Ejemplo n.º 1
void idRenderModelDecal::GlobalProjectionInfoToLocal( decalProjectionInfo_t &localInfo, const decalProjectionInfo_t &info, const idVec3 &origin, const idMat3 &axis ) {
	float modelMatrix[16];

	R_AxisToModelMatrix( axis, origin, modelMatrix );

	for ( int j = 0; j < NUM_DECAL_BOUNDING_PLANES; j++ ) {
		R_GlobalPlaneToLocal( modelMatrix, info.boundingPlanes[j], localInfo.boundingPlanes[j] );
	R_GlobalPlaneToLocal( modelMatrix, info.fadePlanes[0], localInfo.fadePlanes[0] );
	R_GlobalPlaneToLocal( modelMatrix, info.fadePlanes[1], localInfo.fadePlanes[1] );
	R_GlobalPlaneToLocal( modelMatrix, info.textureAxis[0], localInfo.textureAxis[0] );
	R_GlobalPlaneToLocal( modelMatrix, info.textureAxis[1], localInfo.textureAxis[1] );
	R_GlobalPointToLocal( modelMatrix, info.projectionOrigin, localInfo.projectionOrigin );
	localInfo.projectionBounds = info.projectionBounds;
	localInfo.projectionBounds.TranslateSelf( -origin );
	localInfo.projectionBounds.RotateSelf( axis.Transpose() );
	localInfo.material = info.material;
	localInfo.parallel = info.parallel;
	localInfo.fadeDepth = info.fadeDepth;
	localInfo.startTime = info.startTime;
	localInfo.force = info.force;
void idCollisionModelManagerLocal::DrawModel( cmHandle_t handle, const idVec3& modelOrigin, const idMat3& modelAxis,
		const idVec3& viewOrigin, const float radius )

	cm_model_t* model;
	idVec3 viewPos;
	if( handle < 0 && handle >= numModels )
	if( cm_drawColor.IsModified() )
		sscanf( cm_drawColor.GetString(), "%f %f %f %f", &cm_color.x, &cm_color.y, &cm_color.z, &cm_color.w );
	model = models[ handle ];
	viewPos = ( viewOrigin - modelOrigin ) * modelAxis.Transpose();
	DrawNodePolygons( model, model->node, modelOrigin, modelAxis, viewPos, radius );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void idCollisionModelManagerLocal::Rotation180( trace_t *results, const idVec3 &rorg, const idVec3 &axis,
										const float startAngle, const float endAngle, const idVec3 &start,
										const idTraceModel *trm, const idMat3 &trmAxis, int contentMask,
										cmHandle_t model, const idVec3 &modelOrigin, const idMat3 &modelAxis ) {
	int i, j, edgeNum;
	float d, maxErr, initialTan;
	bool model_rotated, trm_rotated;
	idVec3 dir, dir1, dir2, tmp, vr, vup, org, at, bt;
	idMat3 invModelAxis, endAxis, tmpAxis;
	idRotation startRotation, endRotation;
	idPluecker plaxis;
	cm_trmPolygon_t *poly;
	cm_trmEdge_t *edge;
	cm_trmVertex_t *vert;
	ALIGN16( static cm_traceWork_t tw );

	if ( model < 0 || model > MAX_SUBMODELS || model > idCollisionModelManagerLocal::maxModels ) {
		common->Printf("idCollisionModelManagerLocal::Rotation180: invalid model handle\n");
	if ( !idCollisionModelManagerLocal::models[model] ) {
		common->Printf("idCollisionModelManagerLocal::Rotation180: invalid model\n");


	tw.trace.fraction = 1.0f;
	tw.trace.c.contents = 0;
	tw.trace.c.type = CONTACT_NONE;
	tw.contents = contentMask;
	tw.isConvex = true;
	tw.rotation = true;
	tw.positionTest = false;
	tw.axisIntersectsTrm = false;
	tw.quickExit = false;
	tw.angle = endAngle - startAngle;
	assert( tw.angle > -180.0f && tw.angle < 180.0f );
	tw.maxTan = initialTan = idMath::Fabs( tan( ( idMath::PI / 360.0f ) * tw.angle ) );
	tw.model = idCollisionModelManagerLocal::models[model];
	tw.start = start - modelOrigin;
	// rotation axis, axis is assumed to be normalized
	tw.axis = axis;
//	assert( tw.axis[0] * tw.axis[0] + tw.axis[1] * tw.axis[1] + tw.axis[2] * tw.axis[2] > 0.99f );
	// rotation origin projected into rotation plane through tw.start
	tw.origin = rorg - modelOrigin;
	d = (tw.axis * tw.origin) - ( tw.axis * tw.start );
	tw.origin = tw.origin - d * tw.axis;
	// radius of rotation
	tw.radius = ( tw.start - tw.origin ).Length();
	// maximum error of the circle approximation traced through the axial BSP tree
	if ( d > 0.0f ) {
		maxErr = tw.radius - idMath::Sqrt( d );
	} else {
		maxErr = tw.radius;

