, resTransferMatrix.GetSize(), MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_ANY_SOURCE , HYPHY_MPI_DATA_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status),true);				
				useThisPartitonIndex = status.MPI_SOURCE-1;
				currentRateWeight    = computedWeights->theData[useThisPartitonIndex];
			// now that the categories are set we can proceed with the computing step
			long			 indexShifter					= blockLength * useThisPartitonIndex;
			long			 *siteCorrectors				= ((_SimpleList**)siteCorrections.lData)[index]->lLength?
															 (((_SimpleList**)siteCorrections.lData)[index]->lData) + indexShifter

			if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsRawMatrixMode || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsScaledMatrixMode) 
				// populate the matrix of conditionals and scaling factors
				_Parameter	_hprestrict_ *bufferForThisCategory = buffer + indexShifter;

				ComputeBlock	(index, bufferForThisCategory, useThisPartitonIndex, branchIndex, branchValues);
				if (usedCachedResults)
					bool saveFR = forceRecomputation;
					forceRecomputation = true;
					ComputeBlock	(index, bufferForThisCategory, useThisPartitonIndex, branchIndex, branchValues);
					forceRecomputation = saveFR;
				if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsRawMatrixMode)
					for (long p = 0; p < blockLength; p++)
						scalers.lData[p+indexShifter] = siteCorrectors[p];
					if (siteCorrectors)
						for (long r1 = 0; r1 < blockLength; r1++)
							long scv			  = *siteCorrectors,
								 scalerDifference = scv-scalers.lData[r1];
							if (scalerDifference > 0) 
							// this class has a _bigger_ scaling factor than at least one other class
							// hence it needs to be scaled down (unless it's the first class)
								if (useThisPartitonIndex==0) //(scalers.lData[r1] == -1)
									scalers.lData[r1] = scv;
									bufferForThisCategory[r1] *= acquireScalerMultiplier (scalerDifference);
								if (scalerDifference < 0) 
								// this class is a smaller scaling factor, i.e. its the biggest among all those
								// considered so far; all other classes need to be scaled down
									_Parameter scaled = acquireScalerMultiplier (-scalerDifference);
									for (long z = indexShifter+r1-blockLength; z >= 0; z-=blockLength)
										buffer[z] *= scaled;
									scalers.lData[r1] = scv;
				if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsWeightedSum || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsMaxProbClass || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate) 
					//if (branchIndex>=0)
					//	((_TheTree*)LocateVar(theTrees.lData[index]))->AddBranchToForcedRecomputeList (branchIndex+((_TheTree*)LocateVar(theTrees.lData[index]))->GetLeafCount());
	#ifdef			__HYPHYMPI__
					if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate)
						long offset = resTransferMatrix.GetVDim();

						for (long k = 0; k < blockLength; k++)
							buffer[blockLength+k] = resTransferMatrix.theData[k];
							siteCorrectors[k]     = resTransferMatrix.theData[k+offset];
					ComputeBlock	(index, buffer + (hmmCatCount?hmmCatSize:1)*blockLength, useThisPartitonIndex, branchIndex, branchValues);
					if (runMode != _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate && usedCachedResults)
						bool saveFR = forceRecomputation;
						forceRecomputation = true;
						ComputeBlock	(index, buffer + (hmmCatCount?hmmCatSize:1)*blockLength, useThisPartitonIndex, branchIndex, branchValues);
						forceRecomputation = saveFR;

					if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsWeightedSum || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate)
						long lowerBound  = hmmCatCount?blockLength*currentHMMCat:0,
							 upperBound  = hmmCatCount?blockLength*(1+currentHMMCat):blockLength,
							 lowerBound2 = hmmCatCount?(hmmCatSize*blockLength):blockLength;
						for (long r1 = lowerBound, r2 = lowerBound2; r1 < upperBound; r1++,r2++)
							if (siteCorrectors)
								long scv = *siteCorrectors;
								if (scv < scalers.lData[r1]) // this class has a _smaller_ scaling factor
									buffer[r1] = currentRateWeight * buffer[r2] + buffer[r1] * acquireScalerMultiplier (scalers.lData[r1] - scv);
									scalers.lData[r1] = scv;
									if (scv > scalers.lData[r1]) // this is a _larger_ scaling factor
										buffer[r1] += currentRateWeight * buffer[r2] * acquireScalerMultiplier (scv - scalers.lData[r1]);							
									else // same scaling factors
										buffer[r1] += currentRateWeight * buffer[r2];
								buffer[r1] += currentRateWeight * buffer[r2];
					else // runMode = _hyphyLFConditionProbsMaxProbClass
						for (long r1 = blockLength*2, r2 = blockLength, r3 = 0; r3 < blockLength; r1++,r2++,r3++)
							bool doChange = false;
							if (siteCorrectors)
								long scv  = *siteCorrectors,
									 diff = scv - scalers.lData[r3];
								if (diff<0) // this has a _smaller_ scaling factor
									_Parameter scaled = buffer[r1]*acquireScalerMultiplier (diff);
									if (buffer[r2] > scaled)
										doChange = true;
										buffer[r1] = scaled;
									scalers.lData[r3] = scv;
									if (diff>0) // this is a _larger_ scaling factor
										buffer[r2] *= acquireScalerMultiplier (-diff);		
									doChange = buffer[r2] > buffer[r1] && ! CheckEqual (buffer[r2],buffer[r1]);
								doChange = buffer[r2] > buffer[r1] && ! CheckEqual (buffer[r2],buffer[r1]);
							if (doChange)
								buffer[r1]		   = buffer[r2];
								buffer[r3]         = useThisPartitonIndex;
#ifdef __HYPHYMPI__
			if (--mpiTasksSent == 0)
#ifdef __HYPHYMPI__
	DeleteObject (computedWeights);
	DeleteObject (catWeigths);