Ejemplo n.º 1
ring_array_test(const communicator& comm, const T* pass_values,
                int n, const char* kind, int root = 0)
  T* transferred_values = new T[n];
  int rank = comm.rank();
  int size = comm.size();

  if (rank == root) {

    std::cout << "Passing " << kind << " array around a ring from root "
              << root  << "...";
    comm.send((rank + 1) % size, 0, pass_values, n);
    comm.recv((rank + size - 1) % size, 0, transferred_values, n);
    bool okay = std::equal(pass_values, pass_values + n,
    if (okay) std::cout << " OK." << std::endl;
  } else {
    status stat = comm.probe(boost::mpi::any_source, 0);
    boost::optional<int> num_values = stat.template count<T>();
    if (boost::mpi::is_mpi_datatype<T>())
      BOOST_CHECK(num_values && *num_values == n);
      BOOST_CHECK(!num_values || *num_values == n);     
    comm.recv(stat.source(), 0, transferred_values, n);
    BOOST_CHECK(std::equal(pass_values, pass_values + n,
    comm.send((rank + 1) % size, 0, transferred_values, n);
  delete [] transferred_values;
Ejemplo n.º 2
communicator_recv(const communicator& comm, int source, int tag,
                  bool return_status)
  using pdalboost::python::make_tuple;

  object result;
  status stat = comm.recv(source, tag, result);
  if (return_status)
    return make_tuple(result, stat);
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  gather_impl(const communicator& comm, const T* in_values, int n, 
              T* out_values, int root, mpl::false_)
    int tag = environment::collectives_tag();
    int size = comm.size();

    for (int src = 0; src < size; ++src) {
      if (src == root)
        std::copy(in_values, in_values + n, out_values + n * src);
        comm.recv(src, tag, out_values + n * src, n);
Ejemplo n.º 4
ring_test(const communicator& comm, const T& pass_value, const char* kind,
          int root = 0)
  T transferred_value;

  int rank = comm.rank();
  int size = comm.size();

  if (rank == root) {
    std::cout << "Passing " << kind << " around a ring from root " << root
              << "...";
    comm.send((rank + 1) % size, 0, pass_value);
    comm.recv((rank + size - 1) % size, 0, transferred_value);
    BOOST_CHECK(transferred_value == pass_value);
    if (transferred_value == pass_value) std::cout << " OK." << std::endl;
  } else {
    comm.recv((rank + size - 1) % size, 0, transferred_value);
    BOOST_CHECK(transferred_value == pass_value);
    comm.send((rank + 1) % size, 0, transferred_value);

Ejemplo n.º 5
  upper_lower_scan(const communicator& comm, const T* in_values, int n,
                   T* out_values, Op& op, int lower, int upper)
    int tag = environment::collectives_tag();
    int rank = comm.rank();

    if (lower + 1 == upper) {
      std::copy(in_values, in_values + n, out_values);
    } else {
      int middle = (lower + upper) / 2;
      if (rank < middle) {
        // Lower half
        upper_lower_scan(comm, in_values, n, out_values, op, lower, middle);

        // If we're the last process in the lower half, send our values
        // to everyone in the upper half.
        if (rank == middle - 1) {
          packed_oarchive oa(comm);
          for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            oa << out_values[i];

          for (int p = middle; p < upper; ++p)
            comm.send(p, tag, oa);
      } else {
        // Upper half
        upper_lower_scan(comm, in_values, n, out_values, op, middle, upper);

        // Receive value from the last process in the lower half.
        packed_iarchive ia(comm);
        comm.recv(middle - 1, tag, ia);

        // Combine value that came from the left with our value
        T left_value;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            ia >> left_value;
            out_values[i] = op(left_value, out_values[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 6
test_skeleton_and_content(const communicator& comm, int root,
                          bool manual_broadcast)
    using boost::mpi::skeleton;
    using boost::mpi::content;
    using boost::mpi::get_content;
    using boost::make_counting_iterator;
    using boost::mpi::broadcast;

    int list_size = comm.size() + 7;
    if (comm.rank() == root) {
        // Fill in the seed data
        std::list<int> original_list;
        for (int i = 0; i < list_size; ++i)

        std::cout << "Broadcasting integer list skeleton from root " << root
                  << "...";
        if (manual_broadcast) {
            // Broadcast the skeleton (manually)
            for (int p = 0; p < comm.size(); ++p)
                if (p != root) comm.send(p, 0, skeleton(original_list));
        } else {
            broadcast(comm, skeleton(original_list), root);
        std::cout << "OK." << std::endl;

        // Broadcast the content (manually)
        std::cout << "Broadcasting integer list content from root " << root
                  << "...";
            content c = get_content(original_list);
            for (int p = 0; p < comm.size(); ++p)
                if (p != root) comm.send(p, 1, c);
        std::cout << "OK." << std::endl;

        // Reverse the list, broadcast the content again
        std::reverse(original_list.begin(), original_list.end());
        std::cout << "Broadcasting reversed integer list content from root "
                  << root << "...";
            content c = get_content(original_list);
            for (int p = 0; p < comm.size(); ++p)
                if (p != root) comm.send(p, 2, c);
        std::cout << "OK." << std::endl;
    } else {
        // Allocate some useless data, to try to get the addresses of the
        // list<int>'s used later to be different across processes.
        std::list<int> junk_list(comm.rank() * 3 + 1, 17);

        // Receive the skeleton to build up the transferred list
        std::list<int> transferred_list;
        if (manual_broadcast) {
            comm.recv(root, 0, skeleton(transferred_list));
        } else {
            broadcast(comm, skeleton(transferred_list), root);
        BOOST_CHECK((int)transferred_list.size() == list_size);

        // Receive the content and check it
        comm.recv(root, 1, get_content(transferred_list));

        // Receive the reversed content and check it
        comm.recv(root, 2, get_content(transferred_list));
