Ejemplo n.º 1
void CSIPropertyPage::InitWorkfileView()

	// Return if no files found or multiple
	if (m_filenames.empty() || m_filenames.size() != 1)

	// Get a reference to the list view
	m_list = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_LIST2);

	// Macro enables group view
	ListView_EnableGroupView(m_list, TRUE);

	// Macro enables tool tips
	ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(m_list, LVS_EX_INFOTIP | LVS_EX_LABELTIP | LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT);

	// Initialize columns appearing in list view
	SecureZeroMemory(&lvCol, sizeof(LVCOLUMN));

	// Set the column titles
	std::wstring columnProp = getTortoiseSIString(IDS_PROP_NAME_COLUMN);
	std::wstring valueProp = getTortoiseSIString(IDS_PROP_VALUE_COLUMN);

	// Define the columns appearing in the list view
	lvCol.cx = 100;
	lvCol.pszText = (LPWSTR)columnProp.c_str();
	SendMessage(m_list, LVM_INSERTCOLUMN, 0, (LPARAM)&lvCol);
	lvCol.cx = 225;
	lvCol.pszText = (LPWSTR)valueProp.c_str();
	SendMessage(m_list, LVM_INSERTCOLUMN, 1, (LPARAM)&lvCol);

	// Retrieve highlighted file name
	const stdstring fileName = m_filenames.front();

	// Check if folder or file properties should be displayed
	if (PathIsDirectory(fileName.c_str())) {
	else { 
Ejemplo n.º 2
*  Create and populate file properties page
void CSIPropertyPage::initFileProperties(const stdstring file)
	int iItemIndex = 0;
	int iGroupId = 100;

	LVGROUP lvGroup;
	LVITEM lvitem;

	// Retrieve group name
	std::wstring lockGrpName = getTortoiseSIString(IDS_PROP_LOCK_GROUP_NAME);

	// Retrieve property names
	std::wstring lockPropName = getTortoiseSIString(IDS_PROP_LOCK_NAME);
	std::wstring lockCpIdPropName = getTortoiseSIString(IDS_PROP_LOCK_CPID);
	std::wstring lockTypePropName = getTortoiseSIString(IDS_PROP_LOCK_TYPE);

	// Retrieve highlighted file name
	stdstring fileName = m_filenames.front();

	// Retrieve file properties from Integrity
	std::shared_ptr<IntegrityActions::MemberProperties> memProp =
		IntegrityActions::getMemberInfo(IStatusCache::getInstance().getIntegritySession(), file.c_str());

	// Can't retrieve properties
	if (!memProp) {

	// Extract required properties
	std::wstring memRev = memProp->getMemberRev();
	std::wstring workingRev = memProp->getWorkingRev();
	std::wstring sandboxName = memProp->getSandboxName();
	std::wstring cpId = memProp->getChangePackageId();

	// Initialize entries in the list view
	SecureZeroMemory(&lvitem, sizeof(LVITEM));

	// Specify member functions that contain data

	// Retrieve the file locks and related info 
	for (std::shared_ptr<IntegrityActions::LockProperties> lock : memProp->getLockers()) {

		LVGROUP lvLockGroup;

		// Increment the group id

		// Extract lock info
		std::wstring lockName = lock->getLockName();
		std::wstring lockType = lock->getLockType();
		std::wstring lockCpId = lock->getLockChangePackageId();

		SecureZeroMemory(&lvLockGroup, sizeof(LVGROUP));