	model_rotated = modelAxis.IsRotated();
	if ( model_rotated ) {
		invModelAxis = modelAxis.Transpose();
		tw.axis *= invModelAxis;
		tw.origin *= invModelAxis;

	startRotation.Set( tw.origin, tw.axis, startAngle );
	endRotation.Set( tw.origin, tw.axis, endAngle );

	// create matrix which rotates the rotation axis to the z-axis
	tw.axis.NormalVectors( vr, vup );
	tw.matrix[0][0] = vr[0];
	tw.matrix[1][0] = vr[1];
	tw.matrix[2][0] = vr[2];
	tw.matrix[0][1] = -vup[0];
	tw.matrix[1][1] = -vup[1];
	tw.matrix[2][1] = -vup[2];
	tw.matrix[0][2] = tw.axis[0];
	tw.matrix[1][2] = tw.axis[1];
	tw.matrix[2][2] = tw.axis[2];

	// if optimized point trace
	if ( !trm || ( trm->bounds[1][0] - trm->bounds[0][0] <= 0.0f &&
					trm->bounds[1][1] - trm->bounds[0][1] <= 0.0f &&
					trm->bounds[1][2] - trm->bounds[0][2] <= 0.0f ) ) {

		if ( model_rotated ) {
			// rotate trace instead of model
			tw.start *= invModelAxis;
		tw.end = tw.start;
		// if we start at a specific angle
		if ( startAngle != 0.0f ) {
			startRotation.RotatePoint( tw.start );
		// calculate end position of rotation
		endRotation.RotatePoint( tw.end );

		// calculate rotation origin projected into rotation plane through the vertex
		tw.numVerts = 1;
		tw.vertices[0].p = tw.start;
		tw.vertices[0].endp = tw.end;
		tw.vertices[0].used = true;
		tw.vertices[0].rotationOrigin = tw.origin + tw.axis * ( tw.axis * ( tw.vertices[0].p - tw.origin ) );
		BoundsForRotation( tw.vertices[0].rotationOrigin, tw.axis, tw.start, tw.end, tw.vertices[0].rotationBounds );
		// rotation bounds
		tw.bounds = tw.vertices[0].rotationBounds;
		tw.numEdges = tw.numPolys = 0;

		// collision with single point
		tw.pointTrace = true;

		// extents is set to maximum error of the circle approximation traced through the axial BSP tree
		tw.extents[0] = tw.extents[1] = tw.extents[2] = maxErr + CM_BOX_EPSILON;

		// setup rotation heart plane
		tw.heartPlane1.SetNormal( tw.axis );
		tw.heartPlane1.FitThroughPoint( tw.start );
		tw.maxDistFromHeartPlane1 = CM_BOX_EPSILON;

		// trace through the model
		idCollisionModelManagerLocal::TraceThroughModel( &tw );

		// store results
		*results = tw.trace;
		results->endpos = start;
		if ( tw.maxTan == initialTan ) {
			results->fraction = 1.0f;
		} else {
			results->fraction = idMath::Fabs( atan( tw.maxTan ) * ( 2.0f * 180.0f / idMath::PI ) / tw.angle );
		assert( results->fraction <= 1.0f );
		endRotation.Set( rorg, axis, startAngle + (endAngle-startAngle) * results->fraction );
		endRotation.RotatePoint( results->endpos );

		if ( results->fraction < 1.0f ) {
			// rotate trace plane normal if there was a collision with a rotated model
			if ( model_rotated ) {
				results->c.normal *= modelAxis;
				results->c.point *= modelAxis;
			results->c.point += modelOrigin;
			results->c.dist += modelOrigin * results->c.normal;

	tw.pointTrace = false;

	// setup trm structure
	idCollisionModelManagerLocal::SetupTrm( &tw, trm );

	trm_rotated = trmAxis.IsRotated();

