Ejemplo n.º 1
int s2636_device::check_collision( int spriteno1, int spriteno2, const rectangle &cliprect )
	int checksum = 0;

	UINT8* attr1 = &m_work_ram[sprite_offsets[spriteno1]];
	UINT8* attr2 = &m_work_ram[sprite_offsets[spriteno2]];

	/* TODO: does not check shadow sprites yet */

	m_collision_bitmap->fill(0, cliprect);

	if ((attr1[0x0a] != 0xff) && (attr2[0x0a] != 0xff))
		int x, y;

		int x1 = attr1[0x0a] + m_x_offset;
		int y1 = attr1[0x0c] + m_y_offset;
		int x2 = attr2[0x0a] + m_x_offset;
		int y2 = attr2[0x0c] + m_y_offset;

		int expand1 = (m_work_ram[0xc0] >> (spriteno1 << 1)) & 0x03;
		int expand2 = (m_work_ram[0xc0] >> (spriteno2 << 1)) & 0x03;

		/* draw first sprite */
		draw_sprite(attr1, 1, y1, x1, expand1, FALSE, *m_collision_bitmap, cliprect);

		/* get fingerprint */
		for (x = x1; x < x1 + SPRITE_WIDTH; x++)
			for (y = y1; y < y1 + SPRITE_HEIGHT; y++)
				if (!cliprect.contains(x, y))

				checksum = checksum + m_collision_bitmap->pix16(y, x);

		/* black out second sprite */
		draw_sprite(attr2, 0, y2, x2, expand2, FALSE, *m_collision_bitmap, cliprect);

		/* remove fingerprint */
		for (x = x1; x < x1 + SPRITE_WIDTH; x++)
			for (y = y1; y < y1 + SPRITE_HEIGHT; y++)
				if (!cliprect.contains(x, y))

				checksum = checksum - m_collision_bitmap->pix16(y, x);
Ejemplo n.º 2
UINT32 magicard_state::screen_update_magicard(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	magicard_state *state = machine().driver_data<magicard_state>();
	int x,y;
	UINT32 count;

	bitmap.fill(get_black_pen(machine()), cliprect); //TODO

	if(!(SCC_DE_VREG)) //display enable
		return 0;

	count = ((SCC_VSR_VREG)/2);

	if(SCC_FG_VREG) //4bpp gfx
				UINT32 color;

				color = ((m_magicram[count]) & 0x000f)>>0;

				if(cliprect.contains((x*4)+3, y))
					bitmap.pix32(y, (x*4)+3) = machine().pens[color];

				color = ((m_magicram[count]) & 0x00f0)>>4;

				if(cliprect.contains((x*4)+2, y))
					bitmap.pix32(y, (x*4)+2) = machine().pens[color];

				color = ((m_magicram[count]) & 0x0f00)>>8;

				if(cliprect.contains((x*4)+1, y))
					bitmap.pix32(y, (x*4)+1) = machine().pens[color];

				color = ((m_magicram[count]) & 0xf000)>>12;

				if(cliprect.contains((x*4)+0, y))
					bitmap.pix32(y, (x*4)+0) = machine().pens[color];

	else //8bpp gfx
Ejemplo n.º 3
uint32_t invqix_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	int x,y;

	// this means freeze or blank or something
	if (m_vctl == 0x100)
		return 0;

	if (m_vctl == 0x0000)
				uint8_t r,g,b;
				int pen_data;

				pen_data = (m_vram[(x+y*256)]);
				b = (pen_data & 0x001f);
				g = (pen_data & 0x03e0) >> 5;
				r = (pen_data & 0x7c00) >> 10;
				r = (r << 3) | (r & 0x7);
				g = (g << 3) | (g & 0x7);
				b = (b << 3) | (b & 0x7);

				if(cliprect.contains(x, y))
					bitmap.pix32(y, x) = r << 16 | g << 8 | b;
	else if (m_vctl == 0x0001)  // flip
Ejemplo n.º 4
UINT32 jantotsu_state::screen_update_jantotsu(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	int x, y, i;
	int count = 0;
	UINT8 pen_i;

		return 0;

	for (y = 0; y < 256; y++)
		for (x = 0; x < 256; x += 8)
			UINT8 color;

			for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
				color = m_col_bank;

				for(pen_i = 0;pen_i<4;pen_i++)
					color |= (((m_bitmap[count + pen_i*0x2000]) >> (7 - i)) & 1) << pen_i;

				if (cliprect.contains(x + i, y))
					bitmap.pix32(y, x + i) = machine().pens[color];


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
UINT32 gunpey_state::screen_update_gunpey(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	UINT16 *blit_buffer = m_blit_buffer;
	int x,y;
	int count;

	count = 0;

