Ejemplo n.º 1
ossimGpt ossimThreeParamDatum::shiftToWgs84(const ossimGpt &aPt)const
   if(ossim::almostEqual(param1(),  0.0)&&
      ossim::almostEqual(param2(), 0.0)&&
      ossim::almostEqual(param3(), 0.0))
      return ossimGpt(aPt.latd(),
   ossimEcefPoint p1 = aPt;
   ossimEcefPoint p2;
      ossimWgs84Datum wgs84;
      double latin, lonin, hgtin;
      double latout, lonout, hgtout;
      double da = wgs84.ellipsoid()->getA() - ellipsoid()->getA();
      double df = wgs84.ellipsoid()->getFlattening() - ellipsoid()->getFlattening();

      latin = aPt.latr();
      lonin = aPt.lonr();
      hgtin = aPt.height();

         hgtin = 0.0;
      molodenskyShift(ellipsoid()->getA(), da, ellipsoid()->getFlattening(), df, param1(), param2(), param3(),
                      latin, lonin, hgtin,
                      latout, lonout, hgtout);
      ossimGpt g;

      return g;
       p2 = ossimEcefPoint(p1.x() + theParam1,
			   p1.y() + theParam2,
			   p1.z() + theParam3);
   return ossimGpt(p2); // defaults to WGS84
Ejemplo n.º 2
ossimGpt ossimNadconNarDatum::shift(const ossimGpt    &aPt)const
  const ossimDatum* datum = aPt.datum();
  ossimString code = datum->code();
  ossimString subCode(code.begin(),
		      code.begin() + 3);
  if(subCode == "NAR")
     return aPt;
     if(subCode == "NAS")
           return ossimThreeParamDatum::shift(aPt);
        double shiftLat = theLatGrid.getShiftAtLatLon(aPt.latd(), aPt.lond());
        double shiftLon = theLonGrid.getShiftAtLatLon(aPt.latd(), aPt.lond());
        if( (ossim::isnan(shiftLat)) || (ossim::isnan(shiftLon)) )
           return ossimThreeParamDatum::shift(aPt);
           // Note the shifts are stored in the file
           // as seconds.
           // convert the seconds into decimal degrees.  
           shiftLat /= 3600.0;
           shiftLon /= 3600.0;
           return ossimGpt(aPt.latd() + shiftLat,
                           aPt.lond() - shiftLon,
        return ossimThreeParamDatum::shift(aPt);
  return ossimThreeParamDatum::shift(aPt);
Ejemplo n.º 3
ossim_int32 ossimUtmProjection::computeZone(const ossimGpt& ground)
   ossim_int32 result = 0;

   double longitude = ground.lonr();
   double lat_Degrees  = (ossim_int32)( (ground.latd()) + 0.00000005);
   double long_Degrees = (ossim_int32)( (ground.lond()) + 0.00000005);
   if (longitude < M_PI)
      result = (ossim_int32)( (31 + ((180 * longitude) / (6 * M_PI)) ) + 0.00000005);
      result = (ossim_int32)( (((180 * longitude) / (6 * M_PI)) - 29) + 0.00000005);
   if (result > 60)
      result = 1;
    /* UTM special cases */
   if ((lat_Degrees > 55) && (lat_Degrees < 64) && (long_Degrees > -1)
       && (long_Degrees < 3))
      result = 31;
   if ((lat_Degrees > 55) && (lat_Degrees < 64) && (long_Degrees > 2)
       && (long_Degrees < 12))
      result = 32;
   if ((lat_Degrees > 71) && (long_Degrees > -1) && (long_Degrees < 9))
      result = 31;
   if ((lat_Degrees > 71) && (long_Degrees > 8) && (long_Degrees < 21))
      result = 33;
   if ((lat_Degrees > 71) && (long_Degrees > 20) && (long_Degrees < 33))
      result = 35;
   if ((lat_Degrees > 71) && (long_Degrees > 32) && (long_Degrees < 42))
      result = 37;

   return result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ossimUtmProjection::setOrigin(const ossimGpt& origin)
   // NOTE: We will not set the hemisphere if the origin latitude is 0.0.
   if (origin.latd() != 0.0)
Ejemplo n.º 5
ossimGpt ossimThreeParamDatum::shift(const ossimGpt &aPt)const
   const ossimDatum *aDatum = aPt.datum();

