Ejemplo n.º 1
static int cec_process_command_as(const char* data)
  if (strncmp(data, "as", 2) == 0)
    g_iface.set_active_source(g_iface.connection, g_config.deviceTypes.types[0]);
    // wait for the source switch to finish for 15 seconds tops
    if (g_bSingleCommand)
      int isactive = 0;
      int timeout = 15;
      while (timeout-- > 0)
        isactive = g_iface.is_libcec_active_source(g_iface.connection);
        if (!isactive)
    return 1;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void cec_init() {
  g_config.clientVersion = LIBCEC_VERSION_CURRENT;
  g_config.bActivateSource = 0;
  g_callbacks.CBCecKeyPress = &on_cec_keypress;
  g_config.callbacks = &g_callbacks;
  snprintf(g_config.strDeviceName, sizeof(g_config.strDeviceName), "Moonlight");
  g_config.callbacks = &g_callbacks;
  g_config.deviceTypes.types[0] = CEC_DEVICE_TYPE_PLAYBACK_DEVICE;
  if (libcecc_initialise(&g_config, &g_iface, NULL) != 1) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize libcec interface\n");
  cec_adapter devices[10];
  int8_t iDevicesFound = g_iface.find_adapters(g_iface.connection, devices, sizeof(devices) / sizeof(devices), NULL);
  if (iDevicesFound <= 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "No CEC devices found\n");
  strcpy(g_strPort, devices[0].comm);
  if (!g_iface.open(g_iface.connection, g_strPort, 5000)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open the device on port %s\n", g_strPort);
  g_iface.set_active_source(g_iface.connection, g_config.deviceTypes.types[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static int cec_process_command_scan(const char* data)
  if (strncmp(data, "scan", 4) == 0)
    char buffer[10000] = { 0 };
    char tmpbuf[50];
    int bufferpos = 0;
    cec_logical_addresses addresses;
    cec_logical_address activeSource;
    uint8_t iPtr;

    printf("requesting CEC bus information ...\n");

    bufferpos += snprintf(buffer + bufferpos, sizeof(buffer) - bufferpos, "CEC bus information\n===================\n");
    addresses = g_iface.get_active_devices(g_iface.connection);
    activeSource = g_iface.get_active_source(g_iface.connection);
    for (iPtr = 0; iPtr < 16; iPtr++)
      if (addresses.addresses[iPtr])
        cec_menu_language lang;
        cec_osd_name osdName;
        uint64_t iVendorId        = g_iface.get_device_vendor_id(g_iface.connection, (cec_logical_address)iPtr);
        uint16_t iPhysicalAddress = g_iface.get_device_physical_address(g_iface.connection, (cec_logical_address)iPtr);
        int      bActive          = g_iface.is_active_source(g_iface.connection, (cec_logical_address)iPtr);
        cec_version iCecVersion   = g_iface.get_device_cec_version(g_iface.connection, (cec_logical_address)iPtr);
        cec_power_status power    = g_iface.get_device_power_status(g_iface.connection, (cec_logical_address)iPtr);

