TimeIterationPolicyLinear<mesh_Type, AssemblyPolicy, SolverPolicy>::
iterate ( vectorPtr_Type solution,
          bcContainerPtr_Type bchandler,
          const Real& currentTime )
    Real rhsIterNorm ( 0.0 );

    // STEP 1: Updating the system
    displayer().leaderPrint ( "Updating the system... " );
    *M_rhs = 0.0;
    M_systemMatrix.reset ( new matrix_Type ( *M_solutionMap ) );
    AssemblyPolicy::assembleSystem ( M_systemMatrix, M_rhs, solution, SolverPolicy::preconditioner() );
    displayer().leaderPrint ( "done\n" );

    // STEP 2: Applying the boundary conditions
    displayer().leaderPrint ( "Applying BC... " );
    bcManage ( *M_systemMatrix, *M_rhs, *uFESpace()->mesh(), uFESpace()->dof(), *bchandler, uFESpace()->feBd(), 1.0, currentTime );
    displayer().leaderPrint ( "done\n" );

    // Extra information if we want to know the exact residual
    if ( M_computeResidual )
        rhsIterNorm = M_rhs->norm2();

    // STEP 3: Solving the system
    displayer().leaderPrint ( "Solving the system... \n" );
    SolverPolicy::solve ( M_systemMatrix, M_rhs, solution );

    if ( M_computeResidual )
        vector_Type Ax ( solution->map() );
        vector_Type res ( *M_rhs );
        M_systemMatrix->matrixPtr()->Apply ( solution->epetraVector(), Ax.epetraVector() );
        res.epetraVector().Update ( -1, Ax.epetraVector(), 1 );
        Real residual;
        res.norm2 ( &residual );
        residual /= rhsIterNorm;
        displayer().leaderPrint ( "Scaled residual: ", residual, "\n" );
Ejemplo n.º 2
LinearSolver::computeResidual ( vectorPtr_Type solutionPtr )
    if ( !M_operator || !M_rhs )
        M_displayer->leaderPrint ( "SLV-  WARNING: LinearSolver can not compute the residual if the operator and the RHS are not set!\n" );
        return -1;

    vector_Type Ax ( solutionPtr->map() );
    vector_Type residual ( *M_rhs );

    M_operator->Apply ( solutionPtr->epetraVector(), Ax.epetraVector() );

    residual.epetraVector().Update ( 1, Ax.epetraVector(), -1 );

    Real residualNorm;

    residual.norm2 ( &residualNorm );

    return residualNorm;
void MonolithicBlockComposedDN::coupler (mapPtr_Type& map,
                                         const std::map<ID, ID>& locDofMap,
                                         const vectorPtr_Type& numerationInterface,
                                         const Real& timeStep,
                                         const Real& coefficient,
                                         const Real& rescaleFactor)
    UInt totalDofs ( map->map (Unique)->NumGlobalElements() );
    UInt solidAndFluid (M_offset[solid] + M_FESpace[solid]->map().map (Unique)->NumGlobalElements() );

    matrixPtr_Type coupling (new matrix_Type (*map) );
    couplingMatrix ( coupling,  (*M_couplingFlags) [solid], M_FESpace, M_offset, locDofMap, numerationInterface, timeStep, 1., coefficient, rescaleFactor);
    coupling->insertValueDiagonal ( 1., M_offset[fluid], M_offset[solid] );
    coupling->insertValueDiagonal ( 1., solidAndFluid, totalDofs );
    M_coupling.push_back (coupling);

    coupling.reset (new matrix_Type (*map) );
    couplingMatrix ( coupling,  (*M_couplingFlags) [fluid], M_FESpace, M_offset, locDofMap, numerationInterface, timeStep, 1., coefficient, rescaleFactor);
    coupling->insertValueDiagonal ( 1. , M_offset[solid], solidAndFluid );
    coupling->insertValueDiagonal ( 1. , solidAndFluid + nDimensions * numerationInterface->map().map (Unique)->NumGlobalElements(), totalDofs );
    M_coupling.push_back (coupling);

TimeIterationPolicyNonlinear<mesh_Type, AssemblyPolicy, SolverPolicy>::
iterate ( vectorPtr_Type solution,
          bcContainerPtr_Type bchandler,
          const Real& currentTime )
    int subiter = 0;

    Real normRhs ( 0.0 );
    Real nonLinearResidual ( 0.0 );
    Real rhsIterNorm ( 0.0 );

        // STEP 1: Updating the system
        displayer().leaderPrint ( "Updating the system... " );
        *M_rhs = 0.0;
        M_systemMatrix.reset ( new matrix_Type ( *M_solutionMap ) );
        AssemblyPolicy::assembleSystem ( M_systemMatrix, M_rhs, solution, SolverPolicy::preconditioner() );
        displayer().leaderPrint ( "done\n" );

        // STEP 2: Applying the boundary conditions
        displayer().leaderPrint ( "Applying BC... " );
        bcManage ( *M_systemMatrix, *M_rhs, *uFESpace()->mesh(), uFESpace()->dof(), *bchandler, uFESpace()->feBd(), 1.0, currentTime );
        displayer().leaderPrint ( "done\n" );

        // Norm of the rhs needed for the nonlinear convergence test
        if ( subiter == 0 )
            normRhs = M_rhs->norm2();

        // STEP 3: Computing the residual

        // Computing the RHS as RHS=b-Ax_k
        vector_Type Ax ( solution->map() );
        M_systemMatrix->matrixPtr()->Apply ( solution->epetraVector(), Ax.epetraVector() );

        Ax.epetraVector().Update (-1, M_rhs->epetraVector(), 1);
        nonLinearResidual = Ax.norm2();

        displayer().leaderPrint ( "Nonlinear residual          : ", nonLinearResidual, "\n" );
        displayer().leaderPrint ( "Nonlinear residual (scaled) : ", nonLinearResidual / normRhs, "\n" );

        if ( nonLinearResidual > M_nonLinearTolerance * normRhs )
            displayer().leaderPrint ( "---\nSubiteration [", ++subiter, "]\n" );

            // Extra information if we want to know the exact residual
            if ( M_computeResidual )
                rhsIterNorm = M_rhs->norm2();

            // Solving the system
            displayer().leaderPrint ( "Solving the system... \n" );
            *solution = 0.0;
            SolverPolicy::solve ( M_systemMatrix, M_rhs, solution );
            // int numIter = SolverPolicy::solve( M_systemMatrix, M_rhs, solution );
            // numIterSum += numIter; //

            if ( M_computeResidual )
                vector_Type Ax ( solution->map() );
                vector_Type res ( *M_rhs );
                M_systemMatrix->matrixPtr()->Apply ( solution->epetraVector(), Ax.epetraVector() );
                res.epetraVector().Update ( -1, Ax.epetraVector(), 1 );
                Real residual;
                res.norm2 ( &residual );
                residual /= rhsIterNorm;
                displayer().leaderPrint ( "Scaled residual: ", residual, "\n" );
    while ( nonLinearResidual > M_nonLinearTolerance * normRhs );

    displayer().leaderPrint ( "Nonlinear iterations           : ", subiter, "\n" );