bool parse_dasharray(Iterator first, Iterator last, std::vector<double>& dasharray) { using qi::double_; using qi::phrase_parse; using qi::_1; using qi::lit; using qi::char_; #if BOOST_VERSION > 104200 using qi::no_skip; #else using qi::lexeme; #endif using phoenix::push_back; // SVG // dasharray ::= (length | percentage) (comma-wsp dasharray)? // no support for 'percentage' as viewport is unknown at load_map // bool r = phrase_parse(first, last, (double_[push_back(phoenix::ref(dasharray), _1)] % #if BOOST_VERSION > 104200 no_skip[char_(", ")] #else lexeme[char_(", ")] #endif | lit("none")), qi::ascii::space); if (first != last) { return false; } return r; }
int main() { int kase,F,T,d[10009],u,i; sieve(10002); scanf("%d",&kase); while(kase--) { scanf("%d %d",&F,&T); bool vis[10009]={0}; q.push(F); d[F]=0; vis[F]=1; while(!q.empty()) { u=q.front(); q.pop(); for(i=0;i<c;i++) { if(!vis[a[i]]) if(check(u,a[i])) d[a[i]]=d[u]+1,q.push(a[i]),vis[a[i]]=1; } } if(vis[T]) printf("%d\n",d[T]); else printf("Impossible\n"); } return 0; }
Event_Bool_No_Param () : Event_Bool_No_Param::base_type(start) { using qi::lit; start = lit("STATE_TIMEOUT") | lit("RAMPING_COMPLETED") | lit("PASSIVE_MEAS_COMPLETED") ; }
bool Compiler::execute() { using phoenix::ref; using qi::lit; using qi::no_skip; // iterate over stream input typedef std::istreambuf_iterator<char> base_iterator_type; base_iterator_type in_begin(m_input); // convert input iterator to forward iterator, usable by spirit parser typedef spirit::multi_pass<base_iterator_type> forward_iterator_type; forward_iterator_type fwd_begin = spirit::make_default_multi_pass(in_begin); forward_iterator_type fwd_end; // Initialize global scope Scope globalScope; StdLib::Init(globalScope); // Parsers ExpParser<forward_iterator_type> exp_; CmdParser<forward_iterator_type> cmd_(exp_); CodeParser<forward_iterator_type> code_(exp_); typedef qi::rule<forward_iterator_type, std::string(), ascii::space_type> StringRule; typedef qi::rule<forward_iterator_type, ascii::space_type> VoidRule; StringRule cmdline_ = lit('[') > (cmd_(ref(globalScope)) | code_(ref(globalScope))) > lit(']') ; VoidRule program_ = +( cmdline_[ref(m_output) << qi::_1] > -no_skip[ lit("\n")[ref(m_output) << endl] ] ); //BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(cmdline_); //BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(program_); bool r = qi::phrase_parse( fwd_begin, fwd_end, program_, ascii::space ); if (!r || fwd_begin != fwd_end) { return false; } // Cleanup the global scope :) m_output << globalScope.bytecode() << endl; return r; }
word_count_grammar(TokenDef const&) : word_count_grammar::base_type(start) , w(0), c(0), a(0) { using boost::phoenix::ref; using qi::token; start = *( token(IDWORD) [++ref(w)] | token(IDCHAR) [++ref(c)] | token(IDANY) [++ref(a)] ) ; }
repeat_remove_cmd_parser< Iterator >::repeat_remove_cmd_parser(): repeat_remove_cmd_parser::base_type(start) { using qi::lit; using qi::uint_; using qi::_val; using qi::_1; start = (lit("remove") | lit("rm") | lit("r")) >> uint_ [ _val = phx::construct< repeat_remove_cmd >(_1 - phx::val(1u)) ] ; }
int main() { namespace spirit = boost::spirit; namespace qi = spirit::qi; namespace phoenix = boost::phoenix; namespace ascii = spirit::ascii; using qi::rule; using qi::int_; using qi::_1; using qi::_val; using qi::phrase_parse; using boost::shared_ptr; using boost::make_shared; shared_ptr<int> x = make_shared<int>(123); std::cout << *x << std::endl; rule< std::string::const_iterator , shared_ptr<int>() , ascii::space_type > int_rule_ = int_[_val = new int(_1)]; shared_ptr<int> subject_; std::string text_ = "12345"; auto result_ = phrase_parse(text_.cbegin(), text_.cend(), int_rule_, ascii::space, subject_); std::cout << (result_ ? "passed" : "failed") << *subject_ << std::endl; }
