Ejemplo n.º 1
GTEST_TEST(testIK, atlasIK) {
    RigidBodyTree model(
        GetDrakePath() + "/examples/Atlas/urdf/atlas_minimal_contact.urdf");

    Vector2d tspan;
    tspan << 0, 1;
    VectorXd q0 = model.getZeroConfiguration();
    // The state frame of cpp model does not match with the state frame of MATLAB
    // model, since the dofname_to_dofnum is different in cpp and MATLAB
    q0(2) = 0.8;
    Vector3d com_lb = Vector3d::Zero();
    Vector3d com_ub = Vector3d::Zero();
    com_lb(2) = 0.9;
    com_ub(2) = 1.0;
    WorldCoMConstraint com_kc(&model, com_lb, com_ub, tspan);

    std::vector<RigidBodyConstraint*> constraint_array;
    IKoptions ikoptions(&model);
    VectorXd q_sol(model.number_of_positions());
    int info = 0;
    std::vector<std::string> infeasible_constraint;
    inverseKin(&model, q0, q0, constraint_array.size(), constraint_array.data(),
               ikoptions, &q_sol, &info, &infeasible_constraint);
    printf("info = %d\n", info);
    EXPECT_EQ(info, 1);

    KinematicsCache<double> cache = model.doKinematics(q_sol);
    Vector3d com = model.centerOfMass(cache);
    printf("%5.6f\n%5.6f\n%5.6f\n", com(0), com(1), com(2));
        CompareMatrices(com, Vector3d(0, 0, 1), 1e-6,
Ejemplo n.º 2
GTEST_TEST(testIK, iiwaIK) {
    RigidBodyTree model(
        GetDrakePath() + "/examples/kuka_iiwa_arm/urdf/iiwa14.urdf");

    // Create a timespan for the constraints.  It's not particularly
    // meaningful in this test since inverseKin() only tests a single
    // point, but the constructors need something.
    Vector2d tspan;
    tspan << 0, 1;

    // Start the robot in the zero configuration (all joints zeroed,
    // pointing straight up).
    VectorXd q0 = model.getZeroConfiguration();

    // Constrain iiwa_link_7 (the end effector) to move 0.58 on the X
    // axis and down slightly (to make room for the X axis motion).
    Vector3d pos_end;
    pos_end << 0.58, 0, 0.77;
    const double pos_tol = 0.01;
    Vector3d pos_lb = pos_end - Vector3d::Constant(pos_tol);
    Vector3d pos_ub = pos_end + Vector3d::Constant(pos_tol);
    const int link_7_idx = model.FindBodyIndex("iiwa_link_7");
    WorldPositionConstraint wpc(&model, link_7_idx,
                                Vector3d(0, 0, 0), pos_lb, pos_ub, tspan);

    // Constrain iiwa_joint_4 between 0.9 and 1.0.
    PostureConstraint pc(&model, tspan);
    drake::Vector1d joint_lb(0.9);
    drake::Vector1d joint_ub(1.0);
    Eigen::VectorXi joint_idx(1);
    joint_idx(0) = model.findJoint("iiwa_joint_4")->get_position_start_index();
    pc.setJointLimits(joint_idx, joint_lb, joint_ub);

    std::vector<RigidBodyConstraint*> constraint_array;
    IKoptions ikoptions(&model);

    VectorXd q_sol(model.number_of_positions());
    int info = 0;
    std::vector<std::string> infeasible_constraint;
    inverseKin(&model, q0, q0, constraint_array.size(), constraint_array.data(),
               ikoptions, &q_sol, &info, &infeasible_constraint);
    EXPECT_EQ(info, 1);

    // Check that our constrained joint is within where we tried to constrain it.
    EXPECT_GE(q_sol(joint_idx(0)), joint_lb(0));
    EXPECT_LE(q_sol(joint_idx(0)), joint_ub(0));

    // Check that the link we were trying to position wound up where we expected.
    KinematicsCache<double> cache = model.doKinematics(q_sol);
                    pos_end, model.relativeTransform(cache, 0, link_7_idx).translation(),
                    pos_tol + 1e-6, MatrixCompareType::absolute));
Ejemplo n.º 3
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) {
  if (nrhs < 1) {
        "Usage compareParsersmex(model_ptr, urdf_file, floating_base_type)");