        g_iface.logical_address_to_string(iPtr, tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf));
        bufferpos += snprintf(buffer + bufferpos, sizeof(buffer) - bufferpos, "device #%X: %s\n", (int)iPtr, tmpbuf);
        bufferpos += snprintf(buffer + bufferpos, sizeof(buffer) - bufferpos, "address:       %x.%x.%x.%x\n", (iPhysicalAddress >> 12) & 0xF, (iPhysicalAddress >> 8) & 0xF, (iPhysicalAddress >> 4) & 0xF, iPhysicalAddress & 0xF);
        bufferpos += snprintf(buffer + bufferpos, sizeof(buffer) - bufferpos, "active source: %s\n", (bActive ? "yes" : "no"));
        g_iface.vendor_id_to_string(iVendorId, tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf));
        bufferpos += snprintf(buffer + bufferpos, sizeof(buffer) - bufferpos, "vendor:        %s\n", tmpbuf);
        g_iface.get_device_osd_name(g_iface.connection, (cec_logical_address)iPtr, osdName);
        bufferpos += snprintf(buffer + bufferpos, sizeof(buffer) - bufferpos, "osd string:    %s\n", osdName);
        g_iface.cec_version_to_string(iCecVersion, tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf));
        bufferpos += snprintf(buffer + bufferpos, sizeof(buffer) - bufferpos, "CEC version:   %s\n", tmpbuf);
        g_iface.power_status_to_string(power, tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf));
        bufferpos += snprintf(buffer + bufferpos, sizeof(buffer) - bufferpos, "power status:  %s\n", tmpbuf);
        g_iface.get_device_menu_language(g_iface.connection, iPtr, lang);
        bufferpos += snprintf(buffer + bufferpos, sizeof(buffer) - bufferpos, "language:      %s\n", lang);
        bufferpos += snprintf(buffer + bufferpos, sizeof(buffer) - bufferpos, "\n\n");
Ejemplo n.º 4
static int cec_process_command_line_arguments(int argc, char *argv[])
  int bReturn = 1;
  int iArgPtr = 1;
  while (iArgPtr < argc && bReturn)
    if (argc >= iArgPtr + 1)
      if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-d") ||
          !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--log-level"))
        if (argc >= iArgPtr + 2)
          int iNewLevel = atoi(argv[iArgPtr + 1]);
          if (iNewLevel >= CEC_LOG_ERROR && iNewLevel <= CEC_LOG_ALL)
            g_cecLogLevel = iNewLevel;
            if (!g_bSingleCommand)
              printf("log level set to %s\n", argv[iArgPtr + 1]);
            printf("== skipped log-level parameter: invalid level %s' ==\n", argv[iArgPtr + 1]);
          iArgPtr += 2;
          printf("== skipped log-level parameter: no level given ==\n");
      else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-t") ||
               !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--type"))
        if (argc >= iArgPtr + 2)
          if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr + 1], "p"))
            if (!g_bSingleCommand)
              printf("== using device type 'playback device'\n");
            g_config.deviceTypes.types[0] = CEC_DEVICE_TYPE_PLAYBACK_DEVICE;
          else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr + 1], "r"))
            if (!g_bSingleCommand)
              printf("== using device type 'recording device'\n");
            g_config.deviceTypes.types[0] = CEC_DEVICE_TYPE_RECORDING_DEVICE;
          else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr + 1], "t"))
            if (!g_bSingleCommand)
              printf("== using device type 'tuner'\n");
            g_config.deviceTypes.types[0] = CEC_DEVICE_TYPE_TUNER;
          else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr + 1], "a"))
            if (!g_bSingleCommand)
              printf("== using device type 'audio system'\n");
            g_config.deviceTypes.types[0] = CEC_DEVICE_TYPE_AUDIO_SYSTEM;
          else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr + 1], "x"))
            if (!g_bSingleCommand)
              printf("== using device type 'tv'\n");
            g_config.deviceTypes.types[0] = CEC_DEVICE_TYPE_TV;
            printf("== skipped invalid device type %s'\n", argv[iArgPtr + 1]);
      else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--info") ||
               !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-i"))
        if (g_cecLogLevel == -1)
          g_cecLogLevel = CEC_LOG_WARNING + CEC_LOG_ERROR;
        if (libcecc_initialise(&g_config, &g_iface, NULL) == 1)
          char verbuf[10];
          g_iface.version_to_string(g_config.serverVersion, verbuf, sizeof(verbuf));
          printf("libCEC version: %s %s\n", verbuf, g_iface.get_lib_info(g_iface.connection));
        bReturn = 0;
      else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--list-devices") ||
               !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-l"))
        if (g_cecLogLevel == -1)
          g_cecLogLevel = CEC_LOG_WARNING + CEC_LOG_ERROR;
        if (libcecc_initialise(&g_config, &g_iface, NULL) == 1)
        bReturn = 0;
      else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--single-command") ||
          !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-s"))
        g_bSingleCommand = 1;
      else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--help") ||
               !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-h"))
        if (g_cecLogLevel == -1)
          g_cecLogLevel = CEC_LOG_WARNING + CEC_LOG_ERROR;

//        TODO ShowHelpCommandLine(argv[0]);
        return 0;
      else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-b") ||
               !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--base"))
        if (argc >= iArgPtr + 2)
          g_config.baseDevice = (cec_logical_address)atoi(argv[iArgPtr + 1]);
          printf("using base device '%d'\n", (int)g_config.baseDevice);
      else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-p") ||
               !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--port"))
        if (argc >= iArgPtr + 2)
          uint8_t hdmiport = (int8_t)atoi(argv[iArgPtr + 1]);
          if (hdmiport < 1)
              hdmiport = 1;
          if (hdmiport > 15)
              hdmiport = 15;
          g_config.iHDMIPort = hdmiport;
          printf("using HDMI port '%d'\n", (int)g_config.iHDMIPort);
      else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-r") ||
               !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--rom"))
        printf("using settings from EEPROM\n");
        g_config.bGetSettingsFromROM = 1;
      else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-o") ||
               !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--osd-name"))
        if (argc >= iArgPtr + 2)
          snprintf(g_config.strDeviceName, 13, "%s", argv[iArgPtr + 1]);
          printf("using osd name '%s'\n", g_config.strDeviceName);
      else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-m") ||
               !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--monitor"))
        printf("starting a monitor-only client. use 'mon 0' to switch to normal mode\n");
        g_config.bMonitorOnly = 1;
        strcpy(g_strPort, argv[iArgPtr++]);

  return bReturn;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    .keyPress             = NULL,
    .commandReceived      = NULL,
    .configurationChanged = NULL,
    .alert                = NULL,
    .menuStateChanged     = NULL,
    .sourceActivated      = NULL

static libcec_configuration g_config;
static int                  g_cecLogLevel = -1;
static int                  g_cecDefaultLogLevel = CEC_LOG_ALL;
static char                 g_strPort[50] = { 0 };
static int                  g_bSingleCommand = 0;
static int                  g_bExit = 0;
static int                  g_bHardExit = 0;
static libcec_interface_t   g_iface;

static void sighandler(int iSignal)
  printf("signal caught: %d - exiting\n", iSignal);
  g_bExit = 1;

static void cb_cec_log_message(void* lib, const cec_log_message* message)
  if ((message->level & g_cecLogLevel) == message->level)
    const char* strLevel;
    switch (message->level)
    case CEC_LOG_ERROR: