int main() { using std::clock; ShowWindow(GetConsoleWindow(), SW_MAXIMIZE); auto timeStart(clock()); const MidiParser_Facade midi("../../../Test.mid"); auto runDuration(clock() - timeStart); timeStart = clock(); for (auto iter(midi.GetNotes().cbegin()); iter != midi.GetNotes().cend(); ++iter) { printf("TRACK #%d of %u\n", static_cast<int>(iter - midi.GetNotes().cbegin() + 1), static_cast<unsigned>(midi.GetNotes().size())); for (auto jiter(iter->cbegin()); jiter != iter->cend(); ++jiter) { printf("Time %u Note %d\t", midi.GetMilliSeconds() .at(static_cast<size_t>(iter - midi.GetNotes().cbegin())) .at(static_cast<size_t>(jiter - iter->cbegin())), *jiter); } printf("\nEND OF TRACK #%d of %u\n\n", static_cast<int>(iter - midi.GetNotes().cbegin() + 1), static_cast<unsigned>(midi.GetNotes().size())); } puts("===================\nEND OF ALL TRACKS\n==================="); const auto printDuration(clock() - timeStart); printf("\nRun time = %f seconds\tPrint time = %f seconds\nTotal time = %f seconds\n", static_cast<float>(runDuration) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC, static_cast<float>(printDuration) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC, static_cast<float>(runDuration + printDuration) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); printf("\n\n%s", midi.GetLog().c_str()); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { list<int> test1 = list<int>(); list<int> test2 = list<int>(); init(test1); init(test2); cout << "Done initializing...\n"; // print(test1); // print(test2); // clock_t startTime = clock(); // list<int> list3 = nSquaredDifference(test1, test2); // clock_t runTime = clock() - startTime; // cout << "n^2 runtime: " << ((float) runTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "\n"; //print(list3); // clock_t startTime = clock(); // list<int> list4 = nLogNDifference(test1, test2); // clock_t runTime = clock() - startTime; // cout << "nlogn runtime: " << ((float) runTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "\n"; // print(list4); clock_t startTime = clock(); list<int> list5 = nDifference(test1, test2); clock_t runTime = clock() - startTime; cout << "n runtime: " << ((float) runTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "\n"; // print(list5); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { progname = argv[0]; if (argc < 5) { usage(); } clock_t start = clock(); WholeGenomeAlignment wga(argv[2], GetAlignmentBlockStorage(argv[4])); { set<string> filter; filter.insert(argv[2]); for (int i = 5; i < argc; ++i) { filter.insert(argv[i]); } BitSequenceFactory * factory = GetSequenceFactory(argv[3]); if (filter.size() > 1) { ReadMafFile(argv[1], wga, *factory, &filter); } else { ReadMafFile(argv[1], wga, *factory); } delete factory; } clock_t end = clock(); cerr.precision(10); cerr << "Parsed MAF in " << clock_to_sec(end - start) << " seconds." << endl; size_t reference_size = wga.getReferenceSize(); while (1) { size_t position = rand() % reference_size; try { WholeGenomeAlignment::PositionMapping *mapping; mapping = wga.mapPositionToAll(position); if (mapping->begin() == mapping->end()) { delete mapping; throw OutOfSequence(); } cout << mapping->begin()->first << "\t" << position << endl; delete mapping; } catch (OutOfSequence &e) { } } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { glutInit(&argc,argv); int t; double time; int iterations = 250; //cin >> iterations; //if(argc == 2) cout << "success? " << (timeBeginPeriod(1)==TIMERR_NOERROR) << endl; LARGE_INTEGER clockFrequency; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&clockFrequency); cout << "f = " << clockFrequency.QuadPart << " Hz" << endl; cout << "T = " << 1000.0/clockFrequency.QuadPart << " ms" << endl; LARGE_INTEGER start,stop; QueryPerformanceCounter(&start); for(int c = 0 ; c < iterations ; c++) ; QueryPerformanceCounter(&stop); cout << stop.QuadPart-start.QuadPart << endl; time = CPUclock::currentTime(); for(int c = 0 ; c < iterations ; c++) ; cout << CPUclock::currentTime()-time << endl; t = timeGetTime(); for(int c = 0 ; c < iterations ; c++) cout << '.'; cout << timeGetTime()-t << endl; t = clock(); for(int c = 0 ; c < iterations ; c++) cout << '.'; cout << clock()-t << endl; t = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME); for(int c = 0 ; c < iterations ; c++) cout << '.'; cout << glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME)-t << endl; //if(argc == 2) timeEndPeriod(1); system("PAUSE"); return 0; } // end function main
int main() { cout << clock() << '\n'; try { f(0); } catch(myErr) { } cout << clock() << '\n'; try { f(1); } catch(myErr) { } cout << clock() << '\n'; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { list<int> list1; list<int> list2; clock_t startTime; init(list1); init(list2); // print(list1); // print(list2); startTime = clock(); list<int> list3 = nSquaredUnion(list1, list2); // print(list3); cout << "Time for n^2 Union: " << clock() - startTime << "\n"; startTime = clock(); list<int> list4 = nLogNUnion(list1, list2); // print(list4); cout << "Time for nlogn Union: " << clock() - startTime << "\n"; startTime = clock(); list<int> list5 = nSquaredIntersection(list1, list2); // print(list5); cout << "Time for n^2 Intersection: " << clock() - startTime << "\n"; startTime = clock(); list<int> list6 = nLogNIntersection(list1, list2); // print(list6); cout << "Time for nlogn Intersection: " << clock() - startTime << "\n"; cout << "\n"; cout << list1.size() << "\n"; cout << list2.size() << "\n"; cout << list3.size() << "\n"; cout << list4.size() << "\n"; cout << list5.size() << "\n"; cout << list6.size() << "\n"; // cout << list1.size() << "\n"; // cout << list2.size() << "\n"; }