void Hrtf::get_kemar_data(kemar_ptr & kemar_data, int & elev_n, const v3f &pos) { kemar_data = 0; elev_n = 0; if (pos.is0()) return; #ifdef _WINDOWS float len = (float)_hypot(pos.x, pos.y); #else float len = (float)hypot(pos.x, pos.y); #endif int elev_gr = (int)(180 * atan2f(pos.z, len) / (float)M_PI); //LOG_DEBUG(("elev = %d (%g %g %g)", elev_gr, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)); for(size_t i = 0; i < KemarElevationCount; ++i) { const kemar_elevation_data &elev = ::kemar_data[i]; if (elev_gr < elev.elevation + KemarElevationStep / 2) { //LOG_DEBUG(("used elevation %d", elev.elevation)); kemar_data = elev.data; elev_n = elev.samples; break; } } }
void Sky::sky_rotate (const scene::ICameraSceneNode* camera, SKY_ROTATE type, float wicked_time_of_day, v3f & Pos) { v3POS player_position = floatToInt(camera->getPosition(), BS)+camera_offset; double shift = (double)player_position.Z / MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT; double xz = 90; double xy = wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90; double yz = 70 * -shift; // 70 - maximum angle near end of map if (type == SKY_ROTATE::MOON) xz *= -1; if (type == SKY_ROTATE::MOONLIGHT) xy -= 90; else if (type == SKY_ROTATE::SUNLIGHT) xy += 90 + 180; Pos.rotateXZBy(xz); Pos.rotateXYBy(xy); Pos.rotateYZBy(yz); }
collisionMoveResult collisionMovePrecise(Map *map, IGameDef *gamedef, f32 pos_max_d, const core::aabbox3d<f32> &box_0, f32 dtime, v3f &pos_f, v3f &speed_f) { collisionMoveResult final_result; // Maximum time increment (for collision detection etc) // time = distance / speed f32 dtime_max_increment = pos_max_d / speed_f.getLength(); // Maximum time increment is 10ms or lower if(dtime_max_increment > 0.01) dtime_max_increment = 0.01; // Don't allow overly huge dtime if(dtime > 2.0) dtime = 2.0; f32 dtime_downcount = dtime; u32 loopcount = 0; do { loopcount++; f32 dtime_part; if(dtime_downcount > dtime_max_increment) { dtime_part = dtime_max_increment; dtime_downcount -= dtime_part; } else { dtime_part = dtime_downcount; /* Setting this to 0 (no -=dtime_part) disables an infinite loop when dtime_part is so small that dtime_downcount -= dtime_part does nothing */ dtime_downcount = 0; } collisionMoveResult result = collisionMoveSimple(map, gamedef, pos_max_d, box_0, dtime_part, pos_f, speed_f); if(result.touching_ground) final_result.touching_ground = true; if(result.collides) final_result.collides = true; } while(dtime_downcount > 0.001); return final_result; }
static bool getVisibleBrightness(Map *map, v3f p0, v3f dir, float step, float step_multiplier, float start_distance, float end_distance, INodeDefManager *ndef, u32 daylight_factor, float sunlight_min_d, int *result, bool *sunlight_seen) { int brightness_sum = 0; int brightness_count = 0; float distance = start_distance; dir.normalize(); v3f pf = p0; pf += dir * distance; int noncount = 0; bool nonlight_seen = false; bool allow_allowing_non_sunlight_propagates = false; bool allow_non_sunlight_propagates = false; // Check content nearly at camera position { v3s16 p = floatToInt(p0 /*+ dir * 3*BS*/, BS); MapNode n = map->getNodeNoEx(p); if(ndef->get(n).param_type == CPT_LIGHT && !ndef->get(n).sunlight_propagates) allow_allowing_non_sunlight_propagates = true; } // If would start at CONTENT_IGNORE, start closer { v3s16 p = floatToInt(pf, BS); MapNode n = map->getNodeNoEx(p); if(n.getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE){ float newd = 2*BS; pf = p0 + dir * 2*newd; distance = newd; sunlight_min_d = 0; } } for(int i=0; distance < end_distance; i++){ pf += dir * step; distance += step; step *= step_multiplier; v3s16 p = floatToInt(pf, BS); MapNode n = map->getNodeNoEx(p); if(allow_allowing_non_sunlight_propagates && i == 0 && ndef->get(n).param_type == CPT_LIGHT && !ndef->get(n).sunlight_propagates){ allow_non_sunlight_propagates = true; } if(ndef->get(n).param_type != CPT_LIGHT || (!ndef->get(n).sunlight_propagates && !allow_non_sunlight_propagates)){ nonlight_seen = true; noncount++; if(noncount >= 4) break; continue; } if(distance >= sunlight_min_d && *sunlight_seen == false && nonlight_seen == false) if(n.getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, ndef) == LIGHT_SUN) *sunlight_seen = true; noncount = 0; brightness_sum += decode_light(n.getLightBlend(daylight_factor, ndef)); brightness_count++; } *result = 0; if(brightness_count == 0) return false; *result = brightness_sum / brightness_count; /*std::cerr<<"Sampled "<<brightness_count<<" points; result=" <<(*result)<<std::endl;*/ return true; }