			UINT32 color;
			int r,g,b;
			color = (blit_buffer[count] & 0xffff);

			b = (color & 0x001f) << 3;
			g = (color & 0x03e0) >> 2;
			r = (color & 0x7c00) >> 7;

			if(cliprect.contains(x, y))
				bitmap.pix32(y, x) = b | (g<<8) | (r<<16);


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
uint32_t hd44102_device::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	for (int y = 0; y < 50; y++)
		int z = m_page << 3;

		for (int x = 0; x < 32; x++)
			uint8_t data = m_ram[z / 8][y];

			int sy = m_sy + z;
			int sx = m_sx + y;

			if (cliprect.contains(sx, sy))
				int color = (m_status & STATUS_DISPLAY_OFF) ? 0 : BIT(data, z % 8);

				bitmap.pix16(sy, sx) = color;

			z %= 32;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
UINT32 lbeach_state::screen_update_lbeach(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	// draw bg layer (road)
	m_bg_tilemap->set_scrolly(0, *m_scroll_y);
	m_bg_tilemap->draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);

	// check collision
	int sprite_code = *m_sprite_code & 0xf;
	int sprite_x = *m_sprite_x * 2 - 4;
	int sprite_y = 160;

	m_colmap_car.fill(0, cliprect);
	m_gfxdecode->gfx(2)->transpen(m_palette,m_colmap_car,cliprect, sprite_code, 0, 0, 0, sprite_x, sprite_y, 0);
	bitmap_ind16 &fg_bitmap = m_fg_tilemap->pixmap();

	m_collision_bg_car = 0;
	m_collision_fg_car = 0;

	for (int y = sprite_y; y < (sprite_y + 16); y++)
		for (int x = sprite_x; x < (sprite_x + 16) && cliprect.contains(x, y); x++)
			m_collision_bg_car |= (bitmap.pix16(y, x) & m_colmap_car.pix16(y, x) & 1);
			m_collision_fg_car |= (fg_bitmap.pix16(y, x) & m_colmap_car.pix16(y, x) & 1);

	// draw fg layer (tiles)
	m_fg_tilemap->draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);

	// draw player car
	m_gfxdecode->gfx(2)->transpen(m_palette,bitmap,cliprect, sprite_code, 0, 0, 0, sprite_x, sprite_y, 0);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
UINT32 prestige_state::screen_update(int bpp, screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	int width = m_lcdc.fb_width + m_lcdc.lcd_w + 1;

	for (int y = 0; y <= m_lcdc.lcd_h; y++)
		int line_start;
		if (y <= m_lcdc.split_pos)
			line_start = m_lcdc.addr1 + y * width;
			line_start = m_lcdc.addr2 + (y - m_lcdc.split_pos - 1) * width;

		for (int sx = 0; sx <= m_lcdc.lcd_w; sx++)
			UINT8 data = m_vram[(line_start + sx) & 0x1fff];

			for (int x = 0; x < 8 / bpp; x++)
				int pix = 0;
				for (int b=0; b<bpp; b++)
					pix |= BIT(data, 7 - b) << b;

				if (cliprect.contains(sx * 8 / bpp + x, y))
					bitmap.pix16(y, sx * 8 / bpp + x) = pix;

				data <<= bpp;

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
UINT32 taitowlf_state::screen_update_taitowlf(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	int x,y,count;

	bitmap.fill(m_palette->black_pen(), cliprect);

	count = (0);

			UINT32 color;

			color = (m_bootscreen_rom[count] & 0xff);

			if(cliprect.contains(x+0, y))
				bitmap.pix32(y, x+0) = m_palette->pen(color);


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void draw_stars(running_machine &machine, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int flip)
	bosco_state *state = machine.driver_data<bosco_state>();

	if (1)
		int star_cntr;
		int set_a, set_b;

		/* two sets of stars controlled by these bits */
		set_a = (state->m_bosco_starblink[0] & 1);
		set_b = (state->m_bosco_starblink[1] & 1) | 2;

		for (star_cntr = 0;star_cntr < MAX_STARS;star_cntr++)
			int x,y;

			if ( (set_a == star_seed_tab[star_cntr].set) || ( set_b == star_seed_tab[star_cntr].set) )
				x = (star_seed_tab[star_cntr].x + state->m_stars_scrollx) % 256;
				y = (star_seed_tab[star_cntr].y + state->m_stars_scrolly) % 256;

