bool GraphicsServerCommunication::CaptureFrameStub(gtASCIIString& frameInfoAsXML, unsigned char*& pImageBuffer, unsigned long& imageSize)
    bool retVal = true;
#pragma message ("TODO: FA: remove this function")

    static gtASCIIString serverResponseFormat = "<Root><Location></Location>"\

    static int frameIndex = 1345;
    frameIndex += rand() % 50;
    int elapsedTimeMS = rand() % 1000000;
    int fps = rand() % 250;
    double frameDuration = (double)rand() / 2.345;
    int apiCalls = rand() % 500000;
    int drawCalls = rand() % apiCalls;

    frameInfoAsXML.appendFormattedString(serverResponseFormat.asCharArray(), frameIndex, elapsedTimeMS, fps, frameDuration, apiCalls, drawCalls);

    GetFrameThumbnail(pImageBuffer, imageSize, frameIndex % 12);
    return retVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Name:        osPortAddress::osPortAddress
// Description: Constructor - Represents a remote machine port. (uses ASCII string)
// Arguments:   hostName - The host on which the port resides.
//              remotePortNumber - The port number on the local machine.
// Author:      AMD Developer Tools Team
// Date:        13/9/2010
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
osPortAddress::osPortAddress(const gtASCIIString& hostName, unsigned short remotePortNumber)
    // Convert the host name to a unicode string:
    gtString hostNameUnicode;
    setAsRemotePortAddress(hostNameUnicode, remotePortNumber);
/// Read a chunk of metadata XML to populate all members.
/// \param inMetadataXML A string of XML metadata that will be parsed.
/// \returns True if parsing was successful. False if an error occurred.
bool TraceMetadata::ReadFromXML(const gtASCIIString& inMetadataXML)
    TiXmlDocument xmlDocument;

    // Create a visitor, which will populate "this" TraceMetadata instance.
    MetadataXMLVisitor elementVisitor(this);
    bool bVisistedSuccessfully = xmlDocument.Accept(&elementVisitor);

    return bVisistedSuccessfully;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Name:        GraphicsServerCommunication::ConnectProcess
// Description: Connect to Graphics server's specific process
// Arguments:   strPid - Process ID to connect to and update current PID, (optional) can be "", function will then connect to known process
// Return Val:  bool  - Success / failure
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool GraphicsServerCommunication::ConnectProcess(const gtASCIIString strPid, const gtASCIIString& apiType)
    gtASCIIString strWebResponse;

    bool retVal = false;

    if ((0 < strPid.length()) && (true == strPid.isIntegerNumber()))
        m_strPid = strPid;

    if (apiType.isEmpty() == false)
            m_strApiHttpCommand = "/";
            gtString msg = L"Wrong API given : ";
            GT_ASSERT_EX(false, msg.asCharArray());
            m_strApiHttpCommand = "";
    if (m_strPid.isEmpty() == false && m_strApiHttpCommand.isEmpty() == false)
        // Connect
        gtASCIIString showStack = m_strApiHttpCommand;
        retVal = SendCommandPid(showStack.append("/ShowStack"), strWebResponse, "");

        if (retVal)
            gtASCIIString timeControl = m_strApiHttpCommand;
            retVal = SendCommandPid(timeControl.append("/PushLayer=TimeControl") , strWebResponse, "");

        if (retVal)
            gtASCIIString tcSettings = m_strApiHttpCommand;
            retVal = SendCommandPid(tcSettings.append("/TC/Settings.xml"), strWebResponse, "");

    return retVal;
Ejemplo n.º 5
//  LaunchAppInNewProcess
PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessTracker::LaunchAppInNewProcess(gtASCIIString strApp, gtASCIIString strDir, gtASCIIString strArgs, osModuleArchitecture binaryType)
#ifdef _LINUX
    LogConsole(logMESSAGE, "About to launch: %s\n", strApp.asCharArray());
    LogConsole(logMESSAGE, "Params: %s\n", strArgs.asCharArray());
    LogConsole(logMESSAGE, "Working Directory: %s\n", strDir.asCharArray());

    // Get app directory and make it default
    if (strDir.isEmpty())
        size_t pos = strApp.find_last_of("\\");

        if (pos != std::string::npos)
            strDir = strApp.substr(0, (int)pos);

            if (strApp[0] == '\"')
                strDir += "\"";

    ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));

#ifdef _WIN32


    ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
    si.cb = sizeof(si);

    // Cmd line has to include the exe name since many apps expect the executable name to be in argv[0]!
    // Note argv[0] on the command line needs to be surrounded with quotes if it contains spaces.
    // The arguments in strArgs have already been "quoted" as they are parsed.

