// Locate point on patch. Returns (mesh) point label.
label findPoint(const primitivePatch& pp, const point& nearPoint)
    const pointField& points = pp.points();
    const labelList& meshPoints = pp.meshPoints();

    // Find nearest and next nearest
    scalar minDistSqr = GREAT;
    label minI = -1;

    scalar almostMinDistSqr = GREAT;
    label almostMinI = -1;

    forAll(meshPoints, i)
        label pointI = meshPoints[i];

        scalar distSqr = magSqr(nearPoint - points[pointI]);

        if (distSqr < minDistSqr)
            almostMinDistSqr = minDistSqr;
            almostMinI = minI;

            minDistSqr = distSqr;
            minI = pointI;
        else if (distSqr < almostMinDistSqr)
            almostMinDistSqr = distSqr;
            almostMinI = pointI;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Collect all topological information about a point on a patch.
// (this information is the patch faces using the point and the relative
// position of the point in the face)
void Foam::globalPoints::addToSend
    const primitivePatch& pp,
    const label patchPointI,
    const procPointList& knownInfo,

    DynamicList<label>& patchFaces,
    DynamicList<label>& indexInFace,
    DynamicList<procPointList>& allInfo
    label meshPointI = pp.meshPoints()[patchPointI];

    // Add all faces using the point so we are sure we find it on the
    // other side.
    const labelList& pFaces = pp.pointFaces()[patchPointI];

    forAll(pFaces, i)
        label patchFaceI = pFaces[i];

        const face& f = pp[patchFaceI];

        indexInFace.append(findIndex(f, meshPointI));
Ejemplo n.º 3
Foam::pointField Foam::perfectInterface::calcFaceCentres
    const primitivePatch& pp
    const pointField& points = pp.points();

    pointField ctrs(pp.size());

    forAll(ctrs, patchFaceI)
        ctrs[patchFaceI] = pp[patchFaceI].centre(points);
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool Foam::ggiPolyPatch::order
    const primitivePatch& pp,
    labelList& faceMap,
    labelList& rotation
) const
    faceMap.setSize(pp.size(), -1);
    rotation.setSize(pp.size(), 0);

    // Nothing changes
    return false;
bool Foam::regionCouplePolyPatch::order
    const primitivePatch& pp,
    labelList& faceMap,
    labelList& rotation
) const
    faceMap = -1;

    rotation = 0;

    // Nothing changes
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Get point neighbours of faceI (including faceI). Returns number of faces.
// Note: does not allocate storage but does use linear search to determine
// uniqueness. For polygonal faces this might be quite inefficient.
Foam::label Foam::cellDistFuncs::getPointNeighbours
    const primitivePatch& patch,
    const label patchFaceI,
    labelList& neighbours
) const
    label nNeighbours = 0;

    // Add myself
    neighbours[nNeighbours++] = patchFaceI;

    // Add all face neighbours
    const labelList& faceNeighbours = patch.faceFaces()[patchFaceI];

    forAll(faceNeighbours, faceNeighbourI)
        neighbours[nNeighbours++] = faceNeighbours[faceNeighbourI];

    // Remember part of neighbours that contains edge-connected faces.
    label nEdgeNbs = nNeighbours;

    // Add all point-only neighbours by linear searching in edge neighbours.
    // Assumes that point-only neighbours are not using multiple points on
    // face.

    const face& f = patch.localFaces()[patchFaceI];

    forAll(f, fp)
        label pointI = f[fp];

        const labelList& pointNbs = patch.pointFaces()[pointI];

        forAll(pointNbs, nbI)
            label faceI = pointNbs[nbI];

            // Check for faceI in edge-neighbours part of neighbours
            if (findIndex(nEdgeNbs, neighbours, faceI) == -1)
                neighbours[nNeighbours++] = faceI;
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Dump patch + weights to vtk file
void writeWeights
    const scalarField& wghtSum,
    const primitivePatch& patch,
    const fileName& directory,
    const fileName& prefix,
    const word& timeName
    vtkSurfaceWriter writer;

        prefix + "_proc" + Foam::name(Pstream::myProcNo()) + "_" + timeName,