  // first get the model_ptr back from matlab
  RigidBodyTree<double>* matlab_model =

  char urdf_file[1000];
  mxGetString(prhs[1], urdf_file, 1000);
  char floating_base_type_str[100] = "rpy";
  if (nrhs > 2) mxGetString(prhs[2], floating_base_type_str, 100);
  FloatingBaseType floating_base_type = kQuaternion;
  if (strcmp(floating_base_type_str, "fixed") == 0)
    floating_base_type = kFixed;
  else if (strcmp(floating_base_type_str, "rpy") == 0)
    floating_base_type = kRollPitchYaw;
  else if (strcmp(floating_base_type_str, "quat") == 0)
    floating_base_type = kQuaternion;
        "Unknown floating base type.  must be 'fixed', 'rpy', or 'quat'");

  auto cpp_model = std::make_unique<RigidBodyTree<double>>();
  drake::parsers::PackageMap package_map;
      urdf_file, package_map, floating_base_type, nullptr /* weld to frame */,

  // Compute coordinate transform between the two models (in case they are not
  // identical)
  MatrixXd P =
                     matlab_model->get_num_positions());  // The projection from
                                                          // the coordinates of
                                                          // the matlab_model
                                                          // to the cpp_model.
  for (int i = 0; i < cpp_model->bodies.size(); ++i) {
    if (cpp_model->bodies[i]->has_parent_body() &&
        cpp_model->bodies[i]->getJoint().get_num_positions() > 0) {
      RigidBody<double>* b = matlab_model->FindChildBodyOfJoint(
      if (b == nullptr) continue;
      for (int j = 0; j < b->getJoint().get_num_positions(); ++j) {
        P(cpp_model->bodies[i]->get_position_start_index() + j,
          b->get_position_start_index() + j) = 1.0;
  if (!P.isApprox(MatrixXd::Identity(matlab_model->get_num_positions(),
                                     matlab_model->get_num_positions()))) {
    cout << "P = \n" << P << endl;
    mexErrMsgTxt("ERROR: coordinates don't match");

  std::default_random_engine generator;  // note: gets the same seed every time,
                                         // would have to seed it manually
  std::normal_distribution<double> distribution(0.0, 1.0);
  for (int trial = 0; trial < 1; trial++) {
    // generate random q
    VectorXd matlab_q = matlab_model->getRandomConfiguration(generator);
    VectorXd cpp_q(cpp_model->get_num_positions());
    cpp_q.noalias() = P * matlab_q;

    if ((matlab_model->get_num_positions() !=
         matlab_model->get_num_velocities()) ||
        (cpp_model->get_num_positions() !=
         cpp_model->get_num_velocities())) {
          "ERROR: num_positions != num_velocities have to generate another P "
          "for "
          "this case");

    // generate random v
    VectorXd matlab_v(matlab_model->get_num_velocities()),
    for (int i = 0; i < matlab_model->get_num_velocities(); i++)
      matlab_v[i] = distribution(generator);
    cpp_v.noalias() = P * matlab_v;

    // run kinematics
    KinematicsCache<double> matlab_cache =
        matlab_model->doKinematics(matlab_q, matlab_v, true);
    KinematicsCache<double> cpp_cache =
        cpp_model->doKinematics(cpp_q, cpp_v, true);

    {  // compare H, C, and B
      auto matlab_H = matlab_model->massMatrix(matlab_cache);
      auto cpp_H = cpp_model->massMatrix(cpp_cache);

      std::string explanation;
      if (!CompareMatrices(matlab_H, cpp_H, 1e-8, MatrixCompareType::absolute,
                           &explanation)) {
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "Drake: CompareParserMex: ERROR: H doesn't match: " + explanation);

      const RigidBodyTree<double>::BodyToWrenchMap no_external_wrenches;
      auto matlab_C = matlab_model->dynamicsBiasTerm(matlab_cache,
      auto cpp_C = cpp_model->dynamicsBiasTerm(cpp_cache, no_external_wrenches);

      if (!CompareMatrices(matlab_C, cpp_C, 1e-8, MatrixCompareType::absolute,
                           &explanation)) {
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "Drake: CompareParserMex: ERROR: C doesn't match: " + explanation);

      if (!CompareMatrices(matlab_model->B, cpp_model->B, 1e-8,
                           MatrixCompareType::absolute, &explanation)) {
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "Drake: CompareParserMex: ERROR: B doesn't match: " + explanation);

    {  // compare joint limits
      std::string explanation;
      if (!CompareMatrices(matlab_model->joint_limit_min,
                           cpp_model->joint_limit_min, 1e-8,
                           MatrixCompareType::absolute, &explanation)) {
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "Drake: CompareParserMex: ERROR: joint_limit_min doesn't match: " +

      if (!CompareMatrices(matlab_model->joint_limit_max,
                           cpp_model->joint_limit_max, 1e-8,
                           MatrixCompareType::absolute, &explanation)) {
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "Drake: CompareParserMex: ERROR: joint_limit_max doesn't match: " +