int parse_int_number_main() { namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi; using qi::parse; using qi::phrase_parse; using qi::int_; using qi::double_; using qi::ascii::space; using qi::_1; using boost::phoenix::ref; using boost::phoenix::push_back; char * a = "(12e2,12223)"; char * a_end = a+strlen(a) ; char * b = "(1233)"; char * b_end = b+strlen(b); char * c = "1 , 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,13"; char * c_end = b+strlen(b) ; int n = 0; std::vector<int> iv; phrase_parse(c,c_end, int_%',', space, iv); std::ostream_iterator <int> oi(std::cout, ","); boost::copy(iv,oi); std::cout<<"\n"; return 0; }
best_cmd_parser< Iterator >::best_cmd_parser(): best_cmd_parser::base_type(start) { using qi::lit; start = lit("best")[phx::nothing] ; }
chart_cmd_parser< Iterator >::chart_cmd_parser(): chart_cmd_parser::base_type(start) { using qi::lit; start = lit("chart") [phx::nothing] // >> enum_vals ; }
void bfs(long start) { long i,next,u; d[start]=0; vis[start]=1; q.push(start); while(!q.empty()) { u=q.front(); q.pop(); for(i=0;i<gr[u].size();i++) { next=gr[u][i]; if(!vis[next]) { q.push(next); vis[next]=1; d[next]=d[u]+1; } } } }
vista_header_grammer() : vista_header_grammer::base_type ( vista_header ) { using qi::lit; using qi::lexeme; using ascii::char_; using ascii::string; using namespace qi::labels; using phoenix::at_c; using phoenix::push_back; start_tag = lit ( "V-data 2 {" ); }
repeat_add_cmd_parser< Iterator >::repeat_add_cmd_parser(): repeat_add_cmd_parser::base_type(start) { using qi::lit; using qi::_val; start = lit("add") [ _val = phx::val(repeat_add_cmd{}) ] ; }
debug_cmd_parser< Iterator >::debug_cmd_parser(): debug_cmd_parser::base_type(start) { using qi::lit; using qi::_val; start = lit("dbg") [ _val = phx::val(debug_cmd{}) ] ; }
bool parse_numbers(Iterator first, Iterator last, std::vector<double>& v) { using qi::char_; using qi::double_; using qi::phrase_parse; using qi::_1; using ascii::space; const char c = ';'; bool r = phrase_parse(first, last, // Begin grammar ( double_ % char_(',') ) , // End grammar space, v); if (first != last) // fail if we did not get a full match return false; return r; }
tagger(F f_ = F()) : tagger::base_type(start), f(f_) { using qi::omit; using qi::raw; using qi::eps; using qi::lit; using qi::_1; using qi::_r1; using qi::_r2; start = omit[raw[lit(_r2)] [f(_r1, _1)]]; epsilon = omit[raw[eps] [f(_r1, _1)]]; }
long bfs(long start) { long i,u,next,count=0; vis[start]=true; q.push(start); while(!q.empty()) { count++; u=q.front(); q.pop(); for(i=0; i<gr[u].size(); i++) { next=gr[u][i]; if(vis[next]==false) { q.push(next); vis[next]=true; } } } return count; }
bool parse_numbers( Iterator first, Iterator last, vector<double> &v ) { using qi::double_; using qi::phrase_parse; using qi::_1; using ascii::space; using phoenix::push_back; bool r( phrase_parse( first, last, ( double_[ push_back( phoenix::ref( v ), _1 ) ] % ',' ), space ) ); return ( first == last ? r : false ); }
function<Iterator, Lexer>::function( error_handler<typename Lexer::base_iterator_type, Iterator>& error_handler , Lexer const& l) : function::base_type(start), body(error_handler, l) { qi::_1_type _1; qi::_2_type _2; qi::_3_type _3; qi::_4_type _4; qi::_val_type _val; using qi::on_error; using qi::on_success; using qi::fail; using boost::phoenix::function; typedef client::error_handler<typename Lexer::base_iterator_type, Iterator> error_handler_type; typedef function<error_handler_type> error_handler_function; typedef function<client::annotation<Iterator> > annotation_function; identifier = body.expr.identifier; argument_list = -(identifier % ','); start = (l.token("void") | l.token("int")) > identifier > '(' > argument_list > ')' > (';' | '{' > body > '}') ; // Debugging and error handling and reporting support. BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODES( (identifier) (argument_list) (start) ); // Error handling: on error in start, call error_handler. on_error<fail>(start, error_handler_function(error_handler)( "Error! Expecting ", _4, _3)); // Annotation: on success in start, call annotation. on_success(identifier, annotation_function(error_handler.iters)(_val, _1)); }