				/* dont draw the stars that are off the screen */
				if ( x < 224 )
					if (flip) x += 20*8;

					if (cliprect.contains(x, y))
						bitmap.pix16(y, x) = STARS_COLOR_BASE + star_seed_tab[star_cntr].col;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void nitedrvr_state::draw_box(bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int bx, int by, int ex, int ey)
	for (int y = by; y < ey; y++)
		for (int x = bx; x < ex; x++)
			if (cliprect.contains(x, y))
				bitmap.pix16(y, x) = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 12
void gpworld_state::draw_pixel(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap,const rectangle &cliprect,int x,int y,int color,int flip)
	if (flip)
		x = bitmap.width() - x - 1;
		y = bitmap.height() - y - 1;

	if (cliprect.contains(x, y))
		bitmap.pix32(y, x) = m_palette->pen(color);
Ejemplo n.º 13
INLINE void draw_pixel(bitmap_ind16 &bitmap,const rectangle &cliprect,int x,int y,int color,int flip)
	if (flip)
		x = bitmap.width() - x - 1;
		y = bitmap.height() - y - 1;

	if (cliprect.contains(x, y))
		bitmap.pix16(y, x) = color;
Ejemplo n.º 14
INLINE void draw_pixel(running_machine &machine, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap,const rectangle &cliprect,int x,int y,int color,int flip)
	if (flip)
		x = bitmap.width() - x - 1;
		y = bitmap.height() - y - 1;

	if (cliprect.contains(x, y))
		bitmap.pix32(y, x) = machine.pens[color];
Ejemplo n.º 15
int query(node *nd, rectangle r, rectangle qr)
    if (r.isBad()) return -INF;
    if (r.intersects(qr)) return -INF;
    if (qr.contains(r)) return nd->high;

    int q1 = query(nd->children[0], r.getLU(), qr);
    int q2 = query(nd->children[1], r.getRU(), qr);
    int q3 = query(nd->children[2], r.getLB(), qr);
    int q4 = query(nd->children[3], r.getRB(), qr);
    return max(max(q1, q2), max(q3, q4));
Ejemplo n.º 16
UINT32 bingor_state::screen_update_bingor(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	int x,y,count;

	bitmap.fill(get_black_pen(machine()), cliprect);

	count = (0x2000/2);

			UINT32 color;

			color = (m_blit_ram[count] & 0xf000)>>12;

			if(cliprect.contains(x+3, y))
				bitmap.pix32(y, x+3) = machine().pens[color];

			color = (m_blit_ram[count] & 0x0f00)>>8;

			if(cliprect.contains(x+2, y))
				bitmap.pix32(y, x+2) = machine().pens[color];

			color = (m_blit_ram[count] & 0x00f0)>>4;

			if(cliprect.contains(x+1, y))
				bitmap.pix32(y, x+1) = machine().pens[color];

			color = (m_blit_ram[count] & 0x000f)>>0;

			if(cliprect.contains(x+0, y))
				bitmap.pix32(y, x+0) = machine().pens[color];


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 17
static void theend_draw_bullets(running_machine &machine, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int offs, int x, int y)
	int i;

	/* same as Galaxian, but all bullets are yellow */
	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)

		if (cliprect.contains(x, y))
			bitmap.pix16(y, x) = BULLETS_COLOR_BASE;
Ejemplo n.º 18
uint32_t progolf_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	int count,color,x,y,xi,yi;

		int scroll = (m_scrollx_lo | ((m_scrollx_hi & 0x03) << 8));

		count = 0;

				int tile = m_videoram[count];

				/* wrap-around */


	/* framebuffer is 8x8 chars arranged like a bitmap + a register that controls the pen handling. */
		count = 0;

				for (yi=0;yi<8;yi++)
					for (xi=0;xi<8;xi++)
						color = m_fg_fb[(xi+yi*8)+count*0x40];

						if(color != 0 && cliprect.contains(x+yi, 256-y+xi))
							bitmap.pix16(x+yi, 256-y+xi) = m_palette->pen((color & 0x7));


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 19
uint32_t kontest_state::screen_update( screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect )
	int x,y;
	int xi,yi;
	uint16_t tile;
	uint8_t attr;

			tile =  m_ram[(x+y*64)|0x800];
			attr =  m_ram[(x+((y >> 1)*64))|0x000] & 7;
			tile *= 0x10;
			tile += 0x1000;

					uint8_t color,pen[2];
					uint8_t x_step;
					int res_x,res_y;

					x_step = xi >> 2;

					pen[0] =   m_ram[(x_step+yi*2)|(tile)];
					pen[0] >>= 3-((xi & 3));
					pen[0]  &= 1;
					pen[1] =   m_ram[(x_step+yi*2)|(tile)];
					pen[1] >>= 7-((xi & 3));
					pen[1]  &= 1;

					color = pen[0];
					color|= pen[1]<<1;

					res_x = x*8+xi-256;
					res_y = y*8+yi;

					if (cliprect.contains(res_x, res_y))
						bitmap.pix32(res_y, res_x) = m_palette->pen(color|attr*4);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 20
void update(node *nd, rectangle r, int ur, int uc, int v)
    if (r.isBad()) return;
    if (r.isCell() && r.contains(ur, uc)) nd->high = v;
    else {
        if (r.getLU().contains(ur, uc))
            update(nd->children[0], r.getLU(), ur, uc, v);
        else if (r.getRU().contains(ur, uc))
            update(nd->children[1], r.getRU(), ur, uc, v);
        else if (r.getLB().contains(ur, uc))
            update(nd->children[2], r.getLB(), ur, uc, v);
        else if (r.getRB().contains(ur, uc))
            update(nd->children[3], r.getRB(), ur, uc, v);
Ejemplo n.º 21
static void draw_sprite( UINT8 *gfx, int color, int y, int x, int expand, int or_mode, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect )
	int sy;

