Ejemplo n.º 1
bool wxFontBase::operator==(const wxFont& font) const
    // either it is the same font, i.e. they share the same common data or they
    // have different ref datas but still describe the same font
    return IsSameAs(font) ||
            IsOk() == font.IsOk() &&
            GetPointSize() == font.GetPointSize() &&
            // in wxGTK1 GetPixelSize() calls GetInternalFont() which uses
            // operator==() resulting in infinite recursion so we can't use it
            // in that port
#if (!defined(__WXGTK__) || defined(__WXGTK20__))
            GetPixelSize() == font.GetPixelSize() &&
            GetFamily() == font.GetFamily() &&
            GetStyle() == font.GetStyle() &&
            GetNumericWeight() == font.GetNumericWeight() &&
            GetUnderlined() == font.GetUnderlined() &&
            GetStrikethrough() == font.GetStrikethrough() &&
            GetFaceName().IsSameAs(font.GetFaceName(), false) &&
            GetEncoding() == font.GetEncoding()