Ejemplo n.º 1
// TGB: usermessage for updating the buildmenu
void __MsgFunc_BuildMenuUpdate( bf_read &msg )
	//DevMsg("Received BuildMenuUpdate on client\n");

	if (gBuildMenu == NULL)
		gBuildMenu = dynamic_cast<CBuildMenu *>(gViewPortInterface->FindPanelByName(PANEL_BUILD));
		if(gBuildMenu == NULL)

	//read spawn entindex
	int spawnidx = msg.ReadShort();

	//read whether this is an opener msg or update msg
	bool force_open = (msg.ReadOneBit() == 1);

	//read queue from usermessage
	int queue[BM_QUEUE_SIZE];
	for (int i=0; i < BM_QUEUE_SIZE; i++)
		//every type was increased by 1 so that type_invalid could be 0 (byte is unsigned)
		queue[i] = (msg.ReadByte() - 1);

	if (force_open)
		//if we weren't visible, this is also an opening message
		gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel(gBuildMenu, true);


void CASW_Hud_Squad_Hotbar::MsgFunc_ASWOrderStopItemFX( bf_read &msg )
	int iMarine = msg.ReadShort();	
	C_ASW_Marine *pMarine = dynamic_cast<C_ASW_Marine*>(ClientEntityList().GetEnt(iMarine));		// turn iMarine ent index into the marine
	if ( !pMarine )

	bool bShouldDelay = msg.ReadOneBit() ? true : false;
	bool bFailed = msg.ReadOneBit() ? true : false;

	// loops through to see if we already have an order effect for this marine
	if ( bFailed )
		StopItemFX( pMarine, gpGlobals->curtime + 2.0f, true );
	else if ( bShouldDelay )
		StopItemFX( pMarine, gpGlobals->curtime + 2.0f );
		StopItemFX( pMarine );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CHudPickup::MsgFunc_WeaponPickup( bf_read &msg )
	bool loaded = msg.ReadOneBit();
	char weapon[128];
	char texture[128];

	msg.ReadString( weapon, sizeof(weapon) );	

	Q_snprintf( texture, sizeof(texture), "death_%s", weapon );

	m_PickupIcon = gHUD.GetIcon( texture );
	m_fTouchExpire = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.2f;
// Purpose: Parse string update
void CNetworkStringTable::ParseUpdate( bf_read &buf, int entries )
	int lastEntry = -1;

	CUtlVector< StringHistoryEntry > history;

	for (int i=0; i<entries; i++)
		int entryIndex = lastEntry + 1;

		if ( !buf.ReadOneBit() )
			entryIndex = buf.ReadUBitLong( GetEntryBits() );

		lastEntry = entryIndex;
		if ( entryIndex < 0 || entryIndex >= GetMaxStrings() )
			Host_Error( "Server sent bogus string index %i for table %s\n", entryIndex, GetTableName() );

		const char *pEntry = NULL;
		char entry[ 1024 ]; 
		char substr[ 1024 ];

		if ( buf.ReadOneBit() )
			bool substringcheck = buf.ReadOneBit() ? true : false;

			if ( substringcheck )
				int index = buf.ReadUBitLong( 5 );
				int bytestocopy = buf.ReadUBitLong( SUBSTRING_BITS );
				Q_strncpy( entry, history[ index ].string, bytestocopy + 1 );
				buf.ReadString( substr, sizeof(substr) );
				Q_strncat( entry, substr, sizeof(entry), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
				buf.ReadString( entry, sizeof( entry ) );

			pEntry = entry;
		// Read in the user data.
		unsigned char tempbuf[ CNetworkStringTableItem::MAX_USERDATA_SIZE ];
		memset( tempbuf, 0, sizeof( tempbuf ) );
		const void *pUserData = NULL;
		int nBytes = 0;

		if ( buf.ReadOneBit() )
			if ( IsUserDataFixedSize() )
				// Don't need to read length, it's fixed length and the length was networked down already.
				nBytes = GetUserDataSize();
				Assert( nBytes > 0 );
				tempbuf[nBytes-1] = 0; // be safe, clear last byte
				buf.ReadBits( tempbuf, GetUserDataSizeBits() );
				nBytes = buf.ReadUBitLong( CNetworkStringTableItem::MAX_USERDATA_BITS );
				ErrorIfNot( nBytes <= sizeof( tempbuf ),
					("CNetworkStringTableClient::ParseUpdate: message too large (%d bytes).", nBytes)

				buf.ReadBytes( tempbuf, nBytes );

			pUserData = tempbuf;

