Ejemplo n.º 1
void Foam::noAtomization::atomizeParcel
    parcel& p,
    const scalar deltaT,
    const vector& vel,
    const liquidMixtureProperties& fuels
) const
    p.liquidCore() = 0.0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void blobsSheetAtomization::atomizeParcel
    parcel& p,
    const scalar deltaT,
    const vector& vel,
    const liquidMixture& fuels
) const

    const PtrList<volScalarField>& Y = spray_.composition().Y();

    label Ns = Y.size();
    label cellI = p.cell();
    scalar pressure = spray_.p()[cellI];
    scalar temperature = spray_.T()[cellI];
    scalar Taverage = p.T() + (temperature - p.T())/3.0;

    scalar Winv = 0.0;
    for(label i=0; i<Ns; i++)
        Winv += Y[i][cellI]/spray_.gasProperties()[i].W();
    scalar R = specie::RR*Winv;

    // ideal gas law to evaluate density
    scalar rhoAverage = pressure/R/Taverage;
    scalar sigma = fuels.sigma(pressure, p.T(), p.X());

    // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
    //     The We and Re numbers are to be evaluated using the 1/3 rule.
    // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

    scalar rhoFuel = fuels.rho(1.0e+5, p.T(), p.X());

    scalar U = mag(p.Urel(vel));

    const injectorType& it =

    vector itPosition(vector::zero);
    label nHoles = it.nHoles();
    if (nHoles > 1)
        for(label i=0; i<nHoles;i++)
            itPosition += it.position(i);
        itPosition /= nHoles;
        itPosition = it.position(0);
//    const vector itPosition = it.position();

    scalar lBU = B_ * sqrt
        rhoFuel * sigma * p.d() * cos(angle_*mathematicalConstant::pi/360.0)
      / sqr(rhoAverage*U)

    scalar pWalk = mag(p.position() - itPosition);

    if(pWalk > lBU && p.liquidCore() == 1.0)
        p.liquidCore() = 0.0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void myLISA_3_InjPos::atomizeParcel
    parcel& p,
    const scalar deltaT,
    const vector& vel,
    const liquidMixture& fuels
) const

    const PtrList<volScalarField>& Y = spray_.composition().Y();

    label Ns = Y.size();
    label cellI = p.cell();
    scalar pressure = spray_.p()[cellI];
    scalar temperature = spray_.T()[cellI];
//  scalar Taverage = p.T() + (temperature - p.T())/3.0;
    scalar Taverage = temperature;
    scalar Winv = 0.0;

    for(label i=0; i<Ns; i++)
        Winv += Y[i][cellI]/spray_.gasProperties()[i].W();

    scalar R = specie::RR*Winv;

    // ideal gas law to evaluate density
    scalar rhoAverage = pressure/R/Taverage;
    //scalar nuAverage = muAverage/rhoAverage;
    scalar sigma = fuels.sigma(pressure, p.T(), p.X());

    // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
    //     The We and Re numbers are to be evaluated using the 1/3 rule.
    // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

    scalar WeberNumber = p.We(vel, rhoAverage, sigma);

    scalar tau = 0.0;
    scalar dL = 0.0;
    scalar k = 0.0;
    scalar muFuel = fuels.mu(pressure, p.T(), p.X());
    scalar rhoFuel = fuels.rho(1.0e+5, p.T(), p.X());
    scalar nuFuel = muFuel/rhoFuel;

    vector uDir = p.U()/mag(p.U());

    scalar uGas = mag(vel & uDir);
    vector Ug = uGas*uDir;

        It might be the relative velocity between Liquid and Gas, but I use the
        absolute velocity of the parcel as suggested by the authors