   if( code() == aDatum->code())
      return ossimGpt(aPt.latd(), aPt.lond(), aPt.height(), this);
      return shiftFromWgs84(aDatum->shiftToWgs84(aPt));

   return aPt;
void ossimDtedElevationDatabase::createRelativePath(ossimFilename& file, const ossimGpt& gpt)const
   ossimFilename lon, lat;
   int ilon = static_cast<int>(floor(gpt.lond()));
   if (ilon < 0)
      lon = "w";
      lon = "e";
   ilon = abs(ilon);
   std::ostringstream  s1;
   s1 << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3)<< ilon;
   lon += s1.str().c_str();//ossimString::toString(ilon);
   int ilat =  static_cast<int>(floor(gpt.latd()));
   if (ilat < 0)
      lat += "s";
      lat += "n";
   ilat = abs(ilat);
   std::ostringstream  s2;
   s2<< std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2)<< ilat;
   lat += s2.str().c_str();
   file = lon.dirCat(lat+m_extension);
void ossimSrtmElevationDatabase::createRelativePath(ossimFilename& file, const ossimGpt& gpt)const
   int ilat =  static_cast<int>(floor(gpt.latd()));
   if (ilat < 0)
      file = "S";
      file = "N";
   ilat = abs(ilat);
   std::ostringstream  os1;
   os1 << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) <<ilat;
   file += os1.str().c_str();
   int ilon = static_cast<int>(floor(gpt.lond()));
   if (ilon < 0)
      file += "W";
      file += "E";
   ilon = abs(ilon);
   std::ostringstream  os2;
   os2 << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << ilon;
   file += os2.str().c_str();
Ejemplo n.º 8
//  METHOD: ossimSarModel::getForwardDeriv()
//  Compute partials of samp/line WRT to ground.
ossimDpt ossimRpcModel::getForwardDeriv(int derivMode,
                                        const ossimGpt& pos,
                                        double h)
    // If derivMode (parmIdx) >= 0 call base class version
    // for "adjustable parameters"
    if (derivMode >= 0)
        return ossimSensorModel::getForwardDeriv(derivMode, pos, h);

    // Use alternative derivMode definitions
        ossimDpt returnData;

        // OBS_INIT mode
        //    [1]
        //    [2]
        //  Note: In this mode, pos is used to pass
        //  in the (s,l) observations.
        if (derivMode==OBS_INIT)
            // Image coordinates
            ossimDpt obs;
            obs.samp = pos.latd();
            obs.line = pos.lond();
            theObs = obs;

        // EVALUATE mode
        //   [1] evaluate & save partials, residuals
        //   [2] return residuals
        else if (derivMode==EVALUATE)
            // Normalize the lat, lon, hgt:
            double nlat = (pos.lat - theLatOffset) / theLatScale;
            double nlon = (pos.lon - theLonOffset) / theLonScale;
            double nhgt;

            if( ossim::isnan(pos.hgt) )
                nhgt = (theHgtScale - theHgtOffset) / theHgtScale;
                nhgt = (pos.hgt - theHgtOffset) / theHgtScale;

            // Compute the normalized line (Un) and sample (Vn):
            double Pu = polynomial(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theLineNumCoef);
            double Qu = polynomial(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theLineDenCoef);
            double Pv = polynomial(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theSampNumCoef);
            double Qv = polynomial(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theSampDenCoef);
            double Un  = Pu / Qu;
            double Vn  = Pv / Qv;

            // Compute the actual line (U) and sample (V):
            double U  = Un*theLineScale + theLineOffset;
            double V  = Vn*theSampScale + theSampOffset;

            // Compute the partials of each polynomial wrt lat, lon, hgt
            double dPu_dLat, dQu_dLat, dPv_dLat, dQv_dLat;
            double dPu_dLon, dQu_dLon, dPv_dLon, dQv_dLon;
            double dPu_dHgt, dQu_dHgt, dPv_dHgt, dQv_dHgt;
            dPu_dLat = dPoly_dLat(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theLineNumCoef);
            dQu_dLat = dPoly_dLat(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theLineDenCoef);
            dPv_dLat = dPoly_dLat(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theSampNumCoef);
            dQv_dLat = dPoly_dLat(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theSampDenCoef);
            dPu_dLon = dPoly_dLon(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theLineNumCoef);
            dQu_dLon = dPoly_dLon(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theLineDenCoef);
            dPv_dLon = dPoly_dLon(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theSampNumCoef);
            dQv_dLon = dPoly_dLon(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theSampDenCoef);
            dPu_dHgt = dPoly_dHgt(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theLineNumCoef);
            dQu_dHgt = dPoly_dHgt(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theLineDenCoef);
            dPv_dHgt = dPoly_dHgt(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theSampNumCoef);
            dQv_dHgt = dPoly_dHgt(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theSampDenCoef);

