void TSRGeometryContainer::ProcessPolyListsArrayDOM( const domMeshRef& _mesh )
    // there will be multiple triangles to process
    domPolylist_Array& polylists_array = _mesh->getPolylist_array();

    unsigned int PolyListsCount = ( unsigned int ) polylists_array.getCount();

    // loop on each group of triangles groups...
    // same should be done when there are polygons..
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < PolyListsCount; i++ )
        TSRModelGeometryTriangleSet newSet;
        newSet.m_uiStartIndex = ( int ) m_pTwisterGeometry->GetIndexCount();
        newSet.m_uiMaterialIndex = 0;
        domPolylistRef currPolyList = polylists_array[ i ];
        xsNCName materialName =  currPolyList->getMaterial();
        int materialIndex = m_pExporter->FindMaterialIndexByName( materialName );
        // material 0 is the default if no material was found...
        if ( materialIndex > -1 )
            newSet.m_uiMaterialIndex = materialIndex + 1;
        ProcessPolyListDOM( currPolyList );
        newSet.m_uiIndexCount = ( int ) m_pTwisterGeometry->GetIndexCount() - newSet.m_uiStartIndex;
        m_pTwisterGeometry->m_TriangleSets.push_back( newSet );