Ejemplo n.º 1
ImageBufAlgo::render_line (ImageBuf &dst, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
                           array_view<const float> color,
                           bool skip_first_point,
                           ROI roi, int nthreads)
    if (! IBAprep (roi, &dst))
        return false;

    if (int(color.size()) < roi.chend) {
        dst.error ("Not enough channels for the color (needed %d)", roi.chend);
        return false;   // Not enough color channels specified
    const ImageSpec &spec (dst.spec());

    // Alpha: if the image's spec designates an alpha channel, use it if
    // it's within the range specified by color. Otherwise, if color
    // includes more values than the highest channel roi says we should
    // modify, assume the first extra value is alpha. If all else fails,
    // make the line opaque (alpha=1.0).
    float alpha = 1.0f;
    if (spec.alpha_channel >= 0 && spec.alpha_channel < int(color.size()))
        alpha = color[spec.alpha_channel];
    else if (int(color.size()) == roi.chend+1)
        alpha = color[roi.chend];

    bool ok;
    OIIO_DISPATCH_TYPES (ok, "render_line", render_line_, dst.spec().format,
                         dst, x1, y1, x2, y2, color, alpha, skip_first_point,
                         roi, nthreads);
    return ok;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static bool
render_box_ (ImageBuf &dst, array_view<const float> color,
             ROI roi=ROI(), int nthreads=1)
    if (nthreads != 1 && roi.npixels() >= 1000) {
        // Lots of pixels and request for multi threads? Parallelize.
        ImageBufAlgo::parallel_image (
            OIIO::bind(render_box_<T>, OIIO::ref(dst), color,
                        _1 /*roi*/, 1 /*nthreads*/),
            roi, nthreads);
        return true;

    // Serial case
    float alpha = 1.0f;
    if (dst.spec().alpha_channel >= 0 && dst.spec().alpha_channel < int(color.size()))
        alpha = color[dst.spec().alpha_channel];
    else if (int(color.size()) == roi.chend+1)
        alpha = color[roi.chend];

    if (alpha == 1.0f) {
        for (ImageBuf::Iterator<T> r (dst, roi);  !r.done();  ++r)
            for (int c = roi.chbegin;  c < roi.chend;  ++c)
                r[c] = color[c];
    } else {
        for (ImageBuf::Iterator<T> r (dst, roi);  !r.done();  ++r)
            for (int c = roi.chbegin;  c < roi.chend;  ++c)
                r[c] = color[c] + r[c] * (1.0f-alpha);  // "over"
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ClipFacade::SetFeatureMatrix(array_view<ArmatureFrame> frames, double duration, bool cyclic)
	assert(m_pParts != nullptr && m_flag != NotInitialize);

	m_inited = false;

	auto& parts = *m_pParts;
	int fLength = m_partDim.back() + m_partSt.back();

	auto dt = duration / (frames.size() - (size_t)(!cyclic));
	bool useVelocity = dt > 0;

	m_X.resize(frames.size(), fLength);
	for (int f = 0; f < frames.size(); f++)
		auto& lastFrame = frames[f>0?f-1:frames.size()-1];
		auto& frame = frames[f];
		for (int i = 0; i < parts.size(); i++)
			auto part = parts[i];

			auto fv = m_X.block(f, m_partSt[i], 1, m_partDim[i]);

			if (!useVelocity)
				fv = m_pFeature->Get(*part, frame);
				fv = m_pFeature->Get(*part, frame, lastFrame, dt);
Ejemplo n.º 4
	std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> DecodeTga(array_view<uint8_t> data) {

		if (data.size() < sizeof(TgaHeader)) {
			throw TempleException("Not enough data for TGA header");

		auto header = reinterpret_cast<const TgaHeader*>(data.data());

		if (header->colorMapType != TgaColorMapType::TrueColor) {
			throw TempleException("Only true color TGA images are supported.");

		if (header->dataType != TgaDataType::UncompressedRgb) {
			throw TempleException("Only uncompressed RGB TGA images are supported.");

		if (header->bpp != 24 && header->bpp != 32) {
			throw TempleException("Only uncompressed RGB 24-bpp or 32-bpp TGA images are supported.");

		auto result(std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(header->width * header->height * 4));
		auto dest = result.get();