	/* for each row */
	for (sy = 0; sy < SPRITE_HEIGHT; sy++)
		int sx;

		/* for each pixel on the row */
		for (sx = 0; sx < SPRITE_WIDTH; sx++)
			int ey;

			/* each pixel can be expanded */
			for (ey = 0; ey <= expand; ey++)
				int ex;

				for (ex = 0; ex <= expand; ex++)
					/* compute effective destination pixel */
					int ty = y + sy * (expand + 1) + ey;
					int tx = x + sx * (expand + 1) + ex;

					/* get out if outside the drawing region */
					if (!cliprect.contains(tx, ty))

					/* get out if current image bit is transparent */
					if (((gfx[sy] << sx) & 0x80) == 0x00)

					if (or_mode)
						bitmap.pix16(ty, tx) = 0x08 | bitmap.pix16(ty, tx) | color;
						bitmap.pix16(ty, tx) = 0x08 | color;
Ejemplo n.º 22
int gl3000s_sed1520_screen_update(device_t &device, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT8 *vram, int start_line, int adc, int start_x)
    for (int y=0; y<2; y++)
        int row_pos = 0;
        for (int x=0; x<61; x++)
            int addr = (y + (start_line >> 3)) * 80 + row_pos;
            for (int yi=0; yi<8; yi++)
                int px = start_x - (adc ? (80 - x) : x);
                int py = 8 + y*8 + yi;

                if (cliprect.contains(px, py))
                    bitmap.pix16(py, px) = (vram[addr % 0x140] >> yi) & 1;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 23
UINT32 flipjack_state::screen_update_flipjack(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	int x,y,count;

	bitmap.fill(get_black_pen(machine()), cliprect);

	// draw playfield
	if (m_layer & 2)
		const UINT8 *blit_data = memregion("gfx2")->base();

		count = 0;

				UINT32 pen_r,pen_g,pen_b,color;
				int xi;

				pen_r = (blit_data[count] & 0xff)>>0;
				pen_g = (blit_data[count+0x2000] & 0xff)>>0;
				pen_b = (blit_data[count+0x4000] & 0xff)>>0;

					if(cliprect.contains(x+xi, y))
						color = ((pen_r >> (7-xi)) & 1)<<0;
						color|= ((pen_g >> (7-xi)) & 1)<<1;
						color|= ((pen_b >> (7-xi)) & 1)<<2;
						bitmap.pix32(y, x+xi) = machine().pens[color+0x80];

Ejemplo n.º 24
UINT32 flyball_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	int pitcherx = m_pitcher_horz;
	int pitchery = m_pitcher_vert - 31;

	int ballx = m_ball_horz - 1;
	int bally = m_ball_vert - 17;


	/* draw playfield */
	m_tmap->draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);

	/* draw pitcher */
	m_gfxdecode->m_gfx[1]->transpen(bitmap,cliprect, m_pitcher_pic ^ 0xf, 0, 1, 0, pitcherx, pitchery, 1);

	/* draw ball */
	for (int y = bally; y < bally + 2; y++)
		for (int x = ballx; x < ballx + 2; x++)
			if (cliprect.contains(x, y))
				bitmap.pix16(y, x) = 1;

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 25
UINT32 isa8_cga_tetriskr_device::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	int x,y;
	int yi;
	const UINT8 *bg_rom = memregion("gfx2")->base();


	bitmap.fill(rgb_t::black, cliprect);

				UINT8 color;
				int xi,pen_i;

					color = 0;
					/* TODO: first byte seems bogus? */
					for(pen_i = 0;pen_i<4;pen_i++)
						color |= ((bg_rom[y*320/8+x+(pen_i*0x20000)+yi*0x400+m_bg_bank*0x2000+1] >> (7-xi)) & 1) << pen_i;

					if(cliprect.contains(x*8+xi, y*8+yi))
						bitmap.pix32(y*8+yi, x*8+xi) = m_palette->pen(color);

	isa8_cga_device::screen_update(screen, bitmap, cliprect);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 26
UINT32 aristmk6_state::screen_update_aristmk6(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)

	int x,y,count;
	const UINT8 *blit_ram = memregion("maincpu")->base();










	popmessage("%d %d %04x %d",m_test_x,m_test_y,m_start_offs,m_type);

	bitmap.fill(get_black_pen(machine()), cliprect);

	count = (m_start_offs);

