Ejemplo n.º 1
std::string DebugString(Multivector<Scalar, Frame, rank> const& multivector) {
  // This |using| is required for the |Trivector|, since we need an ambiguity
  // between |geometry::DebugString(R3Element<Scalar> const&)| and
  // |quantities::DebugString(Scalar const&)| in order for the template magic
  // to work out.
  using quantities::DebugString;
  return DebugString(multivector.coordinates());
Ejemplo n.º 2
std::string ToMathematica(Quantity<D> const& quantity) {
  std::string s = DebugString(quantity);
  if (IsFinite(quantity)) {
    s.replace(s.find("e"), 1, "*^");
  std::string const number = ToMathematica(quantity / SIUnit<Quantity<D>>());
  std::size_t const split = s.find(" ");
  std::string const units = Escape(s.substr(split, s.size()));
  return Apply(
      {Apply("Quantity", {number, units}), "MachinePrecision"});
Ejemplo n.º 3
inline std::string ToMathematica(double const& real) {
  if (std::isinf(real)) {
    if (real > 0.0) {
      return "Infinity";
    } else {
      return Apply("Minus", {"Infinity"});
  } else if (std::isnan(real)) {
    return "Indeterminate";
  } else {
    std::string s = DebugString(real);
    s.replace(s.find("e"), 1, "*^");
    return Apply("SetPrecision", {s, "MachinePrecision"});
Ejemplo n.º 4
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
                         Multivector<Scalar, Frame, rank> const& multivector) {
  out << DebugString(multivector);
  return out;