		// Points to the start of the TGA image data
		auto srcStart = data.data() + sizeof(TgaHeader) + header->imageIdLength;
		auto srcSize = data.size() - sizeof(TgaHeader) - header->imageIdLength;		

		if (header->bpp == 24) {
			auto srcPitch = header->width * 3;
			Expects((int) srcSize >= header->height * srcPitch);			
			for (int y = 0; y < header->height; ++y) {
				auto src = srcStart + (header->height - y - 1) * srcPitch;
				for (int x = 0; x < header->width; ++x) {
					*dest++ = *src++;
					*dest++ = *src++;
					*dest++ = *src++;
					*dest++ = 0xFF; // Fixed alpha
		} else {
			auto srcPitch = header->width * 4;
			Expects((int) srcSize >= header->height * srcPitch);
			for (int y = 0; y < header->height; ++y) {
				auto src = srcStart + (header->height - y - 1) * srcPitch;
				for (int x = 0; x < header->width; ++x) {
					*dest++ = *src++;
					*dest++ = *src++;
					*dest++ = *src++;
					*dest++ = *src++;

		return result;
Ejemplo n.º 5
ImageBufAlgo::render_box (ImageBuf &dst, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
                          array_view<const float> color, bool fill,
                          ROI roi, int nthreads)
    if (! IBAprep (roi, &dst))
        return false;
    if (int(color.size()) < roi.chend) {
        dst.error ("Not enough channels for the color (needed %d)", roi.chend);
        return false;   // Not enough color channels specified

    // Filled case
    if (fill) {
        roi = roi_intersection (roi, ROI(x1, x2+1, y1, y2+1, 0, 1, 0, roi.chend));
        bool ok;
        OIIO_DISPATCH_TYPES (ok, "render_box", render_box_, dst.spec().format,
                             dst, color, roi, nthreads);
        return ok;

    // Unfilled case: use IBA::render_line
    return ImageBufAlgo::render_line (dst, x1, y1, x2, y1, color,true, roi, nthreads)
        && ImageBufAlgo::render_line (dst, x2, y1, x2, y2, color,true, roi, nthreads)
        && ImageBufAlgo::render_line (dst, x2, y2, x1, y2, color,true, roi, nthreads)
        && ImageBufAlgo::render_line (dst, x1, y2, x1, y1, color,true, roi, nthreads);
Ejemplo n.º 6
	bool DetectTga(array_view<uint8_t> data, ImageFileInfo& info) {

		if (data.size() < sizeof(TgaHeader)) {
			return false;

		auto header = reinterpret_cast<const TgaHeader*>(data.data());

		if (header->colorMapType != TgaColorMapType::TrueColor) {
			return false; // We don't supported index TGA

		if (header->dataType != TgaDataType::UncompressedRgb) {
			return false; // We only support uncompressed RGB

		if (header->bpp != 24 && header->bpp != 32) {
			return false; // We only support 24 or 32 bit TGAs

		info.width = header->width;
		info.height = header->height;
		info.hasAlpha = (header->bpp == 32);
		info.format = ImageFileFormat::TGA;
		return true;

Ejemplo n.º 7
	ImageFileInfo DetectImageFormat(array_view<uint8_t> data) {
		ImageFileInfo info;

		stbi__context ctx;
		stbi__start_mem(&ctx, &data[0], data.bytes());

		int comp;
		if (stbi__bmp_info(&ctx, &info.width, &info.height, &comp)) {
			info.hasAlpha = (comp == 4);
			info.format = ImageFileFormat::BMP;
			return info;

		TjDecompressHandle handle;
		if (tjDecompressHeader(handle, &data[0], data.bytes(), &info.width, &info.height) == 0) {
			info.hasAlpha = false;
			info.format = ImageFileFormat::JPEG;
			return info;

		if (DetectTga(data, info)) {
			return info;