				UINT16 vram;
				int r,g,b;

				vram = blit_ram[count+0] | blit_ram[count+1]<<8;

				r = (vram & 0x001f)>>0;
				g = (vram & 0x07e0)>>5;
				b = (vram & 0xf800)>>11;

				r = (r << 3) | (r & 0x7);
				g = (g << 2) | (g & 3);
				b = (b << 3) | (b & 0x7);

				if(cliprect.contains(x, y))
					bitmap.pix32(y, x) = r | g<<8 | b<<16;

				UINT8 color;

				color = blit_ram[count];

				if(cliprect.contains(x, y))
					bitmap.pix32(y, x) = machine().pens[color];

Ejemplo n.º 27
 * Sprite Format
 * ------------------
 * Word | Bit(s)           | Use
 * -----+-fedcba9876543210-+----------------
 *   0  | --------xxxxxxxx | display y start
 *   0  | xxxxxxxx-------- | display y end
 *   2  | -------xxxxxxxxx | x position
 *   2  | ------x--------- | unknown (used in logicpr2, maybe just a bug?)
 *   2  | xxxxxx---------- | unused?
 *   4  | ---------xxxxxxx | width
 *   4  | --------x------- | is this flip y like in System 16?
 *   4  | -------x-------- | flip x
 *   4  | xxxxxxx--------- | unused?
 *   6  | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | ROM address low bits
 *   8  | ----------xxxxxx | color
 *   8  | --------xx------ | priority
 *   8  | ---xxxxx-------- | ROM address high bits
 *   8  | xxx------------- | unused? (extra address bits for larger ROMs?)
 *   a  | ---------------- | zoomx like in System 16?
 *   c  | ---------------- | zoomy like in System 16?
 *   e  | ---------------- |
void deniam_state::draw_sprites( bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect )
    int offs;
    UINT8 *gfx = memregion("gfx2")->base();

    for (offs = m_spriteram.bytes() / 2 - 8; offs >= 0; offs -= 8)
        int sx, starty, endy, x, y, start, color, width, flipx, primask;
        UINT8 *rom = gfx;

        sx = (m_spriteram[offs + 1] & 0x01ff) + 16 * 8 - 1;
        if (sx >= 512) sx -= 512;
        starty = m_spriteram[offs + 0] & 0xff;
        endy = m_spriteram[offs + 0] >> 8;

        width = m_spriteram[offs + 2] & 0x007f;
        flipx = m_spriteram[offs + 2] & 0x0100;
        if (flipx) sx++;

        color = 0x40 + (m_spriteram[offs + 4] & 0x3f);

        primask = 8;
        switch (m_spriteram[offs + 4] & 0xc0)
        case 0x00:
            primask |= 4 | 2 | 1;
            break; /* below everything */
        case 0x40:
            primask |= 4 | 2;
            break; /* below fg and tx */
        case 0x80:
            primask |= 4;
            break; /* below tx */
        case 0xc0:
            break; /* above everything */

        start = m_spriteram[offs + 3] + ((m_spriteram[offs + 4] & 0x1f00) << 8);
        rom += 2 * start;

        for (y = starty + 1; y <= endy; y++)
            int drawing = 0;
            int i = 0;

            rom += 2 * width;   /* note that the first line is skipped */
            x = 0;
            while (i < 512) /* safety check */
                if (flipx)
                    if ((rom[i] & 0x0f) == 0x0f)
                        if (!drawing) drawing = 1;
                        else break;
                        if (rom[i] & 0x0f)
                            if (cliprect.contains(sx + x, y))
                                if ((machine().priority_bitmap.pix8(y, sx + x) & primask) == 0)
                                    bitmap.pix16(y, sx + x) = color * 16 + (rom[i] & 0x0f);
                                machine().priority_bitmap.pix8(y, sx + x) = 8;

                    if ((rom[i] & 0xf0) == 0xf0)
                        if (!drawing) drawing = 1;
                        else break;
                        if (rom[i] & 0xf0)
                            if (cliprect.contains(sx + x, y))
                                if ((machine().priority_bitmap.pix8(y, sx + x) & primask) == 0)
                                    bitmap.pix16(y, sx + x) = color * 16+(rom[i] >> 4);
                                machine().priority_bitmap.pix8(y, sx + x) = 8;

                    if ((rom[i] & 0xf0) == 0xf0)
                        if (!drawing) drawing = 1;
                        else break;
                        if (rom[i] & 0xf0)
                            if (cliprect.contains(sx + x, y))
                                if ((machine().priority_bitmap.pix8(y, sx + x) & primask) == 0)
                                    bitmap.pix16(y, sx + x) = color * 16 + (rom[i] >> 4);
                                machine().priority_bitmap.pix8(y, sx + x) = 8;

                    if ((rom[i] & 0x0f) == 0x0f)
                        if (!drawing) drawing = 1;
                        else break;
                        if (rom[i] & 0x0f)
                            if (cliprect.contains(sx + x, y))
                                if ((machine().priority_bitmap.pix8(y, sx + x) & primask) == 0)
                                    bitmap.pix16(y, sx + x) = color * 16 + (rom[i] & 0x0f);
                                machine().priority_bitmap.pix8(y, sx + x) = 8;