		// Check if we are updating an old entry or adding a new one
		if ( entryIndex < GetNumStrings() )
			SetStringUserData( entryIndex, nBytes, pUserData );
#ifdef _DEBUG
			if ( pEntry )
				Assert( !Q_strcmp( pEntry, GetString( entryIndex ) ) ); // make sure string didn't change
			pEntry = GetString( entryIndex ); // string didn't change
			// Grow the table (entryindex must be the next empty slot)
			Assert( (entryIndex == GetNumStrings()) && (pEntry != NULL) );
			if ( pEntry == NULL )
				Msg("CNetworkStringTable::ParseUpdate: NULL pEntry, table %s, index %i\n", GetTableName(), entryIndex );
				pEntry = "";// avoid crash because of NULL strings

			AddString( true, pEntry, nBytes, pUserData );

		if ( history.Count() > 31 )
			history.Remove( 0 );

		StringHistoryEntry she;
		Q_strncpy( she.string, pEntry, sizeof( she.string ) );
		history.AddToTail( she );
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool HandleMessage(bf_read &msg, int type)

	if (type == 0) // nop
		//	printf("NOP\n");
		return true;

	if (type == 1) // disconnect
		char dcreason[1024];
		msg.ReadString(dcreason, sizeof(dcreason));
		printf("Disconnected: %s\n", dcreason);
		printf("Reconnecting in 5000 ms ...");

		return true;

	if (type == 2)//net_File
		long transferid = msg.ReadUBitLong(32);
		char filename[255];
		msg.ReadString(filename, sizeof(filename));
		bool requested = (bool)(msg.ReadOneBit()==1);

		if (requested)
			printf("net_File: Server requested file: %s::%i\n", filename, transferid);
			printf("net_File: Server is not sending file: %s::%i\n", filename, transferid);

		return true;
	if (type == 3)//net_Tick
		net_tick = msg.ReadLong();
		net_hostframetime = msg.ReadUBitLong(16);
		net_hostframedeviation = msg.ReadUBitLong(16);
		//printf("Tick: %i - hostframetime: %i ( deviation: %i )\n", net_tick, net_hostframedeviation, net_hostframedeviation);

		return true;

	if (type == 4)//net_StringCmd
		char cmd[1024];
		msg.ReadString(cmd, sizeof(cmd));

		printf("net_StringCmd: %s\n", cmd);
		return true;

	if (type == 5)//net_SetConVar

		int count = msg.ReadByte();

		char cmdname[255];
		char cmdval[255];

		printf("net_SetConVar: %i\n", count);
		for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
			msg.ReadString(cmdname, sizeof(cmdname));
			msg.ReadString(cmdval, sizeof(cmdval));
			printf("%s to: %s\n", cmdname, cmdval);

		printf("net_SetConVar_end, left: %i\n", msg.GetNumBytesLeft());
		return true;


	if (type == 6)// net_SignonState
		int state = msg.ReadByte();
		long aservercount = msg.ReadLong();

		printf("Received net_SignOnState: %i, count: %i\n", state, bconnectstep);

		if (netchan->m_iSignOnState == state)
			printf("Ignored signonstate!\n");
			return true;

		netchan->m_iServerCount = aservercount;
		netchan->m_iSignOnState = state;

		printf("KK __ %i\n", state);
		if (state == 3)

			senddata.WriteUBitLong(8, 6);
			senddata.WriteLong(518790445);//clc_ClientInfo crc

			static int shit = 20;
			printf("LOL: %i\n", shit);

			senddata.WriteUBitLong(0, shit);


			senddata.WriteUBitLong(0, 6);

