Ejemplo n.º 1
void cGirlTorture::AddTextPlayer()
	bool was, is;

	int mes = g_Dice.in_range(0, 4);
	switch (mes) {
	case 0:
		m_Message += gettext("you torture her for hours leaving her sobbing.\n");
	case 1:
		m_Message += gettext("you enjoy giving out all manners of pain imaginable.");
	case 2:
		m_Message += gettext("you place a small wormlike creature called a vorm in her pussy and watch as it painfully sucks fluid from her.");
	case 3:
		m_Message += gettext("after beating her around and using a few torture devices, you sit and watch her crying and cowering in the corner for a time.");
	case 4:
		m_Message += gettext("you rape her many times making sure she is as uncomfotable as possible.");
		*		see if she was preggers before the rape
		*		check to see if the rape made her pregnant
		*		then check to see if she is afterward
		was = m_Girl->is_pregnant();
		*		supposed to be checking to see if
		*		she's preg by the goons (at group sex rates)
		*		then again by player. But I don't have a handy
		*		sCustomer so I'm going group rate
		*		and assigning any progeny to the player.
		*		Lazy, I know :)
		m_Girl->calc_pregnancy(The_Player, false, 1.5);
		is = m_Girl->is_pregnant();
		*		if she was not, but is now, then the player
		*		just knocked her up. We should mention this.
		if (is && !was)
			m_Message += gettext(" She is now pregnant.");