            // Compute partials of quotients U and V wrt lat, lon, hgt
            double dU_dLat, dU_dLon, dU_dHgt, dV_dLat, dV_dLon, dV_dHgt;
            dU_dLat = (Qu*dPu_dLat - Pu*dQu_dLat)/(Qu*Qu);
            dU_dLon = (Qu*dPu_dLon - Pu*dQu_dLon)/(Qu*Qu);
            dU_dHgt = (Qu*dPu_dHgt - Pu*dQu_dHgt)/(Qu*Qu);
            dV_dLat = (Qv*dPv_dLat - Pv*dQv_dLat)/(Qv*Qv);
            dV_dLon = (Qv*dPv_dLon - Pv*dQv_dLon)/(Qv*Qv);
            dV_dHgt = (Qv*dPv_dHgt - Pv*dQv_dHgt)/(Qv*Qv);

            // Apply necessary scale factors
            dU_dLat *= theLineScale/theLatScale;
            dU_dLon *= theLineScale/theLonScale;
            dU_dHgt *= theLineScale/theHgtScale;
            dV_dLat *= theSampScale/theLatScale;
            dV_dLon *= theSampScale/theLonScale;
            dV_dHgt *= theSampScale/theHgtScale;

            dU_dLat *= DEG_PER_RAD;
            dU_dLon *= DEG_PER_RAD;
            dV_dLat *= DEG_PER_RAD;
            dV_dLon *= DEG_PER_RAD;

            // Save the partials referenced to ECF
            ossimEcefPoint location(pos);
            NEWMAT::Matrix jMat(3,3);
            pos.datum()->ellipsoid()->jacobianWrtEcef(location, jMat);
            //  Line
            theParWRTx.u = dU_dLat*jMat(1,1)+dU_dLon*jMat(2,1)+dU_dHgt*jMat(3,1);
            theParWRTy.u = dU_dLat*jMat(1,2)+dU_dLon*jMat(2,2)+dU_dHgt*jMat(3,2);
            theParWRTz.u = dU_dLat*jMat(1,3)+dU_dLon*jMat(2,3)+dU_dHgt*jMat(3,3);
            //  Samp
            theParWRTx.v = dV_dLat*jMat(1,1)+dV_dLon*jMat(2,1)+dV_dHgt*jMat(3,1);
            theParWRTy.v = dV_dLat*jMat(1,2)+dV_dLon*jMat(2,2)+dV_dHgt*jMat(3,2);
            theParWRTz.v = dV_dLat*jMat(1,3)+dV_dLon*jMat(2,3)+dV_dHgt*jMat(3,3);

            // Residuals
            ossimDpt resid(theObs.samp-V, theObs.line-U);
            returnData = resid;

        // P_WRT_X, P_WRT_Y, P_WRT_Z modes
        //   [1] 3 separate calls required
        //   [2] return 3 sets of partials
        else if (derivMode==P_WRT_X)
            returnData = theParWRTx;

        else if (derivMode==P_WRT_Y)
            returnData = theParWRTy;

            returnData = theParWRTz;