			senddata.WriteUBitLong(6, 6);

			return true;

		if (bconnectstep)

			if (state == 4 && false)
				senddata.WriteUBitLong(12, 6);

				for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
					senddata.WriteUBitLong(1, 32);


			senddata.WriteUBitLong(6, 6);


			return true;

		senddata.WriteUBitLong(6, 6);

		return true;

	if (type == 7) // svc_Print
		char print[2048];
		msg.ReadString(print, sizeof(print));
		//	printf("svc_Print: %s", print);
		printf("%s", print);
		return true;

	if (type == 8)//svc_ServerInfo
		unsigned short protoversion = msg.ReadShort();
		long servercount = msg.ReadLong();

		bool srctv = (bool)(msg.ReadOneBit() == 1);
		bool dedicated = (bool)(msg.ReadOneBit() == 1);
		long crc = msg.ReadLong();
		short maxclasses = msg.ReadWord();
		char mapmd5[16];
		msg.ReadBytes(mapmd5, 16);

		char players = msg.ReadByte();
		char maxplayers = msg.ReadByte();
		float tickinterval = msg.ReadFloat();
		char platform = msg.ReadChar();

		char gamedir[255];
		char levelname[255];
		char skyname[255];
		char hostname[255];
		char loadingurl[255];
		char gamemode[255];

		msg.ReadString(gamedir, sizeof(gamedir));
		msg.ReadString(levelname, sizeof(levelname));
		msg.ReadString(skyname, sizeof(skyname));
		msg.ReadString(hostname, sizeof(hostname));
		msg.ReadString(loadingurl, sizeof(loadingurl));
		msg.ReadString(gamemode, sizeof(gamemode));

		printf("ServerInfo, players: %lu/%lu | map: %s | name: %s | gm: %s | count: %i | left: %i | step: %i\n", players, maxplayers, levelname, hostname, gamemode, servercount, msg.GetNumBitsLeft(), bconnectstep);

		netchan->m_iServerCount = servercount;
		bconnectstep = 4;

		return true;

	if (type == 10)//svc_ClassInfo
		int classes = msg.ReadShort();
		int useclientclasses = msg.ReadOneBit();

		unsigned int size = (int)(log2(classes) + 1);

		if (useclientclasses == 0)
			printf("Received svc_ClassInfo | classes: %i: \n", classes);
			for (int i = 0; i < classes; i++)
				int classid = msg.ReadUBitLong(size);

				char classname[255];
				char dtname[255];

				msg.ReadString(classname, sizeof(classname));
				msg.ReadString(dtname, sizeof(dtname));

				printf("Classname: %s | DTname: %s | ClassID: %i\n", classname, dtname, classid);
			printf("svc_ClassInfo end\n");
		else {
			printf("Received svc_ClassInfo, classes: %i\n", classes);

		return true;

	if (type == 11)//svc_SetPause
		int state = msg.ReadOneBit();
		printf("Received svc_SetPause, state: %i\n", state);

		return true;

	if (type == 12)//svc_CreateStringTable

		char name[500];
		msg.ReadString(name, sizeof(name));

		short maxentries = msg.ReadWord();

		unsigned int size = (int)(log2(maxentries) + 1);
		int entries = msg.ReadUBitLong(size);

		int bits = msg.ReadVarInt32();
		int userdata = msg.ReadOneBit();

		//if (m_bUserDataFixedSize)
		//	buffer.WriteUBitLong(m_nUserDataSize, 12);
		//	buffer.WriteUBitLong(m_nUserDataSizeBits, 4);

		if (userdata == 1)
			int userdatasize = msg.ReadUBitLong(12);

			int userdatabits = msg.ReadUBitLong(4);

		int compressed = msg.ReadOneBit();

		if (bits < 1) return true;

		unsigned int sz = (bits / 8) + 2;

		unsigned char* data = new unsigned char[sz*8]; //TODO: why is 8x the space required. (heap corruption otherwise)

		msg.ReadBits(data, bits);
		bool really_compressed = false;
		unsigned int actual_size;
		CLZSS s;
			unsigned int remaining = sz;
			unsigned char* ptr = data;
			ptr += + 8; // unknown data

			remaining -= 8;
			really_compressed = s.IsCompressed(ptr);
			actual_size = really_compressed?s.GetActualSize(ptr):0;
			if (really_compressed) {
				unsigned char* data_dec = new unsigned char[actual_size];

				s.Uncompress(ptr, data_dec);