collisionMoveResult collisionMoveSimple(Environment *env, IGameDef *gamedef, f32 pos_max_d, const aabb3f &box_0, f32 stepheight, f32 dtime, v3f &pos_f, v3f &speed_f, v3f &accel_f,ActiveObject* self, bool collideWithObjects) { Map *map = &env->getMap(); //TimeTaker tt("collisionMoveSimple"); //ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "collisionMoveSimple avg", SPT_AVG); collisionMoveResult result; /* Calculate new velocity */ if( dtime > 1 ) { /* infostream<<"collisionMoveSimple: WARNING: maximum step interval exceeded, lost movement details!"<<std::endl; */ dtime = 1; } speed_f += accel_f * dtime; // If there is no speed, there are no collisions if(speed_f.getLength() == 0) return result; // Limit speed for avoiding hangs speed_f.Y=rangelim(speed_f.Y,-1000,1000); speed_f.X=rangelim(speed_f.X,-1000,1000); speed_f.Z=rangelim(speed_f.Z,-1000,1000); /* Collect node boxes in movement range */ std::vector<aabb3f> cboxes; std::vector<bool> is_unloaded; std::vector<bool> is_step_up; std::vector<bool> is_object; std::vector<int> bouncy_values; std::vector<v3s16> node_positions; { //TimeTaker tt2("collisionMoveSimple collect boxes"); //ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "collisionMoveSimple collect boxes avg", SPT_AVG); v3s16 oldpos_i = floatToInt(pos_f, BS); v3s16 newpos_i = floatToInt(pos_f + speed_f * dtime, BS); s16 min_x = MYMIN(oldpos_i.X, newpos_i.X) + (box_0.MinEdge.X / BS) - 1; s16 min_y = MYMIN(oldpos_i.Y, newpos_i.Y) + (box_0.MinEdge.Y / BS) - 1; s16 min_z = MYMIN(oldpos_i.Z, newpos_i.Z) + (box_0.MinEdge.Z / BS) - 1; s16 max_x = MYMAX(oldpos_i.X, newpos_i.X) + (box_0.MaxEdge.X / BS) + 1; s16 max_y = MYMAX(oldpos_i.Y, newpos_i.Y) + (box_0.MaxEdge.Y / BS) + 1; s16 max_z = MYMAX(oldpos_i.Z, newpos_i.Z) + (box_0.MaxEdge.Z / BS) + 1; for(s16 x = min_x; x <= max_x; x++) for(s16 y = min_y; y <= max_y; y++) for(s16 z = min_z; z <= max_z; z++) { v3s16 p(x,y,z); bool is_position_valid; MapNode n = map->getNodeNoEx(p, &is_position_valid); if (is_position_valid) { // Object collides into walkable nodes const ContentFeatures &f = gamedef->getNodeDefManager()->get(n); if(f.walkable == false) continue; int n_bouncy_value = itemgroup_get(f.groups, "bouncy"); std::vector<aabb3f> nodeboxes = n.getCollisionBoxes(gamedef->ndef()); for(std::vector<aabb3f>::iterator i = nodeboxes.begin(); i != nodeboxes.end(); ++i) { aabb3f box = *i; box.MinEdge += v3f(x, y, z)*BS; box.MaxEdge += v3f(x, y, z)*BS; cboxes.push_back(box); is_unloaded.push_back(false); is_step_up.push_back(false); bouncy_values.push_back(n_bouncy_value); node_positions.push_back(p); is_object.push_back(false); } } else { // Collide with unloaded nodes aabb3f box = getNodeBox(p, BS); cboxes.push_back(box); is_unloaded.push_back(true); is_step_up.push_back(false); bouncy_values.push_back(0); node_positions.push_back(p); is_object.push_back(false); } } } // tt2 if(collideWithObjects) { //ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "collisionMoveSimple objects avg", SPT_AVG); //TimeTaker tt3("collisionMoveSimple collect object boxes"); /* add object boxes to cboxes */ std::vector<ActiveObject*> objects; #ifndef SERVER ClientEnvironment *c_env = dynamic_cast<ClientEnvironment*>(env); if (c_env != 0) { f32 distance = speed_f.getLength(); std::vector<DistanceSortedActiveObject> clientobjects; c_env->getActiveObjects(pos_f,distance * 1.5,clientobjects); for (size_t i=0; i < clientobjects.size(); i++) { if ((self == 0) || (self != clientobjects[i].obj)) { objects.push_back((ActiveObject*)clientobjects[i].obj); } } } else #endif { ServerEnvironment *s_env = dynamic_cast<ServerEnvironment*>(env); if (s_env != 0) { f32 distance = speed_f.getLength(); std::vector<u16> s_objects; s_env->getObjectsInsideRadius(s_objects, pos_f, distance * 1.5); for (std::vector<u16>::iterator iter = s_objects.begin(); iter != s_objects.end(); ++iter) { ServerActiveObject *current = s_env->getActiveObject(*iter); if ((self == 0) || (self != current)) { objects.push_back((ActiveObject*)current); } } } } for (std::vector<ActiveObject*>::const_iterator iter = objects.begin(); iter != objects.end(); ++iter) { ActiveObject *object = *iter; if (object != NULL) { aabb3f object_collisionbox; if (object->getCollisionBox(&object_collisionbox) && object->collideWithObjects()) { cboxes.push_back(object_collisionbox); is_unloaded.push_back(false); is_step_up.push_back(false); bouncy_values.push_back(0); node_positions.push_back(v3s16(0,0,0)); is_object.push_back(true); } } } } //tt3 /* assert(cboxes.size() == is_unloaded.size()); // post-condition assert(cboxes.size() == is_step_up.size()); // post-condition assert(cboxes.size() == bouncy_values.size()); // post-condition assert(cboxes.size() == node_positions.size()); // post-condition assert(cboxes.size() == is_object.size()); // post-condition */ /* Collision detection */ /* Collision uncertainty radius Make it a bit larger than the maximum distance of movement */ f32 d = pos_max_d * 1.1; // A fairly large value in here makes moving smoother //f32 d = 0.15*BS; // This should always apply, otherwise there are glitches if(!