Ejemplo n.º 28
Archivo: main.cpp Proyecto: FaceAR/dlib
int main(int argc, char** argv)

        command_line_parser parser;

        parser.add_option("h","Displays this information.");
        parser.add_option("v","Display version.");

        parser.set_group_name("Creating XML files");
        parser.add_option("c","Create an XML file named <arg> listing a set of images.",1);
        parser.add_option("r","Search directories recursively for images.");
        parser.add_option("convert","Convert foreign image Annotations from <arg> format to the imglab format. "
                          "Supported formats: pascal-xml, pascal-v1, idl.",1);

        parser.set_group_name("Viewing XML files");
        parser.add_option("tile","Chip out all the objects and save them as one big image called <arg>.",1);
        parser.add_option("size","When using --tile or --cluster, make each extracted object contain "
                                 "about <arg> pixels (default 8000).",1);
        parser.add_option("l","List all the labels in the given XML file.");
        parser.add_option("stats","List detailed statistics on the object labels in the given XML file.");

        parser.set_group_name("Editing/Transforming XML files");
        parser.add_option("rename", "Rename all labels of <arg1> to <arg2>.",2);
        parser.add_option("parts","The display will allow image parts to be labeled.  The set of allowable parts "
                          "is defined by <arg> which should be a space separated list of parts.",1);
        parser.add_option("rmdupes","Remove duplicate images from the dataset.  This is done by comparing "
                                    "the md5 hash of each image file and removing duplicate images. " );
        parser.add_option("rmdiff","Set the ignored flag to true for boxes marked as difficult.");
        parser.add_option("rmtrunc","Set the ignored flag to true for boxes that are partially outside the image.");
        parser.add_option("shuffle","Randomly shuffle the order of the images listed in file <arg>.");
        parser.add_option("seed", "When using --shuffle, set the random seed to the string <arg>.",1);
        parser.add_option("split", "Split the contents of an XML file into two separate files.  One containing the "
            "images with objects labeled <arg> and another file with all the other images.  Additionally, the file "
            "containing the <arg> labeled objects will not contain any other labels other than <arg>. "
            "That is, the images in the first file are stripped of all labels other than the <arg> labels.",1);
        parser.add_option("add", "Add the image metadata from <arg1> into <arg2>.  If any of the image "
                                 "tags are in both files then the ones in <arg2> are deleted and replaced with the "
                                 "image tags from <arg1>.  The results are saved into merged.xml and neither <arg1> or "
                                 "<arg2> files are modified.",2);
        parser.add_option("flip", "Read an XML image dataset from the <arg> XML file and output a left-right flipped "
                                  "version of the dataset and an accompanying flipped XML file named flipped_<arg>.",1);
        parser.add_option("rotate", "Read an XML image dataset and output a copy that is rotated counter clockwise by <arg> degrees. "
                                  "The output is saved to an XML file prefixed with rotated_<arg>.",1);
        parser.add_option("cluster", "Cluster all the objects in an XML file into <arg> different clusters and save "
                                     "the results as cluster_###.xml and cluster_###.jpg files.",1);
        parser.add_option("resample", "Crop out images that are centered on each object in the dataset.  Make the "
                                      "crops so that the objects have <arg> pixels in them.  The output is a new XML dataset.",1); 
        parser.add_option("extract-chips", "Crops out images with tight bounding boxes around each object.  Also crops out "
                                           "many background chips.  All these image chips are serialized into one big data file.  The chips will contain <arg> pixels each",1);

        parser.parse(argc, argv);