//    scalar U = mag(p.Urel(vel));
    scalar U = mag(p.U());
    p.ct() += deltaT;

    scalar Q = rhoAverage/rhoFuel;

    const injectorType& it =

    if (it.nHoles() > 1)
        Info << "Warning: This atomization model is not suitable for multihole injector." << endl
             << "Only the first hole will be used." << endl;

    const vector direction = it.direction(0, spray_.runTime().value());
//--------------------------------CH 101108--------------------------------------------------//
//    const vector itPosition = it.position(0);
    const injectorModel& im = spray_.injection();
    const vector itPosition = it.position(0) + im.injDist(0)*direction/mag(direction);
    scalar pWalk = mag(p.position() - itPosition);

//  Updating liquid sheet tickness... that is the droplet diameter

//    const vector direction = it.direction(0, spray_.runTime().value());

    scalar h = (p.position() - itPosition) & direction;

    scalar d = sqrt(sqr(pWalk)-sqr(h));

    scalar time = pWalk/mag(p.U());

    scalar elapsedTime = spray_.runTime().value();

    scalar massFlow = it.massFlowRate(max(0.0,elapsedTime-time));

    scalar hSheet = massFlow/(mathematicalConstant::pi*d*rhoFuel*mag(p.U()));

    p.d() = min(hSheet,p.d());

    if(WeberNumber > 27.0/16.0)

        scalar kPos = 0.0;
        scalar kNeg = Q*pow(U, 2.0)*rhoFuel/sigma;

        scalar derivativePos = sqrt

        scalar derivativeNeg =
                8.0*pow(nuFuel, 2.0)*pow(kNeg, 3.0)
                + Q*pow(U, 2.0)*kNeg
                - 3.0*sigma/2.0/rhoFuel*pow(kNeg, 2.0)
                4.0*pow(nuFuel, 2.0)*pow(kNeg, 4.0)
                + Q*pow(U, 2.0)*pow(kNeg, 2.0)
                - sigma*pow(kNeg, 3.0)/rhoFuel

        scalar kOld = 0.0;

        for(label i=0; i<40; i++)

            k = kPos - (derivativePos/((derivativeNeg-derivativePos)/(kNeg-kPos)));

            scalar derivativek =
                    8.0*pow(nuFuel, 2.0)*pow(k, 3.0)
                    + Q*pow(U, 2.0)*k
                    - 3.0*sigma/2.0/rhoFuel*pow(k, 2.0)
                    4.0*pow(nuFuel, 2.0)*pow(k, 4.0)
                    + Q*pow(U, 2.0)*pow(k, 2.0)
                    - sigma*pow(k, 3.0)/rhoFuel

            if(derivativek > 0)
                derivativePos = derivativek;
                kPos = k;
                derivativeNeg = derivativek;
                kNeg = k;

            if(mag(k-kOld)/k < 1e-4)

            kOld = k;


        scalar omegaS =
            - 2.0 * nuFuel * pow(k, 2.0)
            + sqrt
                4.0*pow(nuFuel, 2.0)*pow(k, 4.0)
                +   Q*pow(U, 2.0)*pow(k, 2.0)
                -   sigma*pow(k, 3.0)/rhoFuel

        tau = cTau_/omegaS;
        dL = sqrt(8.0*p.d()/k);


        k =
            rhoAverage*pow(U, 2.0)

//      scalar J = pWalk*p.d()/2.0;
        scalar J = time*hSheet/2.0;

        tau = pow(3.0*cTau_,2.0/3.0)*cbrt(J*sigma/(sqr(Q)*pow(U,4.0)*rhoFuel));

        dL = sqrt(4.0*p.d()/k);

    scalar kL =
            dL *
            pow(0.5 + 1.5 * muFuel/pow((rhoFuel*sigma*dL), 0.5), 0.5)

    scalar dD = cbrt(3.0*mathematicalConstant::pi*pow(dL, 2.0)/kL);
// lisaExp is included in coeffsDict
//    scalar lisaExp = 0.27;
    scalar ambientPressure = 1.0e+5;

    scalar pRatio = spray_.ambientPressure()/ambientPressure;

    dD = dD*pow(pRatio,lisaExp_);

