Ejemplo n.º 1
int frobenius(const vec& a) { // O(n + A) space
// Return the Frobenius number of the numbers in a[1..n], that is, 
// the largest t such that t cannot be expressed as a nonnegative
// integer linear combination of the entries of a[1..n]
	if(gcd(a) > 1) return INF; 
	int n = a.size()-1; 
	int a_min = *min_element(a.begin()+1, a.end()); 
	int A = *max_element(a.begin()+1, a.end()); 
	int N = A; 
	vector<bool> x(N, false); 
	x[0] = true; 
	int q = 0, m = 0; 
	while(q < a_min) {
		bool repr = false; // check if m representable
		for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) {
			int r = (m + N - a[i]) % N; 
			repr = repr || x[r]; 
			if(repr) break; 
		if(repr) {
			x[m % N] = true; 
		else q = 0; 
	return m - a_min; 
Ejemplo n.º 2
vec operator+(const vec& lhs, const vec& rhs) {
  vec::const_iterator itL = lhs.begin();
  vec::const_iterator itR = rhs.begin();
  vec temp;
  for (; itL != lhs.end(); ++itL, ++itR)
    temp.push_back(*itL + *itR);
  return temp;
Ejemplo n.º 3
scalar eucInnerProd(const vec& v1, const vec& v2) {
  scalar sum = 0;
  vec::const_iterator it1 = v1.begin();
  vec::const_iterator it2 = v2.begin();
  for (; it1 != v1.end(); ++it1, ++it2)
    sum += (*it1) * (*it2);
  if (abs(sum) < ROUND_CUTOFF)
    sum = 0;
  return sum;
Ejemplo n.º 4
scalar eucInnerProd(const vec& v1, const vec& v2) {
  scalar sum = 0;
  vec::const_iterator it1 = v1.begin();
  vec::const_iterator it2 = v2.begin();
  for (; it1 != v1.end(); ++it1, ++it2) {
    sum += (*it1) * (*it2);
    //std::cout << "Sum = " << sum << std::endl;
  if (fabs(sum) < ROUND_CUTOFF) {
    //std::cout << "Sum = " << sum << " abs(sum) = " << fabs(sum) << std::endl;
    sum = 0;
  //std::cout << "Sum = " << sum << std::endl;
  return sum;
Ejemplo n.º 5
	void insert( double x ) {
		    std::upper_bound( best.begin(), best.end(), x, greater_than< double >() ),

		if( size() > num_to_save ) {
			best.resize( num_to_save );
Ejemplo n.º 6
vec<str> vcat(const vec<str> &top, const vec<str> &bottom)
	// copy the top picture
	vec<str> ret = top;

	// copy the entire bottom picture

	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 7
	vec(const vec &v) { create(v.begin(),v.end()); }
Ejemplo n.º 8
		// copy Constructor
		template<class T> vec<T>::vec(const vec& v)
			// call create with iterators to handle mem and initialize value
			create(v.begin(), v.end());
Ejemplo n.º 9
void normalize(vec& v) {
  scalar mag = norm(v);
  for (vec::iterator it=v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) 
    (*it) = (*it)/mag;
Ejemplo n.º 10
scalar norm(const vec& v) {
  scalar sum = 0;
  for (vec::const_iterator it=v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it)
    sum += (*it) * (*it);
  return sqrt(sum);
Ejemplo n.º 11
vec operator*(const scalar s, const vec& v) {
  vec temp = {};
  for (vec::const_iterator it=v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it)
    temp.push_back(s * (*it));
  return temp;
Ejemplo n.º 12
valtype gapBabDp(vec<signed char> &currentSolution, vec<signed char> &Bcontainer,
              indtype Nagent, indtype Ntask, WV<valtype, indtype> **info,
              indtype *residualBudget, int maxCore, std::time_t timer, double tlimit,
              int &Nnode, int &Nkp)
  vec<signed char*> Bv(Ntask);
  for(indtype j = 0; j < Ntask; ++j)
    INT tmp = j * (INT(Nagent) + 1);
    Bv[j] = &Bcontainer[0] + tmp;
    Bv[j][Nagent] = 0;
  signed char **B = &Bv[0];

