Ejemplo n.º 1
int VideoSourceImages::_read(VDPosition lStart, uint32 lCount, void *lpBuffer, uint32 cbBuffer, uint32 *plBytesRead, uint32 *plSamplesRead) {
	if (plBytesRead)
		*plBytesRead = 0;

	if (plSamplesRead)
		*plSamplesRead = 0;

	const wchar_t *buf = mpParent->ComputeFilename(mPathBuf, lStart);

	// Check if we already have the file handle cached.  If not, open the file.
	if (lStart == mCachedHandleFrame) {
	} else{
		mCachedHandleFrame = -1;
		mCachedFile.open(buf, nsVDFile::kRead | nsVDFile::kDenyWrite | nsVDFile::kOpenExisting);
		mCachedHandleFrame = lStart;

	// Replace

	uint32 size = (uint32)mCachedFile.size();

	if (size > 0x3fffffff)
		throw MyError("VideoSourceImages: File \"%s\" is too large (>1GB).", VDTextWToA(buf).c_str());

	if (!lpBuffer) {
		if (plBytesRead)
			*plBytesRead = size;

		if (plSamplesRead)
			*plSamplesRead = 1;

		return 0;

	if (size > cbBuffer) {
		if (plBytesRead)
			*plBytesRead = size;

		return IVDStreamSource::kBufferTooSmall;

	mCachedFile.read(lpBuffer, size);
	if (plBytesRead)
		*plBytesRead = size;

	if (plSamplesRead)
		*plSamplesRead = 1;

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
const void *VideoSourceImages::streamGetFrame(const void *inputBuffer, uint32 data_len, bool is_preroll, VDPosition frame_num, VDPosition target_sample) {
	// We may get a zero-byte frame if we already have the image.

	if (!data_len)
		return getFrameBuffer();

	int w, h;
	bool bHasAlpha;

	bool bIsPNG = false;
	bool bIsJPG = false;
	bool bIsBMP = false;
	bool bIsIFF = false;
	bool bIsTGA = false;

	bIsPNG = VDDecodePNGHeader(inputBuffer, data_len, w, h, bHasAlpha);
	if (!bIsPNG) {
		bIsJPG = VDIsJPEGHeader(inputBuffer, data_len);
		if (!bIsJPG) {
			bIsBMP = DecodeBMPHeader(inputBuffer, data_len, w, h, bHasAlpha);
			if (!bIsBMP) {
				bIsIFF = VDIsMayaIFFHeader(inputBuffer, data_len);
				if (!bIsIFF)
					bIsTGA = DecodeTGAHeader(inputBuffer, data_len, w, h, bHasAlpha);

	if (!bIsBMP && !bIsTGA && !bIsJPG && !bIsPNG && !bIsIFF)
		throw MyError("Image file must be in PNG, Windows BMP, truecolor TARGA format, MayaIFF, or sequential JPEG format.");

	if (bIsJPG) {
		if (!mpJPEGDecoder)
			mpJPEGDecoder = VDCreateJPEGDecoder();
		mpJPEGDecoder->Begin(inputBuffer, data_len);
		mpJPEGDecoder->DecodeHeader(w, h);

	VDPixmap pxIFF;
	if (bIsIFF) {
		if (!mpIFFDecoder)
			mpIFFDecoder = VDCreateImageDecoderIFF();
		pxIFF = mpIFFDecoder->Decode(inputBuffer, data_len);
		w = pxIFF.w;
		h = pxIFF.h;

	// Check image header.

	VDAVIBitmapInfoHeader *pFormat = getImageFormat();

	if (getFrameBuffer()) {
		if (w != pFormat->biWidth || h != pFormat->biHeight) {
			vdfastvector<wchar_t> errBuf;

			throw MyError("Image \"%ls\" (%dx%d) doesn't match the image dimensions of the first image (%dx%d)."
					, mpParent->ComputeFilename(errBuf, frame_num), w, h, pFormat->biWidth, pFormat->biHeight);

	} else {
		if (!AllocFrameBuffer(w * h * 4))
			throw MyMemoryError();

		pFormat->biSize				= sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
		pFormat->biWidth			= w;
		pFormat->biHeight			= h;
		pFormat->biPlanes			= 1;
		pFormat->biCompression		= 0xFFFFFFFFUL;
		pFormat->biBitCount			= 0;
		pFormat->biSizeImage		= 0;
		pFormat->biXPelsPerMeter	= 0;
		pFormat->biYPelsPerMeter	= 0;
		pFormat->biClrUsed			= 0;
		pFormat->biClrImportant		= 0;

		// special case for initial read in constructor

		return NULL;

	if (bIsJPG) {
		int format;

		switch(mvbFrameBuffer.depth) {
		case 16:	format = IVDJPEGDecoder::kFormatXRGB1555;	break;
		case 24:	format = IVDJPEGDecoder::kFormatRGB888;		break;
		case 32:	format = IVDJPEGDecoder::kFormatXRGB8888;	break;

		mpJPEGDecoder->DecodeImage((char *)mvbFrameBuffer.data + mvbFrameBuffer.pitch * (mvbFrameBuffer.h - 1), -mvbFrameBuffer.pitch, format);

	if (bIsIFF)
		VDPixmapBlt(getTargetFormat(), pxIFF);

	if (bIsBMP)
		DecodeBMP(inputBuffer, data_len, mvbFrameBuffer);
	if (bIsTGA)
		DecodeTGA(inputBuffer, data_len, mvbFrameBuffer);
	if (bIsPNG) {
		if (!mpPNGDecoder)
			mpPNGDecoder = VDCreateImageDecoderPNG();

		PNGDecodeError err = mpPNGDecoder->Decode(inputBuffer, data_len);

		if (err) {
			if (err == kPNGDecodeOutOfMemory)
				throw MyMemoryError();

			vdfastvector<wchar_t> errBuf;

			throw MyError("Error decoding \"%ls\": %ls\n", mpParent->ComputeFilename(errBuf, frame_num), VDLoadString(0, kVDST_PNGDecodeErrors, err));

		VDPixmapBlt(VDAsPixmap(mvbFrameBuffer), mpPNGDecoder->GetFrameBuffer());

	mCachedFrame = frame_num;

	return mpFrameBuffer;