        return returnData;
Ejemplo n.º 9
ossimDpt ossimRpcModel::getForwardDeriv(int derivMode,
                                        const ossimGpt& pos,
                                        double h)
   if (derivMode >= 0)
      return ossimSensorModel::getForwardDeriv(derivMode, pos, h);
      ossimDpt returnData;
      if (derivMode==OBS_INIT)
         ossimDpt obs;
         obs.samp = pos.latd();
         obs.line = pos.lond();
         theObs = obs;
      else if (derivMode==EVALUATE)
         double nlat = (pos.lat - theLatOffset) / theLatScale;
         double nlon = (pos.lon - theLonOffset) / theLonScale;
         double nhgt;
         if( ossim::isnan(pos.hgt) )
            nhgt = (theHgtScale - theHgtOffset) / theHgtScale;
            nhgt = (pos.hgt - theHgtOffset) / theHgtScale;
         double Pu = polynomial(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theLineNumCoef);
         double Qu = polynomial(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theLineDenCoef);
         double Pv = polynomial(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theSampNumCoef);
         double Qv = polynomial(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theSampDenCoef);
         double Un  = Pu / Qu;
         double Vn  = Pv / Qv;
         double U  = Un*theLineScale + theLineOffset;
         double V  = Vn*theSampScale + theSampOffset;
         double dPu_dLat, dQu_dLat, dPv_dLat, dQv_dLat;
         double dPu_dLon, dQu_dLon, dPv_dLon, dQv_dLon;
         double dPu_dHgt, dQu_dHgt, dPv_dHgt, dQv_dHgt;
         dPu_dLat = dPoly_dLat(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theLineNumCoef);
         dQu_dLat = dPoly_dLat(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theLineDenCoef);
         dPv_dLat = dPoly_dLat(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theSampNumCoef);
         dQv_dLat = dPoly_dLat(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theSampDenCoef);
         dPu_dLon = dPoly_dLon(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theLineNumCoef);
         dQu_dLon = dPoly_dLon(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theLineDenCoef);
         dPv_dLon = dPoly_dLon(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theSampNumCoef);
         dQv_dLon = dPoly_dLon(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theSampDenCoef);
         dPu_dHgt = dPoly_dHgt(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theLineNumCoef);
         dQu_dHgt = dPoly_dHgt(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theLineDenCoef);
         dPv_dHgt = dPoly_dHgt(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theSampNumCoef);
         dQv_dHgt = dPoly_dHgt(nlat, nlon, nhgt, theSampDenCoef);
         double dU_dLat, dU_dLon, dU_dHgt, dV_dLat, dV_dLon, dV_dHgt;
         dU_dLat = (Qu*dPu_dLat - Pu*dQu_dLat)/(Qu*Qu);
         dU_dLon = (Qu*dPu_dLon - Pu*dQu_dLon)/(Qu*Qu);
         dU_dHgt = (Qu*dPu_dHgt - Pu*dQu_dHgt)/(Qu*Qu);
         dV_dLat = (Qv*dPv_dLat - Pv*dQv_dLat)/(Qv*Qv);
         dV_dLon = (Qv*dPv_dLon - Pv*dQv_dLon)/(Qv*Qv);
         dV_dHgt = (Qv*dPv_dHgt - Pv*dQv_dHgt)/(Qv*Qv);
        dU_dLat *= theLineScale/theLatScale;
        dU_dLon *= theLineScale/theLonScale;
        dU_dHgt *= theLineScale/theHgtScale;
        dV_dLat *= theSampScale/theLatScale;
        dV_dLon *= theSampScale/theLonScale;
        dV_dHgt *= theSampScale/theHgtScale;
        dU_dLat *= DEG_PER_RAD;
        dU_dLon *= DEG_PER_RAD;
        dV_dLat *= DEG_PER_RAD;
        dV_dLon *= DEG_PER_RAD;
         ossimEcefPoint location(pos);
         NEWMAT::Matrix jMat(3,3);
         pos.datum()->ellipsoid()->jacobianWrtEcef(location, jMat);
         theParWRTx.u = dU_dLat*jMat(1,1)+dU_dLon*jMat(2,1)+dU_dHgt*jMat(3,1);
         theParWRTy.u = dU_dLat*jMat(1,2)+dU_dLon*jMat(2,2)+dU_dHgt*jMat(3,2);
         theParWRTz.u = dU_dLat*jMat(1,3)+dU_dLon*jMat(2,3)+dU_dHgt*jMat(3,3);
         theParWRTx.v = dV_dLat*jMat(1,1)+dV_dLon*jMat(2,1)+dV_dHgt*jMat(3,1);
         theParWRTy.v = dV_dLat*jMat(1,2)+dV_dLon*jMat(2,2)+dV_dHgt*jMat(3,2);
         theParWRTz.v = dV_dLat*jMat(1,3)+dV_dLon*jMat(2,3)+dV_dHgt*jMat(3,3);
         ossimDpt resid(theObs.samp-V, theObs.line-U);
         returnData = resid;
      else if (derivMode==P_WRT_X)
         returnData = theParWRTx;
      else if (derivMode==P_WRT_Y)
         returnData = theParWRTy;
         returnData = theParWRTz;
      return returnData;
Ejemplo n.º 10
std::string oms::WktUtility::toWktGeometryGivenCenterRadius(const ossimGpt& center, 
                                                            double radius,
                                                            ossimUnitType radialUnit,
                                                            unsigned int numberOfSamples,
                                                            int          directionalSign)const
   std::string result = "";
   if(ossim::almostEqual(radius, 0.0))
      result = "POINT(" + ossimString::toString(center.lond()).string() + " " + ossimString::toString(center.latd()).string() + ")";
      double headingStepSizeInDegrees = (360.0/static_cast<double>(numberOfSamples))*
      ossim_uint32 step = 0;
      double degreesDistance = ossimUnitConversionTool(radius, radialUnit).getValue(OSSIM_DEGREES);
      ossimDpt centerGpt(center);
      ossimDpt newPoint;
      ossimDpt firstPoint;
      if(numberOfSamples > 0)
         result = "POLYGON((";
      for(step = 0; step < numberOfSamples; ++step)
         double x = ossim::degreesToRadians(headingStepSizeInDegrees*step);// - 90.0));
         double dy = sin(x);
         double dx = cos(x);
         newPoint.lat = dy*degreesDistance;
         newPoint.lon = dx*degreesDistance;
         newPoint = centerGpt + newPoint;
         if(step == 0)
            firstPoint = newPoint;
         result += (ossimString::toString(ossim::clamp(newPoint.lon, -180.0, 180.0)).string()+" "
                    +ossimString::toString(ossim::clamp(newPoint.lat, -90.0, 90.0)).string()+",");
      if(numberOfSamples > 0)
         result += (ossimString::toString(firstPoint.lon ).string() + " " +
                    ossimString::toString(firstPoint.lat ).string() );
         result += "))";

