Ejemplo n.º 1
NT2_TEST_CASE_TPL ( asinpi_unsigned_int__1_0,  NT2_UNSIGNED_TYPES)

  using nt2::asinpi;
  using nt2::tag::asinpi_;
  typedef typename nt2::meta::as_integer<T>::type iT;
  typedef typename nt2::meta::call<asinpi_(T)>::type r_t;
  typedef typename nt2::meta::scalar_of<r_t>::type ssr_t;
  typedef typename nt2::meta::upgrade<T>::type u_t;
  typedef typename boost::dispatch::meta::as_floating<T>::type wished_r_t;

  // return type conformity test
  NT2_TEST( (boost::is_same < r_t, wished_r_t >::value) );
  std::cout << std::endl;

  // specific values tests
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::One<T>()), 0.5, 0.5);
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::Zero<T>()), nt2::Zero<r_t>(), 0.5);
} // end of test for unsigned_int_
Ejemplo n.º 2
NT2_TEST_CASE_TPL ( asinpi_real__1_0,  NT2_SIMD_REAL_TYPES)
  using nt2::asinpi;
  using nt2::tag::asinpi_;
  using nt2::load; 
  using boost::simd::native;
  using nt2::meta::cardinal_of;
  typedef NT2_SIMD_DEFAULT_EXTENSION  ext_t;
  typedef typename nt2::meta::upgrade<T>::type   u_t;
  typedef native<T,ext_t>                        n_t;
  typedef n_t                                     vT;
  typedef typename nt2::meta::as_integer<T>::type iT;
  typedef native<iT,ext_t>                       ivT;
  typedef typename nt2::meta::call<asinpi_(vT)>::type r_t;
  typedef typename nt2::meta::call<asinpi_(T)>::type sr_t;
  typedef typename nt2::meta::scalar_of<r_t>::type ssr_t;
  double ulpd;

  // specific values tests
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::Half<vT>())[0], T(1)/6, 0.5);
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::Mhalf<vT>())[0], -T(1)/6, 0.5);
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::Mone<vT>())[0], -0.5, 0.5);
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::Nan<vT>())[0], nt2::Nan<sr_t>(), 0.5);
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::One<vT>())[0], 0.5, 0.5);
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::Zero<vT>())[0], nt2::Zero<sr_t>(), 0.5);
} // end of test for floating_
Ejemplo n.º 3
NT2_TEST_CASE_TPL ( asinpi_signed_int__1_0,  NT2_INTEGRAL_SIGNED_TYPES)
  using nt2::asinpi;
  using nt2::tag::asinpi_;
  typedef typename nt2::meta::as_integer<T>::type iT;
  typedef typename nt2::meta::call<asinpi_(T)>::type r_t;
  typedef typename nt2::meta::upgrade<T>::type u_t;
  typedef typename boost::result_of<nt2::meta::floating(T)>::type wished_r_t;

  // return type conformity test 
  NT2_TEST( (boost::is_same < r_t, wished_r_t >::value) );
  std::cout << std::endl; 
  double ulpd;

  // specific values tests
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::Mone<T>()), -0.5, 0.5);
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::One<T>()), 0.5, 0.5);
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::Zero<T>()), nt2::Zero<r_t>(), 0.5);
} // end of test for signed_int_
Ejemplo n.º 4
NT2_TEST_CASE_TPL ( asinpi_real__1_0,  NT2_SIMD_REAL_TYPES)
  using nt2::asinpi;
  using nt2::tag::asinpi_;
  using nt2::load; 
  using boost::simd::native;
  using nt2::meta::cardinal_of;

  typedef NT2_SIMD_DEFAULT_EXTENSION  ext_t;
  typedef typename nt2::meta::upgrade<T>::type   u_t;
  typedef native<T,ext_t>                        n_t;
  typedef n_t                                     vT;
  typedef typename nt2::meta::as_integer<T>::type iT;
  typedef native<iT,ext_t>                       ivT;
  typedef typename nt2::meta::call<asinpi_(vT)>::type r_t;
  typedef typename nt2::meta::call<asinpi_(T)>::type sr_t;
  typedef typename nt2::meta::scalar_of<r_t>::type ssr_t;
  double ulpd;

  // random verifications
  static const nt2::uint32_t NR = NT2_NB_RANDOM_TEST;
    NT2_CREATE_BUF(tab_a0,T, NR, nt2::Zero<T>(), nt2::One<T>());
    double ulp0, ulpd ; ulpd=ulp0=0.0;
    for(nt2::uint32_t j = 0; j < NR/cardinal_of<n_t>::value; j++)
        vT a0 = load<vT>(&tab_a0[0],j);
        r_t v = asinpi(a0);
        for(nt2::uint32_t i = 0; i< cardinal_of<n_t>::value; i++)
          nt2::uint32_t k = i+j*cardinal_of<n_t>::value;
          NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL( v[i],ssr_t(nt2::asinpi (tab_a0[k])), 1.0);
          ulp0 = nt2::max(ulpd,ulp0);
    std::cout << "max ulp found is: " << ulp0 << std::endl;
} // end of test for floating_
Ejemplo n.º 5
NT2_TEST_CASE_TPL ( asinpi_real__1_0,  NT2_REAL_TYPES)
  using nt2::asinpi;
  using nt2::tag::asinpi_;
  typedef typename nt2::meta::as_integer<T>::type iT;
  typedef typename nt2::meta::call<asinpi_(T)>::type r_t;
  typedef typename nt2::meta::upgrade<T>::type u_t;
  typedef typename boost::result_of<nt2::meta::floating(T)>::type wished_r_t;

  // return type conformity test 
  NT2_TEST( (boost::is_same < r_t, wished_r_t >::value) );
  std::cout << std::endl; 
  double ulpd;

  // specific values tests
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::Half<T>()), T(1)/6, 0.5);
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::Mhalf<T>()), -T(1)/6, 0.5);
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::Mone<T>()), -0.5, 0.5);
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::Nan<T>()), nt2::Nan<r_t>(), 0.5);
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::One<T>()), 0.5, 0.5);
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::Zero<T>()), nt2::Zero<r_t>(), 0.5);
  // random verifications
  static const uint32_t NR = NT2_NB_RANDOM_TEST;
    NT2_CREATE_BUF(tab_a0,T, NR, nt2::Mone<T>(), nt2::One<T>());
    double ulp0, ulpd ; ulpd=ulp0=0.0;
    T a0;
    for (uint32_t j =0; j < NR; ++j )
        std::cout << "for param "
                  << "  a0 = "<< u_t(a0 = tab_a0[j])
                  << std::endl;
        NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL( nt2::asinpi(a0),::cephes_asinl(a0)/nt2::long_pi,1);
     std::cout << "max ulp found is: " << ulp0 << std::endl;
} // end of test for real_
Ejemplo n.º 6
NT2_TEST_CASE_TPL ( asinpi_real,  NT2_REAL_TYPES)
  using nt2::asinpi;
  using nt2::tag::asinpi_;

  typedef typename nt2::meta::call<asinpi_(T)>::type r_t;
  typedef T wished_r_t;

  // return type conformity test
  NT2_TEST_TYPE_IS(r_t, wished_r_t);

  // specific values tests
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::Nan<T>()), nt2::Nan<r_t>(), 0.5);
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::Half<T>()), T(1)/6, 0.5);
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::Mhalf<T>()), -T(1)/6, 0.5);
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::Mone<T>()), -0.5, 0.5);
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::One<T>()), 0.5, 0.5);
  NT2_TEST_ULP_EQUAL(asinpi(nt2::Zero<T>()), nt2::Zero<r_t>(), 0.5);