(d > pos_max_d)) return result; int loopcount = 0; while(dtime > BS*1e-10) { //TimeTaker tt3("collisionMoveSimple dtime loop"); //ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "collisionMoveSimple dtime loop avg", SPT_AVG); // Avoid infinite loop loopcount++; if(loopcount >= 100) { infostream<<"collisionMoveSimple: WARNING: Loop count exceeded, aborting to avoid infiniite loop"<<std::endl; dtime = 0; break; } aabb3f movingbox = box_0; movingbox.MinEdge += pos_f; movingbox.MaxEdge += pos_f; int nearest_collided = -1; f32 nearest_dtime = dtime; u32 nearest_boxindex = -1; /* Go through every nodebox, find nearest collision */ for(u32 boxindex = 0; boxindex < cboxes.size(); boxindex++) { // Ignore if already stepped up this nodebox. if(is_step_up[boxindex]) continue; // Find nearest collision of the two boxes (raytracing-like) f32 dtime_tmp; int collided = axisAlignedCollision( cboxes[boxindex], movingbox, speed_f, d, dtime_tmp); if(collided == -1 || dtime_tmp >= nearest_dtime) continue; nearest_dtime = dtime_tmp; nearest_collided = collided; nearest_boxindex = boxindex; } if(nearest_collided == -1) { // No collision with any collision box. pos_f += speed_f * dtime; dtime = 0; // Set to 0 to avoid "infinite" loop due to small FP numbers } else { // Otherwise, a collision occurred. const aabb3f& cbox = cboxes[nearest_boxindex]; // Check for stairs. bool step_up = (nearest_collided != 1) && // must not be Y direction (movingbox.MinEdge.Y < cbox.MaxEdge.Y) && (movingbox.MinEdge.Y + stepheight > cbox.MaxEdge.Y) && (!wouldCollideWithCeiling(cboxes, movingbox, cbox.MaxEdge.Y - movingbox.MinEdge.Y, d)); // Get bounce multiplier bool bouncy = (bouncy_values[nearest_boxindex] >= 1); float bounce = -(float)bouncy_values[nearest_boxindex] / 100.0; // Move to the point of collision and reduce dtime by nearest_dtime if(nearest_dtime < 0) { // Handle negative nearest_dtime (can be caused by the d allowance) if(!step_up) { if(nearest_collided == 0) pos_f.X += speed_f.X * nearest_dtime; if(nearest_collided == 1) pos_f.Y += speed_f.Y * nearest_dtime; if(nearest_collided == 2) pos_f.Z += speed_f.Z * nearest_dtime; } } else { pos_f += speed_f * nearest_dtime; dtime -= nearest_dtime; } bool is_collision = true; if(is_unloaded[nearest_boxindex]) is_collision = false; CollisionInfo info; if (is_object[nearest_boxindex]) { info.type = COLLISION_OBJECT; } else { info.type = COLLISION_NODE; } info.node_p = node_positions[nearest_boxindex]; info.bouncy = bouncy; info.old_speed = speed_f; // Set the speed component that caused the collision to zero if(step_up) { // Special case: Handle stairs is_step_up[nearest_boxindex] = true; is_collision = false; } else if(nearest_collided == 0) // X { if(fabs(speed_f.X) > BS*3) speed_f.X *= bounce; else speed_f.X = 0; result.collides = true; result.collides_xz = true; } else if(nearest_collided == 1) // Y { if(fabs(speed_f.Y) > BS*3) speed_f.Y *= bounce; else speed_f.Y = 0; result.collides = true; } else if(nearest_collided == 2) // Z { if(fabs(speed_f.Z) > BS*3) speed_f.Z *= bounce; else speed_f.Z = 0; result.collides = true; result.collides_xz = true; } info.new_speed = speed_f; if(info.new_speed.getDistanceFrom(info.old_speed) < 0.1*BS) is_collision = false; if(is_collision){ result.collisions.push_back(info); } } } /* Final touches: Check if standing on ground, step up stairs. */ aabb3f box = box_0; box.MinEdge += pos_f; box.MaxEdge += pos_f; for(u32 boxindex = 0; boxindex < cboxes.size(); boxindex++) { const aabb3f& cbox = cboxes[boxindex]; /* See if the object is touching ground. Object touches ground if object's minimum Y is near node's maximum Y and object's X-Z-area overlaps with the node's X-Z-area. Use 0.15*BS so that it is easier to get on a node. */ if( cbox.MaxEdge.X-d > box.MinEdge.X && cbox.MinEdge.X+d < box.MaxEdge.X && cbox.MaxEdge.Z-d > box.MinEdge.Z && cbox.MinEdge.Z+d < box.MaxEdge.Z ){ if(is_step_up[boxindex]) { pos_f.Y += (cbox.MaxEdge.Y - box.MinEdge.Y); box = box_0; box.MinEdge += pos_f; box.MaxEdge += pos_f; } if(fabs(cbox.MaxEdge.Y-box.MinEdge.Y) < 0.15*BS) { result.touching_ground = true; if(is_unloaded[boxindex]) result.standing_on_unloaded = true; } } } return result; }