		// Not a very good heuristic
		if (data.size() == 256 * 256) {
			info.width = 256;
			info.height = 256;
			info.hasAlpha = true;
			info.format = ImageFileFormat::FNTART;
			return info;

		return info;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void AbsoluteLnQuaternionDecoder::Decode(array_view<DirectX::Quaternion> rots, const VectorType & x)
	int n = rots.size();

	Eigen::Vector4f qs;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		qs.segment<3>(0) = x.segment<3>(i * 3).cast<float>();
		q = XMLoadFloat4A(qs.data());
		q = XMQuaternionExp(q); // revert the log map
		XMStoreA(rots[i], q);
Ejemplo n.º 9
void AbsoluteEulerAngleDecoder::Decode(array_view<DirectX::Quaternion> rots, const VectorType & y)
	int n = rots.size();

	Eigen::Vector4f qs;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		qs.segment<3>(0) = y.segment<3>(i * 3).cast<float>();
		q = XMLoadFloat4A(qs.data());
		q = XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYawFromVector(q); // revert the log map
		XMStoreA(rots[i], q);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void AbsoluteEulerAngleDecoder::Encode(array_view<const DirectX::Quaternion> rots, VectorType & x)
	int n = rots.size();

	Eigen::Vector4f qs;
	x.resize(n * 3);
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		q = XMLoad(rots[i]);
		q = XMQuaternionEulerAngleYawPitchRoll(q); // Decompsoe in to euler angle
		XMStoreFloat4(qs.data(), q);
		x.segment<3>(i * 3) = qs.head<3>();
Ejemplo n.º 11
DeepData::set_all_samples (array_view<const unsigned int> samples)
    if (samples.size() != size_t(m_npixels))
    ASSERT (m_impl);
    if (m_impl->m_allocated) {
        // Data already allocated: set pixels individually
        for (int p = 0; p < m_npixels; ++p)
            set_samples (p, int(samples[p]));
    } else {
        // Data not yet allocated: copy in one shot
        m_impl->m_nsamples.assign (&samples[0], &samples[m_npixels]);
        m_impl->m_capacity.assign (&samples[0], &samples[m_npixels]);
Ejemplo n.º 12
    bool operator == (const array_view & other) const noexcept
        // Pointers to same memory (or both null).
        if (data() == other.data())
            return true;

        // Different sizes, whole sequence can't be identical.
        if (size() != other.size())
            return false;

        // Compare each element:
        return std::equal(begin(), end(), other.begin());
Ejemplo n.º 13
void RelativeEulerAngleDecoder::Decode(array_view<DirectX::Quaternion> rots, const VectorType & x)
	int n = rots.size();

	Eigen::Vector4f qs;
	XMVECTOR q, qb;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		qs.segment<3>(0) = x.segment<3>(i * 3).cast<float>();
		q = XMLoadFloat4A(qs.data());
		q = XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYawFromVector(q); // revert the log map
		qb = XMLoadA(bases[i]);
		q = XMQuaternionMultiply(qb, q);
		XMStoreA(rots[i], q);
Ejemplo n.º 14
StaticArmature::StaticArmature(array_view<JointBasicData> data)
	size_t jointCount = data.size();

	for (size_t i = 0; i < jointCount; i++)

		int parentID = data[i].ParentID;
		if (parentID != i &&parentID >= 0)
			m_rootIdx = i;

Ejemplo n.º 15
	DecodedImage DecodeFontArt(const array_view<uint8_t> data) {

		// 256x256 image with 8bit alpha
		Expects(data.size() == 256 * 256);

		DecodedImage result;
		result.info.width = 256;
		result.info.height = 256;
		result.info.format = ImageFileFormat::FNTART;
		result.info.hasAlpha = true;
		result.data = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(256 * 256 * 4);

		auto *dest = result.data.get();
		for (auto alpha : data) {			
			*dest++ = 0xFF;
			*dest++ = 0xFF;
			*dest++ = 0xFF;
			*dest++ = alpha;

		return result;