	// calculate vertex positions
	if ( trm_rotated ) {
		for ( i = 0; i < tw.numVerts; i++ ) {
			// rotate trm around the start position
			tw.vertices[i].p *= trmAxis;
	for ( i = 0; i < tw.numVerts; i++ ) {
		// set trm at start position
		tw.vertices[i].p += tw.start;
	if ( model_rotated ) {
		for ( i = 0; i < tw.numVerts; i++ ) {
			tw.vertices[i].p *= invModelAxis;
	for ( i = 0; i < tw.numVerts; i++ ) {
		tw.vertices[i].endp = tw.vertices[i].p;
	// if we start at a specific angle
	if ( startAngle != 0.0f ) {
		for ( i = 0; i < tw.numVerts; i++ ) {
			startRotation.RotatePoint( tw.vertices[i].p );
	for ( i = 0; i < tw.numVerts; i++ ) {
		// end position of vertex
		endRotation.RotatePoint( tw.vertices[i].endp );

	// add offset to start point
	if ( trm_rotated ) {
		tw.start += trm->offset * trmAxis;
	} else {
		tw.start += trm->offset;
	// if the model is rotated
	if ( model_rotated ) {
		// rotate trace instead of model
		tw.start *= invModelAxis;
	tw.end = tw.start;
	// if we start at a specific angle
	if ( startAngle != 0.0f ) {
		startRotation.RotatePoint( tw.start );
	// calculate end position of rotation
	endRotation.RotatePoint( tw.end );

	// setup trm vertices
	for ( vert = tw.vertices, i = 0; i < tw.numVerts; i++, vert++ ) {
		// calculate rotation origin projected into rotation plane through the vertex
		vert->rotationOrigin = tw.origin + tw.axis * ( tw.axis * ( vert->p - tw.origin ) );
		// calculate rotation bounds for this vertex
		BoundsForRotation( vert->rotationOrigin, tw.axis, vert->p, vert->endp, vert->rotationBounds );
		// if the rotation axis goes through the vertex then the vertex is not used
		d = ( vert->p - vert->rotationOrigin ).LengthSqr();
			vert->used = true;

	// setup trm edges
	for ( edge = tw.edges + 1, i = 1; i <= tw.numEdges; i++, edge++ ) {
		// if the rotation axis goes through both the edge vertices then the edge is not used
		if ( tw.vertices[edge->vertexNum[0]].used | tw.vertices[edge->vertexNum[1]].used ) {
			edge->used = true;
		// edge start, end and pluecker coordinate
		edge->start = tw.vertices[edge->vertexNum[0]].p;
		edge->end = tw.vertices[edge->vertexNum[1]].p;
		edge->pl.FromLine( edge->start, edge->end );
		// pluecker coordinate for edge being rotated about the z-axis
		at = ( edge->start - tw.origin ) * tw.matrix;
		bt = ( edge->end - tw.origin ) * tw.matrix;
		edge->plzaxis.FromLine( at, bt );
		// get edge rotation bounds from the rotation bounds of both vertices
		edge->rotationBounds = tw.vertices[edge->vertexNum[0]].rotationBounds;
		edge->rotationBounds.AddBounds( tw.vertices[edge->vertexNum[1]].rotationBounds );
		// used to calculate if the rotation axis intersects the trm
		edge->bitNum = 0;


	// rotate trm polygon planes
	if ( trm_rotated & model_rotated ) {
		tmpAxis = trmAxis * invModelAxis;
		for ( poly = tw.polys, i = 0; i < tw.numPolys; i++, poly++ ) {
			poly->plane *= tmpAxis;
	} else if ( trm_rotated ) {
		for ( poly = tw.polys, i = 0; i < tw.numPolys; i++, poly++ ) {
			poly->plane *= trmAxis;
	} else if ( model_rotated ) {
		for ( poly = tw.polys, i = 0; i < tw.numPolys; i++, poly++ ) {
			poly->plane *= invModelAxis;

	// setup trm polygons
	for ( poly = tw.polys, i = 0; i < tw.numPolys; i++, poly++ ) {
		poly->used = true;
		// set trm polygon plane distance
		poly->plane.FitThroughPoint( tw.edges[abs(poly->edges[0])].start );
		// get polygon bounds from edge bounds
		for ( j = 0; j < poly->numEdges; j++ ) {
			// add edge rotation bounds to polygon rotation bounds
			edge = &tw.edges[abs( poly->edges[j] )];
			poly->rotationBounds.AddBounds( edge->rotationBounds );
		// get trace bounds from polygon bounds
		tw.bounds.AddBounds( poly->rotationBounds );

	// extents including the maximum error of the circle approximation traced through the axial BSP tree
	for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
		tw.size[0][i] = tw.bounds[0][i] - tw.start[i];
		tw.size[1][i] = tw.bounds[1][i] - tw.start[i];
		if ( idMath::Fabs( tw.size[0][i] ) > idMath::Fabs( tw.size[1][i] ) ) {
			tw.extents[i] = idMath::Fabs( tw.size[0][i] ) + maxErr + CM_BOX_EPSILON;
		} else {
			tw.extents[i] = idMath::Fabs( tw.size[1][i] ) + maxErr + CM_BOX_EPSILON;