void ClientLauncher::speed_tests() { // volatile to avoid some potential compiler optimisations volatile static s16 temp16; volatile static f32 tempf; static v3f tempv3f1; static v3f tempv3f2; static std::string tempstring; static std::string tempstring2; tempv3f1 = v3f(); tempv3f2 = v3f(); tempstring = std::string(); tempstring2 = std::string(); { infostream << "The following test should take around 20ms." << std::endl; TimeTaker timer("Testing std::string speed"); const u32 jj = 10000; for (u32 j = 0; j < jj; j++) { tempstring = ""; tempstring2 = ""; const u32 ii = 10; for (u32 i = 0; i < ii; i++) { tempstring2 += "asd"; } for (u32 i = 0; i < ii+1; i++) { tempstring += "asd"; if (tempstring == tempstring2) break; } } } infostream << "All of the following tests should take around 100ms each." << std::endl; { TimeTaker timer("Testing floating-point conversion speed"); tempf = 0.001; for (u32 i = 0; i < 4000000; i++) { temp16 += tempf; tempf += 0.001; } } { TimeTaker timer("Testing floating-point vector speed"); tempv3f1 = v3f(1, 2, 3); tempv3f2 = v3f(4, 5, 6); for (u32 i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) { tempf += tempv3f1.dotProduct(tempv3f2); tempv3f2 += v3f(7, 8, 9); } } { TimeTaker timer("Testing std::map speed"); std::map<v2s16, f32> map1; tempf = -324; const s16 ii = 300; for (s16 y = 0; y < ii; y++) { for (s16 x = 0; x < ii; x++) { map1[v2s16(x, y)] = tempf; tempf += 1; } } for (s16 y = ii - 1; y >= 0; y--) { for (s16 x = 0; x < ii; x++) { tempf = map1[v2s16(x, y)]; } } } { infostream << "Around 5000/ms should do well here." << std::endl; TimeTaker timer("Testing mutex speed"); JMutex m; u32 n = 0; u32 i = 0; do { n += 10000; for (; i < n; i++) { m.Lock(); m.Unlock(); } } // Do at least 10ms while(timer.getTimerTime() < 10); u32 dtime = timer.stop(); u32 per_ms = n / dtime; infostream << "Done. " << dtime << "ms, " << per_ms << "/ms" << std::endl; } }
// This doesn't seem to work and isn't used collisionMoveResult collisionMovePrecise(Map *map, IGameDef *gamedef, f32 pos_max_d, const aabb3f &box_0, f32 stepheight, f32 dtime, v3f &pos_f, v3f &speed_f, v3f &accel_f) { //TimeTaker tt("collisionMovePrecise"); ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "collisionMovePrecise avg", SPT_AVG); collisionMoveResult final_result; // If there is no speed, there are no collisions if(speed_f.getLength() == 0) return final_result; // Don't allow overly huge dtime if(dtime > 2.0) dtime = 2.0; f32 dtime_downcount = dtime; u32 loopcount = 0; do { loopcount++; // Maximum time increment (for collision detection etc) // time = distance / speed f32 dtime_max_increment = 1.0; if(speed_f.getLength() != 0) dtime_max_increment = pos_max_d / speed_f.getLength(); // Maximum time increment is 10ms or lower if(dtime_max_increment > 0.01) dtime_max_increment = 0.01; f32 dtime_part; if(dtime_downcount > dtime_max_increment) { dtime_part = dtime_max_increment; dtime_downcount -= dtime_part; } else { dtime_part = dtime_downcount; /* Setting this to 0 (no -=dtime_part) disables an infinite loop when dtime_part is so small that dtime_downcount -= dtime_part does nothing */ dtime_downcount = 0; } collisionMoveResult result = collisionMoveSimple(map, gamedef, pos_max_d, box_0, stepheight, dtime_part, pos_f, speed_f, accel_f); if(result.touching_ground) final_result.touching_ground = true; if(result.collides) final_result.collides = true; if(result.collides_xz) final_result.collides_xz = true; if(result.standing_on_unloaded) final_result.standing_on_unloaded = true; } while(dtime_downcount > 0.001); return final_result; }
void SpeedTests() { { dstream<<"The following test should take around 20ms."<<std::endl; TimeTaker timer("Testing std::string speed"); const u32 jj = 10000; for(u32 j=0; j<jj; j++) { tempstring = ""; tempstring2 = ""; const u32 ii = 10; for(u32 i=0; i<ii; i++){ tempstring2 += "asd"; } for(u32 i=0; i<ii+1; i++){ tempstring += "asd"; if(tempstring == tempstring2) break; } } } dstream<<"All of the following tests should take around 100ms each." <<std::endl; { TimeTaker timer("Testing floating-point conversion speed"); tempf = 0.001; for(u32 i=0; i<4000000; i++){ temp16 += tempf; tempf += 0.001; } } { TimeTaker timer("Testing floating-point vector speed"); tempv3f1 = v3f(1,2,3); tempv3f2 = v3f(4,5,6); for(u32 i=0; i<10000000; i++){ tempf += tempv3f1.dotProduct(tempv3f2); tempv3f2 += v3f(7,8,9); } } { TimeTaker timer("Testing core::map speed"); core::map<v2s16, f32> map1; tempf = -324; const s16 ii=300; for(s16 y=0; y<ii; y++){ for(s16 x=0; x<ii; x++){ map1.insert(v2s16(x,y), tempf); tempf += 1; } } for(s16 y=ii-1; y>=0; y--){ for(s16 x=0; x<ii; x++){ tempf = map1[v2s16(x,y)]; } } } { dstream<<"Around 5000/ms should do well here."<<std::endl; TimeTaker timer("Testing mutex speed"); JMutex m; m.Init(); u32 n = 0; u32 i = 0; do{ n += 10000; for(; i<n; i++){ m.Lock(); m.Unlock(); } } // Do at least 10ms while(timer.getTime() < 10); u32 dtime = timer.stop(); u32 per_ms = n / dtime; dstream<<"Done. "<<dtime<<"ms, " <<per_ms<<"/ms"<<std::endl; } }
