nsHtml5Highlighter::Start(const nsAutoString& aTitle)
  // Doctype
  mOpQueue.AppendElement()->Init(nsGkAtoms::html, EmptyString(), EmptyString());


  nsIContent** root = CreateElement(nsHtml5Atoms::html, nullptr);
  mOpQueue.AppendElement()->Init(eTreeOpAppendToDocument, root);

  Push(nsGkAtoms::head, nullptr);

  Push(nsGkAtoms::title, nullptr);
  // XUL will add the "Source of: " prefix.
  uint32_t length = aTitle.Length();
  if (length > INT32_MAX) {
    length = INT32_MAX;
  AppendCharacters(aTitle.get(), 0, (int32_t)length);
  Pop(); // title

  Push(nsGkAtoms::link, nsHtml5ViewSourceUtils::NewLinkAttributes());

  mOpQueue.AppendElement()->Init(eTreeOpUpdateStyleSheet, CurrentNode());

  Pop(); // link

  Pop(); // head

  Push(nsGkAtoms::body, nsHtml5ViewSourceUtils::NewBodyAttributes());

  nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* preAttrs = new nsHtml5HtmlAttributes(0);
  nsString* preId = new nsString(NS_LITERAL_STRING("line1"));
  preAttrs->addAttribute(nsHtml5AttributeName::ATTR_ID, preId);
  Push(nsGkAtoms::pre, preAttrs);


PRBool nsPropertiesParser::ParseValueCharacter(
    PRUnichar c, const PRUnichar* cur, const PRUnichar* &tokenStart,
    nsAString& oldValue)
  switch (mSpecialState) {

    // the normal state - look for special characters
  case eParserSpecial_None:
    switch (c) {
    case '\\':
      if (mHaveMultiLine)
        // there is nothing to append to mValue yet
        mHaveMultiLine = PR_FALSE;
        mValue += Substring(tokenStart, cur);

      mSpecialState = eParserSpecial_Escaped;

    case '\n':
      // if we detected multiline and got only "\\\r" ignore next "\n" if any
      if (mHaveMultiLine && mMultiLineCanSkipN) {
        // but don't allow another '\n' to be skipped
        mMultiLineCanSkipN = PR_FALSE;
        // Now there is nothing to append to the mValue since we are skipping
        // whitespaces at the beginning of the new line of the multiline
        // property. Set tokenStart properly to ensure that nothing is appended
        // if we find regular line-end or the end of the buffer.
        tokenStart = cur+1;
      // no break

    case '\r':
      // we're done! We have a key and value
      mValue += Substring(tokenStart, cur);
      mHaveMultiLine = PR_FALSE;

      // there is nothing to do with normal characters,
      // but handle multilines correctly
      if (mHaveMultiLine) {
        if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') {
          // don't allow another '\n' to be skipped
          mMultiLineCanSkipN = PR_FALSE;
          // Now there is nothing to append to the mValue since we are skipping
          // whitespaces at the beginning of the new line of the multiline
          // property. Set tokenStart properly to ensure that nothing is appended
          // if we find regular line-end or the end of the buffer.
          tokenStart = cur+1;
        mHaveMultiLine = PR_FALSE;
        tokenStart = cur;
      break; // from switch on (c)
    break; // from switch on (mSpecialState)

    // saw a \ character, so parse the character after that
  case eParserSpecial_Escaped:
    // probably want to start parsing at the next token
    // other characters, like 'u' might override this
    tokenStart = cur+1;
    mSpecialState = eParserSpecial_None;

    switch (c) {

      // the easy characters - \t, \n, and so forth
    case 't':
      mValue += PRUnichar('\t');
      mMinLength = mValue.Length();
    case 'n':
      mValue += PRUnichar('\n');
      mMinLength = mValue.Length();
    case 'r':
      mValue += PRUnichar('\r');
      mMinLength = mValue.Length();
    case '\\':
      mValue += PRUnichar('\\');

      // switch to unicode mode!
    case 'u':
    case 'U':
      mSpecialState = eParserSpecial_Unicode;
      mUnicodeValuesRead = 0;
      mUnicodeValue = 0;

      // a \ immediately followed by a newline means we're going multiline
    case '\r':
    case '\n':
      mHaveMultiLine = PR_TRUE;
      mMultiLineCanSkipN = (c == '\r');
      mSpecialState = eParserSpecial_None;

      // don't recognize the character, so just append it
      mValue += c;

    // we're in the middle of parsing a 4-character unicode value
    // like \u5f39
  case eParserSpecial_Unicode:

    if(('0' <= c) && (c <= '9'))
      mUnicodeValue =
        (mUnicodeValue << 4) | (c - '0');
    else if(('a' <= c) && (c <= 'f'))
      mUnicodeValue =
        (mUnicodeValue << 4) | (c - 'a' + 0x0a);
    else if(('A' <= c) && (c <= 'F'))
      mUnicodeValue =
        (mUnicodeValue << 4) | (c - 'A' + 0x0a);
    else {
      // non-hex character. Append what we have, and move on.
      mValue += mUnicodeValue;
      mMinLength = mValue.Length();
      mSpecialState = eParserSpecial_None;

      // leave tokenStart at this unknown character, so it gets appended
      tokenStart = cur;

      // ensure parsing this non-hex character again
      return PR_FALSE;

    if (++mUnicodeValuesRead >= 4) {
      tokenStart = cur+1;
      mSpecialState = eParserSpecial_None;
      mValue += mUnicodeValue;
      mMinLength = mValue.Length();


  return PR_TRUE;