				// probably reuses the substring system used by old stringtable implementation. Shift the data by a bit or two to see the first entry of modelprecache for example.
				hexdump(data_dec, actual_size);

				delete[] data_dec;

		hexdump(data, bits / 8);

		delete[] data;

		printf("Received svc_CreateStringTable, name: %s | maxentries: %i | size: %d | entries: %i | compressed: %i,%s,%i | "							"bits: %i (%i bytes)\n", 
												name,		maxentries,		 size,		 entries,	compressed, really_compressed?"y":"n", actual_size, bits,bits/8);

		return true;

	if (type == 13)//svc_UpdateStringTable
		int tableid = msg.ReadUBitLong((int)MAX_TABLES_BITS);

		int changed = 1;

		if (msg.ReadOneBit() != 0)
			changed = msg.ReadWord();

		int bits = msg.ReadUBitLong(20);

		if (bits < 1)
			return true;

		char *data = new char[bits];

		msg.ReadBits(data, bits);

		delete[] data;

		printf("Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: %i | changed: %i | bits: %i\n", tableid, changed, bits);

		return true;

	if (type == 14)//svc_VoiceInit
		char codec[255];
		msg.ReadString(codec, sizeof(codec));

		int quality = msg.ReadByte();

		printf("Received svc_VoiceInit, codec: %s | quality: %i\n", codec, quality);

		return true;

	if (type == 15)//svc_VoiceData


		int client = msg.ReadByte();
		int proximity = msg.ReadByte();
		int bits = msg.ReadWord();

		if (msg.GetNumBitsLeft() < bits)
			bits = msg.GetNumBitsLeft();

		//if (!bits)//its just us talking
		//	return true;

		printf("Received svc_VoiceData, client: %i | proximity: %i | bits: %i\n", client, proximity, bits);

		char* voicedata = new char[(bits+8)/8];
		msg.ReadBits(voicedata, bits);

			char*uncompressed = new char[0xFFFF];
			unsigned int uncompressed_size = 0;
			EVoiceResult worked = clientaudio->DecompressVoice(voicedata, bits / 8, uncompressed, 0xFFFF, &uncompressed_size, clientaudio->GetVoiceOptimalSampleRate());

			if (worked == k_EVoiceResultOK)
				HWAVEOUT hWaveOut = 0;
				WAVEHDR header = { uncompressed, uncompressed_size, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

				WAVEFORMATEX wfx = { WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, 1, clientaudio->GetVoiceOptimalSampleRate(), clientaudio->GetVoiceOptimalSampleRate()*2, 2, 16, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) };
				waveOutOpen(&hWaveOut, WAVE_MAPPER, &wfx, 0, 0, CALLBACK_NULL);

				waveOutPrepareHeader(hWaveOut, &header, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
				waveOutWrite(hWaveOut, &header, sizeof(WAVEHDR));

				waveOutUnprepareHeader(hWaveOut, &header, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
				printf("RIP AUDIO: %i\n", worked);
				delete[] uncompressed;

			delete[] voicedata;

		if (voicemimic)

			senddata.WriteUBitLong(10, 6);
			senddata.WriteBits(voicedata, bits);


		delete[] voicedata;

		return true;

	if (type == 17)//svc_Sounds
		int reliable = msg.ReadOneBit();

		int num = 1;
		int bits = 0;

		if (reliable == 0)
			num = msg.ReadUBitLong(8);
			bits = msg.ReadUBitLong(16);
		else {
			bits = msg.ReadUBitLong(8);

		if (bits < 1)
			return true;

		char*data = new char[bits];
		msg.ReadBits(data, bits);

		delete[] data;

		//printf("Received svc_Sounds, reliable: %i, bits: %i, num: %i\n", reliable, bits, num);
		return true;

	if (type == 18)//svc_SetView
		int ent = msg.ReadUBitLong(MAX_EDICT_BITS);

		printf("Received svc_SetView, ent: %i\n", ent);
		return true;

	if (type == 19)//svc_FixAngle
		int relative = msg.ReadOneBit();

		float x = msg.ReadBitAngle(16);
		float y = msg.ReadBitAngle(16);
		float z = msg.ReadBitAngle(16);

		printf("Received svc_FixAngle, x:%f y: %f z: %f | relative: %i\n", x, y, z, relative);

		return true;

	if (type == 20)//svc_CrosshairAngle
		int p = msg.ReadUBitLong(16);
		int y = msg.ReadUBitLong(16);
		int r = msg.ReadUBitLong(16);
		printf("Received svc_CrosshairAngle p: %d y: %d r: %d\n", p, y, r);

	if (type == 21)//svc_BSPDecal

		Vector vec;

		int texture = msg.ReadUBitLong(9);
		int useentity = msg.ReadOneBit();

		int ent = 0;
		int modulation = 0;

		if (useentity == 1)
			ent = msg.ReadUBitLong(MAX_EDICT_BITS);

			modulation = msg.ReadUBitLong(12);//fix me	


		int lowpriority = msg.ReadOneBit();

		printf("Received svc_BSPDecal: pos: %f:%f:%f | tex: %i | useent: %i\n", vec.x, vec.y, vec.z, texture, useentity);

		return true;

	if (type == 23)//svc_UserMessage
		int msgtype = msg.ReadByte();
		int bits = msg.ReadUBitLong(MAX_USERMESSAGE_BITS);

		if (bits < 1)
			return true;

		char* data = new char[bits];

		msg.ReadBits(data, bits);

		bf_read userMsg(data, bits);

		if (msgtype == 3)

			int client = userMsg.ReadByte();
			//int bWantsChat = userMsg.ReadByte();
			char readstr[MAX_USER_MSG_DATA];
			userMsg.ReadString(readstr, sizeof(readstr));

			int something3 = userMsg.ReadByte(); //idk, sometimes 1, might be bchat
			int something4 = userMsg.ReadByte(); //seems to be 1 when teamchatting
			int something5 = userMsg.ReadByte(); //idk, sometimes 1

			printf("Chat message: %i:%s __ %i\n", client, readstr, userMsg.GetNumBytesLeft());

			delete[] data;
			return true;

		if (msgtype == 5)
			char readstr[MAX_USER_MSG_DATA];
			userMsg.ReadString(readstr, sizeof(readstr));

			printf("umsg print: %s\n", readstr);
		if (msgtype == 44)//nwvar
			int c**k = userMsg.ReadUBitLong(32);
			int cock2 = userMsg.ReadByte();

			char str[255];
			userMsg.ReadString(str, sizeof(str));

			char str2[255];
			userMsg.ReadString(str2, sizeof(str2));

			//printf("cock1:%i cock2: %i name: %s str2: %s | left: %i\n", c**k, cock2, str, str2,  userMsg.GetNumBytesLeft());

			delete[] data;
			return true;

		delete[] data;

		printf("Received svc_UserMessage, type: %i | bits: %i\n", msgtype, bits);

		return true;

	if (type == 24)//svc_EntityMessage
		int ent = msg.ReadUBitLong(MAX_EDICT_BITS);
		int entclass = msg.ReadUBitLong(MAX_SERVER_CLASS_BITS);
		int bits = msg.ReadUBitLong(MAX_ENTITYMESSAGE_BITS);

		if (bits < 1)
			return true;

		char *data = new char[bits];
		msg.ReadBits(data, bits);

		delete[] data;

		printf("Received svc_EntityMessage, ent: %i | class: %i | bits: %i\n", ent, entclass, bits);

		return true;

	if (type == 25)//svc_GameEvent
		int bits = msg.ReadUBitLong(11);

		if (bits < 1)
			return true;

		char *data = new char[bits];
		msg.ReadBits(data, bits);

		delete[] data;