  vec<indtype> overloadedAgent(Nagent);
  vec<vec<indtype> > overloadedAgentTask(Nagent, vec<indtype>(Ntask));
  vec<vec<indtype> > overloadedAgentWeight(Nagent, vec<indtype>(Ntask));
  vec<vec<valtype> > overloadedAgentPenalty(Nagent, vec<valtype>(Ntask)); // will be used as values in knapsacking
  vec<vec<indtype> > nextAgent(Nagent, vec<indtype>(Ntask));
  vec<vec<indtype> > reassign(Nagent, vec<indtype>(Ntask));
  vec<vec<indtype> > stay(Nagent, vec<indtype>(Ntask));

  vec<indtype> budgetExceedance(Nagent);
  vec<stackEle<valtype, indtype> > T(INT(Nagent) * Ntask);
  currentSolution.resize(INT(Nagent) * Ntask);
  valtype currentSolutionRevenue = -std::numeric_limits<valtype>::max();

  // Auxiliary containers.
  maxCore = std::min<int> (maxCore, Nagent);
  vec<indtype> agentCosts(Nagent);

  // bool postKnapsack = false;
    std::time_t now; std::time(&now);
    if(std::difftime(now, timer) > tlimit) break;

    while(true) // Repeat backtracking until knapsacking becomes necessary.
      valtype revenueUB = 0;
      bool needNoBacktrack = findOverloadedAgentsPenaltyWeightNextAgent(
        revenueUB, overloadedAgent, info, B,
        Nagent, Ntask, residualBudget, &budgetExceedance[0], &agentCosts[0],
        overloadedAgentTask, overloadedAgentWeight, // of size Nagent
        overloadedAgentPenalty, // will be used as values in knapsacking
        nextAgent, T);
      // Rcout << "needNoBacktrack = " << needNoBacktrack << "\n";
      if(needNoBacktrack and revenueUB > currentSolutionRevenue)
        if(overloadedAgent.size() > 0) break;
        currentSolution.assign(Bcontainer.begin(), Bcontainer.end());
        currentSolutionRevenue = revenueUB;
      Rcout << "revenueUB = " << revenueUB << "\n";
      Rcout << "before backtrack, T.size() = " << T.size() << "\n";
      for(indtype i = 1, iend = T.size(); i < iend; ++i)
        Rcout << T[i].agent << ", " << T[i].task << ", " <<
          int(B[T[i].task][T[i].agent]) << ",    ";
      Rcout << "\n";
      for(indtype i = 0; i < Nagent; ++i)
        for(indtype j = 0; j < Ntask; ++j)
          if(B[j][i] >= 0) Rcout << " " << int(B[j][i]) << ", ";
          else Rcout << int(B[j][i]) << ", ";
        Rcout << "\n";

      bool bt = backtrack(T, B, Nagent, info, residualBudget);
      Rcout << "after backtrack, T.size() = " << T.size() << "\n";
      for(indtype i = 1, iend = T.size(); i < iend; ++i)
        Rcout << T[i].agent << ", " << T[i].task << ", " <<
          int(B[T[i].task][T[i].agent]) << ",    ";
      Rcout << "\n";
      for(indtype i = 0; i < Nagent; ++i)
        for(indtype j = 0; j < Ntask; ++j)
          if(B[j][i] >= 0) Rcout << " " << int(B[j][i]) << ", ";
          else Rcout << int(B[j][i]) << ", ";
        Rcout << "\n";
      if(!bt) return currentSolutionRevenue;