    gtASCIIString strCmdLine = AddQuotesIfStringHasSpaces(strApp.asCharArray());
    strCmdLine += " ";
    strCmdLine += strArgs;

    LogConsole(logMESSAGE, "strApp: %s\n", strApp.asCharArray());
    LogConsole(logMESSAGE, "strCmdLine: %s\n", strCmdLine.asCharArray());

    // Attempt to initialize the environment that the new process will run in. The child process should inherit "this" environment.
    if (!PrelaunchEnvironmentInitialization())
        // Log a warning if this failed- initializing the environment for the new process can fail if Mantle support isn't installed.
        // In these cases, if the user is attempting to debug a Mantle application, they will have bigger problems to deal with.
        // In cases where a DX/GL app is being debugged, this warning can be ignored without any side effects.
        Log(logWARNING, "Environment initialization failed. If using DX/GL, it is safe to ignore this warning.\n");

    BOOL succeeded = FALSE;

#ifdef _WIN32

    char microDLLPath[PS_MAX_PATH];
    const char* strServerPath;
    strServerPath = SG_GET_PATH(ServerPath);

    if (SG_GET_BOOL(OptionDllReplacement) == true)
        DllReplacement::SetDllDirectory(binaryType == OS_X86_64_ARCHITECTURE);

    // if using manual dll replacement or the AppInit_DLLs registry setting, don't use any kind of dll injection
    if (SG_GET_BOOL(OptionManualDllReplacement) == true || SG_GET_BOOL(OptionAppInitDll))
        succeeded = CreateProcess(strApp.asCharArray(), (LPSTR)strCmdLine.asCharArray(), NULL, NULL, TRUE, dwFlags, NULL, strDir.asCharArray(), &si, &pi);
#ifdef X64

        // can only launch 64 bit applications
        if (binaryType != OS_X86_64_ARCHITECTURE)
            sprintf_s(microDLLPath, PS_MAX_PATH, "%s" MICRODLLNAME "%s%s.dll", SG_GET_PATH(ServerPath), GDT_DEBUG_SUFFIX, GDT_BUILD_SUFFIX);
            succeeded = AMDT::CreateProcessAndInjectDll(strApp.asCharArray(), (LPSTR)strCmdLine.asCharArray(),
                                                        NULL, NULL, TRUE, dwFlags, NULL,
                                                        &si, &pi,


        if (binaryType != OS_I386_ARCHITECTURE)
            sprintf_s(microDLLPath, PS_MAX_PATH, "%s" MICRODLLNAME "-x64%s%s.dll", SG_GET_PATH(ServerPath), GDT_DEBUG_SUFFIX, GDT_BUILD_SUFFIX);
            succeeded = AMDT::CreateProcessAndInjectDll(strApp.asCharArray(), (LPSTR)strCmdLine.asCharArray(),
                                                        NULL, NULL, TRUE, dwFlags, NULL,
                                                        &si, &pi,

#endif // X64
            succeeded = AMDT::CreateProcessAndInjectDll(strApp.asCharArray(), (LPSTR)strCmdLine.asCharArray(),
                                                        NULL, NULL, TRUE, dwFlags, NULL,
                                                        &si, &pi,


    // Create the app process
    succeeded = CreateProcess(strApp.asCharArray(), strCmdLine.asCharArray(), strDir.asCharArray(), &pi);
#endif // _WIN32

    if (!succeeded)
        osSystemErrorCode systemLastError = osGetLastSystemError();

        gtString systemErrorString;

        Log(logERROR, "CreateProcessAndInjectDll failed; Error %d: %s\n", systemLastError, systemErrorString.asASCIICharArray());
        pi.dwProcessId = 0;

#ifdef _WIN32
        // Check to see if the Steam.exe has been hooked and if so, set the value in shared memory
        // If Steam.exe was used to launch the target application, then the checks for cmd.exe and fcx.exe
        // need to be ignored.
        if (strApp.length() > 0)
            if (strstr(strApp.toLowerCase().asCharArray(), "steam.exe") != NULL)
                SG_SET_BOOL(SteamInjected, true);

            if (strstr(strCmdLine.toLowerCase().asCharArray(), "steam.exe") != NULL)
                SG_SET_BOOL(SteamInjected, true);