		// Insert the lock group - one for each lock
		lvLockGroup.cbSize = sizeof(LVGROUP);
		lvLockGroup.mask = LVGF_HEADER | LVGF_GROUPID;
		lvLockGroup.pszHeader = (LPWSTR)lockGrpName.c_str();
		lvLockGroup.iGroupId = iGroupId;
		SendMessage(m_list, LVM_INSERTGROUP, 0, (LPARAM)&lvLockGroup);

		if (!lockName.empty()) {

			lvitem.iItem = iItemIndex;
			lvitem.iGroupId = iGroupId;
			lvitem.iSubItem = 0;
			lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)lockPropName.c_str();
			SendMessage(m_list, LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&lvitem);
			lvitem.iSubItem = 1;
			lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)lockName.c_str();
			SendMessage(m_list, LVM_SETITEMTEXT, iItemIndex++, (LPARAM)&lvitem);

		if (!lockCpId.empty()) {

			lvitem.iItem = iItemIndex;
			lvitem.iGroupId = iGroupId;
			lvitem.iSubItem = 0;
			lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)lockCpIdPropName.c_str();
			SendMessage(m_list, LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&lvitem);
			lvitem.iSubItem = 1;
			lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)lockCpId.c_str();
			SendMessage(m_list, LVM_SETITEMTEXT, iItemIndex++, (LPARAM)&lvitem);

		if (!lockType.empty()) {

			lvitem.iItem = iItemIndex;
			lvitem.iGroupId = iGroupId;
			lvitem.iSubItem = 0;
			lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)lockTypePropName.c_str();
			SendMessage(m_list, LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&lvitem);
			lvitem.iSubItem = 1;
			lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)lockType.c_str();
			SendMessage(m_list, LVM_SETITEMTEXT, iItemIndex++, (LPARAM)&lvitem);

	// Retrieve group file name
	std::wstring fileGrpName = getTortoiseSIString(IDS_PROP_FILE_GROUP_NAME);

	SecureZeroMemory(&lvGroup, sizeof(LVGROUP));

	// Insert group containing file properties
	lvGroup.cbSize = sizeof(LVGROUP);
	lvGroup.pszHeader = (LPWSTR)fileGrpName.c_str();
	lvGroup.iGroupId = iGroupId;
	SendMessage(m_list, LVM_INSERTGROUP, 0, (LPARAM)&lvGroup);

	if (!memRev.empty()) {

		std::wstring memberRevPropName = getTortoiseSIString(IDS_PROP_MEMBER_REV);

		lvitem.iItem = iItemIndex;
		lvitem.iGroupId = iGroupId;
		lvitem.iSubItem = 0;
		lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)memberRevPropName.c_str();
		SendMessage(m_list, LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&lvitem);
		lvitem.iSubItem = 1;
		lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)memRev.c_str();
		SendMessage(m_list, LVM_SETITEMTEXT, iItemIndex++, (LPARAM)&lvitem);

	if (!workingRev.empty()) {

		std::wstring workRevPropName = getTortoiseSIString(IDS_PROP_WORKING_REV);

		lvitem.iItem = iItemIndex;
		lvitem.iGroupId = iGroupId;
		lvitem.iSubItem = 0;
		lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)workRevPropName.c_str();
		SendMessage(m_list, LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&lvitem);
		lvitem.iSubItem = 1;
		lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)workingRev.c_str();
		SendMessage(m_list, LVM_SETITEMTEXT, iItemIndex++, (LPARAM)&lvitem);

	if (!cpId.empty()) {

		std::wstring cpIdPropName = getTortoiseSIString(IDS_PROP_WORKING_CPID);

		lvitem.iItem = iItemIndex;
		lvitem.iGroupId = iGroupId;
		lvitem.iSubItem = 0;
		lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)cpIdPropName.c_str();
		SendMessage(m_list, LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&lvitem);
		lvitem.iSubItem = 1;
		lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)cpId.c_str();
		SendMessage(m_list, LVM_SETITEMTEXT, iItemIndex++, (LPARAM)&lvitem);

	if (!sandboxName.empty()) {

		std::wstring sandboxNamePropName = getTortoiseSIString(IDS_PROP_SANDBOX_NAME);

		lvitem.iItem = iItemIndex;
		lvitem.iGroupId = iGroupId;
		lvitem.iSubItem = 0;
		lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)sandboxNamePropName.c_str();
		SendMessage(m_list, LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&lvitem);
		lvitem.iSubItem = 1;
		lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)sandboxName.c_str();
		SendMessage(m_list, LVM_SETITEMTEXT, iItemIndex++, (LPARAM)&lvitem);