optional< p_value_test_case > parse_IC_line( Iterator first, Iterator last ) { using qi::double_; using qi::_1; using qi::uint_; using qi::phrase_parse; using ascii::space; using boost::phoenix::ref; optional< p_value_test_case > result; /// Will look like "N=2; IC=1.57184,1.57184,1.57184,1.22985,1.22985,1.57184,1.57184,1.22985" size_t N; if( phrase_parse( first, last, "N=" >> uint_ >> "; IC=", space, N ) ) { result.reset( p_value_test_case( N ) ); if( ! phrase_parse( first, last, double_ % ",", space, result->ICs ) ) { result = optional< p_value_test_case >(); // reset } } return result; }
int main() { using spirit_test::test_attr; namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi; using qi::attr; using qi::double_; { double d = 0.0; BOOST_TEST(test_attr("", attr(1.0), d) && d == 1.0); double d1 = 1.0; BOOST_TEST(test_attr("", attr(d1), d) && d == 1.0); std::pair<double, double> p; BOOST_TEST(test_attr("1.0", double_ >> attr(1.0), p) && p.first == 1.0 && p.second == 1.0); char c = '\0'; BOOST_TEST(test_attr("", attr('a'), c) && c == 'a'); std::string str; BOOST_TEST(test_attr("", attr("test"), str) && str == "test"); } { // testing lazy constructs using boost::phoenix::val; using boost::phoenix::ref; double d = 0.0; BOOST_TEST(test_attr("", attr(val(1.0)), d) && d == 1.0); double d1 = 2.0; BOOST_TEST(test_attr("", attr(ref(d1)), d) && d == 2.0); } { std::string s; BOOST_TEST(test_attr("s", "s" >> qi::attr(std::string("123")), s) && s == "123"); } return boost::report_errors(); }
bool parse_numbers(Iterator first, Iterator last, std::vector<double>& v) { using qi::double_; using qi::phrase_parse; using qi::_1; using ascii::space; using phoenix::push_back; using phoenix::ref; bool r = phrase_parse(first, last, // Begin grammar ( double_[push_back(ref(v), _1)] % ',' ) , // End grammar space); if (first != last) // fail if we did not get a full match return false; return r; }
statement<Iterator, Lexer>::statement( error_handler<typename Lexer::base_iterator_type, Iterator>& error_handler , Lexer const& l) : statement::base_type(statement_list), expr(error_handler, l) { qi::_1_type _1; qi::_2_type _2; qi::_3_type _3; qi::_4_type _4; qi::_val_type _val; qi::tokenid_mask_type tokenid_mask; using qi::on_error; using qi::on_success; using qi::fail; using boost::phoenix::function; typedef client::error_handler<typename Lexer::base_iterator_type, Iterator> error_handler_type; typedef function<error_handler_type> error_handler_function; typedef function<client::annotation<Iterator> > annotation_function; statement_list = +statement_ ; statement_ = variable_declaration | assignment | compound_statement | if_statement | while_statement | return_statement | expr | ';' ; variable_declaration = l("int") > expr.identifier > -(l("=") > expr) > ';' ; assignment = expr.identifier > tokenid_mask(token_ids::op_assign) > expr > ';' ; if_statement = l("if") > '(' > expr > ')' > statement_ > -( l("else") > statement_ ) ; while_statement = l("while") > '(' > expr > ')' > statement_ ; compound_statement = '{' >> -statement_list >> '}' ; return_statement = l("return") > -expr > ';' ; // Debugging and error handling and reporting support. BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODES( (statement_list) (statement_) (variable_declaration) (assignment) (if_statement) (while_statement) (compound_statement) (return_statement) ); // Error handling: on error in statement_list, call error_handler. on_error<fail>(statement_list, error_handler_function(error_handler)( "Error! Expecting ", _4, _3)); // Annotation: on success in variable_declaration, // assignment and return_statement, call annotation. on_success(variable_declaration, annotation_function(error_handler.iters)(_val, _1)); on_success(assignment, annotation_function(error_handler.iters)(_val, _1)); on_success(return_statement, annotation_function(error_handler.iters)(_val, _1)); }
bool solve(qi &l) { int t; si r; int i=1; bool found=false; while(!l.empty()) { t=l.front(); if(t==i) { found=true; break; } r.push(t); l.pop(); } if(!found) return false; l.pop(); i+=1; while(!l.empty() && !r.empty()) { if(l.front()==i) l.pop(); else if( r.pop(); else { found=false; while(!l.empty()) { t=l.front(); if(t==i) { found=true; break; } r.push(t); l.pop(); } if(!found) return false; l.pop(); } i+=1; } return true; }