		printf("Received svc_GameEvent, bits: %i\n", bits);
		return true;

	if (type == 26)//svc_PacketEntities
		int max = msg.ReadUBitLong(MAX_EDICT_BITS);

		int isdelta = msg.ReadOneBit();

		int delta = -1;

		if (isdelta)
			delta = msg.ReadLong();

		int baseline = msg.ReadUBitLong(1);
		int changed = msg.ReadUBitLong(MAX_EDICT_BITS);
		int bits = msg.ReadUBitLong(20);

		int updatebaseline = msg.ReadOneBit();

		int bytes = bits / 8;

		if (bits < 1)
			return true;

		char *data = new char[bits];
		msg.ReadBits(data, bits);

		delete[] data;

		//printf("Received svc_PacketEntities, max: %i | isdelta: %i | line: %i | changed: %i | bits: %i | update: %i\n", max, isdelta, baseline, changed, bits, updatebaseline);

		return true;

	if (type == 27)//svc_TempEntities
		int num = msg.ReadUBitLong(8);
		int bits = msg.ReadVarInt32();

		if (bits < 1)
			return true;

		char *data = new char[bits];

		msg.ReadBits(data, bits);

		delete[] data;

		printf("Received svc_TempEntities, num: %i | bits: %i\n", num, bits);

		if (bconnectstep)
			leynet_tcp tcp;
			printf("TCP TIME2\n");
			tcp.OpenConnection(serverip, serverport);//is that really the tcp port
			printf("CONNECTED: %s __ %i\n", serverip, serverport);


			memset(netsendbuffer, 0xFF, NETBUFFER_SIZE);

			tcp.Send("\x09", 1);

			senddata.WriteUBitLong(10, 6);


			for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)

				tcp.Send((const char*)senddata.GetData(), senddata.GetNumBytesWritten());

			senddata.WriteUBitLong(6, 6);

			senddata.WriteUBitLong(11, 6);
			senddata.WriteUBitLong(1, 1);

			bconnectstep = 0;


		return true;

	if (type == 28)//svc_Prefetch
		int index = msg.ReadUBitLong(4);

		printf("Received svc_Prefetch, index: %i\n", index);

		return true;
	if (type == 30)//svc_GameEventList
		int num = msg.ReadUBitLong(9);
		int bits = msg.ReadUBitLong(20);

		if (bits < 1)
			return true;

		char *data = new char[bits];
		msg.ReadBits(data, bits);

		printf("Received svc_GameEventList, num: %i | bits: %i\n", num, bits);

		delete[] data;

		return true;

	if (type == 31)//svc_GetCvarValue
		int cookie = msg.ReadUBitLong(32);

		char cvarname[255];
		msg.ReadString(cvarname, sizeof(cvarname));

		printf("Received svc_GetCvarValue, cookie: %i | name: %s\n", cookie, cvarname);

		return true;

	if (type == 33)//svc_GMod_ServerToClient
		int bits = msg.ReadUBitLong(20);
		int type = msg.ReadByte(); // 4= probably server telling about files

		if (bits < 1)
			return true;

		if (bits < 0)
			printf("Received svc_Gmod_ServerToClient || Invalid!\n");

			return true;

		if (type == 4)
			char* data = new char[bits];

			int id = msg.ReadWord();

			int toread = bits - 8 - 16;
			if (toread > 0)
				msg.ReadBits(data, toread);

			printf("Received svc_GMod_ServerToClient, type: %i |  bits: %i  | id: %i \n", type, bits, id);

			delete[] data;

			return true;



			printf("Received svc_GMod_ServerToClient, type: %i |  bits: %i\n", type, bits);

			return true;

		if (type == 0)
			int id = msg.ReadWord();

			char* data = new char[bits];

			int toread = bits - 8 - 16;
			if (toread > 0)
				msg.ReadBits(data, toread);

			delete[] data;

			printf("Received svc_GMod_ServerToClient, type: %i |  bits: %i\n", type, bits);
			return true;

		printf("Received svc_GMod_ServerToClient, type: %i |  bits: %i\n", type, bits);

		return true;

	return false;