	// Holds file status
	std::wstring status;

	if (m_flags != 0) {

		if (hasFileStatus(m_flags, FileStatus::Member)) {
			if (!status.empty()) {
				status += _T(" | ");
			status += _T("Member");

		if (hasFileStatus(m_flags, FileStatus::Locked)) {
			if (!status.empty()) {
				status += _T(" | ");
			status += _T("Locked");

		if (hasFileStatus(m_flags, FileStatus::Incoming)) {
			if (!status.empty()) {
				status += _T(" | ");
			status += _T("Incoming");

		if (hasFileStatus(m_flags, FileStatus::FormerMember)) {
			if (!status.empty()) {
				status += _T(" | ");
			status += _T("FormerMember");

		if (hasFileStatus(m_flags, FileStatus::Modified)) {
			if (!status.empty()) {
				status += _T(" | ");
			status += _T("Modified");

		if (hasFileStatus(m_flags, FileStatus::Moved)) {
			if (!status.empty()) {
				status += _T(" | ");
			status += _T("Moved");

		if (hasFileStatus(m_flags, FileStatus::Renamed)) {
			if (!status.empty()) {
				status += _T(" | ");
			status += _T("Renamed");

		if (hasFileStatus(m_flags, FileStatus::MergeNeeded)) {
			if (!status.empty()) {
				status += _T(" | ");
			status += _T("MergeNeeded");

		if (hasFileStatus(m_flags, FileStatus::Drop)) {
			if (!status.empty()) {
				status += _T(" | ");
			status += _T("Drop");

		if (hasFileStatus(m_flags, FileStatus::Add)) {
			if (!status.empty()) {
				status += _T(" | ");
			status += _T("Add");


	if (!status.empty()) {

		std::wstring statusPropName = getTortoiseSIString(IDS_PROP_STATUS);

		lvitem.iItem = iItemIndex;
		lvitem.iGroupId = iGroupId;
		lvitem.iSubItem = 0;
		lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)statusPropName.c_str();
		SendMessage(m_list, LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&lvitem);
		lvitem.iSubItem = 1;
		lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)status.c_str();
		SendMessage(m_list, LVM_SETITEMTEXT, iItemIndex++, (LPARAM)&lvitem);
Ejemplo n.º 3
*  Create and populate folder properties page
void CSIPropertyPage::initFolderProperties(const stdstring folder)
	int iItemIndex = 0;
	int iGroupId = 100;

	LVGROUP lvGroup;
	LVITEM lvitem;

	// Retrieve file properties from Integrity
	std::shared_ptr<IntegrityActions::FolderProperties> folderProp =
		IntegrityActions::getFolderInfo(IStatusCache::getInstance().getIntegritySession(), folder.c_str());

	// Can't retrieve properties
	if (!folderProp) {

	// Extract properties to be displayed from properties object
	time_t lastCheckpoint = folderProp->getLastCheckpoint();

	std::wstring developmentPath = folderProp->getDevelopmentPath();
	std::wstring projectName = folderProp->getProjectName();
	std::wstring sandboxName = folderProp->getSandboxName();
	std::wstring serverName = folderProp->getServerName();
	std::wstring serverPort = folderProp->getServerPort();
	std::wstring revision = folderProp->getRevision();

	// Retrieve title for folder group displayed on properties page
	std::wstring folderGrpName = getTortoiseSIString(IDS_PROP_FOLDER_GROUP_NAME);

	SecureZeroMemory(&lvGroup, sizeof(LVGROUP));

	// Insert group containing folder properties
	lvGroup.cbSize = sizeof(LVGROUP);
	lvGroup.pszHeader = (LPWSTR)folderGrpName.c_str();
	lvGroup.iGroupId = iGroupId;
	SendMessage(m_list, LVM_INSERTGROUP, 0, (LPARAM)&lvGroup);

	// Initialize entries in the list view
	SecureZeroMemory(&lvitem, sizeof(LVITEM));

