Ejemplo n.º 1
void wxCheckBox::OnInternalIdle()
    wxCursor cursor = m_cursor;
    if (g_globalCursor.Ok()) cursor = g_globalCursor;

    GdkWindow *event_window = TOGGLE_BUTTON_EVENT_WIN(m_widgetCheckbox);
    if ( event_window && cursor.Ok() )
        /* I now set the cursor the anew in every OnInternalIdle call
           as setting the cursor in a parent window also effects the
           windows above so that checking for the current cursor is
           not possible. */

       gdk_window_set_cursor( event_window, cursor.GetCursor() );

    if (g_delayedFocus == this)
        if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED(m_widget))
            gtk_widget_grab_focus( m_widget );
            g_delayedFocus = NULL;
    if (wxUpdateUIEvent::CanUpdate(this))
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Global cursor setting
void wxSetCursor(const wxCursor& cursor)
    extern wxCursor *g_globalCursor;

    if ( cursor.Ok() && cursor.GetHCURSOR() )
//        ::SetCursor((HCURSOR) cursor.GetHCURSOR());

        if ( g_globalCursor )
            (*g_globalCursor) = cursor;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void wxBeginBusyCursor( const wxCursor *WXUNUSED(cursor) )
    if (gs_busyCount++ > 0)

    wxASSERT_MSG( !gs_savedCursor.Ok(),
                  wxT("forgot to call wxEndBusyCursor, will leak memory") );

    gs_savedCursor = g_globalCursor;

    wxSetCursor( wxCursor(wxCURSOR_WATCH) );

    if (wxTheApp)
Ejemplo n.º 4
void wxTextCtrl::OnInternalIdle()
    wxCursor cursor = m_cursor;
    if (g_globalCursor.Ok()) cursor = g_globalCursor;

    if (cursor.Ok())
        GdkWindow *window = NULL;
        if (HasFlag(wxTE_MULTILINE))
            window = GTK_TEXT(m_text)->text_area;
            window = GTK_ENTRY(m_text)->text_area;

        if (window)
            gdk_window_set_cursor( window, cursor.GetCursor() );

        if (!g_globalCursor.Ok())
            cursor = *wxSTANDARD_CURSOR;

        window = m_widget->window;
        if ((window) && !(GTK_WIDGET_NO_WINDOW(m_widget)))
            gdk_window_set_cursor( window, cursor.GetCursor() );

    if (g_delayedFocus == this)
        if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED(m_widget))
            gtk_widget_grab_focus( m_widget );
            g_delayedFocus = NULL;

    if (wxUpdateUIEvent::CanUpdate(this))
Ejemplo n.º 5
void wxToolBar::OnInternalIdle()
    // Check if we have to show window now
    if (GTKShowFromOnIdle()) return;

    wxCursor cursor = m_cursor;
    if (g_globalCursor.Ok()) cursor = g_globalCursor;

    if (cursor.Ok())
        /* I now set the cursor the anew in every OnInternalIdle call
           as setting the cursor in a parent window also effects the
           windows above so that checking for the current cursor is
           not possible. */

        if (HasFlag(wxTB_DOCKABLE) && (m_widget->window))
            /* if the toolbar is dockable, then m_widget stands for the
               GtkHandleBox widget, which uses its own window so that we
               can set the cursor for it. if the toolbar is not dockable,
               m_widget comes from m_toolbar which uses its parent's
               window ("windowless windows") and thus we cannot set the
               cursor. */
            gdk_window_set_cursor( m_widget->window, cursor.GetCursor() );

        wxToolBarToolsList::compatibility_iterator node = m_tools.GetFirst();
        while ( node )
            wxToolBarTool *tool = (wxToolBarTool *)node->GetData();
            node = node->GetNext();

            if (tool->m_item)
                GdkWindow* window = GTK_WIDGET(tool->m_item)->window;

                if ( window )
                    gdk_window_set_cursor( window, cursor.GetCursor() );

    if (wxUpdateUIEvent::CanUpdate(this) && IsShownOnScreen())
Ejemplo n.º 6
void wxListBox::OnInternalIdle()
    wxCursor cursor = m_cursor;
    if (g_globalCursor.Ok()) cursor = g_globalCursor;

    if (GTK_WIDGET(m_list)->window && cursor.Ok())
        /* I now set the cursor the anew in every OnInternalIdle call
           as setting the cursor in a parent window also effects the
           windows above so that checking for the current cursor is
           not possible. */

        gdk_window_set_cursor( GTK_WIDGET(m_list)->window, cursor.GetCursor() );

        GList *child = m_list->children;
        while (child)
            GtkBin *bin = GTK_BIN( child->data );
            GtkWidget *label = GTK_WIDGET( bin->child );

            if (!label->window)
                gdk_window_set_cursor( label->window, cursor.GetCursor() );

            child = child->next;

    if (g_delayedFocus == this)
        if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED(m_widget))
            gtk_widget_grab_focus( m_widget );
            g_delayedFocus = NULL;

    if (wxUpdateUIEvent::CanUpdate(this))
Ejemplo n.º 7
void wxToggleButton::OnInternalIdle()
    wxCursor cursor = m_cursor;
    if (g_globalCursor.Ok())
        cursor = g_globalCursor;

    GdkWindow *win = TOGGLE_BUTTON_EVENT_WIN(m_widget);
    if ( win && cursor.Ok() )
      /* I now set the cursor the anew in every OnInternalIdle call
         as setting the cursor in a parent window also effects the
         windows above so that checking for the current cursor is
         not possible. */

        gdk_window_set_cursor(win, cursor.GetCursor());

    if (wxUpdateUIEvent::CanUpdate(this))