ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> ossimHistogramEqualization::runEqualizationAlgorithm(T, ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> tile)
   if(!theAccumulationHistogram ||
      return tile;

   // for now we will always pull from res 0 information
   ossimRefPtr<ossimMultiBandHistogram> histo = getHistogram()->getMultiBandHistogram(0);

      ossim_uint32 maxBands = ( (histo->getNumberOfBands() >
      long offsetUpperBound = tile->getHeight()*tile->getWidth();

      for(ossim_uint32 band = 0; band < maxBands; ++band)
         ossimRefPtr<ossimHistogram> bandHisto = histo->getHistogram(band);
         T* buf = static_cast<T*>(tile->getBuf(band));
         double *histoLut = band<theForwardLut.size()?theForwardLut[band]:NULL;
         ossim_uint32 actualBand = theBandList[band];
            if(buf&&histoLut&&(actualBand <  histo->getNumberOfBands()))
                  histoLut = theInverseLut[actualBand];
                  if(tile->getDataObjectStatus() == OSSIM_FULL)
                     T minPix = (T)tile->getMinPix(actualBand);
                     T maxPix = (T)tile->getMaxPix(actualBand);
                     for(long offset = 0; offset < offsetUpperBound; ++offset)
                        ossim_int32 idx = bandHisto->GetIndex(buf[offset]);
                           T value = (T)(histoLut[idx]);

                           // Assign clamping to min max.
                           // ESH 03/2009 -- Clamping to within min-max fixed
                           buf[offset] = value < minPix ? minPix :
                              (value > maxPix ? maxPix : value);
                     T minPix  = (T)tile->getMinPix(actualBand);
                     T maxPix  = (T)tile->getMaxPix(actualBand);
                     T nullPix = (T)tile->getNullPix(actualBand);
                     for(long offset = 0; offset < offsetUpperBound; ++offset)
                        ossim_int32 idx = bandHisto->GetIndex(buf[offset]);
                           T value = (T)(histoLut[idx]);

                           // Assign clamping to min max.
                           // ESH 03/2009 -- Clamping to within min-max fixed
                           buf[offset] = value < minPix ? minPix :
                              (value > maxPix ? maxPix : value);
                           buf[offset] = nullPix;
   return tile;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool ossimCodecFactory::decodeJpeg( const std::vector<ossim_uint8>& in,
                                    ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData>& out ) const
   bool result = false;

   // Note: This is public and can be called directly; hence, the signature check
   // Check for jpeg signature:
   if ( in.size() > 3 )
      if ( (in[0] == 0xff) &&
           (in[1] == 0xd8) &&
           (in[2] == 0xff) &&
           (in[3] == 0xe0) )
         /* This struct contains the JPEG decompression parameters and pointers
          * to working space (which is allocated as needed by the JPEG library).
         jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
         /* We use our private extension JPEG error handler.
          * Note that this struct must live as long as the main JPEG parameter
          * struct, to avoid dangling-pointer problems.
         ossimJpegErrorMgr jerr;
         /* Step 1: allocate and initialize JPEG decompression object */
         /* We set up the normal JPEG error routines, then override error_exit. */
         cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr.pub);
         jerr.pub.error_exit = ossimJpegErrorExit;
         /* Establish the setjmp return context for my_error_exit to use. */
         if (setjmp(jerr.setjmp_buffer) == 0)
            result = true;
            /* Now we can initialize the JPEG decompression object. */
            jpeg_CreateDecompress(&cinfo, JPEG_LIB_VERSION, sizeof(cinfo));
            // Step 2: specify data source.  In this case we will uncompress from
            // memory so we will use "ossimJpegMemorySrc" in place of " jpeg_stdio_src".
            ossimJpegMemorySrc ( &cinfo,
                                 (size_t)(in.size()) );
            /* Step 3: read file parameters with jpeg_read_header() */
            jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE);
            /* Step 4: set parameters for decompression */
            /* In this example, we don't need to change any of the defaults set by
             * jpeg_read_header(), so we do nothing here.
            /* Step 5: Start decompressor */
#if 0       /* Please leave for debug. (drb) */
            if ( traceDebug() )
                  << "jpeg cinfo.output_width:  " << cinfo.output_width
                  << "\njpeg cinfo.output_height: " << cinfo.output_height
                  << "\n";
            const ossim_uint32 SAMPLES    = cinfo.output_width;
            const ossim_uint32 LINES      = cinfo.output_height;
            const ossim_uint32 BANDS      = cinfo.output_components;

            if ( out.valid() )
               // This will resize tile if not correct.
                  ossimIrect(0,0,(ossim_int32)SAMPLES-1,(ossim_int32)LINES-1), BANDS );
               out = new ossimU8ImageData( 0, BANDS, SAMPLES, LINES );
            // Get pointers to the cache tile buffers.
            std::vector<ossim_uint8*> destinationBuffer(BANDS);
            for (ossim_uint32 band = 0; band < BANDS; ++band)
               destinationBuffer[band] = out->getUcharBuf(band);
            std::vector<ossim_uint8> lineBuffer(SAMPLES * cinfo.output_components);
            JSAMPROW jbuf[1];
            jbuf[0] = (JSAMPROW) &(lineBuffer.front());
            while (cinfo.output_scanline < LINES)
               // Read a line from the jpeg file.
               jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, jbuf, 1);
               // Copy the line which if band interleaved by pixel the the band
               // separate buffers.
               ossim_uint32 index = 0;
               for (ossim_uint32 sample = 0; sample < SAMPLES; ++sample)         
                  for (ossim_uint32 band = 0; band < BANDS; ++band)
                     destinationBuffer[band][sample] = lineBuffer[index];
               for (ossim_uint32 band = 0; band < BANDS; ++band)
                  destinationBuffer[band] += SAMPLES;

            // Set the tile status:
            // clean up...
         } // Matches: if (setjmp(jerr.setjmp_buffer) == 0)

      } // Matches: if ( (in[0] == 0xff) ... )
   } // Matches: if ( in.size() > 3 )
   return result;