#endif // _WIN32

    return pi;
Ejemplo n.º 6
/// Get the API parameters as a single string. Build the string from the
/// individual parameters if necessary
/// \return parameter string
const char* DX12APIEntry::GetParameterString() const
    static gtASCIIString parameterString;

    if (mNumParameters == 0)
        return mParameters.asCharArray();
        parameterString = "";
        // get the API function parameters from the raw memory buffer
        int arrayCount = 0;
        char* buffer = mParameterBuffer;

        if (buffer != nullptr)
            for (UINT32 loop = 0; loop < mNumParameters; loop++)
                char* ptr = buffer;
                PARAMETER_TYPE paramType;
                memcpy(&paramType, ptr, sizeof(PARAMETER_TYPE));
                ptr += sizeof(PARAMETER_TYPE);
                unsigned char length = *ptr++;

                if (length < BYTES_PER_PARAMETER)
                    // if an array token is found, add an opening brace and start the array elements countdown
                    if (paramType == PARAMETER_ARRAY)
                        memcpy(&arrayCount, ptr, sizeof(unsigned int));
                        parameterString += "[ ";
                        char parameter[BYTES_PER_PARAMETER] = {};

                        GetParameterAsString(paramType, length, ptr, parameter);
                        parameterString += parameter;

                        // check to see if this is the last array element. If so, output a closing brace
                        // before the comma separator (if needed)
                        if (arrayCount > 0)

                            if (arrayCount == 0)
                                parameterString += " ]";

                        // if there are more parameters to come, insert a comma delimiter
                        if ((loop + 1) < mNumParameters)
                            parameterString += ", ";

                // point to next parameter in the buffer
                buffer += BYTES_PER_PARAMETER;

        return parameterString.asCharArray();
/// Handle what happens when a Linked Trace is requested. We can either:
/// 1. Return the trace response as normal.
/// 2. Cache the response to disk, and generate a "trace metadata" file used to retrieve the trace later.
/// \param inFullResponseString The response string built by tracing the application.
/// \param inbSaveResponseToFile A switch used to determine which response method to use.
void MultithreadedTraceAnalyzerLayer::HandleLinkedTraceResponse(gtASCIIString& inFullResponseString, bool inbSaveResponseToFile)
    ModernAPILayerManager* parentLayerManager = GetParentLayerManager();

    if (parentLayerManager->InCapturePlayer())
        const std::string& metadataFile = parentLayerManager->GetPathToTargetMetadataFile();

        if (metadataFile.length() > 0)
            // Read the metadata file and store the contents in a structure.
            TraceMetadata traceMetadata;
            traceMetadata.mFrameInfo = new FrameInfo;

            bool bReadMetadataFileSuccessfully = ReadMetadataFile(metadataFile, &traceMetadata);

            if (bReadMetadataFileSuccessfully)
                gtASCIIString traceContents;
                bool bReadTraceSuccessfully = LoadTraceFile(traceMetadata.mPathToTraceFile, traceContents);

                if (bReadTraceSuccessfully)
                    // At this point the full trace response text should be loaded into our string and ready to be sent back to the client.
                    Log(logERROR, "Failed to read trace file at '%s'.", traceMetadata.mPathToTraceFile.c_str());
                Log(logERROR, "Failed to read metadata file at '%s'.", metadataFile.c_str());

            // Destroy the FrameInfo instance that was created above.
            Log(logERROR, "Failed to locate valid path to trace metadata file.");
        gtASCIIString traceHeaderBlock;
        bool bBuiltHeaderSuccessfully = GenerateLinkedTraceHeader(traceHeaderBlock);

        if (bBuiltHeaderSuccessfully)
            bool bKeypressTrigger = parentLayerManager->IsTraceTriggeredByKeypress();

            // Collect a trace and generate the trace metadata string. Write the trace and metadata files to disk.
            std::string metadataXMLString;
            bool bWriteMetadataSuccessful = WriteTraceAndMetadataFiles(traceHeaderBlock, inFullResponseString, metadataXMLString);

            // If the trace wasn't triggered by a keypress, we'll need to send a response back through either of the following commands.
            CommandResponse& frameCaptureWithSaveResponse = (inbSaveResponseToFile == true) ? parentLayerManager->mCmdFrameCaptureWithSave : mCmdLinkedTrace;

            if (bWriteMetadataSuccessful)
                // We only need to send the response back through a request if the client triggered collection.
                if (!bKeypressTrigger)
                    // Check if we want to cache the response to disk, or return it as-is.
                    if (inbSaveResponseToFile)
                        if (bWriteMetadataSuccessful)
                            // Send a response back to the client indicating which trace metadata file was written to disk.
                            Log(logERROR, "Failed to write trace metadata XML.\n");
                        // Send a response containing the API and GPU trace text.
                    Log(logMESSAGE, "Successfully traced frame %d.\n", parentLayerManager->GetFrameCount());
                Log(logERROR, "Failed to write trace metadata XML.\n");

                // If a failed trace collection was triggered by a command, we need to respond with an error message.
                if (!bKeypressTrigger)