      Rcout << "After initialization, B = \n";
      for(indtype i = 0; i < Nagent; ++i)
        for(indtype j = 0; j < Ntask; ++j)
          if(B[j][i] >= 0) Rcout << " " << int(B[j][i]) << ", ";
          else Rcout << int(B[j][i]) << ", ";
        Rcout << "\n";
      Rcout << "Overloaded agent = \n";
      for(indtype i = 0, iend = overloadedAgent.size(); i < iend; ++i)
        Rcout << overloadedAgent[i] << ", ";
      Rcout << "\n";
      Rcout << "Budget exceedance = \n";
      for(indtype i = 0, iend = overloadedAgent.size(); i < iend; ++i)
        Rcout << budgetExceedance[overloadedAgent[i]] << ", ";
      Rcout << "\n";
      Rcout << "overloadedAgentTask = \n";
      for(indtype i = 0, iend = overloadedAgent.size(); i < iend; ++i)
        indtype a = overloadedAgent[i];
        for(indtype j = 0, jend = overloadedAgentTask[a].size(); j < jend; ++j)
          Rcout << overloadedAgentTask[a][j] << ", ";
        Rcout << "\n";
      Rcout << "overloadedAgentWeight = \n";
      for(indtype i = 0, iend = overloadedAgent.size(); i < iend; ++i)
        indtype a = overloadedAgent[i];
        for(indtype j = 0, jend = overloadedAgentWeight[a].size(); j < jend; ++j)
          Rcout << overloadedAgentWeight[a][j] << ", ";
        Rcout << "\n";
      Rcout << "next agent = \n";
      for(indtype i = 0, iend = overloadedAgent.size(); i < iend; ++i)
        indtype a = overloadedAgent[i];
        for(indtype j = 0, jend = nextAgent[a].size(); j < jend; ++j)
          Rcout << nextAgent[a][j] << ", ";
        Rcout << "\n";
      Rcout << "overloadedAgentPenalty = \n";
      for(indtype i = 0, iend = overloadedAgent.size(); i < iend; ++i)
        indtype a = overloadedAgent[i];
        for(indtype j = 0, jend = overloadedAgentPenalty[a].size(); j < jend; ++j)
          Rcout << overloadedAgentPenalty[a][j] << ", ";
        Rcout << "\n";

    valtype totalPenalty = 0;
    ++Nnode; Nkp += overloadedAgent.size();
    specialBiKpDPpara<valtype, indtype> (
        totalPenalty, overloadedAgent, overloadedAgentWeight,
        overloadedAgentPenalty, stay, reassign, budgetExceedance,
        std::min<int> (maxCore, overloadedAgent.size()));

    // Set variables pointed by reassigned to -1.
    updateBafterKnapsacking<indtype> (overloadedAgent, B, nextAgent, overloadedAgentTask, reassign);

      Rcout << "After KP, reassign = \n";
      for(indtype i = 0, iend = overloadedAgent.size(); i < iend; ++i)
        for(indtype j = 0, jend = reassign[i].size(); j < jend; ++j)
          Rcout << reassign[i][j] << ", ";
        Rcout << "\n";
      Rcout << "After KP, stay = \n";
      for(indtype i = 0, iend = overloadedAgent.size(); i < iend; ++i)
        for(indtype j = 0, jend = stay[i].size(); j < jend; ++j)
          Rcout << stay[i][j] << ", ";
        Rcout << "\n";
      Rcout << "After KP, B = \n";
      for(indtype i = 0; i < Nagent; ++i)
        for(indtype j = 0; j < Ntask; ++j)
          if(B[j][i] >= 0) Rcout << " " << int(B[j][i]) << ", ";
          else Rcout << int(B[j][i]) << ", ";
        Rcout << "\n";

    valtype totalReve = 0;
    bool thereis = thereIsOverlodedAgent(
      info, B, Nagent, Ntask, residualBudget, &agentCosts[0], totalReve);

    // Rcout << "Knapsack solution, totalReve = " << totalReve << "\n";
    // if(thereis) Rcout << "There is overloaded agent\n";
    // else Rcout << "There is no overloaded agent\n";

      if(totalReve > currentSolutionRevenue)
        currentSolutionRevenue = totalReve;
        currentSolution.assign(Bcontainer.begin(), Bcontainer.end());
      bool bt = backtrack(T, B, Nagent, info, residualBudget);
      if(!bt) break;
      pushAllBranchingVariableIntoStack<valtype, indtype, greedyBranch> (
          T, B, Nagent, overloadedAgent, stay, overloadedAgentTask,
          overloadedAgentWeight, overloadedAgentPenalty, residualBudget, info);