void SpeedTests(IrrlichtDevice *device) { /* Test stuff */ //test(); //return 0; /*TestThread thread; thread.Start(); std::cout<<"thread started"<<std::endl; while(thread.IsRunning()) sleep(1); std::cout<<"thread ended"<<std::endl; return 0;*/ { std::cout<<"Testing floating-point conversion speed"<<std::endl; u32 time1 = device->getTimer()->getRealTime(); tempf = 0.001; for(u32 i=0; i<10000000; i++){ temp16 += tempf; tempf += 0.001; } u32 time2 = device->getTimer()->getRealTime(); u32 fp_conversion_time = time2 - time1; std::cout<<"Done. "<<fp_conversion_time<<"ms"<<std::endl; //assert(fp_conversion_time < 1000); } { std::cout<<"Testing floating-point vector speed"<<std::endl; u32 time1 = device->getTimer()->getRealTime(); tempv3f1 = v3f(1,2,3); tempv3f2 = v3f(4,5,6); for(u32 i=0; i<40000000; i++){ tempf += tempv3f1.dotProduct(tempv3f2); tempv3f2 += v3f(7,8,9); } u32 time2 = device->getTimer()->getRealTime(); u32 dtime = time2 - time1; std::cout<<"Done. "<<dtime<<"ms"<<std::endl; } { std::cout<<"Testing core::map speed"<<std::endl; u32 time1 = device->getTimer()->getRealTime(); core::map<v2s16, f32> map1; tempf = -324; for(s16 y=0; y<500; y++){ for(s16 x=0; x<500; x++){ map1.insert(v2s16(x,y), tempf); tempf += 1; } } for(s16 y=500-1; y>=0; y--){ for(s16 x=0; x<500; x++){ tempf = map1[v2s16(x,y)]; } } u32 time2 = device->getTimer()->getRealTime(); u32 dtime = time2 - time1; std::cout<<"Done. "<<dtime<<"ms"<<std::endl; } { std::cout<<"Testing mutex speed"<<std::endl; u32 time1 = device->getTimer()->getRealTime(); u32 time2 = time1; JMutex m; m.Init(); u32 n = 0; u32 i = 0; do{ n += 10000; for(; i<n; i++){ m.Lock(); m.Unlock(); } time2 = device->getTimer()->getRealTime(); } // Do at least 10ms while(time2 < time1 + 10); u32 dtime = time2 - time1; u32 per_ms = n / dtime; std::cout<<"Done. "<<dtime<<"ms, " <<per_ms<<"/ms"<<std::endl; } //assert(0); }
collisionMoveResult collisionMoveSimple(Map *map, IGameDef *gamedef, f32 pos_max_d, const core::aabbox3d<f32> &box_0, f32 dtime, v3f &pos_f, v3f &speed_f) { collisionMoveResult result; v3f oldpos_f = pos_f; v3s16 oldpos_i = floatToInt(oldpos_f, BS); /* Calculate new position */ pos_f += speed_f * dtime; /* Collision detection */ // position in nodes v3s16 pos_i = floatToInt(pos_f, BS); /* Collision uncertainty radius Make it a bit larger than the maximum distance of movement */ f32 d = pos_max_d * 1.1; // A fairly large value in here makes moving smoother //f32 d = 0.15*BS; // This should always apply, otherwise there are glitches assert(d > pos_max_d); /* Calculate collision box */ core::aabbox3d<f32> box = box_0; box.MaxEdge += pos_f; box.MinEdge += pos_f; core::aabbox3d<f32> oldbox = box_0; oldbox.MaxEdge += oldpos_f; oldbox.MinEdge += oldpos_f; /* If the object lies on a walkable node, this is set to true. */ result.touching_ground = false; /* Go through every node around the object */ s16 min_x = (box_0.MinEdge.X / BS) - 2; s16 min_y = (box_0.MinEdge.Y / BS) - 2; s16 min_z = (box_0.MinEdge.Z / BS) - 2; s16 max_x = (box_0.MaxEdge.X / BS) + 1; s16 max_y = (box_0.MaxEdge.Y / BS) + 1; s16 max_z = (box_0.MaxEdge.Z / BS) + 1; for(s16 y = oldpos_i.Y + min_y; y <= oldpos_i.Y + max_y; y++) for(s16 z = oldpos_i.Z + min_z; z <= oldpos_i.Z + max_z; z++) for(s16 x = oldpos_i.X + min_x; x <= oldpos_i.X + max_x; x++) { try{ // Object collides into walkable nodes MapNode n = map->getNode(v3s16(x,y,z)); if(gamedef->getNodeDefManager()->get(n).walkable == false) continue; } catch(InvalidPositionException &e) { // Doing nothing here will block the object from // walking over map borders } core::aabbox3d<f32> nodebox = getNodeBox(v3s16(x,y,z), BS); /* See if the object is touching ground. Object touches ground if object's minimum Y is near node's maximum Y and object's X-Z-area overlaps with the node's X-Z-area. Use 0.15*BS so that it is easier to get on a node. */ if( //fabs(nodebox.MaxEdge.Y-box.MinEdge.Y) < d fabs(nodebox.MaxEdge.Y-box.MinEdge.Y) < 0.15*BS && nodebox.MaxEdge.X-d > box.MinEdge.X && nodebox.MinEdge.X+d < box.MaxEdge.X && nodebox.MaxEdge.Z-d > box.MinEdge.Z && nodebox.MinEdge.Z+d < box.MaxEdge.Z ){ result.touching_ground = true; } // If object doesn't intersect with node, ignore node. if(box.intersectsWithBox(nodebox) == false) continue; /* Go through every axis */ v3f dirs[3] = { v3f(0,0,1), // back-front v3f(0,1,0), // top-bottom v3f(1,0,0), // right-left }; for(u16 i=0; i<3; i++) { /* Calculate values along the axis */ f32 nodemax = nodebox.MaxEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]); f32 nodemin = nodebox.MinEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]); f32 objectmax = box.MaxEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]); f32 objectmin = box.MinEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]); f32 