        const char* singles[] = {"h","c","r","l","convert","parts","rmdiff", "rmtrunc", "rmdupes", "seed", "shuffle", "split", "add", 
                                 "flip", "rotate", "tile", "size", "cluster", "resample", "extract-chips"};
        const char* c_sub_ops[] = {"r", "convert"};
        parser.check_sub_options("c", c_sub_ops);
        parser.check_sub_option("shuffle", "seed");
        const char* size_parent_ops[] = {"tile", "cluster"};
        parser.check_sub_options(size_parent_ops, "size");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "l");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "rmdiff");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "rmdupes");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "rmtrunc");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "add");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "flip");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "rotate");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "rename");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "parts");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "tile");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "cluster");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "resample");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "extract-chips");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("l", "rename");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("l", "add");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("l", "parts");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("l", "flip");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("l", "rotate");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("add", "flip");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("add", "rotate");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("add", "tile");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("flip", "tile");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rotate", "tile");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("cluster", "tile");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("resample", "tile");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("extract-chips", "tile");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("flip", "cluster");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rotate", "cluster");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("add", "cluster");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("flip", "resample");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rotate", "resample");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("add", "resample");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("flip", "extract-chips");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rotate", "extract-chips");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("add", "extract-chips");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("shuffle", "tile");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("convert", "l");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("convert", "rename");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("convert", "parts");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("convert", "cluster");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("convert", "resample");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("convert", "extract-chips");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rmdiff", "rename");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rmdupes", "rename");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rmtrunc", "rename");
        const char* convert_args[] = {"pascal-xml","pascal-v1","idl"};
        parser.check_option_arg_range("convert", convert_args);
        parser.check_option_arg_range("cluster", 2, 999);
        parser.check_option_arg_range("rotate", -360, 360);
        parser.check_option_arg_range("size", 10*10, 1000*1000);
        parser.check_option_arg_range("resample", 4, 1000*1000);
        parser.check_option_arg_range("extract-chips", 4, 1000*1000);

        if (parser.option("h"))
            cout << "Usage: imglab [options] <image files/directories or XML file>\n";
            cout << endl << endl;
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("add"))
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("flip"))
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("rotate"))
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("v"))
            cout << "imglab v" << VERSION 
                 << "\nCompiled: " << __TIME__ << " " << __DATE__ 
                 << "\nWritten by Davis King\n";
            cout << "Check for updates at http://dlib.net\n\n";
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("tile"))
            return tile_dataset(parser);

        if (parser.option("cluster"))
            return cluster_dataset(parser);

        if (parser.option("resample"))
            return resample_dataset(parser);

        if (parser.option("extract-chips"))
            return extract_chips(parser);

        if (parser.option("c"))
            if (parser.option("convert"))
                if (parser.option("convert").argument() == "pascal-xml")
                else if (parser.option("convert").argument() == "pascal-v1")
                else if (parser.option("convert").argument() == "idl")
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;
        if (parser.option("rmdiff"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The --rmdiff option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            for (unsigned long i = 0; i < data.images.size(); ++i)
                for (unsigned long j = 0; j < data.images[i].boxes.size(); ++j)
                    if (data.images[i].boxes[j].difficult)
                        data.images[i].boxes[j].ignore = true;
            save_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("rmdupes"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The --rmdupes option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data, data_out;
            std::set<std::string> hashes;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            data_out = data;

            for (unsigned long i = 0; i < data.images.size(); ++i)
                ifstream fin(data.images[i].filename.c_str(), ios::binary);
                string hash = md5(fin);
                if (hashes.count(hash) == 0)
            save_image_dataset_metadata(data_out, parser[0]);
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("rmtrunc"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The --rmtrunc option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
                locally_change_current_dir chdir(get_parent_directory(file(parser[0])));
                for (unsigned long i = 0; i < data.images.size(); ++i)
                    array2d<unsigned char> img;
                    load_image(img, data.images[i].filename);
                    const rectangle area = get_rect(img);
                    for (unsigned long j = 0; j < data.images[i].boxes.size(); ++j)
                        if (!area.contains(data.images[i].boxes[j].rect))
                            data.images[i].boxes[j].ignore = true;
            save_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("l"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The -l option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("split"))
            return split_dataset(parser);

        if (parser.option("shuffle"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The -shuffle option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            const string default_seed = cast_to_string(time(0));
            const string seed = get_option(parser, "seed", default_seed);
            dlib::rand rnd(seed);
            randomize_samples(data.images, rnd);
            save_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("stats"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The --stats option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("rename"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The --rename option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            for (unsigned long i = 0; i < parser.option("rename").count(); ++i)
                rename_labels(data, parser.option("rename").argument(0,i), parser.option("rename").argument(1,i));
            save_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.number_of_arguments() == 1)
            metadata_editor editor(parser[0]);
            if (parser.option("parts"))
                std::vector<string> parts = split(parser.option("parts").argument());
                for (unsigned long i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i)
    catch (exception& e)
        cerr << e.what() << endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
Ejemplo n.º 29
Archivo: main.cpp Proyecto: FaceAR/dlib
int resample_dataset(const command_line_parser& parser)
    if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
        cerr << "The --resample option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    const size_t obj_size = get_option(parser,"resample",100*100); 
    const double margin_scale = 2.5; // cropped image will be this times wider than the object.
    const size_t image_size = obj_size*margin_scale*margin_scale;

    dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data, resampled_data;
    resampled_data.comment = data.comment;
    resampled_data.name = data.name + " RESAMPLED";

    load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
    locally_change_current_dir chdir(get_parent_directory(file(parser[0])));

    console_progress_indicator pbar(data.images.size());
    for (unsigned long i = 0; i < data.images.size(); ++i)
        // don't even bother loading images that don't have objects.
        if (data.images[i].boxes.size() == 0)

        array2d<rgb_pixel> img, chip;
        load_image(img, data.images[i].filename);