    // Rcout << "After KP locking, B = \n";
    // for(indtype i = 0; i < Nagent; ++i)
    // {
    //   for(indtype j = 0; j < Ntask; ++j)
    //   {
    //     if(B[j][i] >= 0) Rcout << " " << int(B[j][i]) << ", ";
    //     else Rcout << int(B[j][i]) << ", ";
    //   }
    //   Rcout << "\n";
    // }

  return currentSolutionRevenue;
Ejemplo n.º 13
void pushAllBranchingVariableIntoStack(
    vec<stackEle<valtype, indtype> > &T,
    signed char **B, indtype Nagent,
    vec<indtype> &overloaded, vec<vec<indtype> > &stay,
    vec<vec<indtype> > &targetTask,
    vec<vec<indtype> > &weight, // overloaded agent, task weights
    vec<vec<valtype> > &penalty, // overloaded agent, task values
    indtype *residualBudget, WV<valtype, indtype> **info)
  // Push all elements in stay into stack.
  stackEle<valtype, indtype> *Tst = &*T.end();
  for(indtype i = 0, iend = overloaded.size(); i < iend; ++i)
    indtype a = overloaded[i];
    for(indtype k = 0, kend = stay[i].size(); k < kend; ++k)
      indtype tmp = stay[i][k];
      valtype desirability = penalty[a][tmp] / weight[a][tmp] * residualBudget[a];
      indtype tmpTask = targetTask[a][tmp];
      T.push_back(stackEle<valtype, indtype> (a, tmpTask, desirability));
        residualBudget[a] -= weight[a][tmp];
        B[tmpTask][a] = 2;
        B[tmpTask][Nagent] = 1;
      for(stackEle<valtype, indtype> *t = &T.back() - 1; t >= Tst; --t)
        if(t->desirability >= (t + 1)->desirability) break;
        std::swap(t[0], t[1]);

  if(greedyBranch) return;

  // Check if all newly pushed elements in T are appropriate, and if not, pop.
  // This check step is not necessary, but the branch tree may be shaped better.
    indtype a = Tst->agent, t = Tst->task;
    residualBudget[a] -= info[t][a].weight;
    B[t][a] = 2;
    B[t][Nagent] = 1;
  indtype i = 1;
  for(indtype iend = &*T.end() - Tst; i < iend; ++i)
    indtype a = Tst[i].agent, t = Tst[i].task;
    valtype tmpResidualBudget = residualBudget[a] - info[t][a].weight;
    indtype *w = &weight[a][0];
    indtype *ts = &targetTask[a][0];
    bool stackStop = false;
    for(indtype j = 0, jend = weight[a].size(); j < jend; ++j)
      if(ts[j] == t or w[j] <= tmpResidualBudget) continue;
      stackStop = true;
    if(stackStop) break;
    residualBudget[a] = tmpResidualBudget;
    B[t][a] = 2;
    B[t][Nagent] = 1;
  T.resize(Tst - &*T.begin() + i);
  Rcout << "stack increased by = " << T.size() - (Tst - &*T.begin()) << "\n";
  Rcout << "After stack push:\n";
  for(indtype t = 1, tend = T.size(); t < tend; ++t)
    Rcout << T[t].agent << ", " << T[t].task << ", " << int(B[T[t].task][T[t].agent]) << ",     ";
  Rcout << "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 14
std::size_t hash_value(const vec & v)
  return ::boost::hash_range(v.begin(), v.end());
Ejemplo n.º 15
int gcd(const vec& a) { // Return gcd(a[1], .., a[n])
	return accumulate(a.begin()+1, a.end(), a[1], [] (int x, int y) { return gcd(x, y); }); 