objectmax_old = oldbox.MaxEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]); f32 objectmin_old = oldbox.MinEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]); /* Check collision for the axis. Collision happens when object is going through a surface. */ bool negative_axis_collides = (nodemax > objectmin && nodemax <= objectmin_old + d && speed_f.dotProduct(dirs[i]) < 0); bool positive_axis_collides = (nodemin < objectmax && nodemin >= objectmax_old - d && speed_f.dotProduct(dirs[i]) > 0); bool main_axis_collides = negative_axis_collides || positive_axis_collides; /* Check overlap of object and node in other axes */ bool other_axes_overlap = true; for(u16 j=0; j<3; j++) { if(j == i) continue; f32 nodemax = nodebox.MaxEdge.dotProduct(dirs[j]); f32 nodemin = nodebox.MinEdge.dotProduct(dirs[j]); f32 objectmax = box.MaxEdge.dotProduct(dirs[j]); f32 objectmin = box.MinEdge.dotProduct(dirs[j]); if(!(nodemax - d > objectmin && nodemin + d < objectmax)) { other_axes_overlap = false; break; } } /* If this is a collision, revert the pos_f in the main direction. */ if(other_axes_overlap && main_axis_collides) { speed_f -= speed_f.dotProduct(dirs[i]) * dirs[i]; pos_f -= pos_f.dotProduct(dirs[i]) * dirs[i]; pos_f += oldpos_f.dotProduct(dirs[i]) * dirs[i]; result.collides = true; } } } // xyz return result; }
collisionMoveResult collisionMoveSimple(Map *map, IGameDef *gamedef, f32 pos_max_d, const aabb3f &box_0, f32 stepheight, f32 dtime, v3f &pos_f, v3f &speed_f, v3f &accel_f) { TimeTaker tt("collisionMoveSimple"); collisionMoveResult result; // If there is no speed, there are no collisions if(speed_f.getLength() == 0) return result; /* Calculate new velocity */ speed_f += accel_f * dtime; /* Collect node boxes in movement range */ std::vector<aabb3f> cboxes; std::vector<bool> is_unloaded; std::vector<bool> is_step_up; { TimeTaker tt2("collisionMoveSimple collect boxes"); v3s16 oldpos_i = floatToInt(pos_f, BS); v3s16 newpos_i = floatToInt(pos_f + speed_f * dtime, BS); s16 min_x = MYMIN(oldpos_i.X, newpos_i.X) + (box_0.MinEdge.X / BS) - 1; s16 min_y = MYMIN(oldpos_i.Y, newpos_i.Y) + (box_0.MinEdge.Y / BS) - 1; s16 min_z = MYMIN(oldpos_i.Z, newpos_i.Z) + (box_0.MinEdge.Z / BS) - 1; s16 max_x = MYMAX(oldpos_i.X, newpos_i.X) + (box_0.MaxEdge.X / BS) + 1; s16 max_y = MYMAX(oldpos_i.Y, newpos_i.Y) + (box_0.MaxEdge.Y / BS) + 1; s16 max_z = MYMAX(oldpos_i.Z, newpos_i.Z) + (box_0.MaxEdge.Z / BS) + 1; for(s16 x = min_x; x <= max_x; x++) for(s16 y = min_y; y <= max_y; y++) for(s16 z = min_z; z <= max_z; z++) { try { // Object collides into walkable nodes MapNode n = map->getNode(v3s16(x,y,z)); if(gamedef->getNodeDefManager()->get(n).walkable == false) continue; std::vector<aabb3f> nodeboxes = n.getNodeBoxes(gamedef->ndef()); for(std::vector<aabb3f>::iterator i = nodeboxes.begin(); i != nodeboxes.end(); i++) { aabb3f box = *i; box.MinEdge += v3f(x, y, z)*BS; box.MaxEdge += v3f(x, y, z)*BS; cboxes.push_back(box); is_unloaded.push_back(false); is_step_up.push_back(false); } } catch(InvalidPositionException &e) { // Collide with unloaded nodes aabb3f box = getNodeBox(v3s16(x,y,z), BS); cboxes.push_back(box); is_unloaded.push_back(true); is_step_up.push_back(false); } } } // tt2 assert(cboxes.size() == is_unloaded.size()); assert(cboxes.size() == is_step_up.size()); /* Collision detection */ /* Collision uncertainty radius Make it a bit larger than the maximum distance of movement */ f32 d = pos_max_d * 1.1; // A fairly large value in here makes moving smoother //f32 d = 0.15*BS; // This should always apply, otherwise there are glitches assert(d > pos_max_d); int loopcount = 0; while(dtime > BS*1e-10) { TimeTaker tt3("collisionMoveSimple dtime loop"); // Avoid infinite loop loopcount++; if(loopcount >= 100) { infostream<<"collisionMoveSimple: WARNING: Loop count exceeded, aborting to avoid infiniite loop"<<std::endl; dtime = 0; break; } aabb3f movingbox = box_0; movingbox.MinEdge += pos_f; movingbox.MaxEdge += pos_f; int nearest_collided = -1; f32 nearest_dtime = dtime; u32 nearest_boxindex = -1; /* Go through every nodebox, find nearest collision */ for(u32 boxindex = 0; boxindex < cboxes.size(); boxindex++) { // Ignore if already stepped up this nodebox. if(is_step_up[boxindex]) continue; // Find nearest collision of the two boxes (raytracing-like) f32 dtime_tmp; int collided = axisAlignedCollision( cboxes[boxindex], movingbox, speed_f, d, dtime_tmp); if(collided == -1 || dtime_tmp >= nearest_dtime) continue; nearest_dtime = dtime_tmp; nearest_collided = collided; nearest_boxindex = boxindex; } if(nearest_collided == -1) { // No collision with any collision box. pos_f += speed_f * dtime; dtime = 0; // Set to 0 to avoid "infinite" loop due to small FP