	// Specify member functions that contain data

	// Display devpath info
	if (!developmentPath.empty()) {

		// Retrieve property name to be displayed
		std::wstring devPathPropName = getTortoiseSIString(IDS_PROP_DEVPATH);

		// Create entry and add to list of properties
		lvitem.iItem = iItemIndex;
		lvitem.iGroupId = iGroupId;
		lvitem.iSubItem = 0;
		lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)devPathPropName.c_str();
		SendMessage(m_list, LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&lvitem);
		lvitem.iSubItem = 1;
		lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)developmentPath.c_str();
		SendMessage(m_list, LVM_SETITEMTEXT, iItemIndex++, (LPARAM)&lvitem);

	// Display project name
	if (!projectName.empty()) {

		// Retrieve property name to be displayed
		std::wstring projectNamePropName = getTortoiseSIString(IDS_PROP_PROJECT_NAME);

		// Create entry and add to list of properties
		lvitem.iItem = iItemIndex;
		lvitem.iGroupId = iGroupId;
		lvitem.iSubItem = 0;
		lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)projectNamePropName.c_str();
		SendMessage(m_list, LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&lvitem);
		lvitem.iSubItem = 1;
		lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)projectName.c_str();
		SendMessage(m_list, LVM_SETITEMTEXT, iItemIndex++, (LPARAM)&lvitem);

	// Display sandbox name
	if (!sandboxName.empty()) {

		// Retrieve property name to be displayed
		std::wstring sandboxNamePropName = getTortoiseSIString(IDS_PROP_SANDBOX_NAME);

		// Create entry and add to list of properties
		lvitem.iItem = iItemIndex;
		lvitem.iGroupId = iGroupId;
		lvitem.iSubItem = 0;
		lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)sandboxNamePropName.c_str();
		SendMessage(m_list, LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&lvitem);
		lvitem.iSubItem = 1;
		lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)sandboxName.c_str();
		SendMessage(m_list, LVM_SETITEMTEXT, iItemIndex++, (LPARAM)&lvitem);

	// Display server name and port
	if (!serverName.empty()) {

		// Stores server and port info
		std::wstring serverInfo;

		// Retrieve property name to be displayed
		std::wstring serverNamePropName = getTortoiseSIString(IDS_PROP_SERVER_NAME);

		// Display as <server name>:<port number>
		serverInfo += serverName;

		// Add port number to server info
		if (!serverPort.empty()) {
			serverInfo += _T(":");
			serverInfo += serverPort;

		// Create entry and add to list of properties
		lvitem.iItem = iItemIndex;
		lvitem.iGroupId = iGroupId;
		lvitem.iSubItem = 0;
		lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)serverNamePropName.c_str();
		SendMessage(m_list, LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&lvitem);
		lvitem.iSubItem = 1;
		lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)serverInfo.c_str();
		SendMessage(m_list, LVM_SETITEMTEXT, iItemIndex++, (LPARAM)&lvitem);

	// Display checkpoint info
	if (!revision.empty()) {

		std::wstring revInfo;

		// Retrieve property name to be displayed
		std::wstring revisionPropName = getTortoiseSIString(IDS_PROP_REVISION);

		wchar_t timeBuf[30];
		struct tm* timeinfo;

		// Display checkpoint time as dd/mm/yy hh:mm
		timeinfo = localtime(&lastCheckpoint);
		wcsftime(timeBuf, 30, L"%d/%m/%y %#I:%M %p", timeinfo);

		// Add time info to checkpoint
		revInfo += revision;
		revInfo += _T(" at ");
		revInfo += timeBuf;

		// Create entry and add to list of properties
		lvitem.iItem = iItemIndex;
		lvitem.iGroupId = iGroupId;
		lvitem.iSubItem = 0;
		lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)revisionPropName.c_str();
		SendMessage(m_list, LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&lvitem);
		lvitem.iSubItem = 1;
		lvitem.pszText = (LPWSTR)revInfo.c_str();
		SendMessage(m_list, LVM_SETITEMTEXT, iItemIndex++, (LPARAM)&lvitem);