//  modifications to take account of the flash boiling on primary breakUp

    scalar pExp = 0.135;

    scalar chi = 0.0;

    label Nf = fuels.components().size();

    scalar Td = p.T();

    for(label i = 0; i < Nf ; i++)

        if(fuels.properties()[i].pv(spray_.ambientPressure(), Td) >= 0.999*spray_.ambientPressure())

//          The fuel is boiling.....
//          Calculation of the boiling temperature

            scalar tBoilingSurface = Td;

            label Niter = 200;

            for(label k=0; k< Niter ; k++)
                scalar pBoil = fuels.properties()[i].pv(pressure, tBoilingSurface);

                if(pBoil > pressure)
                    tBoilingSurface = tBoilingSurface - (Td-temperature)/Niter;

            scalar hl = fuels.properties()[i].hl(spray_.ambientPressure(), tBoilingSurface);
            scalar iTp = fuels.properties()[i].h(spray_.ambientPressure(), Td) - spray_.ambientPressure()/fuels.properties()[i].rho(spray_.ambientPressure(), Td);
            scalar iTb = fuels.properties()[i].h(spray_.ambientPressure(), tBoilingSurface) - spray_.ambientPressure()/fuels.properties()[i].rho(spray_.ambientPressure(), tBoilingSurface);

            chi += p.X()[i]*(iTp-iTb)/hl;


    //  bounding chi

    chi = max(chi, 0.0);
    chi = min(chi, 1.0);

    //  modifing dD to take account of flash boiling

    dD = dD*(1.0 - chi*pow(pRatio, -pExp));
    scalar lBU = Cl_ * mag(p.U())*tau;
    if(pWalk > lBU)

        p.liquidCore() = 0.0;

//      calculate the new diameter with the standard 1D Rosin Rammler distribution

// Calculation of the mean radius based on SMR rs. Coefficient factorGamma depends on nExp.
// Note that Reitz either used (Schmidt et al., 1999-01-0496) or skipped (Senecal et al.) this factor!!!
//      scalar factorGamma = 0.75*sqrt(mathematicalConstant::pi);       //nExp=2
        scalar factorGamma = 1.;
        scalar delta = dD/factorGamma;

        /*      dD is the SMD, and the delta is calculated using gama
                function. Here we assume nExp = 2. */
//      scalar delta = dD/(0.75*sqrt(mathematicalConstant::pi));

//        scalar minValue = min(p.d()/20.0,dD/20.0);
        scalar minValue = dD/10.0;

//      delta is divided by 20 instead of 10 in order to make sure of small minValue
//      scalar minValue = min(p.d(),dD/20.0);

//        scalar maxValue = p.d();
        scalar maxValue = dD;

//      The pdf value for 4.0*delta is already very small.
//      scalar maxValue = delta*4.0;

        if(maxValue - minValue < SMALL)
//          minValue = p.d()/20.0;
            minValue = maxValue/20.0;

        scalar range = maxValue - minValue;

        scalar nExp = 3;
        scalar rrd_[500];
        scalar probFactorMin = exp(-pow(minValue/delta,nExp));
        scalar probFactorMax = exp(-pow(maxValue/delta,nExp));
        scalar probFactor = 1./(probFactorMin - probFactorMax);
        for(label n=0; n<500; n++)
            scalar xx = minValue + range*n/500;
//          rrd_[n] = 1 - exp(-pow(xx/delta,nExp));
            rrd_[n] = (probFactorMin - exp(-pow(xx/delta,nExp)))*probFactor;

        bool success = false;
        scalar x = 0;
        scalar y = rndGen_.scalar01();
        label k = 0;

        while(!success && (k<500))
            if (rrd_[k]>y)
                success = true;

//      x = minValue + range*n/500;
        x = minValue + range*(k-0.5)/500.0;
//  New droplet diameter

        p.d() = x;
        p.ct() = 0.0;