numbers } else { // Otherwise, a collision occurred. const aabb3f& cbox = cboxes[nearest_boxindex]; // Check for stairs. bool step_up = (nearest_collided != 1) && // must not be Y direction (movingbox.MinEdge.Y < cbox.MaxEdge.Y) && (movingbox.MinEdge.Y + stepheight > cbox.MaxEdge.Y) && (!wouldCollideWithCeiling(cboxes, movingbox, cbox.MaxEdge.Y - movingbox.MinEdge.Y, d)); // Move to the point of collision and reduce dtime by nearest_dtime if(nearest_dtime < 0) { // Handle negative nearest_dtime (can be caused by the d allowance) if(!step_up) { if(nearest_collided == 0) pos_f.X += speed_f.X * nearest_dtime; if(nearest_collided == 1) pos_f.Y += speed_f.Y * nearest_dtime; if(nearest_collided == 2) pos_f.Z += speed_f.Z * nearest_dtime; } } else { pos_f += speed_f * nearest_dtime; dtime -= nearest_dtime; } // Set the speed component that caused the collision to zero if(step_up) { // Special case: Handle stairs is_step_up[nearest_boxindex] = true; } else if(nearest_collided == 0) // X { speed_f.X = 0; result.collides = true; result.collides_xz = true; } else if(nearest_collided == 1) // Y { speed_f.Y = 0; result.collides = true; } else if(nearest_collided == 2) // Z { speed_f.Z = 0; result.collides = true; result.collides_xz = true; } } } /* Final touches: Check if standing on ground, step up stairs. */ aabb3f box = box_0; box.MinEdge += pos_f; box.MaxEdge += pos_f; for(u32 boxindex = 0; boxindex < cboxes.size(); boxindex++) { const aabb3f& cbox = cboxes[boxindex]; /* See if the object is touching ground. Object touches ground if object's minimum Y is near node's maximum Y and object's X-Z-area overlaps with the node's X-Z-area. Use 0.15*BS so that it is easier to get on a node. */ if( cbox.MaxEdge.X-d > box.MinEdge.X && cbox.MinEdge.X+d < box.MaxEdge.X && cbox.MaxEdge.Z-d > box.MinEdge.Z && cbox.MinEdge.Z+d < box.MaxEdge.Z ) { if(is_step_up[boxindex]) { pos_f.Y += (cbox.MaxEdge.Y - box.MinEdge.Y); box = box_0; box.MinEdge += pos_f; box.MaxEdge += pos_f; } if(fabs(cbox.MaxEdge.Y-box.MinEdge.Y) < 0.15*BS) { result.touching_ground = true; if(is_unloaded[boxindex]) result.standing_on_unloaded = true; } } } return result; }
unsigned Hrtf::process( unsigned sample_rate, clunk::Buffer &dst_buf, unsigned dst_ch, const clunk::Buffer &src_buf, unsigned src_ch, const v3f &delta_position, float fx_volume) { s16 * const dst = static_cast<s16*>(dst_buf.get_ptr()); const unsigned dst_n = (unsigned)dst_buf.get_size() / dst_ch / 2; const s16 * const src = static_cast<const s16 *>(src_buf.get_ptr()); const unsigned src_n = (unsigned)src_buf.get_size() / src_ch / 2; assert(dst_n <= src_n); kemar_ptr kemar_data; int angles; get_kemar_data(kemar_data, angles, delta_position); if (delta_position.is0() || kemar_data == NULL) { //2d stereo sound! if (src_ch == dst_ch) { memcpy(dst_buf.get_ptr(), src_buf.get_ptr(), dst_buf.get_size()); return dst_n; } else throw_ex(("unsupported sample conversion")); } assert(dst_ch == 2); //LOG_DEBUG(("data: %p, angles: %d", (void *) kemar_data, angles)); float t_idt, angle_gr, left_to_right_amp; idt_iit(delta_position, t_idt, angle_gr, left_to_right_amp); const int kemar_sector_size = 360 / angles; const int kemar_idx[2] = { ((360 - (int)angle_gr + kemar_sector_size / 2) / kemar_sector_size) % angles, ((int)angle_gr + kemar_sector_size / 2) / kemar_sector_size }; float amp[2] = { left_to_right_amp > 1? 1: 1 / left_to_right_amp, left_to_right_amp > 1? left_to_right_amp: 1 }; //LOG_DEBUG(("%g (of %d)-> left: %d, right: %d", angle_gr, angles, kemar_idx_left, kemar_idx_right)); int idt_offset = (int)(t_idt * sample_rate); int window = 0; while(sample3d[0].get_size() < dst_n * 2 || sample3d[1].get_size() < dst_n * 2) { size_t offset = window * WINDOW_SIZE / 2; assert(offset + WINDOW_SIZE / 2 <= src_n); for(unsigned c = 0; c < dst_ch; ++c) { sample3d[c].reserve(WINDOW_SIZE); s16 *dst = static_cast<s16 *>(static_cast<void *>((static_cast<u8 *>(sample3d[c].get_ptr()) + sample3d[c].get_size() - WINDOW_SIZE))); hrtf(c, dst, src + offset * src_ch, src_ch, src_n - offset, idt_offset, kemar_data, kemar_idx[c], amp[c]); } ++window; } assert(sample3d[0].get_size() >= dst_n * 2 && sample3d[1].get_size() >= dst_n * 2); //LOG_DEBUG(("angle: %g", angle_gr)); //LOG_DEBUG(("idt offset %d samples", idt_offset)); s16 * src_3d[2] = { static_cast<s16 *>(sample3d[0].get_ptr()), static_cast<s16 *>(sample3d[1].get_ptr()) }; //LOG_DEBUG(("size1: %u, %u, needed: %u\n%s", (unsigned)sample3d[0].get_size(), (unsigned)sample3d[1].get_size(), dst_n, sample3d[0].dump().c_str())); for(unsigned i = 0; i < dst_n; ++i) { for(unsigned c = 0; c < dst_ch; ++c) { dst[i * dst_ch + c] = src_3d[c][i]; } } skip(dst_n); return window * WINDOW_SIZE / 2; }
