Ejemplo n.º 1
bool wxFontEnumeratorHelper::OnFont(const LPLOGFONT lf,
                                    const LPTEXTMETRIC tm) const
    if ( m_enumEncodings )
        // is this a new charset?
        int cs = lf->lfCharSet;
        if ( m_charsets.Index(cs) == wxNOT_FOUND )
            wxConstCast(this, wxFontEnumeratorHelper)->m_charsets.Add(cs);

            wxFontEncoding enc = wxGetFontEncFromCharSet(cs);
            return m_fontEnum->OnFontEncoding(lf->lfFaceName,
            // continue enumeration
            return true;

    if ( m_fixedOnly )
        // check that it's a fixed pitch font (there is *no* error here, the
        // flag name is misleading!)
        if ( tm->tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_FIXED_PITCH )
            // not a fixed pitch font
            return true;

    if ( m_charset != DEFAULT_CHARSET )
        // check that we have the right encoding
        if ( lf->lfCharSet != m_charset )
            return true;
    else // enumerating fonts in all charsets
        // we can get the same facename twice or more in this case because it
        // may exist in several charsets but we only want to return one copy of
        // it (note that this can't happen for m_charset != DEFAULT_CHARSET)
        if ( m_facenames.Index(lf->lfFaceName) != wxNOT_FOUND )
            // continue enumeration
            return true;

        wxConstCast(this, wxFontEnumeratorHelper)->

    return m_fontEnum->OnFacename(lf->lfFaceName);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void wxFontEnumeratorHelper::DoEnumerate()
    MenuHandle    menu ;

    short         lines ;
    menu = NewMenu( 32000 , "\pFont" )  ;
    AppendResMenu( menu , 'FONT' ) ;
    lines = CountMenuItems( menu ) ;

    for ( int i = 1 ; i < lines+1  ; i ++ )
        wxString c_name ;
        CFStringRef menutext ;
        c_name = wxEmptyString ;
        if ( CopyMenuItemTextAsCFString (menu, i, &menutext) == noErr )
            c_name = wxMacCFStringHolder(menutext).AsString(wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding());
        Str255        p_name;
        GetMenuItemText( menu , i , p_name ) ;
        c_name = wxMacMakeStringFromPascal( p_name );
          if ( m_fixedOnly )
            // check that it's a fixed pitch font (there is *no* error here, the
            // flag name is misleading!)
            if ( tm->tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_FIXED_PITCH )
                // not a fixed pitch font
                return TRUE;
        if ( m_charset != -1 )
            // check that we have the right encoding
            if ( lf->lfCharSet != m_charset )
                return TRUE;
        m_fontEnum->OnFacename( c_name ) ;
    DisposeMenu( menu ) ;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void wxFontEnumeratorHelper::DoEnumerate()
    MenuHandle    menu ;
    Str255        p_name ;

    short         lines ;

    menu = NewMenu( 32000 , "\pFont" )  ;
    AppendResMenu( menu , 'FONT' ) ;
    lines = CountMenuItems( menu ) ;

    for ( int i = 1 ; i < lines+1  ; i ++ )
        GetMenuItemText( menu , i , p_name ) ;
        wxString c_name = wxMacMakeStringFromPascal(p_name) ;


          if ( m_fixedOnly )
            // check that it's a fixed pitch font (there is *no* error here, the
            // flag name is misleading!)
            if ( tm->tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_FIXED_PITCH )
                // not a fixed pitch font
                return TRUE;

        if ( m_charset != -1 )
            // check that we have the right encoding
            if ( lf->lfCharSet != m_charset )
                return TRUE;

        m_fontEnum->OnFacename( c_name ) ;
    DisposeMenu( menu ) ;