    {  // compare position constraints
      auto matlab_phi = matlab_model->positionConstraints(matlab_cache);
      auto cpp_phi = cpp_model->positionConstraints(cpp_cache);

      std::string explanation;
      if (!CompareMatrices(matlab_phi, cpp_phi, 1e-8,
                           MatrixCompareType::absolute, &explanation)) {
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "Drake: CompareParserMex: ERROR: phi doesn't match doesn't "
            "match: " +

      auto matlab_dphi =
      auto cpp_dphi = cpp_model->positionConstraintsJacobian(cpp_cache);
      if (!CompareMatrices(matlab_dphi, cpp_dphi, 1e-8,
                           MatrixCompareType::absolute, &explanation)) {
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "Drake: CompareParserMex: ERROR: dphi doesn't match: " +
Ejemplo n.º 4
GTEST_TEST(testIKtraj, testIKtraj) {
  RigidBodyTree model(
      GetDrakePath() + "/examples/Atlas/urdf/atlas_minimal_contact.urdf");

  int r_hand{};
  int pelvis{};
  for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(model.bodies.size()); i++) {
    if (!model.bodies[i]->get_name().compare(std::string("r_hand"))) {
      r_hand = i;
    if (!model.bodies[i]->get_name().compare(std::string("pelvis"))) {
      pelvis = i;

  VectorXd qstar = model.getZeroConfiguration();
  qstar(3) = 0.8;
  KinematicsCache<double> cache = model.doKinematics(qstar);
  Vector3d com0 = model.centerOfMass(cache);

  Vector3d r_hand_pt = Vector3d::Zero();
  Vector3d rhand_pos0 = model.transformPoints(cache, r_hand_pt, r_hand, 0);

  Vector2d tspan(0, 1);
  int nT = 4;
  double dt = tspan(1) / (nT - 1);
  std::vector<double> t(nT, 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < nT; i++) {
    t[i] = dt * i;
  MatrixXd q0 = qstar.replicate(1, nT);
  VectorXd qdot0 = VectorXd::Zero(model.get_num_velocities());
  Vector3d com_lb = com0;
  com_lb(0) = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
  com_lb(1) = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
  Vector3d com_ub = com0;
  com_ub(0) = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
  com_ub(1) = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
  com_ub(2) = com0(2) + 0.5;
  WorldCoMConstraint com_kc(&model, com_lb, com_ub);
  Vector3d rhand_pos_lb = rhand_pos0;
  rhand_pos_lb(0) += 0.1;
  rhand_pos_lb(1) += 0.05;
  rhand_pos_lb(2) += 0.25;
  Vector3d rhand_pos_ub = rhand_pos_lb;
  rhand_pos_ub(2) += 0.25;
  Vector2d tspan_end;
  tspan_end << t[nT - 1], t[nT - 1];
  WorldPositionConstraint kc_rhand(
      &model, r_hand, r_hand_pt, rhand_pos_lb, rhand_pos_ub, tspan_end);

  // Add a multiple time constraint which is fairly trivial to meet in
  // this case.
  WorldFixedBodyPoseConstraint kc_fixed_pose(&model, pelvis, tspan);

  std::vector<RigidBodyConstraint*> constraint_array;

  IKoptions ikoptions(&model);
  MatrixXd q_sol(model.get_num_positions(), nT);
  MatrixXd qdot_sol(model.get_num_velocities(), nT);
  MatrixXd qddot_sol(model.get_num_positions(), nT);
  int info = 0;
  std::vector<std::string> infeasible_constraint;

  inverseKinTraj(&model, nT, t.data(), qdot0, q0, q0, constraint_array.size(),
                 constraint_array.data(), ikoptions, &q_sol, &qdot_sol,
                 &qddot_sol, &info, &infeasible_constraint);
  EXPECT_EQ(info, 1);


  inverseKinTraj(&model, nT, t.data(), qdot0, q0, q0, constraint_array.size(),
                 constraint_array.data(), ikoptions, &q_sol, &qdot_sol,
                 &qddot_sol, &info, &infeasible_constraint);
  EXPECT_EQ(info, 1);

  Eigen::RowVectorXd t_inbetween(5);
  t_inbetween << 0.1, 0.15, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6;
  inverseKinTraj(&model, nT, t.data(), qdot0, q0, q0, constraint_array.size(),
                 constraint_array.data(), ikoptions, &q_sol, &qdot_sol,
                 &qddot_sol, &info, &infeasible_constraint);
  EXPECT_EQ(info, 1);