   return result;
Ejemplo n.º 11
//  METHOD: ossimHgtRef::getLocalTerrainNormal()
//  Get get local terrain normal unit vector.
ossimColumnVector3d ossimHgtRef::getLocalTerrainNormal(const ossimGpt& pg) const
    ossimColumnVector3d tNorm;
    const ossim_float64 delta = 100.0;

    switch (theCurrentHeightRefType)
    case AT_HGT:
        // Use ellipsoid tangent plane mormal
        tNorm = tNorm.zAligned();

    case AT_DEM:
        // Use local 3X3 grid around point to get mean slope
        NEWMAT::Matrix h(3,3);
        ossimDpt mpd;
        mpd = pg.metersPerDegree();
        ossim_float64 dLon = delta/mpd.x;
        ossim_float64 dLat = delta/mpd.y;

        for (ossim_int32 lon=-1; lon<=1; ++lon)
            ossim_float64 clon = pg.lond()+lon*dLon;
            for (ossim_int32 lat=-1; lat<=1; ++lat)
                ossim_float64 clat = pg.latd()+lat*dLat;
                ossimGpt p(clat, clon, pg.height());
                h(2-lat,lon+2) =

        if (traceDebug())
                    <<"DEBUG: getLocalTerrainNormal...  3X3 grid"<<endl;
            for (ossim_int32 lat=-1; lat<=1; ++lat)
                for (ossim_int32 lon=-1; lon<=1; ++lon)
                    ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG)<<"  "<<h(lat+2,lon+2);

        ossim_float64 dz_dlon =
        ossim_float64 dz_dlat =
        tNorm[0] = -dz_dlon;
        tNorm[1] = -dz_dlat;
        tNorm[2] = 1.0 - sqrt(dz_dlon*dz_dlon+dz_dlat*dz_dlat);

        // If error condition, return z-aligned vector to allow continuation
    if (ossim::isnan(tNorm[0]) ||
            ossim::isnan(tNorm[1]) ||
        tNorm = tNorm.zAligned();
                    << "WARNING: ossimHgtRef::getLocalTerrainNormal(): "
                    << "\n   error... terrain normal set to vertical..."
                    << std::endl;


        tNorm = tNorm.zAligned();

    return tNorm;
Ejemplo n.º 12
void ossimUtmProjection::setHemisphere(const ossimGpt& ground)
   char hemisphere = ground.latd()<0.0?'S':'N';