        // figure out what chips we want to take from this image
        for (unsigned long j = 0; j < data.images[i].boxes.size(); ++j)
            const rectangle rect = data.images[i].boxes[j].rect;
            if (data.images[i].boxes[j].ignore || !get_rect(img).contains(rect))

            const rectangle crop_rect = centered_rect(rect, rect.width()*margin_scale, rect.height()*margin_scale);

            // skip crops that have a lot of border pixels
            if (get_rect(img).intersect(crop_rect).area() < crop_rect.area()*0.8)

            const rectangle_transform tform = get_mapping_to_chip(chip_details(crop_rect, image_size));
            extract_image_chip(img, chip_details(crop_rect, image_size), chip);

            image_dataset_metadata::image dimg;
            // Now transform the boxes to the crop and also mark them as ignored if they
            // have already been cropped out or are outside the crop.
            for (size_t k = 0; k < data.images[i].boxes.size(); ++k)
                image_dataset_metadata::box box = data.images[i].boxes[k];
                // ignore boxes outside the cropped image
                if (crop_rect.intersect(box.rect).area() == 0)

                // mark boxes we include in the crop as ignored.  Also mark boxes that
                // aren't totally within the crop as ignored.
                if (crop_rect.contains(grow_rect(box.rect,10)))
                    data.images[i].boxes[k].ignore = true;
                    box.ignore = true;

                box.rect = tform(box.rect);
                for (auto&& p : box.parts)
                    p.second = tform.get_tform()(p.second);
            dimg.filename = data.images[i].filename + "RESAMPLED"+cast_to_string(j)+".jpg";

            save_jpeg(chip,dimg.filename, 98);

    save_image_dataset_metadata(resampled_data, parser[0] + ".RESAMPLED.xml");

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 30
UINT32 archimedes_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	int xstart,ystart,xend,yend;
	int res_x,res_y;
	int xsize,ysize;
	int calc_dxs = 0,calc_dxe = 0;
	const UINT8 x_step[4] = { 5, 7, 11, 19 };

	/* border color */
	bitmap.fill(m_palette->pen(0x10), cliprect);

	/* define X display area through BPP mode register */
	calc_dxs = (m_vidc_regs[VIDC_HDSR]*2)+x_step[m_vidc_bpp_mode & 3];
	calc_dxe = (m_vidc_regs[VIDC_HDER]*2)+x_step[m_vidc_bpp_mode & 3];

	/* now calculate display clip rectangle start/end areas */
	xstart = (calc_dxs)-m_vidc_regs[VIDC_HBSR];
	ystart = (m_vidc_regs[VIDC_VDSR])-m_vidc_regs[VIDC_VBSR];
	xend = (calc_dxe)+xstart;
	yend = m_vidc_regs[VIDC_VDER]+ystart;

	/* disable the screen if display params are invalid */
	if(xstart > xend || ystart > yend)
		return 0;

	xsize = calc_dxe-calc_dxs;
	ysize = m_vidc_regs[VIDC_VDER]-m_vidc_regs[VIDC_VDSR];

		int count;
		int x,y,xi;
		UINT8 pen;
		static UINT8 *vram = memregion("vram")->base();

		count = (0);

			case 0: //1 bpp
						pen = vram[count];

							res_x = x+xi+xstart;
							res_y = (y+ystart)*(m_vidc_interlace+1);

								if (cliprect.contains(res_x, res_y) && (res_x) <= xend && (res_y) <= yend)
									bitmap.pix32(res_y, res_x) = m_palette->pen((pen>>(xi))&0x1);
								if (cliprect.contains(res_x, res_y+1) && (res_x) <= xend && (res_y+1) <= yend)
									bitmap.pix32(res_y+1, res_x) = m_palette->pen((pen>>(xi))&0x1);
								if (cliprect.contains(res_x, res_y) && (res_x) <= xend && (res_y) <= yend)
									bitmap.pix32(res_y, res_x) = m_palette->pen((pen>>(xi))&0x1);

			case 3: //8 bpp
						pen = vram[count];

						res_x = x+xstart;
						res_y = (y+ystart)*(m_vidc_interlace+1);

							if (cliprect.contains(res_x, res_y) && (res_x) <= xend && (res_y) <= yend)
								bitmap.pix32(res_y, res_x) = m_palette->pen((pen&0xff)+0x100);
							if (cliprect.contains(res_x, res_y) && (res_x) <= xend && (res_y+1) <= yend)
								bitmap.pix32(res_y+1, res_x) = m_palette->pen((pen&0xff)+0x100);
							if (cliprect.contains(res_x, res_y) && (res_x) <= xend && (res_y) <= yend)
								bitmap.pix32(res_y, res_x) = m_palette->pen((pen&0xff)+0x100);