PointedThing ClientEnvironment::getPointedThing( core::line3d<f32> shootline, bool liquids_pointable, bool look_for_object) { PointedThing result; INodeDefManager *nodedef = m_map->getNodeDefManager(); core::aabbox3d<s16> maximal_exceed = nodedef->getSelectionBoxIntUnion(); // The code needs to search these nodes core::aabbox3d<s16> search_range(-maximal_exceed.MaxEdge, -maximal_exceed.MinEdge); // If a node is found, there might be a larger node behind. // To find it, we have to go further. s16 maximal_overcheck = std::max(abs(search_range.MinEdge.X), abs(search_range.MaxEdge.X)) + std::max(abs(search_range.MinEdge.Y), abs(search_range.MaxEdge.Y)) + std::max(abs(search_range.MinEdge.Z), abs(search_range.MaxEdge.Z)); const v3f original_vector = shootline.getVector(); const f32 original_length = original_vector.getLength(); f32 min_distance = original_length; // First try to find an active object if (look_for_object) { ClientActiveObject *selected_object = getSelectedActiveObject( shootline, &result.intersection_point, &result.intersection_normal); if (selected_object != NULL) { min_distance = (result.intersection_point - shootline.start).getLength(); result.type = POINTEDTHING_OBJECT; result.object_id = selected_object->getId(); } } // Reduce shootline if (original_length > 0) { shootline.end = shootline.start + shootline.getVector() / original_length * min_distance; } // Try to find a node that is closer than the selected active // object (if it exists). voxalgo::VoxelLineIterator iterator(shootline.start / BS, shootline.getVector() / BS); v3s16 oldnode = iterator.m_current_node_pos; // Indicates that a node was found. bool is_node_found = false; // If a node is found, it is possible that there's a node // behind it with a large nodebox, so continue the search. u16 node_foundcounter = 0; // If a node is found, this is the center of the // first nodebox the shootline meets. v3f found_boxcenter(0, 0, 0); // The untested nodes are in this range. core::aabbox3d<s16> new_nodes; while (true) { // Test the nodes around the current node in search_range. new_nodes = search_range; new_nodes.MinEdge += iterator.m_current_node_pos; new_nodes.MaxEdge += iterator.m_current_node_pos; // Only check new nodes v3s16 delta = iterator.m_current_node_pos - oldnode; if (delta.X > 0) new_nodes.MinEdge.X = new_nodes.MaxEdge.X; else if (delta.X < 0) new_nodes.MaxEdge.X = new_nodes.MinEdge.X; else if (delta.Y > 0) new_nodes.MinEdge.Y = new_nodes.MaxEdge.Y; else if (delta.Y < 0) new_nodes.MaxEdge.Y = new_nodes.MinEdge.Y; else if (delta.Z > 0) new_nodes.MinEdge.Z = new_nodes.MaxEdge.Z; else if (delta.Z < 0) new_nodes.MaxEdge.Z = new_nodes.MinEdge.Z; // For each untested node for (s16 x = new_nodes.MinEdge.X; x <= new_nodes.MaxEdge.X; x++) { for (s16 y = new_nodes.MinEdge.Y; y <= new_nodes.MaxEdge.Y; y++) { for (s16 z = new_nodes.MinEdge.Z; z <= new_nodes.MaxEdge.Z; z++) { MapNode n; v3s16 np(x, y, z); bool is_valid_position; n = m_map->getNodeNoEx(np, &is_valid_position); if (!(is_valid_position && isPointableNode(n, nodedef, liquids_pointable))) { continue; } std::vector<aabb3f> boxes; n.getSelectionBoxes(nodedef, &boxes, n.getNeighbors(np, m_map)); v3f npf = intToFloat(np, BS); for (std::vector<aabb3f>::const_iterator i = boxes.begin(); i != boxes.end(); ++i) { aabb3f box = *i; box.MinEdge += npf; box.MaxEdge += npf; v3f intersection_point; v3s16 intersection_normal; if (!boxLineCollision(box, shootline.start, shootline.getVector(), &intersection_point, &intersection_normal)) { continue; } f32 distance = (intersection_point - shootline.start).getLength(); if (distance >= min_distance) { continue; } result.type = POINTEDTHING_NODE; result.node_undersurface = np; result.intersection_point = intersection_point; result.intersection_normal = intersection_normal; found_boxcenter = box.getCenter(); min_distance = distance; is_node_found = true; } } } } if (is_node_found) { node_foundcounter++; if (node_foundcounter > maximal_overcheck) { break; } } // Next node if (iterator.hasNext()) { oldnode = iterator.m_current_node_pos; iterator.next(); } else { break; } } if (is_node_found) { // Set undersurface and abovesurface nodes f32 d = 0.002 * BS; v3f fake_intersection = result.intersection_point; // Move intersection towards its source block. if (fake_intersection.X < found_boxcenter.X) fake_intersection.X += d; else fake_intersection.X -= d; if (fake_intersection.Y < found_boxcenter.Y) fake_intersection.Y += d; else fake_intersection.Y -= d; if (fake_intersection.Z < found_boxcenter.Z) fake_intersection.Z += d; else fake_intersection.Z -= d; result.node_real_undersurface = floatToInt(fake_intersection, BS); result.node_abovesurface = result.node_real_undersurface + result.intersection_normal; } return result; }