Ejemplo n.º 16
 array_view(array_view<ConvertibleType> other) noexcept
     : m_pointer{ other.data() }
     , m_size_in_items{ other.size() }
 { }
Ejemplo n.º 17
 explicit mdarray(const array_view<ATYPE> &view):
     _imap(map_utils<map_type>::create(view.template shape<shape_t>())),
Ejemplo n.º 18
DeepData::init (int npix, int nchan,
                array_view<const TypeDesc> channeltypes,
                array_view<const std::string> channelnames)
    clear ();
    m_npixels = npix;
    m_nchannels = nchan;
    ASSERT (channeltypes.size() >= 1);
    if (! m_impl)
        m_impl = new Impl;
    if (int(channeltypes.size()) >= nchan) {
        m_impl->m_channeltypes.assign (channeltypes.data(), channeltypes.data()+nchan);
    } else {
        m_impl->m_channeltypes.clear ();
        m_impl->m_channeltypes.resize (m_nchannels, channeltypes[0]);
    m_impl->m_channelsizes.resize (m_nchannels);
    m_impl->m_channeloffsets.resize (m_nchannels);
    m_impl->m_channelnames.resize (m_nchannels);
    m_impl->m_myalphachannel.resize (m_nchannels, -1);
    m_impl->m_samplesize = 0;
    m_impl->m_nsamples.resize (m_npixels, 0);
    m_impl->m_capacity.resize (m_npixels, 0);
    m_impl->m_cumcapacity.resize (m_npixels, 0);

    // Channel name hunt
    // First, find Z, Zback, A
    for (int c = 0; c < m_nchannels; ++c) {
        size_t size = m_impl->m_channeltypes[c].size();
        m_impl->m_channelsizes[c] = size;
        m_impl->m_channeloffsets[c] = m_impl->m_samplesize;
        m_impl->m_samplesize += size;
        m_impl->m_channelnames[c] = channelnames[c];
        if (m_impl->m_z_channel < 0 && is_or_endswithdot (channelnames[c], "Z"))
            m_impl->m_z_channel = c;
        else if (m_impl->m_zback_channel < 0 && is_or_endswithdot (channelnames[c], "Zback"))
            m_impl->m_zback_channel = c;
        else if (m_impl->m_alpha_channel < 0 && is_or_endswithdot (channelnames[c], "A"))
            m_impl->m_alpha_channel = c;
        else if (m_impl->m_alpha_channel < 0 && is_or_endswithdot (channelnames[c], "Alpha"))
            m_impl->m_alpha_channel = c;
        else if (m_impl->m_AR_channel < 0 && is_or_endswithdot (channelnames[c], "AR"))
            m_impl->m_AR_channel = c;
        else if (m_impl->m_AG_channel < 0 && is_or_endswithdot (channelnames[c], "AG"))
            m_impl->m_AG_channel = c;
        else if (m_impl->m_AB_channel < 0 && is_or_endswithdot (channelnames[c], "AB"))
            m_impl->m_AB_channel = c;
    // Now try to find which alpha corresponds to each channel
    for (int c = 0; c < m_nchannels; ++c) {
        // Skip non-color channels
        if (c == m_impl->m_z_channel || c == m_impl->m_zback_channel ||
            m_impl->m_channeltypes[c] == TypeDesc::UINT32)
        string_view name (channelnames[c]);
        // Alpha channels are their own alpha
        if (is_or_endswithdot (name, "A")  || is_or_endswithdot (name, "AR") ||
            is_or_endswithdot (name, "AG") || is_or_endswithdot (name, "AB") ||
            is_or_endswithdot (name, "Alpha")) {
            m_impl->m_myalphachannel[c] = c;
        // For anything else, try to find its channel
        string_view prefix = name, suffix = name;
        size_t dot = name.find_last_of ('.');
        if (dot == string_view::npos) { // No dot
            prefix.clear ();
        } else { // dot
            prefix = prefix.substr (0, dot+1);
            suffix = suffix.substr (dot+1);
        std::string targetalpha = std::string(prefix) + "A" + std::string(suffix);
        for (int i = 0; i < m_nchannels; ++i) {
            if (Strutil::iequals (m_impl->m_channelnames[i], targetalpha)) {
                m_impl->m_myalphachannel[c] = i;
        if (m_impl->m_myalphachannel[c] < 0)
            m_impl->m_myalphachannel[c] = m_impl->m_alpha_channel;