	// for back-face culling
	if ( tw.isConvex ) {
		if ( tw.start == tw.origin ) {
			tw.axisIntersectsTrm = true;
		} else {
			// determine if the rotation axis intersects the trm
			plaxis.FromRay( tw.origin, tw.axis );
			for ( poly = tw.polys, i = 0; i < tw.numPolys; i++, poly++ ) {
				// back face cull polygons
				if ( poly->plane.Normal() * tw.axis > 0.0f ) {
				// test if the axis goes between the polygon edges
				for ( j = 0; j < poly->numEdges; j++ ) {
					edgeNum = poly->edges[j];
					edge = tw.edges + abs( edgeNum );
					if ( ( edge->bitNum & 2 ) == 0 ) {
						d = plaxis.PermutedInnerProduct( edge->pl );
						edge->bitNum = ( ( d < 0.0f ) ? 1 : 0 ) | 2;
					if ( ( edge->bitNum ^ INT32_SIGNBITSET( edgeNum ) ) & 1 ) {
				if ( j >= poly->numEdges ) {
					tw.axisIntersectsTrm = true;

	// setup rotation heart plane
	tw.heartPlane1.SetNormal( tw.axis );
	tw.heartPlane1.FitThroughPoint( tw.start );
	tw.maxDistFromHeartPlane1 = 0.0f;
	for ( i = 0; i < tw.numVerts; i++ ) {
		d = idMath::Fabs( tw.heartPlane1.Distance( tw.vertices[i].p ) );
		if ( d > tw.maxDistFromHeartPlane1 ) {
			tw.maxDistFromHeartPlane1 = d;
	tw.maxDistFromHeartPlane1 += CM_BOX_EPSILON;

	// inverse rotation to rotate model vertices towards trace model
	tw.modelVertexRotation.Set( tw.origin, tw.axis, -tw.angle );

	// trace through the model
	idCollisionModelManagerLocal::TraceThroughModel( &tw );

	// store results
	*results = tw.trace;
	results->endpos = start;
	if ( tw.maxTan == initialTan ) {
		results->fraction = 1.0f;
	} else {
		results->fraction = idMath::Fabs( atan( tw.maxTan ) * ( 2.0f * 180.0f / idMath::PI ) / tw.angle );
	assert( results->fraction <= 1.0f );
	endRotation.Set( rorg, axis, startAngle + (endAngle-startAngle) * results->fraction );
	endRotation.RotatePoint( results->endpos );
	results->endAxis = trmAxis * endRotation.ToMat3();

	if ( results->fraction < 1.0f ) {
		// rotate trace plane normal if there was a collision with a rotated model
		if ( model_rotated ) {
			results->c.normal *= modelAxis;
			results->c.point *= modelAxis;
		results->c.point += modelOrigin;
		results->c.dist += modelOrigin * results->c.normal;
Ejemplo n.º 4

  Try to push other entities by moving the given entity.
float idPush::ClipPush( trace_t& results, idEntity* pusher, const int flags,
						const idVec3& oldOrigin, const idMat3& oldAxis,
						idVec3& newOrigin, idMat3& newAxis )
	idVec3 translation;
	idRotation rotation;
	float mass;
	mass = 0.0f;
	results.fraction = 1.0f;
	results.endpos = newOrigin;
	results.endAxis = newAxis;
	memset( &results.c, 0, sizeof( results.c ) );
	// translational push
	translation = newOrigin - oldOrigin;
	// if the pusher translates
	if( translation != vec3_origin )
		mass += ClipTranslationalPush( results, pusher, flags, newOrigin, translation );
		if( results.fraction < 1.0f )
			newOrigin = oldOrigin;
			newAxis = oldAxis;
			return mass;
		newOrigin = oldOrigin;
	// rotational push
	rotation = ( oldAxis.Transpose() * newAxis ).ToRotation();
	rotation.SetOrigin( newOrigin );
	rotation.ReCalculateMatrix();		// recalculate the rotation matrix to avoid accumulating rounding errors
	// if the pusher rotates
	if( rotation.GetAngle() != 0.0f )
		// recalculate new axis to avoid floating point rounding problems
		newAxis = oldAxis * rotation.ToMat3();
		pusher->GetPhysics()->GetClipModel()->SetPosition( newOrigin, oldAxis );
		mass += ClipRotationalPush( results, pusher, flags, newAxis, rotation );
		if( results.fraction < 1.0f )
			newOrigin = oldOrigin;
			newAxis = oldAxis;
			return mass;
		newAxis = oldAxis;
	return mass;